10. Hereford Base
Hereford base may not be in the ranked map rotation this season, but a lot of players sure do miss it being in ranked, and here’s to hoping that it’ll be back in the rotation starting next season. That’s because it’s such a fun map to play in, but more so for the attacking team. That’s because it’s one of the largest maps in Siege, especially if we’re talking about verticality. But that’s not only because of the size of the mission building, but also because of the size of the outside area as well that can affect the inside of the mission building.
Because it has a lot of long angles from the outside and there are high places where attackers can get to and snipe defenders through windows, it generally favors the attackers. There are also a lot of walls that connect to the outside, so when the attackers breach those walls, they’ll have a big advantage. As mentioned before, Hereford Base is one of the largest maps in Siege, and that also favors the attackers because it presents them with more paths of attack. For example, if the objective spot is on the third floor, attackers can rush the basement in order to get inside the mission building fast and safely.
Why Hereford Base is Great for Attackers:
- Hereford Base is one of the largest maps in the game, especially because of its verticality, and because of its sheer size, it presents the attackers with more paths of attack than usual.
- A lot of its objective spots have walls that connect to the outside, so when the attackers breach those walls, they’ll have a big advantage as there’s going to be more paths of attack for them.
- The area outside the mission building is large but also has a lot of cover, so it’s easier for the attackers to avoid getting spawn peaked by the defenders.
- The large area outside of the mission building also provides the attackers with more long angles for sniping defenders through windows especially since there are high places that attackers can get to.
9. Kanal
Kanal generally favors the attackers because if they have the right team setup, it can be extremely hard to defend the objective spots available to it. Most of the time, defending teams will always choose the second floor Radar and Server Room as their first objective spot to defend, but if the attackers breach the wall on the Renovation area while other attackers are flanking, the defenders will have their hands full. Even when Thatcher is banned, an experienced and organized attacking team can find many ways to enable hard breaching, especially with the landscape of Siege nowadays.
The second area that defenders choose most of the time is the Kayaks and Supplies area in the basement. While this objective spot doesn’t have a destroyable wall that connects to the outside, it’s highly susceptible to attacks from above because of its hatch and a large wooden floor area on the Coastguard room. The map is also quite sizable so attackers can almost always freely enter from the far side of the map, away from the objective spot so that they can enter the mission building early without any resistance.
Why Kanal is Great for Attackers:
- Its best objective spot, the Radar and Server area is quite open due to its many windows, and once the wall on the Renovation room is breached, the defenders will have their hands full.
- The second-best objective spot in this map, which is the Kayaks and Supplies area, is very susceptible to attacks from above due to the hatch and the large wooden floor area above it.
- This is one of the biggest maps in Siege, at least horizontally, and attackers can quickly enter the mission building usually without any resistance if they choose an entrance far from the objective spot.
- There are so many paths of attack for the attacking team in this map because of the many windows and entrances, so an organized attacking team can really overwhelm the defenders.
8. Theme Park
Theme Park is another haven for attackers because its objective spots have so many vulnerabilities from the outside. Most of the time, defenders would pick the Armory and Throne Room area as their first objective spot, but since it’s in the middle of the map, the defenders have the tendency to be stuck inside and be surrounded by enemies. It also has three large walls on the east, west, and north side, and when they get breached, the defenders will basically become sitting ducks for the attackers. The Armory area in particular is also vulnerable to vertical attacks.
The second objective spot that defenders usually choose is the Waiting Room and Initiation area. Personally, I think it’s better than the first one we discussed above but it also has many vulnerabilities. It’s very near two hatches from the roof so there’s no way for defenders to reinforce them. The Initiation area is very vulnerable from the Bunk area when its walls get breached, and the CCTV room is oftentimes too dangerous for the defenders because of the hatch above and a window that connects to the outside.
Why Theme Park is Great for Attackers:
- The Throne Room and Armory area has three large walls. One on the east side, one on the west, and the other is on the north side. When these walls get breached, the defenders will have very little cover.
