One of the first buildings a farmer is prompted to build is a coop, and for good reason. Coops can be filled with all kinds of wonderful animals who will bring you food, money, wool, companionship, and a sense of accomplishment. (Side note: Is anyone else glad we don’t have to muck out the coop?) Here are the top seven:
7. White Chicken
Chickens are the game’s starter animal, again for good reason. They are reliable producers, easy to care for, and inexpensive.

Why White Chickens are Great:
- Low maintenance; no special tools needed, just give them love every day and make sure they have food or access to outside
- High reward, they produce eggs or Large Eggs every day
- How to get White Chicken
- Buy at Marnie’s for 800G
- Put an egg in an Incubator
Details: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Chicken
6. Brown Chicken
Brown Chickens give Brown Eggs and Large Brown Eggs.

Why Brown Chickens are great
- They’re cuter than white chickens
- The Animal Bundle at the Community Center will accept a Large Egg as well as a Large Brown Egg.
How to get Brown Chicken
- Buy at Marnie’s for 800G
- Hit ESC and try again if the game prompts you to “select a Coop for your new White Chicken”
5. Void Chicken
It’s a chicken with a goth aesthetic and a cursed past.

Why Void Chickens rock
- They look cool, which is obviously the most important reason
- Their eggs can be turned in to Void Mayonnaise, which is critical to a late game sidequest
How to get Void Chicken
- A Witch will curse one of your eggs and turn it into a Void Egg
- Place the Void Egg in the incubator
Details: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Void_Chicken
4. Duck
They give eggs every 2 days, occasionally drop beautiful duck feathers, and they swim in the pond. Lucrative and adorable.

Why Ducks are awesome
- Duck Eggs and Duck Mayonnaise are valuable
- Duck Feathers are the way to Elliott’s heart and are necessary for the Dye Bundle
- It’s super cute when the ducks swim in the water
How to get Duck
- Ducks will become available when you have a Big Coop
- Buy from Marnie for 1200G
- Put an egg in the incubator
Details: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Duck
3. Rabbit
“These are wooly rabbits!” Marnie’s not wrong. Coop rabbits drop wool every week, and as your friendship with them increases, you could get lucky.

Why Rabbits are great
- They’re adorable
- They drop wool, which can be turned into cloth
- They drop Rabbit’s Feet (just imagine that they knit them, okay?)
How to get Rabbits
How to get Rabbits - Stardew Valley
Details: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Rabbit
2. Blue Chickens
Blue Chickens are…chickens. They give white eggs and Large Eggs. So why are they so cool? Why did they make #2 on our list?

Shane and Charlie, his favorite hen, in a coop full of his famous blue chickens
Why Blue Chickens are amazing
- This means you’ve seen Shane’s 8 heart event!
- Great character development, you’ve done a good thing for ya boy
How to get Blue Chicken
- See Shane’s 8-heart event
- Even the smallest Coop will work
1. Dinosaurs
By hatching a prehistoric egg, it’s possible to raise dinosaurs who are, fortunately, herbivorous and mellow. Life finds a way.
This farmer has been breeding Dinosaurs for over a year
Why Dinosaurs are awesome
- Their eggs and Dinosaur Mayonnaise are valuable
- They’re freaking Dinosaurs!
How to get Dinosaurs
Dinosaur Egg Guide in Stardew Valley 1.4 | All the Ways to Find Them and All Their Uses | Pepper Rex
Details: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Dinosaur
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