Balloons are one of the earliest kinds of accessories you can get in Terraria. It provides the user with extra jump height, along with other effects when combined with different accessories. With the multitude of possible end results, it’s difficult to pinpoint which kind of balloon you’d want to get. That’s why we’ve picked the Top 5 Terraria Best Balloons and how to get them!
5. Amber Horseshoe Balloon
As we mentioned prior, there are different kinds of balloons with varying effects. The Amber Horseshoe Balloon is one of the more defensive kinds of balloons out there and can actually help you when in a pinch. It provides you with the basic jump height increase along with releasing a swarm of bees when you get hit
What’s good about the Amber Horseshoe Balloon:
- Provides both mobility and defensive features in one accessory.
- Gives a health regeneration buff when hit
How to get the Amber Horseshoe Balloon:
- Step 1: Combine the Shiny Red Balloon with a Honey Comb from Queen Bee
- Step 2: Combine the Honey Balloon with a Lucky Horseshoe
Amber Horseshoe Balloon Stats:
- Releases bees and douses the user in honey when damaged
- Increases jump height and negates fall damage
4. Bundle of Balloons
Sometimes, less is more. But not this time. The Bundle of Balloons is literally what it is, a combination of multiple types of balloon accessories into a mega accessory. Depending on your world generation, however, it might not always be possible to craft.
What’s good about the Bundle of Balloons:
- Greatly improves vertical mobility by providing multiple extra jumps, but does not negate fall damage.
How to get the Bundle of Balloons:
- Step 1: Find 3 Shiny Red Balloons, and one of each of the Cloud, Blizzard, and Sandstorm in a Bottle accessories. This part is entirely RNG, you might not be able to get all the materials depending on your world generation.
- Step 2: Combine the Shiny Red Balloon with each of the bottles.
- Step 3: Combine all 3 resulting balloons into the Bundle of Balloons.
Bundle of Balloons Stats:
- Allows the holder to quadruple jump
- Increases jump height
3. White Horseshoe Balloon
The White Horseshoe Balloon, unlike the previous bundle that provides multiple jumps, provides only one extra jump. It has the same jump height as all the balloon accessories but offers a more powerful double jump as compared to the common Cloud in a Bottle.
What’s good about the White Horseshoe Balloon:
- Cancels fall damage
- Provides a decent height on a second jump
How to get White Horseshoe Balloon:
- Step 1: Combine the Shiny Red Balloon with a Blizzard in a Bottle
- Step 2: Combine the Blizzard in a Balloon with a Lucky Horseshoe
White Horseshoe Balloon Stats:
- Allows the holder to double jump
- Increases jump height and negates fall damage
- Total of 25 blocks jump height with both jumps
2. Green Horseshoe Balloon
Many of the double jump items provide an average amount of jump height, but the Green Horseshoe Balloon provides the second-best performance out of all of them. The green variant of the balloon accessories is also very easy to craft.
What’s good about the Green Horseshoe Balloon:
- Cloud in a Bottle and Whoopie Cushions are not hard to find
- Jump height is the second-highest among all balloon items, excluding the Bundle of Balloons
- No fall damage
How to get Green Horseshoe Balloon:
- Step 1: Combine the Cloud in a Bottle with a Whoopie Cushion to make a Fart in a Bottle
- Step 2: Combine the Shiny Red Balloon with the Fart in a Bottle
- Step 3: Combine the Fart in a Balloon with the Lucky Horseshoe
Green Horseshoe Balloon Stats:
- Allows the holder to double jump
- Increases jump height and negates fall damage
- Total of 29 blocks jump height with both jumps
1. Yellow Horseshoe Balloon
Last but not the least, we present to you the Yellow Horseshoe Balloon. This balloon accessory offers the highest second jump among all the balloon accessories and is not at all difficult to make. It’s a very good early accessory to have, as double jump items are still viable when you finally have access to wings in Hardmode.
What’s good about the Yellow Horseshoe Balloon:
- Highest double jump in the game
- Cancels fall damage
How to get the Yellow Horseshoe Balloon:
- Step 1: Combine the Shiny Red Balloon with a Sandstorm in a Bottle
- Step 2: Combine the Sandstorm in a Balloon with a Lucky Horseshoe
Yellow Horseshoe Balloon Stats:
- Allows the holder to double jump
- Increases jump height and negates fall damage
- Total of 37 blocks jump height with both jumps