- The Initiation and Waiting Room objective spots are susceptible from above because they’re near two hatches from the roof that defenders can’t reinforce.
- The Initiation Room in particular is very hard to defend because the CCTV area is vulnerable from above because of the roof hatch and a window that leads to the outside. Attackers can also breach its wall from the Bunk area.
- The Daycare and Bunk area is usually the third choice of defenders for their objective spot, but the Bunk area itself is vulnerable from the two windows on the Break Room and since it’s in the middle, it can get easily surrounded.
7. Oregon
Oregon is considered one of the attacker maps because it’s quite easy to infiltrate and rush, especially when the attacking team is well-coordinated. The most common choices for objective spots that you’ll see in this map are the second floor and basement area. The problem with the second-floor area is that it has many windows that the attackers can use to shoot defenders from the outside. For example, the big window on the Bunk area provides a long angle for the attackers and the defender holding the area from behind the double deck bed can easily be pushed out by a frag grenade.
Attackers can also use the Meeting Hall Roof to shoot defenders on the Kids Room, limiting the areas that they can move to. For penetrating the second floor, the attackers can pop off stun grenades on the Attic area to blind the defenders holding it, and with that they can easily take control of it. While other attackers are doing that, their breachers can destroy the wall of the Game Room and that will make it extremely hard for the defenders to defend the area. The basement on the other hand has so many paths of attack including a hatch from the Meeting Hall and the Lobby that leads directly to the objective spot.
Why Oregon is Great for Attackers:
- The second-floor area, which is usually the first choice of the defenders, is very vulnerable from the windows, and once the attackers breach the Games Room, it can be very hard to defend.
- The second choice for the defenders is usually the basement area, but the problem with it is that it has four main paths of attack, and its objective spot even has two hatches directly above it.
- The third choice for the defenders would usually be the Kitchen and Dining areas, but they have limited space, and the attackers can overwhelm it with flanks as well as a vertical attack on the Kitchen.
- The last option for the defenders is almost non-viable which is the Meeting Hall and Kitchen because the rotation hole that the defenders can create would be exposed from the lobby, and once the attackers take control of the Attic, the Meeting Hall would be very hard to defend.
6. Kafe Dostoyevsky
Kafe Dostoyevsky is a pretty large map, at least vertically. Usually, large maps are good for defender roamers, as it allows them to, well, roam around more. However, because Kafe is structured very vertically, it’s actually not that great for defenders to roam. Horizontally, it’s actually one of the smallest maps in Siege, and since attackers can attack from the roof, some of them can stay and watch the flanks from above, effectively preventing roamers from being effective. Its high verticality also helps attackers to enter the mission building with almost no resistance if they pick a spot that is far from the objective spot.
The only downside to this map for the attackers is that it has quite a lot of windows and most of them allow the defenders to peek outside. This leads to a lot of spawn peak areas. However, experienced attackers don’t have a problem avoiding this because they know the usual spawn peeking spots. All of the objective spots are also vulnerable to vertical attacks, yes, even the one on the third floor because it can be attacked from below and its middle portion is also vulnerable from the rooftop. Meanwhile, the other objective spots are a haven for vertical attackers like Fuze.
Why Kafe Dostoyevsky is Great for Attackers:
- While it’s large due to its verticality, horizontally it’s one of the smallest maps in Siege, and that prevents defenders from roaming effectively, especially since there are only a few ways to go back up.
- Its most defensible objective spot, the third floor, is also vulnerable from vertical attacks, as its Bar and New Hatch area is vulnerable from the rooftop. The Cocktail area on the other hand is vulnerable from attacks from below.
- The second most defensible objective spot, the Kitchen area, is a prime target for Fuze because he can keep dropping sub-grenades from his Cluster Charges from the Trains area towards it.
- It’s also very hard to defend the Library and Dining areas because the Library is vulnerable from attacks from above while the Dining area is vulnerable from its window as well as attackers coming from the Mining area.
