[Top 5] The Forest Most Dangerous Place To Build

The Forest - Giant Pit
16 Sep 2021

Well, how about it? I used to help you survive in The Forest, but now I’m basically pointing you toward your deaths (or at least where you’ll most likely die.) The peninsula of The Forest is obviously a very cruel and unforgiving setting, but believe it or not, some locations there are more dangerous than others. And since we love covering everything The Forest-wise we wanted to give you the top five most dangerous of these locations.

5) The beach near the shipping containers

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It might seem like a good idea at first to build there seeing as there’s a beautiful beach with beautiful sunsets, suitcases, and land to build in, but don’t you think for one second that you can drop your guard. If you think all that counts for peace and prosperity in The Forest then you haven’t been paying attention.

  • This very beach tends to get progressively crowded with Cannibals and Mutants. And the longer you stay alive, the more they grow in numbers. They’ll start with three on day one, but it amounts to up to a dozen by day 10.
  • The water itself could be compelling as a plan b to escape any attackers, but rest assured that deep into the game, you’ll have the most stressful time trying to frustrate the bigger mutants like the Armsies and Virginias into going away while you’re in the water.
  • It’s a very sweet spot. Everything is clearer under the moonlight, but unfortunately, that also includes you and your base. So, don’t get too cocky if you spot a few cannibals and think that you can prepare for the worst. They saw you way before you saw them.

How to get there (it’s the easiest location to get to without a map and a compass):

  • You’ll have to check the horizon from your spawn location for the snowy mountains.
  • Go exactly the opposite till you find yourself at the beach.
  • Go right. You’ll eventually reach the shipping containers at the beach.

4) Near the plane crash

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Plane crashes are usually the best locations to build around in cannibal-infested islands. I also once saw a rattlesnake mate with a kangaroo. Get it? I’m bluffing you. As soon as you gather everything you can from the plane and the suitcases around it, you better run like hell as far as you can from there.

  • Did you seriously think that hungry cannibals and angry mutants would want to steer clear of a plane crash? For all they know, it could be a human buffet out there. So, they’ll definitely be looking around the crash.
  • Most of the plane crash’s locations tend to be isolated in a way that keeps you from scouting your surroundings well. So, in case anything wanted to come at you, it’ll most definitely catch you off guard. Trust me. You don’t want that. Not in The Forest.
  • It’s really depressing to look at.

How to get there:

  • You literally spawn there.

3) Riverside in the Fertile Lands

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Aah! The Fertile Lands. A river to get water from, trees, plants, and food everywhere. But little did you know that you’re not at the top of the food chain anymore out there, did you?

  • Crocodiles, yeah. It’s full of crocodiles out there. You just won’t survive them. Especially not at night.
  • Speaking of night, even if it weren’t infested with prehistoric lizards, it still wouldn’t be the perfect place to have a stroll. It gets really dark because there’s always cover from the trees. So, moonlight won’t help you either.
  • Cannibals in The Forest treat the hills in the Fertile Lands like they’re some kind of playgrounds, and they go there in big numbers.

How to get there (using a map and a compass):

  • The Fertile Lands are basically a big region in the south-east of the peninsula.
  • Go in that direction till you find yourself in great hills beside a rocky river.

2) Main Cannibal Village

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I mean do I really need to explain this one? It’s not really rocket science. You either build in the Main Cannibal Village, or you live. 

  • Waves of cannibals will come at you at a faster rate while you stay here.
  • They’ll mostly come in great numbers and with their meaner chieftains, or big bad mutants.
  • Your enemies tend to chase you the most if they find you in one of their villages.

How to get there (using a map and a compass)

  • Getting there shouldn’t be so hard if you have both the map and the compass on you. You just need to head south-east of the peninsula until you find a very large village with a huge fireplace.
  • Alternatively, you could just die. Death is only permanent the second time it happens after you save in The Forest. The first time around, a scene will be triggered where two cannibals are dragging you by your feet until you pass out. You wake up later only to find yourself hung by your feet in a cave right under the Main Cannibal Village. There’s a rope that you can use to climb up.

1) The Snowy Mountain area

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This location is so dynamic and confusing that it may as well have been designed by George R.R. Martin himself. It’s very beautiful although cold and bleak at day, but at night, even the small white rabbits will give you the creeps.

  • It’s already well established that it’s a very cold setting to settle in. So, if you’re not prepared with gear and warm clothes, you just won’t survive the weather without immediate shelter.
  • Surprise, surprise. Cannibals and Mutants roam these lands. So, in case you survived hypothermia, you better be ready to hypo-run your butt to safety before they catch you out there in the dark.
  • Wildlife is also a reason to avoid building in the northern part of the peninsula. Boars are always hanging around, and boy are they dangerous!

How to get there (using a compass):

  • You just use your compass to find your north and you journey there.

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