Chinese races are made for solo players as they are easier to level up on their own! But the spear builds are among the most popular Chinese builds.
A spear always looks cool and deadly! Most Chinese myths have spears in them, but in Silkroad, you can’t go around without seeing a Spear build! It’s one of the most loved builds because you can deal a ton of damage, participate in everything, and look extremely cool while doing all that!
This article shows you the best builds for Spear and how you should play each!
Here are the top three Spear builds in SilkRoad:
3. Hybrid Spear:
The Hybrid build is a very common one! It’s not for everyone though as you would find it hard to master but worry no more, this is why I’ve made this article!
You can feel powerful with this build as you would have most of your points in the INT stats while also having all the nukes under your belt!
You can rock it in the PvE game while also being a danger in any PvP but you will need to have a perfect set of items in order to win more PvP matchups! You don’t die easily as a full INT which is a great bonus!
What Hybrid Spear excels in:
- Dealing a great amount of damage is the normal thing for this build!
- PvE is never a problem as you can deal a lot of damage while still being able to withstand hits as you are building hybrid, not full INT.
- Annoying any opponent in events like FTW or capture the flag.
Hybrid Spear full details:
- Every level you add a point in STR and two points in INT.
- Alchemy is an important part as you need high physical and magical attack in your Spear, it’s also important to have the Critical Strike at a good rate.
- Protector is a better choice but you can go for garment too.
- Balance between Light and Cold for your skills so you would have a good combo.
2. Full INT Light/Cold Spear:
This is a truly common build as most grinders would choose this one over any other spear build! It gives you all the damage you need while giving you the added speed bonus which can be so beneficial if you’re grinding and don’t want to buy speed potions.
It’s a PvE god as any spear build! The addition here is the movement speed which is the main reason everyone goes for this build. You can also have a better PvE game if you’re moving faster to kill monsters.
What Full INT Light/Cold Spear excels in:
- PvE crusher! You deal a ton of damage while also being fast which makes it easier to farm monsters faster.
- All quests and events seem easier as you can cover more ground with your movement speed.
- Light nukes damage more than an enemy which makes it better for challenging a group of players or monsters.
Full INT Light/Cold Spear full details:
- Full INT as you will invest all your level stats in the INT side for most damage.
- Choose protector as it grants you the most balanced defensive stats.
- Max Heuksal, Light, and Cold as your primary skillset.
1. Full INT Fire/Cold Spear:
As the picture suggests, this build is for those PvP heads! It won’t disappoint you at all!
You can deal a lot of damage and if you play it right then you can have a lot of wins under your belt!
The fire imbue is going to be your main here as it’s stronger than the Light and Cold imbue!
You can still enjoy the benefits of a spear build which are doing a lot of damage, being fun, and being a PvE king!
What Full INT Fire/Cold Spear excels in:
- Best PvP version of any Spear builds! Your fire imbue can out-damage other imbues.
- PvE, which is still a piece of cake for you as you are full INT and can mostly nuke most monsters easily.
- Jobbing, which is easier due to your PvP potential.
Full INT Fire/Cold Spear full details:
- Full INT stats in order to maximize the damage output.
- If you’re going against magical damage dealers then opt for Garment otherwise, it’d be a wiser choice to go for Protector.
- Maximize Fire and Cold after Heuskal as Fire would be your main imbue.