Star Wars: KOTOR Best Companions: Here's Who To Choose

09 Jan 2023

  Star Wars : KOTOR has by far some of the best companions in a star wars game to date. ( unless you count the lego games.. ) Companions Help the main character with most of the quests and follow them around. 

It sounds vague at first but players have the ability to chat and learn more about each companion as the story progresses. They also stop and chat every once and talk to your other companions; This makes any companion you travel with feel real and you can gain a sort of attachment for them. ( if you decide that ) 

There are 9 companions in total, Bastila, Canderous, Carth, Jollee, HK-47, T3-M4, Mission, Juhani, and Zaalbar. With all these characters gameplay variety could be endless with a lot of fun roleplay. When it comes to the best however this list explains that. 

# 9.  T3-M4

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T3-M4 was a T3-series utility droid with masculine programming that was located on the Outer Rim city world of Taris during the Jedi Civil War. The droid was owned by the Twi'lek female Janice Nall and put up for sale for fifty credits in her Upper City droid shop later bought by The Player.  

What T3-H8 Excels in 

Computer Skills & Repair : 

  • T3 comes with class skills such as computer use, repair, and Security at level 3. This is great for opening doors and repairing droids to help in battle. 

  • T3 allows players to use him as a workbench. I didn't notice this feature till late game but having that saves a lot of time when upgrading items. 

  • Lastly T3s computer use is better than most of the companions in the game making him useful for security panels. ( Just not very useful in a fire fight )

Choose T3-M4 If : 

  • You're the player who likes having droids around for company. Unfortunately T3 in this game doesn't have much dialogue but he still gives you that droid touch. 

  • If you don't have enough security or computer use to get through doors to loot. 

T3-M4 Stats : At level 3 ( when you get him ) 

  • Strength - 10

  • Dexterity - 15

  • Constitution - 14

  • Intelligence - 20

  • Wisdom - 10 

  • Charisma - 10 


# 8.  Mission Vao

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Mission Vao was a female Rutian Twi'lek who lived as a street urchin on the ecumenopolis of Taris during the Mandalorian Wars and the first half of the Jedi Civil War. She preferred speaking Galactic Basic Standard rather than her people's native language and was the closest friend of the Wookiee Zaalbar.

What Mission Excels in

Stealth & Blasters & Demolition : 

  • Mission has the scoundrel class which gives her the stealth ability. She is surprisingly good at it! Most of the time getting around enemies to loot containers or to flank before a turn starts.

  • If you need a mine disarmed look no further. Missions demolition skill is one of her main classes and maxing it out or having it early game is beneficial because she can disarm most of the mines placed, she can also recover them just as well. 

  • Mission is great in both ranged and melee combat. Her main weapon is her vibroblade and can be equipped with a blaster Rifle or pistol. Having sniper shot as a feat for her will increase your likelihood of winning battles. ( if you neglect her combat abilities that is ) 

Choose Mission Vao If : 

  • If you want to use stealth. Mission has a stealth field generator she can use because of her class. She is great if you want to go stealth with the main character instead of going solo. 

  • You want to do an extra quest. Mission has a secret quest you can do by talking to her and raising your influence with her. ( that's KOTOR 2 ) lets just say it involves someone she doesn't like and you go to Tatooine. 

Mission Vao Stats : At Level 3 ( When you join up with her )

  • Strength - 10

  • Dexterity - 16

  • Constitution - 12

  • Intelligence - 14

  • Wisdom - 11

  • Charisma - 10 

How To Get Mission Vao : 

1. Once on Taris obtain a sith uniform to go to the lower city

2. Now that you're off the elevator take a left until you see the cantina ( you can talk to her in there but she can't join yet ) go past that until you see the hidden bek base.

3. Talk to Gadon ( the one behind the desk ) about freeing Bastila, he then will tell you where to find Mission then you go to the undercity.( you'll have sith papers to get there ) 

4. Once you leave the base take another left and go all the way to the end where the sith guard is standing. 

5. Made it to the undercity? Great! ignore the two beggars and take a right then left until you see a big gate. ( you'll be stopped by a seller if your going the right way ) 

6. Rakghouls am I right? But once you get past the gate keep walking until a cutscene pops up, you will get a conversation with a scared Mission then she's added to your group.


# 7. Juhani

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Juhani trained from the Taris academy and the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. She was training with her master for her final trials, one of them was to duel her master. But she struck her master down and then fell to the Dark side.

