10. Ying
If you want to rack up kills after kills, Ying is one of the best operators to play on the attacker side. She has the firepower and the right utilities for this role. First off, she has one of the most powerful weapons in the game in the T-95 LSW. It's a light machine gun, but unlike most LMGs, it can be reloaded quite quickly due to its detachable magazine. Additionally, unlike your typical LMGs, the T-95 LSW's recoil is very manageable. So you can basically think of this weapon as an assault rifle or a submachine gun that has a huge magazine capacity.
Its huge magazine capacity is very important when it comes to dealing with multiple enemies, because it lessens the chances of having to reload in the middle of the gun fight. On top of that, Ying has a great special gadget in her Candelas when it comes to fragging, because it's the best gadget in the game when it comes to blinding enemies. When a Candela pops off near you, even if you turn your back against it, it'll be almost impossible not to get blinded by it. With her Candelas and her T-95 LSW unique weapon, Ying could solo a room with multiple enemies.
What Makes Ying a Great Fragger:
- Her T-95 LSW unique weapon is a unique light machine gun in that it can be reloaded quite quickly due to its detachable magazine
- Ying's T-95 LSW also has a very manageable recoil unlike most light machine guns in the game and it inflicts high damage per shot
- Her Candelas are the best gadgets in the game for blinding enemies and it can be "cooked" frag grenade-style so she has some control on when they're going to pop off
- Her 2-health 2-speed rating is great for fragging because it allows her to move really well while maintaining a good amount of toughness
Best Loadout for Ying:
9. Finka
Finka is a great operator to play for fragging because even when she's operating solo, she's very powerful. That's because she can toughen herself up before an enemy engagement with her Adrenal Surge that adds more health points to her and her whole team. If she gets put into a down-but-not-out state, she can also revive herself with it, along with other teammates who are in a similar state. In addition, the Adrenal Surge will remove concussion effects from gadgets upon its activation, so it's a really powerful ability to have whether you're going for kills or supporting your team.
But wait, there's more. The Adrenal Surge will also strengthen the whole team by providing buffs such as being able to walk over barbed wires faster, being able to reload quicker, going into aim-down-sights faster, as well as being more resistant to blind and tinnitus effects. Because of all the benefits from her Adrenal Surge, Finka is one tough cookie to take down and it's very hard to win against her one-on-one even when both players have the same skill. And that's why Finka is such a great operator to use, because even if your goal is to get more kills, you'll always end up helping your whole team as well when you're playing her.
What Makes Finka a Great Fragger:
- Her Adrenal Surge strengthens the whole team with a variety of buffs such as faster walking over barbed wires, quicker reload, faster ADS speed, and more resistance to blind and tinnitus effects
- Finka's Adrenal Surge toughens up the whole team because upon activation, it will add more health points to them, and it basically means more armor
- Upon activation of the Adrenal Surge, any operator including Finka will be revived from a down-but-not-out state, effectively giving them a second chance in combat
- Her Spear .308 is an excellent assault rifle due to its heavy damage, manageable recoil, and scopes that provide high levels of zoom
Best Loadout for Finka:
8. Ela
On the defending side, if you want to get a lot of frags, Ela is one of the best operators that you can play. She's easily one of the best roamers around as well, and her roaming capabilities is what allows her to get a lot of kills, especially since she has a great combination of weapons and utilities that really augments her ability to rack up kills. Her special gadget is the Grzmot Mine in which she has three of, and they're basically proximity mines. Once an enemy steps into their radius, it will detonate, and those who are caught in its effects will experience heavy concussion.
That concussion will prevent them from being able to sprint and see their surroundings clearly, so that's usually enough for Ela to effectively finish them off. And when it comes to that, Ela has really powerful choices for her primary weapon. She could go with either the Scorpion Evo 3 A1 submachine gun or the FO-12 shotgun. Both are great weapons, but I would recommend the FO-12 more because it will allow Ela to create rotation holes and rework the map to her advantage in general. It can also be equipped with a suppressor, so when roaming, Ela could create rotation holes or destroy hatches quieter than normal.
