In this article, we’ll be looking at Miles’s best side stories within the game, so come on up and join us.
Arguably, I’d say that the side-quests are far better than the main story in the sense that they are more engaging, relatable, and captivating with callbacks to the previous Peter Parker-focused Spider-Man game.
Now, there are variations to the side quests as well. Sure, all of them are pretty good but there are some of them which stand out amongst the rest. Let’s find out which of them do.
10. Stuck on Skyscraper!
What’s it about and why you should do it:
Well, as the name implies, it’s about a window cleaner guy stuck on a skyscraper and asking for Miles’s help via the FNSM App. He does it, beats the enemies, and connects electrical grids, and boom, the worker’s back up on the rooftop safe and sound. Fairly simple.
I think you should do this quest for gaining activity tokens and staying for a really good view of the New York City skyline above!
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Increase in activity tokens to buy more suits and abilities.
- Showcase of Miles’s combat prowess.
- Great view of the New York City skyline in-game.
9. Sounds Samples
Start at 0:02
Next up, we have the Sounds Samples sidequest which is a separate category of sidequests within the game itself.
These missions are provided by The Prowler himself who is Aaron Davis, uncle to Miles Morales and younger brother to Jefferson Davis, and a sort of backstory is provided as to why Aaron became The Prowler and why he distanced himself from the family.
What’s it about and why you should do it:
Well, it’s about Aaron providing some sort of comfort towards Miles when the latter has hit a low point in the game, particularly his relationship with Phin Mason, so Aaron provides him the task of collecting sound samples.
You’ll get the Purple Reign suit and its mods when all 10 of the sound samples have been collected along with XP points and Activity Tokens.
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Unlocks the Purple Reign suit and its mod.
- Provides Aaron Davis’s backstory.
- Additional Activity Tokens for purchase of abilities and mods as well as Trophy/Achievement “Deep Cuts”.
8. Harlem F.E.A.S.T. Shutdown
Start at 0:15
Harlem F.E.A.S.T. Shutdown is another side-mission present within the game that is indicated with a blue triangle on the in-game map.
This is one of the missions involving the Harlem Neighborhood on a major scale where power and water supply has been affecting F.E.A.S.T. North leading to its shutdown and it’s up to Miles to stop this from happening.
What’s it about and why you should do it:
Reinstating F.E.A.S.T. North’s power and water supply is all that these sidequests are all about and like most quests before, you’ll get experience points and Activity Tokens for it as well as the unfolding of the mystery boss targeting the Harlem neighborhood.
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Increase in reputation and recognition of Miles as Spider-Man within the neighborhood.
- Activity Points for more purchasing power of abilities.
- Experience Points increase leading to Levelling Up and more abilities as well.
7. Robber’s Target Local Biz
Start at 0:20
Next up on the list is Robber’s Target Local Biz and this one is another side mission that involves the Harlem Neighborhood.
The same robbers that were involved in shutting down the F.E.A.S.T. North Centre are back at it again but this time, resorting to terror tactics.
What’s it about and why you should do it:
It’s the sequel to the previous side mission and links it all pretty well.
As far as the reason for why doing this is concerned, well, one, it solves the surrounding mystery of the robbers, and two, stacking up those experience points as well as Activity Tokens would really help.
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Increase in reputation and recognition of Miles as Spider-Man within the neighborhood.
- Activity Points for more purchasing power of abilities.
- Experience Points increase leading to Levelling Up and more abilities as well.
- Thread connecting this and the previous side-mission is established.
6. Can I get a photo?
Start at 0:08
This one is another side mission in the FNSM App where an unexpected event happens right when you land and take a selfie with a fan.
What’s it about and why you should do it:
As the name states, it’s about a fan asking for a selfie with him and once that’s done, a pipe explosion occurs which makes Miles rush up towards the explosion site and use those acrobatic skills combined with the sharp web-shooting precision aiming as well!
It’s not a bad thing to take up those experience points and Activity Tokens as well for those extra abilities.
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Test of acrobatics combined with precision aiming.
