[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Roamers That Are Excellent

R6 Siege Top 10 Best Roamers
07 May 2023

10. Jager

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Jager is one of the best at roaming because he has a very solid 2-speed 2-health rating, so his movement speed will be quite fast, and he'll still be tough enough to endure some non-headshot shots. Since his armor isn't that heavy, his movements, especially his footsteps, won't be that heavy as well, so he won't be making a lot of noise when roaming. But the main reason why he's a great roamer is that he can just leave his special gadgets to do their work once he's finished setting them up during prep phase.

What I mean by that is that he's not like Wamai or Lesion who has to keep deploying their special gadgets around the objective area when their cooldown makes them available, since it's around the objective area that they'll be more effective. With Jager, he can finish setting them up during prep phase and he can go roaming while his special gadgets do their job around the objective spot. Another reason why Jager is so good at roaming is that his unique gun, the 416-C Carbine, is a very decent gun even at long-range, so regardless of the distance, he'll be effective at fragging enemies.

Why Jager is a Great Roamer:

  • His well balanced 2-speed and 2-health rating allows him to be fast while still maintaining decent toughness
  • His 2-speed and 2-health rating also makes him a non-heavy operator, meaning his movements won't make a lot of noise
  • He can finish setting up all his special gadgets around the objective spot and leave them to do their work while he goes off to roam
  • Has a very solid gun in the 416-C Carbine which excels at any range due to its good damage per shot and manageable recoil
  • He can also run with the M870 shotgun, which is great for creating rotation holes, destroying hatches, and of course, close range superiority


  • His balanced health and speed rating makes him both nimble and tough
  • Can move more silently than heavier armored operators
  • Has a very good gun in the 416-C Carbine which is great at any distance


  • His 416-C Carbine lacks scopes that can provide higher zoom levels
  • His special gadget is not that helpful to himself when he's roaming
  • Aside from the M870 shotgun, he lacks utilities for reworking the map

Best loadouts for Jager:



9. Frost

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Like Jager above, Frost also has a very balanced 2-speed 2-health rating which allows her to maintain decent toughness against gunshots to the body while also allowing her to move fast and quietly. Frost can also finish setting up her special gadget, the Welcome Mats, during the prep phase, and she and her teammates can just capitalize on them when they trap opponents. But what really makes Frost a scary roamer is that unlike Jager above, it'll be viable for her to bring one or two of her special gadgets with her outside the objective area.

That's because she can use them to trap enemies that would be hunting her while she's roaming. Usually, enemies only expect Welcome Mats around the objective spot, so Frost can use that to her advantage by placing one or two Welcome Mats on the side of entryways where she'll be running to when she's luring enemies. Another reason why Frost is a great roamer and has a higher rank than Jager is that she can run with a shotgun as her secondary weapon. That means with her secondary weapon, she can create rotation holes for escaping or flanking enemies, and she can also use it to destroy hatches.

Why Frost is a Great Roamer:

  • She can equip a shotgun as her secondary weapon, allowing her to rework the map to her advantage
  • Her 9mm C1 has a very low recoil, high damage, and has a wide variety of attachments available to it
  • Her balanced 2-speed 2-health rating allows her to maintain quickness and toughness
  • She can finish setting up all her special gadgets during prep phase, allowing her to just focus on roaming
  • She can also bring one or two of her special gadgets with her while roaming and lure enemies to them when she's escaping from them
  • Since she can rework the map using her secondary weapon, she's free to use the fully automatic 9mm C1 as her primary


  • Her health rating and speed rating are very balanced so she has very decent toughness and speed
  • She can use her Welcome Mats when she's roaming by luring enemies to them when she's escaping or rotating
  • She can also finish setting up all her Welcome Mats during the prep phase, allowing her to just focus on fragging enemies


  • Her 9mm C1 lacks the scope that can provide her higher zoom levels
  • Her 9mm C1 while having high damage and low recoil, has a slow rate of fire

Best loadouts for Frost:



8. Kapkan

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Kapkan is one of the best roamers in the game because like Frost and Jager above, he can also finish setting up his special gadgets during the prep phase, and then he can just go out of the objective spot and focus on roaming and picking off enemies one by one. Even if he's not anywhere near his special gadgets, the EDDs, they'd already be contributing to the team just by being deployed because the moment enemies pass through an entryway where they're deployed, they'll cause an explosion that would badly damage the enemies or in some cases, even kill them.

