Players can try a variety of builds in Star Wars KOTOR. When it comes to the best however these are considered the most powerful in my opinion.
Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic ( KOTOR ) Allows players to create their own character when starting the game. Players are given the choice between three Classes: Scout, scoundrel, and soldier. Each class provides different stats, skills and bonuses.
In addition at a certain point players have to choose between three jedi classes which are: Consular, sentinel, and guardian. The combination of the six classes add for a wide variety of options when building a powerful character in KOTOR.
There are way too many great builds in KOTOR to limit this list to only twelve. In fact, This game seems to have endless variations for character build options. Players can focus on Blasters, Grenades, Lightsabers, and Swords either separately or together. These builds are perfect for players who want to get off of Taris, or deal with the sand people of Tatooine, or want to experience the fun Star Wars fans love!
#12. Jedi Hunter : Best For Taking Down Force Users
What Jedi Hunter Excels in
Strength :
- This should be the highest stat you have, with around 14 to 15 points put into the tree
- Ability to land powerful attacks 80% of the time with gear adding + 3 to + 5.
- If used with flurry maxed out Players can land 3 hits with the same amount of damage in one roll/turn.
Dexterity :
- This should be the second highest stat you have with around 14 to 13 points put into the tree.
- Used with force speed ( maxed out ) you gain + 4 to defense and + 2 in attacks per round.
- Best used with light armor or robes. Gains a bonus of + 4 or + 5 with a minimum dexterity of 18.
Use This Build If :
- You need to take down other force users with ease!
- With powers like Force push, Force speed, and stun Players can defeat opponents and keep them at bay, while taking as little damage as possible. Max these out early on to get the best use from it.
- Using the scout build is best due to implants. The sentinel Build is best due to the +3 modifier you get in strength and dexterity which each level up.
- This build is not for only taking out Jedi. With other powers such as Force Valor, Energy resistance, and Force Aura this build is perfect against any bounty hunter or droid you happen to encounter.
#11. Master duelist : Best For Boss Fights
What Master Duelist Excels in
Wisdom :
- This should be your highest stat at around 15 to 16 points. This lets you use force powers with less restrictions more often.
- Having high WIsdom for this build allows players to also resist force attacks more often that are commonly used during boss fights.
- Using robes as your go to clothing, you can use the bonuses on them to increase your Wisdom to + 9. Example using the Jedi master robes.
Strength :
- This is the second highest stat players should focus on putting 14 points into their tree. This allows Regular attacks or heavy attacks to hit with more damage per turn.
- Using Implants like one that boosts strength makes this build a force to be reckoned with. Because you're a scout, using implants for strength is the best way to make sure you get the most damage output.
- Because this build is about combat. Using the power attack feat early on and maxing it out will ensure your strength in late game stays on par with bosses who deal one hit attacks.
Use This Build If :
- You're looking for a swift Deadly victory. Start as a Scout then choose the guardian class. Focus on Wisdom, Constitution and Strength but don't neglect Dexterity or charisma.
- You play the game solo. Take the dueling feat early on along with the toughness feat and flurry, in order to get the most out of this build.
- If you prefer to attack your enemies first. Used with Force speed and Wisdom Players can use force powers to strike your opponent before using your lightsaber for the final blow.
#10. Force Build : Best for Dealing with Groups of Enemies
What Force Build Excels in
Wisdom :
- This Is the highest stat with a max of 16 points at least 14. Using this with the Consular class makes all your force powers more effective against any force user or enemy you face.
- Because this build does not deal with weapons Players have to rely on high Wisdom and boosts from robes.
- Being able to take out a group of opponents before the battle starts is what the Force build excels in. With abilities like force lighting, force push, and saber throw you are no match against any jedi, or bounty hunter alike.
Use this build if :
- You're a player who prefers using force powers over weapons. Players start out weak and get stronger later on.
- If you're a player who wants to be overpowered late game. Using the right robes and gear will make sure your Wisdom is maxed out to 20.
- If you're the player who wants to experience the full effect of the force. Having more force abilities than the other classes players have a variety of ways of taking down groups without losing teammates.
#9. Obi-Wan Build : Best For Any Player Who Wants To Mimic Obi-Wan's Abilities.
What The Obi-Wan build excels in
- Just like obi-Wan this build uses high Dexterity. Because players pick a scout as one of the classes they get a +3 modifier late game every time they put points into it. ( level 13 ).
- One of the classes players pick is the guardian which gives force jump. This skill is great for reaching your opponent from distance, or if you want to make a hasty escape at the last second.