What Juhani Excels in

Lightsaber combat/The Jedi Guardian class : 

  • Juhnai being a Jedi guardian excels lightsaber feats. Feats such as force jump, and melee feats like flurry and critical attack.

  • Juhnai also has enough CON and DEX to hold her own in a fight and make each lightsaber attack count. 

Choose Juhani If : 

  • If you need more Jedi on your team. This is a no brainer, more Jedi is always good to have.

  • You want to see a parallel between her and Maliak. When the player comes into contact with her after the battle you have the choice to kill her or redeem her. This is the same thing you can do at the end of the game and shows you how anyone could be brought back to the light. 

  • Lastly choose her if you like lore and want to know more about her story. Juhani is to say the least a tricky character, dealing with staying in the light and not letting the dark side  take over fully. 

Juhani Stats : At level 6 

  • Strength - 13

  • Dexterity - 16

  • Constitution - 14

  • Intelligence - 14

  • Wisdom - 12

  • Charisma - 13 

How To Get Juhani : 

1. After landing on Dantooine, speak to the jedi council they will start your jedi training. After a few weeks you'll be let out to explore the area with the quest of getting rid of the taint on the grove. 

2. Go to the grove. Open your map and look at the bottom right side, the ancient grove is where you will find Juhani. 

3. She stopped your team and now it's just you and her in a one on one. Best her in battle and ask why she did this! 

4. Persuade her to seek forgiveness from the jedi council. After she does she will ask to travel with you. ( she will be added to your team then the council will ask that once you come out the ancient ruins ) 


# 6.  HK-47

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This HK-series assassin droid achieved infamy just before the Jedi Civil War. Although outwardly resembling a Systech Corporation unit, he was actually built by Darth Revan as a method of silencing political opponents. 

What HK-47 Excels in 

Blaster combat & Repair Skills : 

  • HK-47 comes equipped with feats like power blast and weapon proficiency in heavy weapons  when you get him. 

  • HK also gets weapon proficiency with blasters and rifles too. Having these skills upfront makes HK reliable and handy if you need blaster cover and not melee combat. 

  • HKs repair skill will keep him alive for even the most difficult of fights. HK gets a Combat logic upgrade also which can help in combination. 

Choose HK-47 If : 

  • If you want to change it up for a change bring a droid. Droids get little love when it comes to companions. 

  • If you want to solve some missions diplomatically. HK has a voice translator which is really good for talking to other aliens who you can't understand, bring him one time and try it!

  • If you need a deadly companion that's not afraid to take damage. With HKs repair skill he can heal in combat most of the time and still win the day.

HK-47 Stats : At level 6

  • Strength - 16

  • Dexterity - 14

  • Constitution - 10 

  • Intelligence - 14

  • Wisdom - 12

  • Charisma - 10 

How To Get HK-47 : 

1.  Go to Tatooine 

2.  Once you see the place, head to the droid shop owned by Yuka Laka near the gate that leaves the city and talk to him about HK. You will then get the option to buy him and after he can be added to your group. 


# 5.  Zaalbar

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Zaalbar (pronounced /'zɑlbɑɹ/), also nicknamed "Big Z" by Mission Vao, was a male Wookiee who aided the former Sith Lord Revan in his quest throughout the galaxy to find and destroy the Star Forge superweapon. Originating from the Mid Rim Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, Zaalbar was the son of Wookiee Chieftain Freyyr, but had been exiled from his homeworld. Zaalbar was considered in Wookiee culture to be a madclaw, a title of dishonor, as he had attacked his brother Chuundar with his climbing claws, violating a Wookiee code of conduct.

What Zaalbar Excels In 

Constitution & Strength : 

  • Zaalbar starts out with a high Constitution when he joins your group. This makes him one of the best tanks in the game with a CON of 20. 

  • On Top of Constitution Zaalbar also starts with high strength. That stat being ( STR 20 ) this allows Zaalbar to hit better with more damage per turn. 

Choose Zaalbar If : 

  • You need a companion who can take hits and deal damage. Zaalbar being a Wookie i don't need to explain how strong they are , i use feats like flurry and improved power attack on him to increase hit chance.

  • You want to learn more about the wookie culture. Talking to companions is a big part of what makes this game fun as the more you talk to Zaalbar the more you understand why he does what he does. 