However, Kapkan can also bring two or three EDDs with him when he goes out of the objective spot and deploy them on an entryway that could be used by him when escaping enemies. That way, just like with Frost above, when he's escaping from enemies who will start hunting him, he can lure them to a room that has the entryway where EDDs are deployed. And since that'll be not around the objective spot, chances are, enemies won't be expecting there to be EDDS on that entryway. Another reason why he's great at performing the roamer role is that he has access to the impact grenades which he can use to quickly make rotation holes.

Why Kapkan is a Great Roamer:

  • He's able to finish setting up his special gadgets within the prep phase timeframe so he can just focus on roaming
  • He can also deploy some of his EDDs to an entryway that he'll use when escaping enemies, therefore, luring them into a trap
  • He has access to two impact grenades which are great for creating rotation holes for escaping enemies or flanking them
  • Can move quite quickly and silently due to his 2-speed rating while maintaining enough toughness from his 2-health rating
  • His 9x19VSN is great for roaming since its low recoil and decent damage makes it great for close to medium-range encounters


  • Has a great balance between speed and toughness due to his 2-speed and 2 health rating
  • Can inflict death or massive amount of damage with just one detonation of his EDDs
  • Has impact grenades which he can use for flanking enemies or for escaping from them
  • His 9x19VSN is great for close to medium-range shooting which is the common distance for engaging enemies while roaming


  • His 9x19VSN submachine gun doesn't have a scope that can provide a higher level of zoom anymore
  • The sound cue from deploying his EDDs is quite loud
  • Can't do anything while deploying his EDDs so it makes him vulnerable during that moment

Best loadouts for Kapkan:



7. Alibi

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Alibi has so much going for her when it comes to roaming because she has a wide array of weaponry and utilities to choose from and a lot of them are great for reworking the map which is great for a roamer. First off, for her primary weapon, she can use the ACS12 shotgun which is a single slug firing shotgun, and unlike most of your typical shotguns, the ACS12 is capable of hitting headshots and targets from long-range, so it's basically like a sniper rifle. Its destruction profile per shot is high so Alibi can use it for creating rotation holes or more lines of sight.

Secondly, she has the Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun which she can also use for the same purpose, or for destroying hatches in order for Alibi to get to a lower floor quickly. And lastly, she also has impact grenades which are great for surprising enemies with a sudden flank, or for escaping from them. Of course, one of the biggest reasons why Alibi is such a great roamer is her Prisma holographic clones. With her Prismas, she can really confuse enemies, and even gather intel on their positions in the process. That's because enemies who shoot any of her Prismas will get pinged for several seconds.

Why Alibi is a Great Roamer:

  • Has a 3-speed rating so her movements are fast, and that's great for outmaneuvering enemies or escaping from them
  • Her 3-speed rating also means that she has lighter footsteps than heavier armored operators, and that's great for roaming
  • She has access to impact grenades which is great for quickly creating rotation holes for flanking enemies or escaping them
  • Her Prismas can be used as distraction and bait when Alibi is roaming, especially because any enemy who will shoot them will get pinged
  • She has access to the Bailiff 410 as her secondary weapon and it's a great utility for creating rotation holes or more lines of sight
  • Her ACS12 shotgun inflicts devastating damage to enemies and can also be used to rework the map to her advantage


  • Her 3-speed rating will allow her to move quickly when it comes to escaping enemies or flanking them
  • She can really confuse enemies with her Prisma holographic clones while also gathering intel on their locations
  • She can bring two impact grenades which is great for quick escapes or sudden flanks
  • Two of her weapons can also be used for creating rotation holes or more lines of sight


  • Her 1-health rating means that she can only sustain a few shots before being killed
  • Her Prismas only look like her default skin, so if she's not using her default skin, the enemies can identify her easily
  • Her ACS12 while being a great weapon with devastating stopping power, has a slow rate of fire

Best loadouts for Alibi:



6. Ela

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Ela is not just one of the most effective roamers in the game. She's also one of the most fun. That's because her 3-speed rating allows her to go from one place to another very quickly. Her speed also allows her to outmaneuver her enemies and get into positions where she'll have an advantage over them. But it's not only her 3-speed rating that allows her to do that. Her FO-12 shotgun is one of the most powerful shotguns in the game, not just for killing enemies, but also for reworking the map to Ela's advantage.