5. Consulate
The consulate has been reworked recently, and while the devs did more balancing on the map, it still favors the attackers generally. Its structure is very much like Kafe Dostoyevsky which we discussed above in which it has a lot of verticality. Unlike Kafe, though, the Consulate is also quite wide and has a lot of rooms, so it’s basically a roamer’s haven. However, even though there’s a lot of opportunities for roamers to excel in this map, the advantages that the attackers have is still apparent. For example, its two most defensible objective spots have walls that connect to the outside.
The second-floor is usually the defenders’ first choice for their objective spot, but when the wall that connects to the outside gets breached, the defenders will have their hands full, especially because there’s also a window almost beside that wall which the attackers can also use for fragging the responding defenders. The basement area is now more defensible than the old version of the map, but it’s very vulnerable to attacks from above and behind, especially as its back area has a lot of rooms and paths which attackers can use for flanking.
Why Consulate is Great for Attackers:
- The main problem with the Consulate is that its two most defensible objective spots have walls that connect to the outside, so when those walls are breached by the attackers, it can be very hard for the defenders.
- The objective spot on the second floor is vulnerable from the windows, especially when its wall is breached. There’s even a window near that wall which attackers can use for shooting defenders who will respond to their push.
- While the basement area is now more balanced than before, it’s still very vulnerable to attacks from above and behind, especially because the area on its back is full of rooms and paths that flanking attackers can take advantage of.
- The new consulate is one of the biggest maps in Siege right now, and attackers most of the time can enter freely and quickly if they choose an entry point that is far from the objective spot.
4. Villa
Villa offers attackers a lot of advantages because it has a lot of long angles from the outside of the mission building that snipers or operators that excel in long-range can use. Two of its best objective spots have long angles from the outside, so attackers can shoot comfortably. It’s also one of the biggest maps in Siege and its basement is almost never used in Ranked matches, so sneaky attackers can enter through it and most of the time they’ll meet no resistance. Even roamers generally don’t go to its basement so it’s like a wasted area.
The Aviator and Games room is quite easy to attack with an organized attacker team even when Mira’s Black Mirrors are defending the study. All the attackers have to do is deploy their smoke grenades or destroy Mira’s Black Mirrors with Ace or Hibana’s special gadget. If that doesn’t work, Hibana or Ace can also breach the Vault area from the window on the 90. Once the Vault’s wall is breached, defenders would find it very difficult to hide from the attackers. On the other hand, the Trophy and Statue areas are vulnerable from the Astronomy area because of the window and stairs there. The walls between the Statue and Master Bedroom area can also be breached by the attackers from the outside, and when that happens, the Statue area will be completely open from the outside.
Why Villa is Great for Attackers:
- It has a lot of long angles that attackers, especially those that excel in long-range shooting, can take advantage of and provide suppressive fire from the outside.
- Hard breachers that can deploy their breach charges from a distance like Ace and Hibana can also perform breaching from the outside because the two most defensible objective spots have doors or windows that lead to the outside
- Villa has a very wasted basement area because in Ranked, it’s never used as an objective spot and almost no one goes there, so sneaky attackers can use it to enter the mission building freely.
- Its other most defensible spot is the Dining and Kitchen area, but it’s susceptible to attacks from above as well as below as there are two stairs beside it that comes from the basement.
3. Clubhouse
If your team is starting out as attackers and the map is Clubhouse, you better make sure to take advantage of it and aim for a 3-0 before the roles get switched. That’s because Clubhouse generally favors the attackers and that’s mainly because there are a lot of long angles from the outside that the attackers can use for shooting the defenders inside the mission building from long range. A good example of that is when the objective spot is on the Cashroom and CCTV. Attackers can rappel on the southern wall of the garage, get to the level of the Construction room, and shoot at its window.
This usually gets me kills or at least damages enemies because they’re not expecting it, and a lot of times, they’d be reinforcing the Construction’s walls. Another thing is when the walls of the CCTV room get breached. Attackers that excel in long-range such as Kali, Glaz, and others, can use the bridge on the eastern side of the map to get to the CCTV room’s level and snipe the defenders from long-range. As for the basement which is usually the second choice for the defenders, it has two hatches from above and three main paths that attackers could use to overwhelm the defenders inside.