- Activity Points for more purchasing power of abilities.
- Experience Points increase leading to Levelling Up and more abilities as well.
5. We’ve got a lead!
Start at 0:20
This is another one of the sidequests and a personal favorite of mine since it links up the Harlem neighborhood-related side missions and acts as a conclusion to it as well.
The thing to get access to this mission is that you should’ve completed all FNSM as well as the side missions to play and oh, boy is it worth it.
What’s it about and why you should do it:
This is the culmination of all the FNSM App missions as well as the Harlem-related side missions where the actual perpetrator behind the crimes in the area is revealed and it is none other than Wilson Fisk, sitting from prison and commanding his loyal goons to do his bidding.
You get XP and Activity Tokens as usual and you get the Winter Suit as well, fun addition too!
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Activity Points for more purchasing power of abilities.
- Experience Points increase leading to Levelling Up and more abilities as well.
- Winter Suit gets unlocked
- Story of side missions gets inter-connected and the special appearance of Wilson Fisk is revealed.
4. Reconnecting
Start at 0:11
On #4, we have the Time Capsules side activity where a story cutscene occurs with Phin and the two share their past based on these time capsules.
Collect all of them to find out Phin and Miles’s backstory before their eventual split of high schools as well as for the “Urban Explorers” Trophy/Achievement.
What’s it about and why you should do it:
As explained in the previous paragraph, it’s about Phin’s and Miles’s backstory and their adventures. Nothing too special about it.
Collect them to gain additional XP Points as well as Activity Tokens for more ability purchasing!
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Activity Points for more purchasing power of abilities.
- Experience Points increase leading to Levelling Up and more abilities as well.
- Backstory of Phin and Miles’s days before high school.
3. Cleaning Up the City
Start at 1:04
It’s #3 of the list which is the Cleaning Up The City side mission! This is theinfiltration of all the Roxxon Labs and Underground Bases, beating up those enemies and getting them out of New York City for good measure.
What’s it about and why you should do it:
It’s been stated in the previous paragraph, beat up Roxxon and Underground bases and you’re done.
Oh, and watch out for those Underground Caches as well hidden in the Bases as well as the Labs since they’d grant you Tech Points, necessary for upgrades.
Well, at completion, the Matter Up mission will be unlocked where Programmable Matter Suit will be unlocked! Perky bonus, if you ask me.
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Activity Points for more purchasing power of abilities.
- Experience Points increase leading to Levelling Up and more abilities as well.
- Programmable Matter Suit is unlocked.
2. Final Test
Start at 0:00
On the #2 spot, we have the Final Test side mission which is unlocked when you complete all of Peter’s holographic training sessions.
This one really tests your mettle here as you get to fight not one Holo-Vulture but TWO of them!
What’s it about and why you should do it:
Well, it’s the culmination of all the lessons Holo-Peter has taught Miles in regard to combat, stealth, and speed. Combine all that and you get a boss fight.
You get XP, Activity Points, and last but not the least, you get the Miles Morales 2020 Suit upon completion!
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Activity Points for more purchasing power of abilities.
- Experience Points increase leading to Levelling Up and more abilities as well.
- Miles Morales 2020 Suit is unlocked.
1. Memory Lane

Brb, gotta grab some tissues.
Start at 0:10
On the top spot, we have the Memory Lane side mission and it’s here for a damn good reason.
It’s a callback to Jefferson Davis, Miles’s father and his words for him after his passing. This will appear once you have finished the game.
What’s it about and why you should do it:
It’s about Miles’s family and the message Jefferson Davis has for him even after his passing, giving Miles the hope that he needs when donning the Spider-Man Suit.
If you’re a trophy hunter, you should do it but even if you’re not, you should do the complete quest for a very special and heartwarming cutscene.
Why it’s a good side-quest:
- Activity Points for more purchasing power of abilities.
- Experience Points increase leading to Levelling Up and more abilities as well.
- Special Cutscene to warm our hearts.
And that’s about it with the side mission list! I hope it helped. See ya next time.
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