  • Lastly if you're the player who made their character too weak and needs backup. Zaalbar I can say from experience, is a great help during times where you don't have enough strength to handle it. ( or you just forgot to put points into it. )

Zaalbar Stats : At level 4 

  • Strength - 20

  • Dexterity - 13

  • Constitution - 20

  • Intelligence - 10

  • Wisdom - 12

  • Charisma - 8  

How To get Zaalbar : 

1. When Mission is added to your group you'll get a quest to go into the sewers and rescue Zaalbar.

2. Once in the sewers you go left until you see Rakghouls and Gamorreans. Clear out the main corridor of rakghouls then look for more Gamorrens. ( the closer you get the stronger they will be Ex. when you get in front of his door and you fight the leader ) 

3. After you fight the leader you should see a broken door. Go to the other side of that room and  Mission should open the door for you. Zaalbar will then be grateful and offer a life debt. ( now he's added to your group.) 


# 4. Bastila Shan

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Bastila Shan was a female Human Jedi Padawan who became one of the key figures involved in the Jedi Civil War and its immediate aftermath. She was known for having an impressive talent in battle meditation and as such was seen as the key to winning the war. Bastila was the only survivor of the Jedi strike team sent to neutralize Darth Revan, forming a Force bond with him when she saved his life. The Jedi Council then reprogrammed Revan's damaged mind and put him under Bastila's care, hoping he could subconsciously lead them to the Star Forge. While transporting the amnesiac Revan who she eventually fell in love with during the war, her ship was ambushed over Taris and she was captured by the Black Vulkar gang. 

What Bastila Excels in 

Two Fighting weapons & Jedi Defense skills : 

  • Bastila is a master of a dual wielded lightsaber. She has the two handed weapon feat and you can improve on it if you like.

  • She gains Jedi defense feats and one feat called Jedi sense. This gives her added defense because she can't wear armor early on.

  • Having high DEX is also what she excels in. that can be used to gain an advantage during a turn. Hit or miss will be the difference maker when DEX is involved.

Choose Bastila if : 

  • You want a strong female companion. Bastila may still be a Jedi padawan but she is by no means weak. She was able to basically rescue herself from the black vulkars gang. 

  • If you want to know more about the game's story and how you and she came to be on this journey together. Talking to Bastila on every planet or just when you have time will give players an understanding for what's going on with spoiling it. ( plus you get to know more about Revan! ) 

  • Lastly, choose Bastila if you're the player who likes to dual wield lightsabers and use the force for support. Bastila has very balanced stats to her and not to mention two weapon fighting early on, and enough force points to heal your team twice every 15 seconds. ( Also early on she can heal more times a lot faster once she levels up. ) 

Bastila's Stats : At level 4 

  • Strength - 12

  • Dexterity - 18

  • Constitution - 12 

  • Intelligence - 10

  • Wisdom - 12

  • Charisma - 15 

How To Get Bastila : 

1.  Follow the how to for Mission & Zaalbar as you will need to do those anyway to add her to the group. 

2. Did those? Great! Now get the swoop accelerator engine from the black vulkars base and win the swoop tournament. After that Bastila will free herself from her cage and “save you” she will then be added to the group.


# 3.  Carth Onasi 

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Carth is an expert pilot and a republic officer, He flies the Ebon Hawk. He also has a significant sub-plot for his character in the Sith Academy on Korriban. Personally, Carth is deeply distrustful of the Jedi. This stems in part from knowing how the leaders of the Republic war effort against the Mandalorians, Revan and Malak, fell to the Dark Side, starting the Sith conquest of Republic space, and the seemingly mysterious and obtuse way the Jedi Counsel makes major decisions. He views them as unnecessarily secretive and not completely aligned with the needs of the citizens of the republic.

What Carth Excels in  

Blaster Pistols and defense skills : 

  • Carth excels in feats such as two weapon fighting and blaster pistol proficiency. This allows him to use any blaster he wants. ( Not to mention upgrades ) 

  • Carth excels in defense skills too. With his DEX being 16 he has a high chance to dodge blaster fire or melee attacks. ( just make sure you put armor on him for added defense ) 

  • Carth gets his own blaster pistol that can be upgraded and is unique to him. This comes with an attack modifier and any character can use it.

Choose Carth If : 

  • You want blaster fire rained down on your enemies each turn. Carth is a master at pistols and dual wielding and gets those proficiencies early on. Using feats such as rapid shot and power blast will work well on him. 

  • Players want to feel as if they're working with the republic. Carth is a soldier for the republic at heart so fighting alongside him gives you a secret mission type of vibe. ( Mainly because you're limited to 3 Companions at a time.) 

