Alibi is one of the best roamers in the game, but she’s very versatile and can play the role of an anchor very effectively as well. That’s mainly because her special gadget, the Prisma, allows her to deploy holographic clones of herself that can really confuse enemies. When enemies shoot Alibi’s holographic clones, they’ll get pinged for several seconds.
So not only is Alibi great at gathering intel on enemy positions, she’s great at ruining their rhythm as well. On top of that, she also has a wide variety of attachment choices for her weapons that allows the player to really customize her according to his or her own gameplay.
5. Mx4 Storm with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Impact Grenade
This is a really solid loadout setup for Alibi and can excel at both roaming or anchoring. It will also provide the best vertical recoil control possible on Alibi’s Mx4 Storm which has a pretty high stock recoil. That’s because both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments specialize in lowering the weapon’s vertical recoil. So with this loadout setup, Alibi wouldn’t have a hard time controlling the Mx4 Storm’s weapon kick, even when it comes to longer sprays. Another attribute of the flash hider is that it will remove the weapon’s muzzle flash.
That’s great for Alibi especially when she’s roaming because it lessens the visual cues that could tell enemies the exact location where she’s shooting from. As for the Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun, it’s a great utility for opening up lines of sight, creating rotation holes, or just reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage in general. And since the Bailiff 410 can create rotation holes, destroy unreinforced hatches, and all the aforementioned stuff, Alibi would be able to reserve her impact grenades for when she needs to quickly destroy an unreinforced wall, be it for escaping or flanking the enemies.
Excels in:
- Having the best vertical recoil control possible on Alibi’s Mx4 Storm due to both the vertical grip and the flash hider attachments
- Reducing the visual cues that could tell the enemies where exactly Alibi is shooting them from with the flash hider removing the Mx4 Storm’s muzzle flash
- Having a great utility in the Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun which Alibi can use to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage
- Having the ability to quickly create rotation or escape holes through the use of Alibi’s two impact grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Mx4 Storm with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the Mx4 Storm in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. Mx4 Storm with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Impact Grenade
When it comes to handling the recoil of the Mx4 Storm submachine gun, this loadout is the best. The muzzle brake barrel attachment is known for greatly reducing the recoil of single-shot weapons like handguns and marksman rifles. However, it also works well on fully automatic weapons like the Mx4 Storm that has a rough recoil because it will greatly reduce the strength of its first shot recoil. That has the tendency to stabilize the overall recoil of the next shots, so this loadout setup is great for precision shooting, especially when it comes to shorter sprays.
The vertical grip will complement the muzzle brake in lowering the overall vertical recoil of the Mx4 Storm, so Alibi can be rest assured that she’ll be able to manage her Mx4 Storm really well with this setup. As for the Red Dot A 1.0x sight, it will allow Alibi to target her opponents more precisely due to its simple center dot reticle which doesn’t eat up a lot of screen space. The frame of the Red Dot A 1.0x sight also doesn’t take up a lot of screen space so Alibi wouldn’t feel like there’s a lot of obstruction to her view when aiming at enemies.
Excels in:
- Having the best recoil on Alibi’s Mx4 Storm submachine gun due to the muzzle brake barrel attachment greatly weakening its first shot recoil
- Maintaining good vertical recoil control on Alibi’s Mx4 Storm submachine gun due to the vertical grip attachment
- Having great precision on the Mx4 Storm due to the Red Dot A’s simple center dot reticle
- Having the ability to rework the map to your advantage through the use of the Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun
- Being able to quickly open up rotation holes for flanking enemies or escape holes for escaping them
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Mx4 Storm with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the Mx4 Storm in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. Mx4 Storm with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Impact Grenade
This is a really great loadout setup for Alibi players who prefer the Mx4 Storm submachine gun as their primary weapon, and I’m sure that many will argue that it actually should be in number one. That’s because of the really awesome buff that the extended barrel recently received which made it so that it now adds 15% damage on weapons. That’s on top of its previous attribute of greatly reducing the weapon’s range damage drop-off, effectively allowing it to deal heavy damage even from longer distances.
