Why is team composition important?
Team composition is important because Rainbow Six Siege isn’t just another multiplayer shooter game where you point and shoot and the ones with the better aim wins. Sure, that’s a big factor in winning rounds, but that’s not the only one. In Siege, each character you play has their own role and special gadget. To put it into more common gaming terms, each of them have their own special abilities, and having a great balance of those roles and special abilities in your team will go a long way into getting the victory over your opponents.
If you’re familiar with MOBA games like Dota or League of Legends, think of Siege as something like those games, with each hero possessing unique abilities and roles, but in a shooting game. Of course, throughout the years, similar shooting games have appeared, like Valorant for example, but players would feel the importance of roles and special gadgets more in Siege because they truly affect how rounds would go, and having the proper team setup is a first great step into winning the round.
15. Castle + Smoke + Wamai + Goyo + Lesion
This is a very solid team composition for defending, especially in terms of anchoring an objective spot which has a lot of windows or open areas. Castle, with his Armor Panels, would be able to reinforce those windows and open areas, as well as create choke points for better crowd control. Wamai on the other hand will be able to protect the objective spot from grenades and other projectiles using his Mag-NETs. Anti-grenade capabilities are essential for any defending team because stun grenades and frag grenades can really make pushing easy for the attackers.
On the other hand, this team has two great area-denial operators in Smoke and Goyo. Goyo can really deter enemies from pushing because his Volcan Canisters can cover a large area in fire for a long time, and they can be attached to most surfaces, so if attached to Castle’s Armor Panels, once the enemy destroys them, the Volcan Canisters will automatically be detonated. Smoke’s Gas Grenade can then act as a second layer of defense once the fire from Goyo’s Volcan Canisters dissipates, delaying the attackers from pushing much longer. As for Lesion, he’ll prevent the team from being caught off-guard with the use of his Gu Mines which are excellent at slowing down enemies and acting as early warning devices.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Able to fortify previously weak angles because of Castle’s Armor Panels
- Great area-denial capabilities due to Smoke and Goyo’s special gadgets
- Protection from grenades and other projectiles because of Wamai’s Mag-NETS
- Slowing enemies down and preventing a rush with the use of Lesion’s Gu Mines which are also great early warning devices
Team Details:
- Castle for providing more cover on previously exposed areas through the use of his Armor Panels that can fortify windows and entryways
- Smoke for area denial through the use of his Gas Grenades which covers a large area in damaging gas for several seconds
- Wamai for protecting the whole team from attacker grenades and other projectiles through the use of his Mag-NETS special gadget
- Goyo for having an extra way of area-denial through the use of his Volcan Canisters which can cover a large area in fire for twenty seconds
14. Maverick + Ace + Kali + Twitch + Dokkaebi
This attack team composition specializes in hard breaching. This setup provides the team with a very high chance of being able to perform hard breaching when Thatcher is banned. That’s because there’s going to be three operators in the team that can enable hard breaching, and that would be Maverick, Kali, and Twitch, and of course, Ace would be the main hard breacher. Normally, Kali and Maverick using their special gadgets would be enough to enable hard breaching, especially if they’re only dealing with Bandit or Mute on the other side.
However, if it’s Kaid that’s preventing the hard breach, it could be quite tricky, and Maverick and Kali might not be able to disable Kaid’s Electroclaw. That’s where Twitch’s Shock Drones come in. Provided that Twitch avoids her Shock Drone from being destroyed, it can disable Kaid’s Electroclaw easily. And even when Maverick and Kali gets the job done, Twitch’s Shock Drones would be of great help in disabling other defender electronic gadgets. Once the hard breach has been made and it’s time to push, it’ll be time for Dokkaebi to pop off her Logic Bomb so that the attacking team will have a great idea of where enemies are while they’re pushing.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Exposing the defenders inside the objective spot through the use of Maverick’s Breaching Torch which can’t be stopped by any defender gadgets
- Hard breach capabilities with both Ace and Maverick’s special gadgets specializing in hard breaching
- Hard breach enabling capabilities with Maverick, Kali, and Twitch’s special gadgets being capable of destroying hard breach preventing devices
- Intel gathering capability through Dokkaebi who can compromise defender locations through her Logic Bomb and hack their cameras
- Excels at long range due to Kali who can create a lot of uneasiness to the defenders and prevent them from moving to spots that are exposed from the outside
Team Details:
- Maverick for enabling hard breaching or performing the hard breaching himself. He can also create murder holes on reinforced walls and use them to frag the defenders on the other side.