What Makes Ela a Great Fragger:
- Her Grzmot Mines' concussion effects are so heavy that it stops enemies from sprinting and seeing their surroundings clearly, preventing them from effectively countering Ela
- Her FO-12 shotgun is one of the most powerful shotguns in the game due to its heavy damage, high destruction profile per shot, and compatibility with many attachments including the suppressor
- Her Grzmot Mines are also great early warning devices because the sound cue from them detonating is quite loud, so with her Grzmot Mines it's easier for Ela to know where the enemies are
- Her RG15 handgun is one of the best handguns in the game not just because of its high damage but also because of its Romeo1 Reflex sight that provides great accuracy to the user
Best Loadout for Ela:
7. Ash
Ash is one of those operators that are almost pure offense, and obviously that's why she's in this list. She basically specializes in fragging, and she does it so well because of her combined speed and firepower. First off, her firepower comes from her powerful weapons, especially the G36C which is one of her choices for her primary weapon. It inflicts high damage per shot, has a very manageable recoil, and most importantly, it can be equipped with a scope 1.5x, which is great for Ash since she's an entry fragger, and entry fraggers deal mostly with enemies at close to medium range.
With the scope 1.5x on her G36C, she can see her enemies really well when she's aiming down sights and that translates to better accuracy, and not only that; since the zoom level is just good enough for close to medium range, Ash will not be at disadvantage when it comes to peripheral view. As for her special gadget, her Breaching Rounds are great for creating entry points on breakable surfaces, but she can also reserve each one of them for destroying bulletproof defender gadgets that can create a lot of trouble like Melusi's Banshees, Maestro's Evil Eyes, or even just deployable shields.
What Makes Ash a Great Fragger:
- Her 3-speed rating combined with the firepower she brings to the table makes her great at killing enemies, in fact, it's her main role
- Her G36C assault rifle is one of the best weapons in the game for a fragger because of its high damage per shot, very manageable recoil, and scope 1.5x
- Even her R4-C assault rifle is an excellent weapon for her despite lacking sights that provide higher levels of zoom, due to its high damage, and fast rate of fire
- Her Breaching Rounds allows her to create huge entry points on breakable surfaces and she can also use them for destroying bulletproof defender gadgets that can be troublesome
Best Loadout for Ash:
6. Kapkan
Unlike Ash above, Kapkan doesn't really specialize in fragging, but he usually still gets a lot of kills due to his special gadget, the EDDs. He has five EDDs and each of them can be deployed on entryways like doorways or windows, and once deployed, they will have a laser which goes on to the other side of the entryway. Once an attacker touches that laser by going through the entryway, the EDD will explode, and usually, even one EDD can inflict damage equal to half of the attacker's health points. The scary part is, Kapkan is able to deploy multiple EDDs in one entryway.
So two or three EDDs being detonated by an attacker going through a doorway will be enough to kill that attacker, and that's really a great way for Kapkan to rack up on kills, because even when he gets taken out, as long as the round isn't over, there's still a chance for him to get kills. As for his weaponry and utilities, Kapkan has the 9x19VSN submachine gun which has a very decent damage, manageable recoil, and fast rate of fire. If the user excels in shotguns, Kapkan can also run with the SASG-12 which is great because it can be equipped with a suppressor.
What Makes Kapkan a Great Fragger:
- Can score a lot of kills because each of his five EDD special gadget can inflict a lot of damage to an attacker and he can deploy more than one of them in an entryway
- Even when he gets killed, Kapkan still has a lot of chances to get kills through his EDDs as long as the round isn't over
- Kapkan has the fully automatic 9x19VSN submachine gun as one of his choices for his primary weapon and it's a really good gun to have due to its high damage, fast rate of fire, and manageable recoil
- His SASG-12 shotgun is also an excellent choice for his primary because it can be equipped with a suppressor so it's great for surprising enemies
Best Loadout for Kapkan:
5. Caveira
Caveira's role isn't really to be a fragger unlike the other operators in this list. She's more of an intel gatherer and a harasser while roaming. However, because of her two special abilities, getting a lot of frags comes naturally once she performs them successfully. That's because her Interrogation special ability allows her to interrogate an attacker who's in a down-but-not-out state, and once that's successful, it will reveal the real-time positions of the remaining attackers. That allows Cav and her teammates to frag them easily.