  • Lastly choose Carth if you want a well rounded character as far as DEX, STR, and CON. 

Carth’s Stats : At level 4

  • Strength - 13

  • Dexterity - 16

  • Constitution - 12 

  • Intelligence - 13

  • Wisdom - 10

  • Charisma - 12

How To Get Carth :  ( This is by far the easiest companion to obtain hence why there's not alot to it.) 

1.  Finish getting off the endar spire and meet Carth at the escape pods. Once you land he will be added to your group. 


# 2. Canderous Ordo

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Canderous was a Mandalorian of the Ordo clan who fought the Republic in the Mandalorian Wars under Mandalore the ultimate. He was a great warrior, handling himself well in battle, even under the stress of being in command of the only division between victory and defeat. He fought Revan and Malak in the war before being defeated and sinking to mercenary life, where he eventually found work with Davik Kang of the Exchange as an enforcer on Taris. 

What Canderous Excels In 

Heavy Weapons and Implants : 

  • Canderous starts out with a heavy weapon called “Ordos repeating “. equipped with feats such as rapid shot, power shot Canderous is great at a distance.  

  • Canderous has a regeneration implant that comes with his character when you add him to the group. Letting him heal 4 health per turn during and after battles.

  • Canderous is also great at melee and close range being able to hold his own in a fight with feats such as power attack and flurry. ( if you add those ) 

Choose Canderous If : 

  • If you want someone who can survive longer than any other companion. (besides Zaalbar) As mentioned already his regeneration implant really turns the tables. Put heavy armor on top of that and you will pick him for most of your adventures. 

  • If you want another tanking character. Canderous doesn't have crazy health but with defense bonuses and heavy armor he can tank most hits while allowing your main character to take out the opponents. 

  • Lastly Choose him if you want to love mandalorian lore and want to know more about it. Canderous is a prime example of how Mandalorians were during the old times. 

Canderous Stats : At Level 5 

  • Strength - 15

  • Dexterity - 12

  • Constitution - 14

  • Intelligence - 10

  • Wisdom - 14

  • Charisma - 10

How To Get Canderous : 

1. After you get Bastila you will be told Canderous wants to speak in the lower city cantina.

2. He will tell you he needs launch codes from the sith base on Taris to escape. Go into the sith base and grab the codes. ( Not as easy as it sounds ) 

3. After you grab the codes Canderous will be in the under-city cantina where he will then take you to Davik's estate. 

4. Kinda feels like you're a prisoner right? But once you get to the estate Canderous will be added to your group because he wants to travel with you and do more than merc work.


# 1. Jolee Bindo

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Jolee Bindo was a Human Gray Jedi who participated in the Rimward missions, fought in the Great Sith War against Exar Kun, and afterwards went into self-imposed exile on Kashyyyk. He joined Revan's adventures near the close of the Jedi Civil War in 3,956 BBY. He is one of the most controversial characters in all of Star wars legend. 

What Jolee Excels In 

Force Powers Light & Dark : 

  • Jolee Being a gray Jedi he can use both light and dark side powers without penalty or alignment shift. 

  • His class is consular so he has access to all the Force powers in the game. ( once you level him to max he has most of what you gave him.) 

Choose Jolee If : 

  • You need jedi support and healing! Without a doubt force powers like cure/Heal makes Jolee one of the best companions in the support role.

  • You want to hear about his lore and why lived in the area you found him. Jolee by far is one of the more complex characters in the game, not leaning too heavily on either side but in fact seeing how both are necessary when needed. 

  • Lastly choose if you want a full team of Jedi who can win most fights. Again Jolee's support role makes him a staple companion to bring for literally any planet. 

Jolee’s Stats : At Level 20 

  • Strength - 12

  • Dexterity - 18

  • Constitution - 12

  • Intelligence - 12

  • Wisdom - 16

  • Charisma - 16

How To Get Jolee : 

1. When you get to Kashyyyk, go to the shadowlands and search for an old Jedi with a green lightsaber fighting against some wildlife. Help him ( or don't ) and then talk to him. 

2. He will give you a quest about some czerka employees disrupting his peace so you have to go deal with that. Once you do you'll find a barrier that you can't go past. ( its purple and hard to miss ) 

3. Return to the old man who tells you his name is Jolee and he can help you get past the barrier. He does this in exchange for joining your group because he's tired of living in a hut and senses your greater purpose in the galaxy. 

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