- Ace as the main hard breacher. Able to deploy his utility for breaching from a distance and has three of them. Each can open up big holes on reinforced walls.
- Kali for long-range support and recon, as well as hard breach enabling, because her LV Explosive Lance can destroy defender gadgets attached or near a reinforced wall.
- Twitch for enabling hard breaching or for disabling enemy gadgets in general. She can also gather intel on enemy locations while in the process of disabling their utilities.
- Dokkaebi for intel gathering. She compromises enemy locations through her Logic Bomb and she can grant her whole team access to enemy cameras by hacking a dead defender’s mobile device.
13. Jager + Wamai + Kaid + Valkyrie + Melusi
This is another excellent team setup when it comes to anchoring and preventing a hard breach. That’s because there are going to be two anti-grenade operators present, which are Wamai and Jager. With their special gadgets, the Mag-NET and the ADS, it would be very hard for an attacker grenade or projectile to do any damage to the objective area. And if the attackers are trying to disable Kaid’s Electroclaw using a frag grenade, then it would almost always be futile because those frag grenades are just going to be neutralized.
So with this setup, it would be very hard for the attackers to perform a hard breach, and even if they’re successful, they’d have a hard time pushing because their grenades would be rendered useless. There’s also going to be a Valkyrie which would provide three extra cameras for the whole defending team, and she can also play the role of a roamer or a flanker effectively, which can really cause a lot of distraction to the attackers since she can pick them off from behind. And when the attackers are pushing through the objective spot, they would be slowed down by Melusi’s Banshees which are also great early warning devices for flanking spots.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Specializes in neutralizing enemy projectiles and grenades with both Wamai and Jager present in the team
- Being able to prevent hard breaching with Kaid’s Electroclaw which can also protect reinforced hatches from being breached
- Intel gathering capabilities with the use of Valkyrie’s Black Eye cameras which can easily be hidden in awkward angles
- Preventing a rush and slowing enemies down in general through the use of Melusi’s Banshees which are also great early warning devices
Team Details:
- Jager for completely neutralizing enemy projectiles and grenades which is great for protecting the team’s hard breach denial devices or for protecting himself and his teammates from grenades
- Same with Jager, Wamai’s role in the team is to provide extra protection from enemy grenades and projectiles through the use of his Mag-NETS
- Kaid for hard breach prevention since his Electroclaws have a wide range and can also protect reinforced hatches from being destroyed
- Valkyrie for intel gathering because her three Black Eyes can provide wide views of areas. She can also play the role of the roamer of the team.
- Melusi for slowing down enemies and preventing a rush because her Banshees can greatly slow down an enemy caught in their area of effect. They also emit a distinct sound when slowing enemies.
12. Valkyrie + Azami + Rook + Jager + Maestro
This is a great defending team composition for objective spots that doesn’t really need to be protected from hard breaching like the second floor of the Consulate map. With this team setup, Jager will be the one protecting the objective spot from being “softened up” with grenades and other projectiles. Azami with her Kiba Barriers will be able to provide more cover and fortify previously exposed angles. While Rook will be buffing the team’s armor, making them much tougher and giving them the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state.
Another aspect of the game that this team setup specializes in is intel gathering, because both Valkyrie and Maestro have excellent intel gathering capabilities. With her three Black Eyes, Valkyrie can provide the whole team with eyes on most of the areas of the map and they can use that intel to counter enemies. Meanwhile, Maestro’s Evil Eyes can shoot lasers to disable enemy gadgets such as drones and damage enemies repeatedly when they’re not paying attention. And since it’s bulletproof when not shooting its lasers, they’re great for watching the objective spot.