Caveira also has the Silent Step special ability which allows her to move with silent footsteps, even while sprinting. That allows Cavaiera to go from one place to another quite quickly and silently, which is great for getting into a position to kill enemies and then changing into a new one. She also has the SPAS-15 shotgun and impact grenades which will allow her to create rotation holes while roaming, so it's very hard to catch her. So even when she's trying to escape from multiple enemies that are hunting her, she can suddenly change positions and counter them and score a lot of kills.
What Makes Caveira a Great Fragger:
- Her Interrogation special ability allows her to reveal the real-time position of the remaining attackers through their operator icons
- Her Silent Step special ability allows her to move with silent footsteps, even while sprinting, so she can keep changing positions to either hit enemies or escape from them silently
- Her Luison unique handgun can take down an opponent regardless of armor rating with just two shots at its optimal range, making Caveira very dangerous at close to medium distances
- Her M12 submachine gun is an excellent alternative to her SPAS-15 shotgun because it will allow Caveira to score kills on enemies even at medium to long-range
Best Loadout for Caveira:
4. Alibi
Alibi is one of the most versatile operators in the game and because of that, she can do so many things, and that includes getting a lot of frags. For directly getting kills, she has excellent choices for her primary weapon in the ACS12 shotgun and the Mx4 Storm submachine gun. The ACS12 shotgun is one of the most powerful weapons in the game because despite being a shotgun, it can hit enemies at long-range and is also capable of inflicting headshots. It can be equipped with scopes that provide high levels of zoom, its damage is heavy, recoil is very low, and its magazine capacity is huge for a shotgun.
As for her Mx4 Storm, it can be equipped with a scope 1.5x which is great for targeting enemies at close to medium range. It has a very manageable recoil despite its fast rate of fire, and it can be equipped with an extended barrel and suppressor, both of which have received great buffs recently. Combine those weapons with her special gadget, the Prisma holographic clones, which are great for gathering intel and confusing enemies, and Alibi has a high chance of being the top fragger at the end of the match. She also has excellent utilities in the bailiff 410 and impact grenades which will allow her to rework the map to her advantage.
What Makes Alibi a Great Fragger:
- Her 3-speed rating and utilities like the bailiff 410 and impact grenades allow her to outmaneuver enemies with ease and get into position to kill them
- Her ACS12 shotgun is one of the best weapons in the game. It's a single-slug firing shotgun capable of hitting enemies at long range and has heavy stopping power, very low recoil, and huge magazine capacity
- Her Mx4 Storm is a great alternative to the ACS12 due to its very manageable recoil despite its fast rate of fire and it's compatible to a wide variety of attachments
- Her Prisma special gadget allows her to gather intel on her enemies as well as confuse them. She can also use them to trick enemies with the substitution method which is great for getting kills
Best Loadout for Alibi:
3. Sledge
Sledge can get a lot of kills because he's one of those operators that are almost purely built for offense. The greatest weapon in his arsenal, his Tactical Breaching Hammer, allows him to destroy breakable surfaces such as unreinforced walls, hatches, barricaded entryways, and wooden floors. The last one is very important because when the objective spot is on a lower floor, there's a high chance that a large portion of it is below a wooden floor. That means Sledge can keep breaking the wooden floor above the objective spot and expose the defenders below.
With that vertical play tactic, Sledge can get a lot of kills from above. Even if the defenders below manage to get some cover from Sledge, he also has two frag grenades which he can throw over to the defenders that are in their entrenched positions. And Sledge doesn't only excel in vertical plays. He's also great in a more conventional approach, because he can quickly create an entry point near the objective spot with his Tactical Breaching Hammer, and from that entry point, he can proceed in clearing the room of enemies.
