Silkroad is a great game and like all games, you need to be powerful to achieve more!
Power in Silkroad means damage and Wizards output the best damage in the game especially if you want to crush your PvE game!
Not all Wizards were built the same, that’s why in this article I’m going to show you the best builds for Wizards!
Here are the top three Wizard builds in SilkRoad:
3. Wizard/Warlock:
A rare Wizard build but can be lethal!
Wizard characters are the most common ones in Silkroad but it’s truly rare to see a Wizard/Warlock!
This build was made for adventures! You can be a god in hunting uniques and you can actually win PvPs if you play it right. It is a challenging build but if you can time your debuffs well you would be able to enjoy it to the max!
The key here is knowing your weakness. You will be full INT and wearing Robe, which means you will probably have a really poor physical defense so you won’t be able to win extended fights. If you play it right and land your debuffs (Sleep and Stun mainly) then you would be able to switch to the Wizard (Staff) and cast a lethal nuke on your enemy!
This build can work really well in the PvE game especially if you want to hunt Uniques as it can finish Uniques faster than usual thanks to the warlock’s debuffs.
What Wizard/Warlock excels in:
- PvE god! As a normal wizard, you get to deal a lot of damage but with the Warlock’s debuffs you can be lethal!
- Unique hunter. Your debuffs (Such as the Bleed) will make any unique easy to kill which will gain you a lot of items, exp, and fame!
Wizard/Warlock Full details:
- Full INT is a must on this build.
- Robe is the only option but you will need to be full blue in order to have some defenses.
- Wizard is the main class and the Warlock should be the sub-class.
2. Wizard/Bard:
This build is one of the best builds in the PvE game! You can do anything with it actually. If you want to go solo and don’t have enough time to waste while being slow then this is the right build for you!
Being the king of PvE, a Wizard build is always on the top! But if you combine it with the Bard you have a lethal combination! This build excels in the PvE game as you can solo any farming parties because of the “Noise” buff that will most likely protect you for a long time.
Bard is always fast too! You will end up farming faster than normal wizards which can be a great advantage.
What Wizard/Bard excels in:
- PvE is a walk in the park for you! You will finish monsters faster than normal.
- Solo farming. You will always be safe with the “Noise” buff as monsters will probably ignore you unless you attack them.
- Being an essential part of most parties as your buffs are always needed for attack speed and guarding.
Wizard/Bard Full details:
- Full INT as a usual Wizard.
- Light Armor is the best option here so you can have better defenses.
- Try to prioritize your Bard skills if you want to farm 24/7 especially the mana tambour as all parties will need you in order to use fewer MP potions.
1. Wizard/Cleric:
A Wizard/Cleric is probably the most seen build in Silkroad. It’s just too stable! You can deal a lot of damage, be a PvE king, and join any party either for your damage as a Wizard or for your buffs as a Cleric.
Full INT is surely the way with this build as you want to maximize your damage.
This build can guarantee you a spot in almost any party. With the right set of items, you can probably join great guilds too for FTW or even FGW which can be so beneficial.
What Wizard/Cleric excels in:
- Dealing a great amount of damage.
- PvE is a piece of cake for you as you can deal a lot of damage while still having protection from the Cleric buffs.
- Being an essential part of any party as you are always needed for buffs and Ressing dead teammates.
Wizard/Cleric Full details:
- Full INT is an essential part.
- Going Light Armor is the power move here as you would need all the defenses you can get.
- You must have a lot of MP so you won’t run out of it during a party.
- If you are planning on having a farming bot then you must have a saved path as you might run out of HP and that will easily kill you every few hours.