Playstation Is Top Dog Again When It Comes to Sales

Playstation Is Top Dog Again When It Comes to Sales
18 Jul 2017

PS4 Is Back at the Top

Ever since its launch Sony has sold over 50 million Playstation 4 consoles. Ever since the console was announced Sony has done everything to keep their video game console relative, affordable and ahead of its competition. Sony confirmed that the Playstation 4 was the best-selling console in the U.S. in the month of November.

The Xbox One S Stole a Bit of Playstation 4’s Thunder

Ever since both Microsoft and Sony launched their consoles, the PS4 remained king of the hill up until July 2016 where Microsoft’s Xbox One claimed the stage for four consecutive months. This was largely due to the Xbox One S launch as stated by Microsoft.

So What Helped Sony Catch Up to Microsoft?

November was the launch date of the Playstation 4 Pro as well as the Black Friday month. Sony’s upgraded console and all the sweet deals helped the Playstation get back at the top. Will Sony remain at the top or will Microsoft claw their way back, only time will tell.

Body Image

PS4 May Be Smaller in Size but It’s Big on Sales

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