What Makes This Team Great:
- This team specializes in intel gathering because of Valkyrie’s Black Eyes and Maestro’s Evil Eyes
- The whole team will be tougher to take down due to Rook’s Armor Plates and they will have the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state
- The team and the objective spot will be protected from projectiles and grenades due to Jager’s special gadget
- The objective spot will have more cover due to Azami’s Kiba Barriers which are also great for sudden area denial
- Intel denial capabilities with Maestro’s Evil Eyes being able to shoot enemy drones and they can also be used to damage enemies
Team Details:
- Valkyrie for providing three extra pair of eyes on other areas of the map which is great for gathering intel on enemy positions
- Azami for providing more cover in the objective spot through the use of her Kiba Barriers or for some quick area-denial on entryways
- Rook for making the whole team tougher through his Armor Plates which also gives them the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state
- Jager for preventing grenades from blinding or damaging him or his teammates or for protecting his team’s gadgets from being disabled by enemy projectiles
- Maestro for having two extra eyes for intel gathering with his Evil Eyes which can also shoot lasers that damages enemies and disables their utilities
11. Thatcher + Thermite + Hibana + Fuze + Lion
This team setup specializes in hard breaching. When Thatcher isn’t banned, he can make hard breaching really easy because his EMP grenades have a wide area of effect, so even Kaid’s Electroclaw Claws will surely be disabled, unless of course Kaid or Bandit have great timing. But even when Kaid or Bandit on the other team have mastered tricking with their special gadgets, they won’t be safe from Fuze who would rain down explosives after explosives on the objective spot, so in the end, they’ll have to give up in preventing the attackers from hard breaching.
While Fuze is raining down explosives on the objective spot with his Cluster Charge, Hibana can perform hard breaching on the reinforced hatches. So with this setup, the attacking team will be able to perform horizontal hard breaching as well as vertical hard breaching, leaving the objective spot very exposed and vulnerable. And once it’s time to push, Lion’s EE-ONE-D Scans will be great for forcing enemies to stay in one area, and those who refuse to stay put while the scan is going will get pinged, and that would be a great way for this attacking team to gather intel or disrupt their enemies’ rhythms.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Specializes in hard breaching with Thermite for horizontal hard breaching and Hibana for destroying reinforced hatches
- Enabling hard breaching through the use of Thatcher’s EMP Grenades which also disables a lot of defender gadgets due to its wide range
- Disabling defender gadgets, not just because of Thatcher’s EMP Grenades but also because of Fuze’s Cluster Charges that can rain down explosives after explosives inside the objective spot
- Disrupting enemy rhythm with Lion’s EE-ONE-D Scans which can either stop opponents on their tracks or gather intel on their current location
Team Details:
- Thatcher for enabling hard breaching because his EMP Grenades are the easiest way of disabling hard breach denial defender gadgets
- Thermite for horizontal hard breaching since his Exothermic Charges can open up large entry holes on reinforced walls allowing the attacking team to enter without having to vault or crouch
- Hibana for destroying reinforced hatches as well as performing a vertical attack since she can use her breach charges to destroy large portions of reinforced walls above the objective spot
- Fuze for disabling many defender gadgets through the use of his Cluster Charges which also inflicts a lot of panic to the defenders and could kill some of them
- Lion for either making enemies stop moving or gathering intel on their current location because his EE-ONE-D scans will ping enemies that will move during the scan
10. Zero + Flores + Lion + Finka + Zofia
This is great team composition for entry fragging and pushing, especially when the objective spot is in an area where hard breaching isn’t that necessary. With Zero, the team can have excellent intel on enemy positions, as well as have many of the defending team’s gadgets disabled. That’s because Zero’s Argus cams can also shoot lasers that disable defender gadgets. And speaking of disabling defender gadgets, no other attacking operator can do it with as much destruction and precision as Flores.