- If you max out Dexterity ( 16 ) with this build even the most challenging battles will be a cake walk, they might just take longer. You can use the finesse feat for Dexterity to add the missing strength that's lacking from not putting as many points into it.
- Obi-Wan is a master negotiator. This build maxes out charisma to insure late game you use persuasion to advance conversations and avoid unwanted battles.
- Using robes that make players' charisma higher will make this build more powerful, preferably the unique robes. Not you? use light armor that doesn't restrict force powers.
- Skills like Affect Mind, and Force Valor play a big role in the obi-wan build. Having high charisma ( 16 to 15 ) allows players to use force powers both light and dark while losing little alignment.
Use This Build If:
- You're one of the players who love roleplay! Using Speed powers and critical attack, you can be the master of defense as you parry and block most hits while still dealing damage.
- You Prefer a good mix between force powers and lightsaber combat. The Obi-Wan build allows for players to win a fight up close and from a distance.
- If a player who uses Jedi support while your team handles the fights. ( still good solo ) with your high Dexterity and Wisdom, and maybe a shield: Enemies will miss you most of the time giving you more health and time to attack.
#8. Blaster Master Build : Best For Players Who Prefer a good old blaster than a lightsaber.
The Blaster Master Excels in
Resisting Force attacks:
- Because this build uses Charisma ( to resist force powers ) The blaster master is best at shooting from a distance while taking little to no force damage.
- Having Max points in Wisdom lets the blaster master use force powers to Enhance the player's blaster shots, having an advantage on during turns.
- The Jedi Sentinel class makes the blaster master come with a variety of force abilities on hand, light or dark . Having feats such as Force Suppression, and Force Resistance allows players to suppress the opponent's force and resist incoming force attacks.
- Having the main focus for the build being blasters. The Blaster Master comes equipped with feats such as Rapid shot and the implant feat 1 and 2 for free. Use your most powerful blaster and max out 2 hand fighting.
- The Blaster master can use any type of blaster. Rifle, pistol, or a Bowcaster. Because players choose a scout when they start they get equipped with auto feats such rapid shot and sniper shot early on best if maxed out for late game.
Use this build if
- You're a player who prefers blasters over Swords. ( you don't have to avoid swords, they will just be weaker for this build )
- If you're the player who uses their companions for most of the fight. Use this build to wipe out the competition without even getting close enough to be hit.
- Lastly use this build if you're a player looking for something more challenging and different for a change. Lightsabers are cool but we cant leave out the starting weapon you get when you start the game.
#7. Critical strike build : Best For Dealing Crits Early on or late game.
Critical Strike Build Excels in
Using More Immediate benefits early on :
- Because this build forces players to be more wise and take benefits early in the game. They gain an advantage that will allow players to get off of Taris easily by putting points into strength and using crits whenever necessary since crits are the Main focus for this build.
- The class for this build is a scout which gives you the sneak attack ability early on. Great for critical strikes and to deal the most from Crits, max this out before late game.
- Since you can use any Jedi build for this class. You don't have to wait to level your character before you get to Dantooine, which is good for getting those early bonuses, to handle your jedi trials. ( AKA. Juhani )
Use this build if
- If you are a Player who wants bonuses and gear early on. Because this build allows you to crit hit most of the time after Taris later in the game being the most powerful skill you use.
- If you're a player who likes to dual wield any weapon and wear heavy armor. The heavy armor will give you defense while the Strength, Constitution, and Charisma are your go to when you play without a build. These are your main focuses and will make sure you get the most out of it.
#6. Luke Skywalker Build : Best For Light Side Jedi
What the Luke Skywalker Build Excels In
Light side powers :
- Having abilities like force speed, force push, force aura , and force heal makes this build great for fighting the darkside. The sith robes give you Regeneration with force points Especially the master ones.
- Having Max charisma ( 16 or above ) you can save your alignment when darksiders use the force on you. In Combination with force resistance you'll be protected during most turns. Just have a shield on deck in case.
- Being a consular and having sith robes. You can use light dark side attacks and still stay light side since you mainly use light side powers. Having Crystals in your lightsaber also can boost your Skills that was mentioned above.
Use this build if :
- You're a player who wants to bring out their inner skywalker. Roleplay is the third main focus of this build. Using one handed weapons and upgrading them will help use this build best.
- If you're a player who prefers combat over stealth. You could be a guardian for this too ( for force jump ). Or go with what I recommend. Stealth is going to be the one skill that doesn't get a lot of points.
- Blasters just won't cut it. If you want to use the force early on or weapons that help until you get your first lightsaber.