Why Clubhouse is Great for Attackers:
- The map has a lot of long angles that the attackers, especially those that excel in long-range shooting, can use to snipe defenders from the outside of the mission building.
- There is a bridge on the eastern side of the map that can get attackers to the level of the CCTV room, so when the CCTV room’s walls get breached, that bridge can be used for sniping defenders from the outside.
- The basement, which is usually the second objective spot that defenders choose, has two hatches above it, so when they’re breached and other attackers are attacking horizontally, defenders can get overwhelmed.
- The third most viable objective spot for the defenders is the Master’s Bedroom and Gym, but it’s very vulnerable from the outside because of its two windows and it also has a destroyable wall.
2. Coastline
Coastline is probably the smallest map in Siege and that’s one of the biggest reasons why attackers thrive in it. It’s quite easy for them to maneuver around and get to the spots they need no matter where they spawned. The best thing about it for the attackers is that it’s probably the best map for snipers. Defenders would usually pick the Hookah and Pool area to defend first, but the problem with the objective spot being there is that when there’s a sniper like Glaz or Kali posted on the ruins, the defenders will really have limited space to move.
The Pool area has a huge window which makes it a prime hunting grounds for snipers, and the Hookah room can get easily pushed with smokes and flashes, especially when the push is supported by an attacker rappelling by its window. The Kitchen and Service objective spot is vulnerable to vertical attacks from the VIP area, as well as attackers peeking through the window of the Kitchen and the door by the Service area. This is also one of the maps where attackers get to shoot defenders from the rooftop and there’s also a terrace where they can do the same for the defenders in Penthouse and VIP.
Why Coastline is Great for Attackers:
- It’s the best map in Siege for snipers like Glaz and Kali because of the long angles they’ll have for sniping the defenders inside the mission building, and it’ll be quite hard to counter them.
- Coastline is easily the smallest map in Siege so attackers can quickly maneuver around and get to the places they need to be no matter where they spawned
- It’s one of the maps in the game where attackers can position themselves on the rooftop and they’d have line of sight on places where defenders go to, so they can get kills from the rooftop.
- One of its most defensible objective spots, the Kitchen and the Service area, is vulnerable to attacks from above, particularly the Kitchen, and it has a window where attackers can get through while the other attackers are forcing defenders out of the room with their vertical play.
1. Border
Border ranks so high in this list because there are a lot of angles and spots in this map that gives a lot of advantages to the attackers. For example, on the platform outside the window of Cement area, an attacker can fire at the wall of the ‘africa’ spot which is usually unreinforced. The bullets will go straight to the Small Room spot where a defender would usually be. Trust me, I’ve gotten a lot of kills from that spot. The thing is, defenders can’t reinforce the wall on the ‘africa’ because reinforcing that will block them from responding well to attackers pushing the Cement area.
The Cement area is very easy to push, especially with a rush because an attacker can keep firing suppressive fire from the window of Cement. The second-best viable objective spot is the Vent and Servers area, but its whole top part is made up of wood, so it’s very vulnerable to attacks from above. Even when a defender tries to defend its top part, that defender can get easily hunted down because there are many paths of attack on the second floor. Border is easily one of the most unbalanced maps in Siege and I foresee another rework on it in the future.
Why Border is Great for Attackers:
- It has a lot of angles and spots that attackers can use to fire suppressive shots towards the defenders from the outside, just like the platform outside the Cement area on the second floor.
- The Armory and Archive objective spot is quite easy to push for the attackers, especially the Cement area as another attacker can keep firing suppressive shots from the window.
- The Servers and Vent objective spot on the first floor is probably the weakest spot in the whole game when it comes to a vertical attack as its entire top is made of wood.
- The third best option for the defenders is the Bathroom and Tellers area but the window on the ‘soda’ spot is prime hunting grounds for snipers, and most of the objective spot will be too exposed once the walls from the Servers area get breached.
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: