Star Wars : KOTOR is still by far one of the best Star Wars games of all time. Showing up on the scene in 2005 many people still play. Players can try six different classes which all have a variety of skills.
Players start with three non-Jedi classes first. Scout, Scoundrel, and Soldier, then after your Jedi training three more classes will be available on top of that, those being Guardian, sentinel, and consular.
Today I'm here to give you a guide on the best classes from fun to most fun! ( worst to best ) In my personal opinion though I think each class is good in their respective rights.
Ranked Worst to Best :
# 6 Scoundrel Class
What The Scoundrel Class Excels in
Class Skills :
- The scoundrel has the second most skills at the start of the game available. With skills like security and stealth early; players can choose a less combat heavy playing style till they're strong enough. ( since you start with low vitality )
- The defense bonus has a ceiling of 6 at level 12 when scoundrel's luck is granted; Meaning players can use this in combination with high charisma to have good defense. ( 14 points or above.)
- The Scoundrel also excels in skills and feats such as light armor proficiency and has a weapon proficiency with blaster pistols and rifles. This allows players to equip light armor and have reduced penalties at level 1.
Choose the Scoundrel Class If :
- If you want access to most of the skills early on. Like already mentioned above this class has the second highest skills available at start and players can take advantage of it.
- If you're a player who loves stealth and looting. Having the stealth skill instead of having to use a stealth field generator is underrated,
- With fast reflex saves you can get out of trouble if you get spotted. Dodging most attacks.
Scoundrel Class Fun Factor : 79/100
# 5 Scout Class
What The Scout Class Excels in
High reflexes and dodging :
- The Scout class comes equipped with the uncanny dodge skill at level 4. This gives players + 2 defense until upgraded then + 6 at max ( level 12 ).
- This class excels in fast reflexes for all 3 groups, will, fortitude and reflex. This is the only class with all 3 areas having fast reflexes.
- Because players have high will and reflex they will have an easier time dodging attacks and receiving misses instead of hits for the turns.
Chose This Build if :
- If you're the player who wants to bring out their inner explorer dodging most attacks. This class isn't just good at dodging so that shouldn't be overlooked. If you use the uncanny dodge skill and put most points into dexterity however, you can get the most from this class.
- If you don't mind using feats such as flurry and rapid shot. These are the scouts main focus and are very fun to use once upgraded.
- Stealth and guile is not the way for you. Unlike the scoundrel the scout doesn't come with stealth at the start of the game forcing you to find or buy a stealth field generator.
Scout Class Fun Factor : 85/100
# 4 Soldier Class
What The Soldier Class Excels In
Armor & Weapon Proficiency :
- The Soldier class excels in every armor proficiency from the start of the game. This allows players to be able to wear any type of armor early on without having to stick to one thing.
- The Soldier class also excels in every weapon feat as well! Having skills like weapon proficiency with melee weapons and blasters this makes the soldier an overall pick when it comes to playthroughs.
- Players having access to Both weapon and armor proficiency is underrated. Most skills for the other classes have to be unlocked or you don't get them at all. The soldier also excels in power shot and power attack gaining those from the start of the game.
Chose This Build If :
- If you don't mind having less class skills. The only downside with the soldier is that there are not alot of class skills available, only having 3 out of the 8 skills.
- If you want to have the most fun with either side you decide. Having the highest vitality above the rest, this makes sure players have enough health to handle most of the battles that come up.
- If you're a player who likes strength and accessibility. Putting points into strength and using gear that boosts it can help for sure when playing with this class.
Soldier Class Fun Factor : 93/100
# 3 Jedi Consular
What the Jedi Consular Excels in
Force Abilities :
- The Jedi Consular gets more skill points for force abilities then any other Jedi class. This allows players to have more force powers and make sure they can upgrade them to max as early as possible.
- On top of that the consular has more force points than any class also. Since this is the case players can use the force more often during battles ( especially during times you need to heal ).
- The Consular gets Master sense which grants a + 2 defense bonus then + 6 at level 12 Jedi. This gives the player added defense for the lack of armor capabilities this class has.
Chose The Jedi Consular If :
- Again you're a player who loves the force! This class relies heavily on force powers and robes for bonuses being weak in combat, health and weapons. ( Still very fun to use )
- If you're a player who wants to bring out their inner Jedi. This class is perfect for anyone wanting to experience most of the force powers in the game and wants to know what it feels like to be a Jedi master like Luke.
- If you're the player who is ok with avoiding combat and starting out weak. As not fun as it sounds, it's actually not the worst thing with this class. The game gives a good balance between having low health and strong force powers with this class. Late game you can fix the health problem.
Jedi consular Fun Factor : 95/100
# 2 Jedi Guardian
What The Jedi Guardian Excels in
Lightsaber Combat and attacks :
- The Jedi Guardian is the most versatile when it comes to lightsaber combat. Being able to use skills like saber throw and force jump makes this class not only fun but deadly if you build the right character.
- The Guardian has a prime focus with lightsaber proficiency giving the player an attack bonus during turns. Having that will make any lightsaber fight easier and make you deal more damage with every swing.
- The Guardian lastly excels in force powers also. Skills like force push, force valor, and force speed can be used in combination with lightsaber abilities, making this class decent with force powers but not the best. ( still definitely fun to use )
Choose The Jedi Guardian if :
- You're a player who likes lightsaber combat more than force powers. Let's not underestimate the force powers of the guardian. As it's true this class does not have all the force powers like the consular, you still get a decent amount of powers to use.
- If you're looking to last longer in a fight. Like already stated the Guardian starts with 10 vitality per turn having the most out of all the classes. If used with the soldier class players can gain the most health possible becoming a tank if you will.
- If you're ok with having the least amount of skills. Being one of the most fun classes this is also the one class that doesn't have many skills starting out. On the bright side you have skills like treating injury, awareness, and persuasion to help early on.
Jedi Guardian Fun Factor : 97/100
# 1 Jedi Sentinel
What the Jedi Sentinel Excels in
Skills like Force Sense and lightsaber Proficiency :
- The Jedi develops a connection to the Force that allows them to better sense incoming attacks. Force sense grants players a + 2 defense boost at level 4 and see attacks before they happen.
- Lightsaber combat is something the sentinel excels at. Having the lightsaber proficiency skill players can get an increase in damage output per turn.
- Having skills like Jedi defense in combination to the lightsaber proficiency will ensure that you have a + 6 defense rating and then + 32 at max level.
Chose The Jedi Sentinel if :
- You can't make up your mind on whether to use the force more or lightsaber combat more. This class uses both the force and combat very well and has a combination of skills you can use in tangent with each other.
- If you're looking for the most fun possible while still being able to survive battles. This class has a decent amount of force points put into it and is great for surviving battles for a while and still deal damage that ends it!
- Lastly choose this class if you want to embrace your inner sentinel and fight side by side with Bastila wielding a yellow blade like herself. Players can choose this class and make builds base that are similar to her, or the other famous sentinels of that time.
Jedi Sentinel Fun Factor : 99/100
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