That's because his exploding drones can be controlled for up to ten seconds, so he can really deploy them to the spot where he wants them to explode, and he can even gather intel in the process. Once the defender gadgets have been destroyed, it’ll be much safer and easier to push, and that’s where Lion, Zofia, and Finka’s entry-fragging capabilities will come in. Finka, with her Adrenal Surge, will toughen up the whole team and give them some extra buffs; Lion will either force the defenders to stop on their tracks or gather intel on them; and Zofia will provide the heavy firepower.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Having great intel gathering capabilities due to Zero, Flores, and Lion’s special gadgets
- Destroying many defender utilities with the use of Flores’ four exploding drones
- Great offensive and defensive capabilities with Zofia providing heavy firepower and Finka and making the whole team tougher
- Specializes in pushing the objective spot with Zero gathering intel first, Flores destroying enemy utilities, and the rest of the team performing crowd control and entry fragging
Team Details:
- Zero for intel gathering through his Argus Cameras which can also shoot lasers that disable enemy electronic gadgets
- Flores for destroying enemy gadgets en masse with his exploding drones that can also force enemies out of their entrenched positions and make entry on unreinforced walls
- Lion for stopping enemies on their tracks and gathering intel on enemies who will keep moving during his EE-ONE-D scans
- Finka for providing great buffs to the whole team including more health rating and reviving any teammate who’s in a down-but-not-out state upon activation of her Adrenal Surge
- Zofia for entry-fragging or flanking roles. She’s also excellent in hunting roamers due to her solid 2-health 2-speed stats and heavy firepower.
9. Mira + Wamai + Kaid + Alibi + Rook
For certain areas in some maps like the basement in Oregon or the Study area in Villa, this team setup would be S-tier and would be very hard to beat. That’s because Mira will be able to make two angles very hard to push with her Black Mirrors that’ll allow her or other teammates to easily frag enemies that will attempt to push those angles. Of course, Mira’s Black Mirrors can be countered with projectiles, but with Wamai on the team, the projectiles like smoke grenades or the ones that can destroy Black Mirrors will be rendered useless.
Kaid will be preventing the objective spot from being breached, and that’s really important especially if it’s in the basement of Oregon. In that area and map for example, Mira will be locking down the easiest angles to push, and Kaid will prevent attackers from pushing through the hatches, so they will have to use more dangerous paths. Alibi will be the roamer of the team and will pick off enemies from behind and cause a lot of uneasiness to them, while Rook, through his Armor Plates, will make the whole team tougher, as well as provide them the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state.
What Makes This Team Great:
- It has the ability to make two angles very difficult for the attackers to push due to Mira’s Black Mirrors
- Protection from grenades and other projectiles with the use of Wamai’s special gadget, the Mag-NET.
- Preventing attackers from hard breaching reinforced walls or hatches with the use of Kaid’s Electroclaws
- The whole team being a lot tougher to take down due to Rook’s Armor Plates that’ll also give them the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state
- Having an excellent roamer in Alibi who can confuse her enemies a lot and gather intel on them in process with the use of her Prisma holographic clones
Team Details:
- Mira for providing the team with two one-way mirrors that are excellent for gathering intel on enemies who are attempting to push and fragging them by quick leaning from those mirrors
- Wamai for protecting the whole team and the objective spot from grenades or other projectiles through the use of his Mag-NETS
- Kaid for preventing reinforced hatches or walls from being breached through the use of his Electroclaws which has a wide area of effect
- Alibi for roaming and gathering intel on enemy positions since her Prisma holographic clones will automatically ping enemies that shoots them
- Rook for providing the whole team with more health rating and the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state
8. Ela + Wamai + Mute + Rook + Azami
Another great defending team setup for when the objective spot isn’t really in need of hard breach protection, but even if it does, this team will have Mute, and his Signal Jammers can be used for that purpose. However, if the objective spot doesn’t really have walls that can be exposed from the outside, Mute’s Signal Jammers can be instead used to prevent attacker drones from gathering intel, or to stop Fuze’s Cluster Charges from being detonated on barricaded windows. Of course, now with Brava, Mute’s Signal Jammers have become a more sought out gadget.
Ela will be the main roamer of the team and through her Grzmot Mines, she can heavily disorient enemies, preventing them from sprinting and greatly reducing their accuracy for a counter attack. Azami will provide more cover for the defenders who are anchoring, and she can also use her Kiba Barriers to suddenly deny entry to enemies. Wamai will be preventing attacker grenades or projectiles from doing damage, and Rook will increase the whole team’s health rating with his Armor Plates. So this team is very well balanced in terms of offense and defense.
What Makes This Team Great:
- The whole team would be extra tough because of Rook’s Armor Plates that would also give them the ability the revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state
- Having more cover in the objective spot due to Azami’s Kiba Barriers which are also great for denying area to enemies
- Preventing enemy gadgets from working and drones from gathering intel with the use of Mute’s Signal Jammers
- Protection from grenades and other enemy projectiles because of Wamai’s Mag-NETs
- Having a great roamer in Ela who has three Grzmot Mines that are great for disorienting enemies and acting as early warning devices
Team Details:
- Ela as the team’s main roamer due to her 3-speed rating and Grzmot mines that greatly disorient enemies. She can also use them as early warning devices for flanking sites
- Wamai for protecting the whole team from grenades and other enemy projectiles through the use of his Mag-NETS special gadget
- Mute for preventing attacker drones from gathering intel and jamming attacker gadgets. His Signal Jammers can also be used to deny hard breaching
- Rook for buffing the whole team’s health rating, essentially making them tougher and giving them the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state
- Azami for fortifying previously exposed or vulnerable angles through the use of her Kiba Barriers
7. Blitz + Dokkaebi + Lion + Sens + Gridlock
This team setup specializes in rushing but would also excel when it comes to a conventional push. Dokkaebi can initialize the rush with her Logic Bomb which will force defender mobile phones to ring, effectively compromising their positions. It can then be followed up by Lion’s EE-ONE-D scan which will either force enemies to stay in one spot for a few seconds or gather intel on them. And while Dokkaebi and Lion’s special gadgets are in effect, it’ll be the perfect time for the whole team to rush, with Blitz leading the charge.
Sens’ R.O.U. Projector Systems can provide a lot of cover for the whole attacking team’s advance, so chances are, the enemies won’t even see Blitz until he’s near enough for them to be blinded by his Flash Shield. Gridlock will be the backline support and it would be her job to cover flanking spots with her Trax Stingers. That way, the defenders wouldn’t be able to rotate effectively, and their roamers will have a hard time hitting the attacking team from behind. And as mentioned above, this strat doesn’t need to be performed with a rush. It also works well with a slower, more conventional push.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Specializes in rushing because of the combo of Blitz, Dokkaebi, Lion, and Sens’ special gadgets
- Intel gathering capabilities due to Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb and her ability to hack a dead defender’s mobile device which grants the attacking team access to defender cameras
- Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans forcing defenders to stay in one place or be pinged if they do not, which is a great combo with Bandit’s gameplay
- Providing a lot of cover for the whole attacking team’s push with the use of Sens’ R.O.U. Projector Systems
- Preventing enemies from flanking and reducing their roamer’s effectiveness with the use of Gridlock’s Trax Stingers
Team Details:
- Bandit for leading the team’s push, tanking enemy shots with his Flash Shield and blinding them with it
- Dokkaebi for compromising enemy locations through her Logic Bomb which can also mask the sound cues that the attackers make during a rush or a push
- Lion for extra intel gathering capabilities because his EE-ONE-D scans will automatically ping enemies who will move while the scan is happening
- Sens for providing a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push especially for a defuser plant attempt
- Gridlock for backline support and preventing defenders from flanking and their roamers from hitting the attackers from behind with the use of her Trax Stingers
6. Gridlock + Zofia + Lion + Flores + Sens
Speaking of a more conventional approach, this team will perform solidly in one, especially when the objective spot is in an area where hard breaching wouldn’t really play a big factor. That’s because this specializes in offense. With his exploding drones, Flores can instill a lot of panic on the defenders, force them out of their entrenched positions, and in the process, destroy a lot of their gadgets. Once Flores have destroyed most of the defender gadgets that’ll give the attacking trouble like Melusi’s Banshees or Maestro’s Evil Eyes, the whole team can proceed with the push.
Zofia can be on the front lines leading with her heavy firepower, or she could perform the role of the flanker so that enemies would have more than one direction to worry about. Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans will either make opponents stop or it’ll impose a ping on them for several seconds if they refuse to stop moving during the scan. Sens’ R.O.U. Projector Systems will provide a lot of cover and would really reduce the defenders’ visibility, making them panic even more, and just like with the setup above, Gridlock will be the backline support, making sure that defenders won’t be able to flank and roamers won’t be able to hit the attacking team from behind.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Preventing roamers and flankers from getting behind the team through the use of Gridlock’s Trax Stingers
- Having the ability to destroy a lot of defender utilities, make entry holes on unreinforced walls, and force defenders out of their entrenched positions with the use of Flores’ exploding drones
- Having a lot of cover during a push and a defuser plant attempt with the use of Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System
- Having a team member in Zofia who has heavy firepower and crowd control capabilities
- Disrupting enemy movements or gathering intel on their positions with the use of Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans
Team Details:
- Gridlock for area denial and preventing defenders from flanking or roamers from hitting the attacking team from behind with the use of her Trax Stingers
- Zofia for crowd control, flanking, and roamer hunting. Her 2-speed 2-heath rating makes her a very balanced and versatile operator for those roles.
- Lion for disrupting enemy movements through his EE-ONE-D scans and the enemies who will keep moving during those scans will give away their positions
- Flores for disabling many defender utilities, forcing enemies out of their entrenched positions, and creating entry points with the use of his four exploding drones
- Sens for providing a lot of cover for the whole attacking team’s push especially for a defuser plant attempt
5. Melusi + Thorn + Wamai + Lesion + Kaid
When it comes to stopping a rush or an aggressive attacking team, this is a very solid team while also keeping with the fundamentals of preventing a hard breach and having an anti-grenade operator. First off, Thorn’s special gadget, the Razorbloom Shell, has the explosion power similar to that of a nitro cell. That means it’s very strong, and its countdown timer before explosion begins once an enemy gets into close proximity to it. Now, unless that enemy’s reaction time is slow, most of the time they can get away from the blast.
But if they’re under the slow effects of Melusi’s Banshees or Lesion’s Gu Mines when the Razorbloom Shell countdown begins, it’ll be very hard for them to escape death. And that’s why these three form a great combo. And even when they’re not trapping an opponent into the blast radius of Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells, both Melusi’s Banshees and Lesion’s Gu Mines are excellent for slowing down enemies in general and acting as early warning devices. With these operators around, it’ll be very hard for the defending team to get caught off guard.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Not being able to get caught off guard because Melusi, Lesion, and Thorn’s special gadgets are great early warning devices.
- Countering rushes because Melusi and Lesion’s special gadgets are great for slowing down enemies
- The combo of Thorn, Lesion, and Melusi’s special gadgets is great for eliminating enemies
- Having hard breach denial capabilities due to Kaid’s Electroclaw
- Having protection against grenades and other enemy projectiles with Wamai’s Mag-NETS
Team Details:
- Melusi for slowing down enemies on common pathways with the use of her Banshees which are bulletproof from a distance and are also great early warning devices
- Thorn for anchoring since her special gadget can make enemies panic, and those who get caught in her special gadget’s explosion will definitely be killed
- Wamai for grenade and other enemy projectile protection with the use of his special gadget, the Mag-NET, and he can deploy a total of eight Mag-NETS in a round.
- Lesion for slowing down enemies with his Gu Mines which also damages them overtime if they don’t remove it fast. His Gu Mines are also great early warning devices on flanking spots.
- Kaid for hard breach prevention with the use of his Electroclaw which is still the only gadget that can prevent reinforced hatches from being breached
4. Bandit + Smoke + Jager + Goyo + Oryx
This defending team setup has great dynamics and would be very hard to beat especially when the Bandit player is good at “Bandit Tricking”. With a good Bandit player, it’ll be hard for the attacking team to perform a hard breach, even with a Thatcher present. Jager will protect the team from grenades, especially frag grenades that are meant to destroy Bandit’s Shock Wires. And even if the attackers were able to counter Bandit and successfully perform a hard breach, it’ll be hard for them to push because Smoke will stop them in their tracks with his Gas Grenades.