What Makes Sledge a Great Fragger:
- Using his Tactical Breaching Hammer, he can break large portions of the wooden floor above objective spots, and that allows him to frag defenders from above
- With his Tactical Breaching Hammer, he can quickly create an entry hole near the objective spot and proceed on clearing of enemies
- He can bring two frag grenades into the round and it's excellent for scoring kills especially when Sledge knows that an enemy is hiding behind cover
- His L85A2 assault rifle is a great weapon for fragging because of its high damage, very manageable recoil, and compatibility to the scope 1.5x
Best Loadout for Sledge:
2. Lion
Lion is one of the most balanced operators in this list and that translates to a lot of kills most of the time. His 2-armor 2-health rating allows him to move quite quickly while maintaining a decent amount of toughness. His unique weapon, the V308 assault rifle, is an all around killing machine because of its high damage, very manageable recoil, compatibility to a wide variety of attachments, especially high levels of scope, and most importantly, it has a huge magazine capacity which allows Lion to keep firing during encounters with more than one enemy.
To make him even more deadly, the devs gave him access to the 417-marksman rifle which is a great alternative primary weapon for him. That's because it has a heavy stopping power, high destruction rate per shot, and the scary part is that despite being a marksman rifle, it excels in close range. That's because it has a very tight hip fire, especially when used with a laser. So when it comes to close range encounters, Lion doesn't even have to go into aim-down-sight stance in order to hit his enemies. That gives him the speed advantage over his enemies at close distances.
What Makes Lion a Great Fragger:
- His V308 assault rifle is great for getting a lot of frags because of its high damage, very manageable recoil, wide variety of attachments, and huge magazine capacity.
- His 417-marksman rifle is a menace at both long-range and close-range. That's because its hip fire is very tight, allowing Lion to hit enemies at close range even without going into aim-down-sight stance
- His EE-ONE-D scans can force defenders to remain in their current position, because those who will keep moving during the scan will get pinged for the whole attacking team to see
- He can bring two claymores into the round and they're great for scoring kills against roamers, flankers, and defenders who will attempt a run out
Best Loadout for Lion:
1. Zofia
Zofia is at the top of this list because she's really built for getting kills. She's one of the operators in this list that is almost purely built for offense, and that can be seen through the primary weapons available to her; as well as her secondary, and special gadget. First off, her special gadget, the KS79 Lifeline, is great for offense because it can shoot two impact grenades and two concussion grenades. With the two impact grenades, Zofia can quickly create entry points or rotation holes for rushing into the objective spot or cutting off roamers.
Her two concussion grenades on the other hand are great for disorienting enemies that Zofia knows are hiding behind cover. And for engaging her enemies, Zofia has the powerful M762 assault rifle. It's great for scoring frags because it has a heavy stopping power, its recoil is not as rough as before, and it's compatible with the scope 2.0x which will allow Zofia to hit her enemies really well. She also can bring in two claymores per round, and as mentioned before, they're great for scoring extra kills from roamers. As for Zofia's secondary weapon, the RG15 is great because of its Romeo1 Reflex sight which is basically a red dot sight, and it's great for medium to long-range shooting.
What Makes Zofia a Great Fragger:
- Zofia has the M762 assault rifle which is great for scoring frags due to its heavy stopping power, not so bad recoil, and compatibility to the scope 2.0x which is great for targeting enemies
- She can bring two claymores per round and claymores are always great for scoring extra kills and protecting your back from roamers
- Her RG15 handgun has a Romeo1 Reflex sight which provides Zofia with great accuracy for medium to long-range shooting due to its simple center dot reticle
- Her KS79 Lifeline special gadget is a great utility for her because it allows her to create entry points as well as heavily disorient enemies before engaging them
Best Loadout for Zofia:
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