The extended barrel on a weapon like the Mx4 Storm which has a very fast rate of fire can really take down an enemy fast. The only drawback from using it with the Mx4 Storm, however, is that it doesn’t add recoil control benefits. And that could be a bit of a problem for a gun like the Mx4 Storm which has a rough recoil. However, the player can mitigate this drawback by sticking to short sprays. One could fire around twenty bullets continuously from the Mx4 Storm submachine gun without losing much control, and in most cases, especially with the extended barrel, you won’t need to empty the full magazine to take down an enemy anyway.
Excels in:
- Inflicting heavier damage on enemies due to the recent buff on the extended barrel which adds 15% damage on weapons
- Maximizing the damage potential and output of the Mx4 Storm submachine gun with the extended barrel greatly reducing its range damage drop-off
- Maintaining good recoil control on the Mx4 Storm submachine gun with the use of the vertical grip attachment
- Having the ability to rework the map to your advantage through the use of the Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun
- Allowing Alibi to quickly create escape holes for running away from enemies or rotation holes for flanking them through the use of the impact grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Mx4 Storm with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the Mx4 Storm in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. ACS12 with Scope 2.0x and Angled Grip + Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact Grenade
I personally like switching between the Mx4 Storm and the ACS12 because they're both excellent weapons, so I understand that for a lot of Alibi players, this could easily be their number one loadout setup. The ACS12 is a single-slug firing shotgun and is one of the best weapons in the game. Despite being a shotgun, it’s fully automatic. It deals heavy damage per shot, has a good magazine capacity, and its recoil is very controllable. The recoil test screenshot that you’ll see below is that of me emptying a whole magazine of the ACS12, and that’s with an angled grip instead of a vertical one.
Of course, as most shotguns go, each shot from the ACS12 has a high destruction profile, so Alibi can use it to create rotation holes or more lines of sight. That’s why it would be quite redundant to run with the Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun, and that’s why for this loadout setup, the recommended secondary weapon would be the suppressed Keratos .357. With it, Alibi will be able to shoot attacker gadgets such as drones or claymores silently, and it’ll also be great for fragging enemies because it inflicts heavy damage per shot.
Excels in:
- Inflicting heavy damage per shot with the use of the ACS12 single-slug firing shotgun which also have a very controllable recoil
- Being able to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal with the ACS12 shotgun due to the angled grip attachment
- Having a really good amount of zoom through the scope 2.0x on the ACS12 shotgun without losing too much peripheral view
- Being able to shoot enemy drones, claymores, and other gadgets with much less chance of alerting enemies through the use of the suppressed Keratos .357
- Being able to quickly create rotation holes, escape holes, or destroy unreinforced hatches, through the use of the impact grenades in Alibi’s arsenal
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - ACS12 with Scope 2.0x and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the ACS12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. Mx4 Storm with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Impact Grenade
This is the best overall loadout setup for Alibi because the suppressor on her Mx4 Storm will allow her to confuse enemies more. With the suppressor on the Mx4 Storm submachine gun, its shots won’t create a directional threat indicator of where Alibi is shooting from. The Suppressor will also hide the Mx4 Storm’s muzzle flash and will greatly dampen its gunshot sounds. This is great especially when Alibi is roaming, because the enemies wouldn’t immediately know her current whereabouts.
It also works really well with Alibi’s “substitution trick” wherein she places herself in the exact same spot of the Prisma clone that just got shot by an enemy. That way, when the enemy peeks again, chances are, he would think that the one standing there is still the clone, and that will allow Alibi to get an easy kill. And with the suppressor on her Mx4 Storm, it will be much more confusing to the enemies because there would be no muzzle flash and directional threat indicator from her. Her gunshots would also be more silent, so it would prevent enemies from easily knowing Alibi’s exact position.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies with Alibi’s Mx4 Storm submachine gun without them receiving a directional threat indicator
- Making it harder for enemies to know Alibi’s exact position with the suppressor greatly dampening the Mx4 Storm’s gunshot sounds
- Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on the Mx4 Storm due to the presence of the vertical grip attachment
- Ability to destroy unreinforced hatches and to rework the map to your advantage due to the high destruction profile per shot from the Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun
- Being able to quickly open up unreinforced walls for flanking enemies or for escaping them through the use of the impact grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Mx4 Storm with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the Mx4 Storm in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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