Oryx will be the main roamer and will pick off enemies that are attempting to flank or perform a vertical play. Jager can also assist him in roaming after he’s placed all his ADS on the right spots in the objective spot. With two roamers around, the attackers won’t be able to push so easily since they will always worry about their backs. As for Goyo, his Volcan Canisters will serve as a second layer of area-denial once Smoke has used up all of his Gas Grenades. And that’s why this team setup has excellent balance in roles, and is very versatile.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Excels at area denial with both Smoke and Goyo specializing in that role
- Having an excellent roamer in Oryx that can pick off enemies and outmaneuver them easily
- Having grenade and projectile protection through Jager’s ADS special gadget
- Hard breach denial through the use of Bandit’s Shock Wires
Team Details:
- Bandit for preventing enemies from performing hard breaching. If the player knows what they’re doing, Bandit can prevent a hard breach even when Thatcher is present
- Smoke for area-denial through his Remote Gas Grenade which covers a large area in chemical gas which damages enemies for several seconds
- Jager for grenade and projectile protection through the use of his special gadget, the ADS-Magpie. After deploying them during the prep phase, he could also assist Oryx in roaming.
- Oryx as the main roamer. With his special abilities, he can easily outmaneuver enemies, and that’s useful in hitting them from the back or for escaping from them.
3. Kaid + Wamai + Solis + Azami + Alibi
This team composition excels with its versatility and dynamic roles. Kaid would of course be the one preventing attackers from hard breaching, and Wamai would be protecting Kaid’s Electroclaw from being disabled by a frag grenade. Of course, Wamai’s Mag-NETS would also be excellent for protecting the whole general area of the objective spot from enemy grenades and other projectiles, while Azami would provide more cover, especially on the objective spot’s most vulnerable or exposed angles. Meanwhile, Alibi would be the main roamer, preventing attackers from easily pushing in by picking them off from behind.
As for Solis, her main role would be gadget disabling and intel gathering. Solis’ has a great special gadget where she could scan in real time attacker electronic gadgets, including the mobile device that attackers use when they’re viewing their observation tool. The great thing is, Solis could cast the scan for the whole defending team to see and the enemy electronics caught in the scan will be tagged. So with this team setup, you will have someone that can prevent hard breaching, an anti-grenade operator, area-denial and cover providing operator, a roamer, and an intel gatherer.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Hard breach prevention with Kaid’s Electroclaw which is also the only gadget that can prevent reinforced hatches from being breached
- Protection from grenades due to Wamai’s Mag-NETS which is also great for protecting Kaid’s Electroclaw
- Excels at intel gathering because Solis can scan enemy electronic devices and tag them for the whole defending team to see
- Fortifying previously vulnerable angles with Azami being able to provide extra cover through her Kiba Barriers
- Excels at roaming and flanking with Alibi who has 3-speed rating and confuses enemies with her Prisma holographic clones. She can also gather intel on them in the process.
Team Details:
- Kaid for hard breach prevention since his Electroclaw has a wide range and won’t be easily reached by Maverick or Kali’s special gadgets. Great for preventing reinforced hatches from being breached, too.
- Wamai for protecting the whole team from grenades or other projectiles. Without an anti-grenade operator, it would be easy for the attacking team to push after raining projectiles inside the objective spot.
- Solis for intel gathering and intel-denial since she’s able to easily detect enemy gadgets, she can easily disable them, too.
- Azami for area denial as well as providing extra protection for the whole team. Her Kiba Barriers can be quickly deployed from a distance, too.
- Alibi as the main roamer since she can outmaneuver enemies easily with her 3-speed rating, Prisma holographic clones, and impact grenades.
