Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Best Game Mode

Rising Storm 2 Vietnam Best Game Mode
03 Jun 2021

Howdy boys, I’ll be showing you lads all of the cool game modes in Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, there are not too many game modes in this game, but they’re fun as hell to play and can even keep you playing for hours on end.

In total there are 4 game modes, and it’s all up to me which one is the best <3. I’ll be judging them based on how popular the specific game mode is and most importantly how fun it is to play. Anyways, no moar useless bragging, let’s get to the game modes!

4. Skirmish

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Watch the steps, GI.

Skirmish is a small-scale mayhem between GIs and Charlies - nothing big, just a 12v12 firefight. If you’re sick of getting shot from all directions from who the duck knows where, then Skirmish is for you. Rarely anybody plays this nowadays, but you’ll surely find a server that supports this game mode!

How Skirmish works:

Small teams of 12v12

The goal is to eliminate each other while the reinforcement clock is ticking

The reinforcement timer is prolonged by capturing objectives

When the reinforcement timer halts, that team’s players can no longer spawn, this is how they can lose!

What’s awesome about Skirmish:

Small-scale warfare(CoD, but without killcams and flying knives across the map)

Requires teamwork(not just blatant HOORAH charging)

Perfect if you’re sick of campaign/territories!

3. Supremacy

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The screams.

Supremacy is also pretty fun, I remember having good times such as being a transport pilot and dodging 2 RPG rockets and getting pounded by a DHSK’a, while simultaneously being blamed by my teammates of questionable nationality. Pretty fun, it’s a lot harder to play than territories!

How Supremacy works:

5-6 points to cap are scattered across the map

You’re supposed to cap them, if you hold ALL of them for 1 minute you automatically win

You get points by capturing objectives, if the enemy team runs out of points, THEY LOSE!

Or if the enemy team simply runs out of tickets, then they lose too.

Why Supremacy is awesome: 

The points are not locked when captured, it’s pretty cool if you’re good at 1 spot and you wanna farm Charlies trying to cap the objective.

Supports 3 official maps, from 2 of ‘em have maps for helicopters(Supremacy IMO is the best game mode for flying/learning helicopters)

The Supremacy maps are more accessible, so you don’t have to worry about the “RESTRICTED AREA” cockblocking you from using weapons.

2. Territories

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Charlie a problem? Charlie no more!

I believe that this is the most popular game mode out there in Rising Storm, if you go to the server browser, you’ll find plenty of these!

This game mode is completely unpredictable, your team can either stomp the enemy team and win without losing 100 tickets or pay 100 tickets for each captured objective. Or 500, and you still didn’t cap A, poor GI!

How Territories work:

You either defend or attack, some maps favor other factions more than others(for example, attacking as the US army on Hill 937 will give you access to helicopters. Charlies get don’t heli’s, they get punji traps)

Push the enemy team till they ran out of objectives to defend

OR defend till the enemy team runs out of tickets/time/gets lockdowned

Why Territories is awesome:

For me, it lead to many awesome experiences, like both teams running out of tickets, games being super close, etc

Even when losing you can still have fun

Rewards you greatly for PTFO

1. Campaign

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You’ll leave after 3 maps anyways.

The campaign, depending on the server can last for either a short, medium, or a very long time. The campaign takes place in 1965-1975, early in the war you’re gonna get average at best weaponry(M1 Garand, Mosin Nagant, etc), in 1968 you’ll be able to use an M16, an automatic rifle that I’ve mentioned in my previous article ;)!

By far, it is my favorite game mode, you can win quickly turn the tide in the campaign and win the war, which means that comebacks are always possible. If you’re patient and get through the whole campaign, kudos to you, you never left your team and you just got yourself a lifetime of PTSD.

How the campaign works:

Specific team picks a map that it wants to attack

The victory of the campaign depends on the COMBAT POWER and VICTORY POINTS

You gain combat power by taking control of the regions(15 points per region)

You gain victory points by… winning.

DO NOT attack when your team is low on combat power

Pick maps smartly, in a way that will benefit your team

Why the campaign is awesome:

Abilities, weapons, combat helicopters unlock as the campaign progresses

As mentioned previously, comebacks can ALWAYS happen and they can be sudden

G’day mate, you can play as a fooken Australian!

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