#5. Mace Windu Build : Best for Staying on the Offensive
What the Mace Windu Build Excels in
Lightsaber feats :
- With feats like force jump, lightsaber focus and flurry. This build comes prepared to strike down opponents with vengeance.
- Putting most of the players points into Dexterity, (15) constitution, ( 14 ) and strength ( 12 ) these are the ideal stats to start with to get the most from this build. Using feats like Jedi defense for added Constitution.
- Players can use the lightsaber feat along with the dueling feat. This lets Players get a strength and defense boost during solo duels.
Use this build if :
- You want a light side playthrough but still use dark side powers. Charisma isn't a focus for this build but shouldn't be neglected.
- If you're a player who wants to deal heavy power attacks or light attacks and withstand hits.
- If you're looking to roleplay and strike enemies down with force. lightsaber attacks and the upgrades will help give you the edge you need.
#4. The Canonical Revan Build : Best For Malaik and Playing The Story how it was Meant.
What The Canonical Revan build Excels in
Two weapon fighting :
- Using the dueling feat which gives you + 1 then + 3 at master ( third level ). This in combination with dual wielding lightsabers makes any player fight like two.
- Using the power attack feat which grants + 10 damage at master level and then + 5 at the start, makes this build useful for two hand fighting early game. For best use with this I suggest the soldier class because players get the power attack feat at the beginning of the game.
- Because the two weapon fighting feat reduces a penalty of -6 off hand for both hands that lets players gain the most damage out of their hits.
Use This Build If :
- Playing the game how it's meant is what you strive to do. This build uses everything Revan has. His robes are also in the game which makes this build perfect.
- If you're the Player who always goes dual wield every time. This build mainly focuses on two weapon fighting and all the feats that come with it.
- Lastly, if Wisdom and Force powers light and dark is how you play. Revan has walked both light and dark using both many times, boosting your charisma to reduce the alignment shift.
#3. The Sneak attack build : Best For Avoiding Combat!
What The Sneak Build Excels in
Stealth and Long Range :
- The sneak build Excels in stealth attacks. Starting as a scoundrel, players begin the game with the ability to use sneak attacks without a stealth field generator.
- This build uses long range weapons to have a good balance with stealth. Don't neglect weapons, but rifles, or pistols are a good choice for this.
- Charisma is going to have the second most points added. This will allow for this build to use the luck from charisma to sneak around enemies easier.
Use this build if :
- If players want to take advantage of the stealth skill that most players don't use. As the scoundrel you start out weak in combat but get the most skill points out of all the other classes.
- If you're a player who likes long range combat. The scoundrel class excels at this, using stealth players can pass enemies or
- Players are looking to have more skill points to deal damage in the fights that are unavoidable. With having the more skill points you can add them into feats in dueling or finesse.
#2. Darth Build : Best For Dark Side Users
The Darth Build Excels in
Dark side powers :
- This build is for dark side users. Using dark side robes and the heavy armor proficiency for the sith mask this allows players to fully unleash the dark side.
- Powers such as force slow, drain life, and choke/kill this makes most enemies you fight seem trivial most of the time.
- In combination with the lightsaber feat and two hand fighting players can strike with the force then attack for the kill.
Use This Build If :
- You're a player who uses the dark side naturally. Since this only focuses on the dark side you don't have to worry about making a dark side choice and messing up your alignment.
- If you're the player who wears heavy armor every time. This build requires you to use heavy armor for gear such as the sith mask.
- You're the player who doesn't mind giving up force powers for defense and strength. Heavy armor restricts force powers, so players can rely on strength as their ally.
#1. The Chosen One Build : Best For Fulfilling the prophecy!!
Whats The Chosen One Build Excels in
All around force powers :
- Starting the game as a consular gives this build every force power in the game having more than any class. Using powers from both light and dark every player can have fun without being limited to one side and waiting for the second playthrough.
- Having force jump from the guardian class will help players get across the battlefield just like Anakin during the clone wars. Add force push and force valor and max those out for better use.
- Stats for this build are STR, ( 16 ) DEX, ( 10 ) CON, ( 10 ) INT, ( 10 ) WIS, ( 16 ) and CHR ( 11 ). Having heavy focus with STR and WIS you won't be out classed in a fight in combat or the force.
Use This Build If :
- Anakin is one of your favorite characters. This build is a ton of fun overall and you can add whatever you like to it.
- Robes and light armor are important also with the flurry feat in combination to insure every turn you dont miss out on attacking.
- If you're a player who naturally likes one handed fighting and avoids blasters entirely. The dueling feat and the close combat feat will serve players well early game until their overpowered late game.
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