2. Maverick + Ace + Brava + Finka + Zofia
This attacking team with the newest operator in the game, namely Brava, places so high in this list because it has every role that an attacking team needs. Ace will be the main hard breacher, but of course, any competent defending team will have someone in their team that could prevent hard breaching. That is where Maverick and Brava come in. Maverick himself is an excellent hard brearcher, but he’s most commonly used as a hard-breach enabler, because with his Breaching Torch, he could destroy the Bandit Shock Wires or the Mute Signal Jammers that are preventing the hard breach.
As for Kaid’s Electroclaw, if the angle is right, Maverick could disable it too, but if he can’t, Brava, with her Kludge Drones could disable it. Brava’s Kludge Drones either convert enemy gadgets to the attacker side, or disable them. So with this team, it’ll be very hard to prevent attackers from hard breaching. On the other hand, Finka will provide the whole team with great buffs that include boosting their health rating, basically making them tougher, and Zofia will be the main flanker or entry-fragger with the heavy firepower that she brings to the table.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Excellent for hard breach enabling since both Maverick and Brava can perform that role
- Disabling enemy gadgets or turning them into allies with the use of Brava’s Kludge Drones
- Providing great buffs to the whole attacking team with Finka’s Adrenal Surge that can also revive teammate from a down-but-not out state
- Heavy firepower, roam hunting, and flanking capabilities with Zofia who is adept in those roles
- Making defenders uneasy with Maverick creating murder holes on their walls with the use of his Breaching torch
Team Details:
- Maverick mainly for hard breach enabling since he can destroy Bandit or Mute’s special gadgets through the use of his Breaching Torch
- Ace as the main hard breacher of the team. He can make large holes on reinforced walls and destroy hatches. He can also deploy his special gadget from a distance.
- Brava for turning enemy gadgets into allies and confusing the hell out of the defenders. Excellent for hard breach enabling as well if there’s a Kaid.
- Finka for making the whole team tougher during a push through her Adrenal Surge which also provides other great buffs
- Zofia for hunting roamers and flanking due to her heavy firepower and solid 2-heath 2-speed rating. She can also perform the entry-fragging role if needed.
1. Dokkaebi + Thatcher + Thermite + Lion + Ash
This team setup may look quite basic at first glance, but this team composition is a very solid one and would be very hard to stop. That’s because it’s very versatile and has a good balance of roles. If Thatcher isn’t banned, you should certainly make use of him because he makes hard breaching so easy. Not just that, he also disables a large amount of enemy gadgets since his EMP Grenades have a large radius and he has three of them. Thermite would be the main hard breacher, and since the breaches that he makes are perfect, it really exposes the defenders from the outside and makes pushing much easier for the attackers.
While Thermite and Thatcher are performing hard breaching, Ash should be out there flanking or hunting roamers. And since she has her Breaching Rounds and the breach charges are available to her, she could perform a vertical play after she’s hunted down the enemy roamers. Once the breach has been made, it would be time to push, and Dokkaebi with her Logic Bomb will compromise enemy locations, while Lion with his EE-ONE-D scans will disrupt their rhythm by forcing them to stay put, and if they refuse to stop moving during the scan, they’ll be automatically pinged, and that ping will be visible for the whole attacking team.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Has a high probability of successfully performing a hard breach
- Disabling enemy electronic gadgets en masse with the use of Thatcher’s EMP Grenades
- Flanking and roam hunting capabilities with Ash and Dokkaebi
- Excels at intel gathering because of Dokkaebi and Lion’s special gadgets
Team Details:
- Dokkaebi for compromising enemy locations during a push or for hunting roamers before the attacking teams push.
- Thatcher for easily enabling a hard breach through his EMP Grenades which are also great for disabling other electronic enemy devices
- Thermite as the main hard breacher. The breaches that he makes are perfect in a sense that they’re large enough for the team to get into without having to vault or crouch
- Lion for entry fragging or even backline cover, as well as a support for hunting roamers since his EE-ONE-D scan is a great combo with Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb
- Ash for entry-fragging or roamer hunting due to her speed and heavy firepower which is excellent for crowd control role as well as flanking
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: