We are going to see a review of the top 10 best and most played Brawler Comps, and even though they are very similar, we should keep in mind that they are not the same!
10. Tenth place
The tenth place is reserved for 4 Brawler and 4 Blaster comp, which is composed of the Blasters without Miss Fortune and all the Brawlers combined together.
- Brawlers are great at maintaining longer in combat with their strength and doing great crowd control
- Blasters are great at making damage at multiple enemies
- Allies have the application of attack speed every few seconds
- 4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
- 4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
- 2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
9. Ninth place
For the ninth place, we have all 4 Brawlers along with the Blasters without Graves, in a combination with a Rebellion in the team comp for causing more trouble.
- Brawlers are doing the awesome job of protecting and maintaining crowd control
- Blasters cause enormous damage at the enemies
- The Rebellions in the team are gaining extra force
- Allies get bonus attack speed every few seconds
- 4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
- 4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
- 3 Rebels - Each Rebellion at the start of the combat gains 10% Damage and 150 Shield which lasts in the first 8 seconds of the combat
- 2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
- 1 Mercenary - Mercenary has the chance for upgrades for her ability in the shop
8. Eight place
At this place stands the comp which is made of the Brawlers combined with the Blasters without Lucian, and the Space Pirate Gangplank in order to stay on the top of the game!
- Brawlers and Blasters are perfect comps for domination in a combat
- Chance from Space Pirates to obtain more Gold in the game
- Attack speed applied to allies which increases the chances to win the battle
- 4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
- 4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
- 2 Space Pirates - There is a 50% chance for bonus 1 Gold every time a Space Pirates lands the killing blow
- 2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
- 2 Mercenary - Mercenary has the chance for upgrades for her ability in the shop
7. Seventh place
The seventh place is reserved for the Brawlers combined again with the Blasters but this time without Miss Fortune and Gangplank, plus Demolitionist’s Charge in order to activate its Trait.
- Brawlers are maintaining the crowd control and keeping the strength in the combat
- Blasters deal most of the damage to the enemies
- With Demolitionist’s Trait activated, Gangplank bring bonus crowd control and exclusive amount of damage
- 4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
- 4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
- 2 Space Pirates - There is a 50% chance for bonus 1 Gold every time a Space Pirates lands the killing blow
- 2 Demolitionist - Demolitionist’s spell cast stuns the target/s for 1.5 seconds
- 2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
- 1 Mercenary - Mercenary has the chance for upgrades for her ability in the shop
6. Sixth place
In the sixth place, we got the most played and mid-game’s winning comp composed of the Brawlers combined with all the Blasters without Lucian. In this situation, we focus on the champions’ Star level instead of filling all team positions.
- Brawlers are keeping the crowd control and the maintaining till the damage-dealers do their job
- Blasters are the ones who deal the most of the damage to the opponents’ champions
- We focus on getting all the champions of the team to the highest Stars level
- 4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
- 4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
- 2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
- 1 Mercenary - Mercenary has the chance for upgrades for her ability in the shop
5. Fifth place
At this position, we got the Brawlers along with the Blasters without Graves in combination with Kayle to make the opponents regret when they got the chance to combat with the team!
- Brawlers’ and Blasters’ playing together is one triumph mixture
- Valkyries’ Trait activated is one of the strongest shot-to-kill instruments
- Miss Fortunes’ spell with her Traits activated can clear up the enemies’ front
- 4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
- 4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
- 2 Valkyries - Valkyries’ attacks and spells always critically strikes when the target is below 40% Health
- 2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
- 1 Mercenary - Mercenary has the chance for upgrades for her ability in the shop
4. Fourth place
At the fourth place, we got similar comp as 6th place, all the Brawlers combined with the Blasters without Graves this time, and we focus on getting each champion highest level.
- Brawlers are maintaining the crowd control and keeping the strength in the combat
- Blasters deal most of the damage to the enemies
- We focus on getting all the champions of the team to the highest Stars level
- Items and components of the items we get it should be put on the champion who promise the most of getting 3rd Star level
- 4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
- 4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
- 2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
- 1 Mercenary - Mercenary has the chance for upgrades for her ability in the shop
3. Third place
In the third place, we got a very interesting comp. All the Brawlers combined with the Blasters without Graves, and Aurelion Sol to bring the more awesome battle to us and not a kind of offensive one to the opponents.
- Brawlers and Blasters are perfect comp for domination in a combat
- We get to activate the Rebel’s Trait which brings Rebellions extra awesome force
- Plus we get the Starship in our comp which deals more damage to multiple enemies along with the Blasters
- 4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
- 4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
- 3 Rebels - Each Rebellion at the start of the combat gains 10% Damage and 150 Shield which lasts in the first 8 seconds of the combat
- 2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
- 1 Starship - The Starships gain 40 Mana per second and ability to maneuver around the board, immune to movement impairing effects but unable to make Basic Attacks
- 1 Mercenary - Mercenary has the chance for upgrades for her ability in the shop
2. Second place
The second place belongs to the comp combined of the Brawlers along with the Blasters without Graves, plus we put the boy Ekko to cause extra trouble to enemies!
- Brawlers are great at maintaining crowd control and defending the Blasters
- Blasters are great at causing enormous damage to multiple enemies
- And Ekko is the perfect champion to get along with the Blasters at doing great damage to enemies
- 4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
- 4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
- 3 Cybernetics - Each Cybernetic with at least one component or full item gain a bonus of 350 Health and 35 Attack Damage
- 2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
- 1 Mercenary - Mercenary has the chance for upgrades for her ability in the shop
1. First place
The first place is a special one and it needs little more effort to make it. It is combined with the Brawlers and Blasters without Graves, along with Ekko plus the item Force of Nature in order to put Wukong to make the front line unbeatable!
- Brawlers plus Wukong is an unbeatable front line and taking the crowd control to the next level!
- Blasters are great at causing the most of the damage while the enemies are put in control under our Brawlers
- Ekko will cause even greater damage and will be able to fiddle around the enemies’ damage-dealers!
4 Brawlers - Each Brawler gets a bonus of 650 Maximum Health
4 Blasters - Each Blaster fires 5 multiple shots at random enemies on their every fourth Basic Attack
3 Cybernetics - Each Cybernetic with at least one component or full item gain a bonus of 350 Health and 35 Attack Damage
2 Chronos - All allies gain 15% attack speed every 8 seconds of the battle
1 Mercenary - Mercenary has the chance for upgrades for her ability in the shop
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