That's because with the FO-12 shotgun, Ela can create a rotation hole on an unreinforced wall with just two shots. It can even be equipped with a suppressor which is great because that will allow Ela to create rotation holes or destroy unreinforced hatches more silently while roaming. Of course, what really makes her a great roamer is that her Grzmot Mines can act as early warning devices for her on flanking spots. With her Grzmot Mines, it'll be very difficult for Ela to get caught off-guard, and they can be used offensively too.

Why Ela is a Great Roamer:

  • Her 3-speed rating allows her to move from one place to the next with great speed and also allows her to outmaneuver her enemies
  • Her FO-12 shotgun is one of the most devastating shotguns in the game and is great for creating rotation holes while roaming
  • Her RG15 handgun is great for medium-range shooting due to its Romeo1 Reflex sight, so Ela can use it for enemies that her FO-12 cannot reach
  • Her Grzmot Mines can act as early warning devices on flanking spots, and that will prevent Ela from getting caught unaware by enemies
  • Her FO-12 shotgun can be equipped with a suppressor, allowing Ela to create rotation holes or destroy hatches on the spot without making much noise


  • Her 3-speed rating is great for roaming because it allows her to move silently and more quickly
  • Her FO-12 shotgun is a great asset for roaming because it allows her to rework the map to her advantage
  • It's very difficult to catch her off-guard or unaware because she can use her Grzmot Mines as early warning devices on flanking spots


  • Her Scorpion EVO 3 A1 has a very rough recoil and is therefore hard to use
  • Her Grzmot Mine can also affect her if it detonates near her
  • Her 1-health rating means that even shots from the body can take her down very quickly

Best loadouts for Ela:



5. Oryx

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Oryx has two special abilities that make him very unique and are also what makes him such a great roamer. First off, his Remah Dash ability allows him to go from one point to the next with great speed. Faster than the normal sprint in the game. Any enemy that gets hit by him while his Remah Dash ability is active will get knocked down for a few seconds, and that includes shield operators like Montagne and Blitz. That makes him one of the best counters for shield operators. Another great thing about his Remah Dash ability is that he can use it to destroy unreinforced walls.

That means he can use it to create rotation holes for flanking enemies, or he can use it to escape to another room when he's being hunted. His second special ability is his ability to climb up on broken hatches, and not just climb, he can also latch on the ledges of an open hatch. While he's latching on the ledge of an open hatch, he'll be able to see the floor above. That means he can just climb over to another floor when he knows that the area is secure or when he judges that he'll be able to surprise his enemies that way. His ability to climb to a higher floor through a broken hatch also allows him to outmaneuver or escape from enemies very effectively.

Why Oryx is a Great Roamer:

  • He has the Remah Dash ability which allows him to go from one point to the next with great speed and it also allows him to go through unreinforced walls
  • He can climb on a broken hatch, allowing him to go into a higher floor quickly for outmaneuvering enemies or for escaping from them
  • He has access to the Bailiff 410 revolver pistol which he can use to destroy hatches, create rotation holes, or create lines of sight for fragging enemies
  • Has access to proximity alarms which he can use to guard pathways that the enemies can use to get behind him
  • His Remah Dash ability can also knock down enemies including shield operators, making him a great counter for Montage


  • Has the Remah Dash ability which allows him to burst through walls and knock down enemies including shield operators
  • He's the only defender that has the ability to climb through an open hatch
  • He can rework the map to his advantage using the Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun and his Remah Dash ability
  • Has access to proximity alarms which can prevent him from being caught unaware by roamer hunters


  • His Remah Dash ability makes a lot of noise, so when used unnecessarily, can only compromise his location
  • His weapons lack scopes that can provide him with greater zoom levels
  • His body is quite big so he's pretty easy to spot and target

Best loadouts for Oryx:



4. Vigil

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Vigil is an S-tier roamer because no one else besides him in the defending side has the ability to turn invisible to enemy cameras. He can do that with his special gadget, the ERC-7. Because of his special gadget, it'll be very hard for enemies to know exactly where he is, granted that when his ERC-7 is active, it creates a static feed on the enemies' cameras which becomes stronger the closer he is. While that may give them an idea where Vigil is, the fact that they can't know where he is exactly can create a lot of uneasiness on them and that could lead them to make mistakes.

Mistakes that Vigil can easily capitalize on using his impact grenades for quickly flanking them. His impact grenades are also useful when he's being hunted by multiple enemies and he needs to escape. That's because the impact grenades will allow him to create rotation holes or destroy unreinforced hatches. Another reason why vigil is a great roamer is his 3-speed rating which allows him to be nimbler, therefore, he's able to go from one place to another with good speed. Of course, his speed is also valuable when engaging or escaping enemies.

Why Vigil is a Great Roamer:

  • He's able to turn invisible to attacker cameras, and that can really make attackers uneasy since they're unable to gather intel on him
  • Has 3-speed rating which allows him to go to places or escape from enemies with great speed
  • Can bring in two impact grenades which are really useful for flanking enemies or for escaping from them
  • The static feed that is created on enemy cameras when Vigil is around can lead enemies to make mistakes when it comes to assuming where Vigil really is
  • Both choices for his secondary weapon are machine pistols which are great alternative weapons when his K1A or BOSG.12.2 needs to be reloaded


  • Having 3-speed rating is always great for roaming because it'll allow the operator move quickly
  • Has access to impact grenades which are great for making rotation holes for flanking enemies or for escaping
  • Both of the machine pistols available to him have decent firepower and very fast rate of fire
  • His K1A submachine gun is also a great weapon with low recoil and high damage


  • The static feed on enemy cameras that is caused by his presence puts enemies on their guard
  • His K1A submachine gun lacks scopes that can provide him with higher zoom levels
  • His SMG-11 has a very rough recoil and his C75 Auto's default iron sight isn't great for aim

Best loadouts for Vigil:



3. Pulse

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Pulse's ranking in this list is so high because he's one of the best when it comes to gathering intel on enemy positions, and that translates to being a great roamer. With his special gadget, the HeartBeat Sensor, he can detect the real time positions of enemies within a nine-meter range. That intel is valuable for advising his teammates, and it's also valuable to Pulse when it comes to forming a strategy on how to deal with his enemies, how to escape from them, or how to get to a better angle in order to deal with them more effectively.

Because of this, Pulse is one of the best operators in the game when it comes to implementing a c4-under-the-floor trick, which is great for countering enemies trying to plant the defuser when they're on a wooden floor and Pulse is below. Like many in this list, Pulse also has 3-speed rating which allows him to move quickly and has more silent movements. For his primary, he has access to the UMP45 which is one of the best guns in the game due to its very low recoil, wide variety of attachments, and good amount of damage per shot.

Why Pulse is a Great Roamer:

  • He's able to detect the real-time positions of enemies that are within nine meters aways from him using his Heartbeat Sensor special gadget
  • Because of the amount of intel that he can gather, he can have better informed choices when it comes to dealing with enemies
  • Can perform the c4-under-the-floor method really well because he'll know the exact location of enemies due to his Heartbeat Sensor
  • Has a very underrated gun in the UMP45 because of its low recoil, high damage, and wide variety of attachments available to it.
  • His 3-speed rating will allow him to go from one place to another so it's useful for engaging enemies or for escaping from them


  • Able to detect the real-time positions of enemies due to his special gadget, the Heartbeat Sensor
  • Is light-armored so with his 3-speed rating, he can move around quickly and his footsteps are quieter
  • One of the choices for his primary is the UMP45 which has a very manageable recoil and high damage


  • His Heartbeat Sensor's screen isn't that big so he can still miss defenders
  • Whenever he switches to and from the Heartbeat Sensor, he could compromise his location because it creates a pretty loud sound cue
  • His UMP45 submachine gun lacks any scope that can provide higher levels of zoom

Best loadouts for Pulse:



2. Valkyrie

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Like Pulse above, Valkyrie is a master when it comes to intel gathering, and that makes her a great roamer. Knowing where your enemies are will help you make informed decisions when it comes to choosing how to engage them, and when it comes to knowing enemy positions, Valkyrie is the best on the defender side. That's because she has three Black Eye cameras. Each of them are capable of providing the defending team a wide view of an area, provided that their view isn't obstructed. They're also quite tiny, making them very easy to hide.

In most cases, even when the Valkyrie player didn't hide her Black Eye cameras first, the enemies wouldn't even notice them unless they see the blue light emitting from them when they're being used, or the defenders made the mistake of pinging them. Because of her great intel gathering capabilities, Valkyrie is also one of the best when it comes to performing the c4-under-the-floor trick, which is great for countering multiple enemies, especially when they're planting on a spot made of wooden floor. Valkyrie also has a solid 2-speed 2-health rating which means she's far from slow and she has a very decent toughness.

Why Valkyrie is a Great Roamer:

  • Her solid 2-health and 2-speed rating allows her to be tough while also allowing her to be fast and more silent
  • Her intel gathering capabilities will allow her to make informed choices when it comes to engaging enemies
  • Her nitro cell works so well with her Black Eye cameras because she'll know exactly where you are, so if the nitro cell is under a wooden floor, Valkyrie will know the proper timing
  • Her MPX submachine gun has one of the lowest recoils in the game, so it's very easy to use
  • Her secondary weapon, the D-50, has a high destruction profile per shot, so Valkyrie can use it to open up lines of sight


  • Able to gather a lot of intel on enemy positions because of her three Black Eye Cameras
  • Has a very balanced 2-speed 2-health rating which allows her to move fast while maintaining enough toughness
  • Has a nitro cell which she can use in combination to the intel that she can gather from her Black Eye cameras


  • Her MPX lacks any kind of scope that can provide her with higher zoom levels
  • Whenever she's switching cameras, it creates a sound cue that can be heard by enemies
  • Lacks the capability to create rotation holes when she's running with her MPX and nitro cell

Best loadouts for Valkyrie:



1. Caveira

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After all these years, Caveira is still the best roamer in the game, and that's because no one else other than her possesses the ability to sprint for several seconds while maintaining silent footsteps. Caveira can do that because of her special ability, the Silent Step, which silences her footsteps for ten seconds, which is a lot in Siege. Because of this special ability, she can get behind her enemies silently and with great speed. On top of that, she also possesses utilities that'll allow her to rework the map to her advantage.

Her SPAS-15 shotgun is one of the most destructive shotguns in the game and Caveira can use it for making rotation holes or for destroying hatches in order for her to get into a lower floor faster. She also has access to impact grenades which is great when Caveira quickly needs a rotation hole. And of course, what's really scary about Caveira is her second special ability, the Interrogation, which she uses on enemies who are in a down-but-not-out state, and once successful, it'll reveal the real time positions of the remaining attackers. All her abilities, weapons, and utilities make her a menace when it comes to roaming.

Why Caveira is a Great Roamer:

  • She's able to sprint with silent footsteps for ten seconds due to her Silent Step special ability
  • Her SPAS-15 has a great destruction profile per shot, so it's great for making rotation holes or destroying hatches
  • Her Luison handgun deals heavy damage per shot at close range and its gunshots are also very silent and stealth is always handy while roaming
  • She can also run with two impact grenades which are great for quickly making rotation holes for flanking enemies or for escaping
  • When the player chooses to, she can also run with the M12 submachine gun for her primary weapon, and that'll allow her to frag enemies at medium-range well


  • Can sprint silently from one place to another without giving away her position due to her Silent Step ability
  • Has the weaponry and utilities available to her for reworking the map to her advantage
  • Can perform the Interrogation skill on injured opponents, which, once successful, will reveal the real-time position of the remaining attackers
  • Her Luison handgun always puts defenders in a down-but-not-out state first before killing them, which is a great help for Caveira's Interrogation skill


  • Can leave herself vulnerable for several seconds while performing the Interrogation skill
  • Once enemies know that there's a Caveira in the defending team, they'll tend to stick together
  • Performing the interrogation skill is almost impossible when enemies are sticking together

Best loadouts for Caveira:



Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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