What are the best weapons in The Forest?
Have you ever been out gathering resources and enjoying the sounds of nature when you suddenly realize that dusk is fast approaching? What if you were surrounded by a pack of cannibals, what would you do? Here is a list of the best weapons and where you can find them so that next time you find yourself fighting off a bomb happy cannibal or a giggling maniac, you can survive it!
Top Ten Weapons in The Forest and How To Find Them:
10. Bow and arrows
The Modern Bow, Archery at it's finest.
The bow and arrows are one of the first weapons you will want to craft when you start on your journey to get Timmy back. With wood, rope, and cloth you will have a makeshift bow and wood plus feathers from slain birds to make your arrows.
A recent item that came to the forest is the Modern Bow, I am in love with this weapon. It didn’t come easy either, but it’s my favorite ranged weapon since you can coat your arrows with poisons to slow enemies down or ignite your arrows to set the cannibals and mutants alight!
You can find this bow at the bottom of the Sinkhole in Cave 7 (for those of you who keep track of names). Beware though, you will need a rebreather and nerves of steel since two Virginias, yes TWO, plus some babies roam the entrance to this cave. You can find a resourceful guide through this YouTube video!
How to get the Modern Bow
9. Katana
Decapitate your enemies with the Katana!
Nothing beats slashing your enemies with the sharpened edge of your katana. While ranged weapons make sure you stay at a reasonable distance, you may need something that can protect you when things get out of hand and those cannibals are in your personal bubble trying to snack on you! Or, you know, when the Cowman tries to run you over like a human bowling pin.
This weapon is not only fast but deals a good chunk of damage which makes up for it having very little to do in terms of blocking.
In the update V1.06 the Katana is found at the end of a very long tunnel in Cave 1 at the knees of a businessman, where previously it was outside one of the caves stuck within a crucified passenger. Take care not to stray from the main path or you may find yourself dancing with an Armsy! Here is a guide on how to easily find the katana.
How to get the Katana.
8. Chainsaw
Nothing beats the sound of a roaring chainsaw in the morning.
The mighty chainsaw! A versatile weapon that everyone should put on their list of first items to go cave diving for! Not only can you use it as a weapon, albeit a low damaging one, it can be used to quickly bring trees down!
You can find this chainsaw at the third cave on a table of mutilated bodies. Always fun finding mutilated bodies because that normally means some mutants or cannibals are nearby!
How to get the Chainsaw.
7. Bombs
How fun would it be to stick that on a Mutant?
Bombs are a staple when it comes to fighting groups of cannibals or even the mutants! They do a decent amount of damage with the blast, plus some can set your enemies on fire! Don’t you love the smell of roasting cannibal in the morning?
Fire, whether through bombs or arrows, are good against your mutant foes as well. The only drawback is that you can make only a set number of bombs and you need to have good aim. The satisfaction you get when you make your enemy blow up or catch on fire is satisfying though!
Here’s a guide on how to make some bombs that you can use in your next fight!
How to make the bombs.
6. Modern Axe
Versitile and dependable, an axe that slays and gathers your resources!
Another one of the must have early grabs in cave diving! This axe is not only an effective weapon, more so that the plane axe and the crafted axe, it is also better to use for chopping down trees as you use less stamina with this weapon than the crafted axe. You can find this weapon in Cave 2 or the Hanging Cave... I’ll let you discover why it is called that.
This weapon has a slower speed than the plane axe but deals a decent amount of damage while utilizing a medium amount of stamina. Not only that, but it is capable of blocking 90% of cannibal’s attacks! This lets you regroup if you need to.
Here is a guide to getting the modern axe quickly!
5. Upgraded Spear
Sometimes, the only way to survive is to get primitive!
If you’re not ready to get the Katana this is an underused replacement. An upgraded spear is just a weak spear fixed with some cloth and bones to give it a deadly edge. Almost every item can be upgraded, but this is one you will want as a backup early on. It’s never a bad idea to have one or two backups to help you take down enemies quicker! I know when I play this that my first cannibal kill usually goes towards making this spear while I work to get ready to go cave diving!
This spear is very quick! About 80.5% in terms of speed (8.5 bars) and 6 bars of damage, so in terms of fighting single cannibals it is an excellent first weapon that is quick and deals a good amount of damage!
If you need a guide to making this kind of spear, here it is!
How to make the Upgraded Spear.
4. Flintlock Pistol
Old yet deadly, this pistol is not just an antique!
This is one of the harder weapons to get since it is separated into eight parts. You will need to travel around the island, blowing up caches to gather these parts along with old gun ammo! This gun has a slow reload time, but its power is a 10 out of 10! One of the stronger weapons in the game, it makes fighting mutants and cannibals a bit easier.
Reload. Aim. Fire! Knock those mutants and cannibals back a peg or two while dealing some nice damage! While I wouldn’t suggest just using this weapon, especially against multiple opponents, you can interchange it with the katana or a bow to deal the finishing blows. Plus, everyone loves a treasure hunt!
The video provided will show you how to find the pieces to the gun.
How to find the flintlock pistol.
3. Molotov
The poor man's grenade comes in handy against cannibals and Mutants!
We already know fire is a good way to rid ourselves of these monsters, so obviously we should craft ourselves a couple “poor man's grenades”! Have some booze and a cloth? That’s all you need! Not the best weapon to use in a surprise attack, as it is slow to employ, but if you have the time, it can be very effective.
The traditional light and toss are not the only way to use the Molotov Cocktail though, they can also be used to create traps or simply carried around as a torch.
How to make the molotov.
2. Club
Two types of clubs, both great at bashing the skulls of cannibals!
Clobber them! The clubs will be one of your earlier weapons as you can craft them or get them from killing certain cannibals! The Cannibal Club is slow but deals a great chunk of damage while the crafted club is slightly faster. Both can block a reasonable amount of damage as well.
While the Cannibal Club may look cooler, with its rotting head and arms, it doesn’t have the speed you would want if you are fending off cannibals. So, I would recommend the crafted club in its place since they do the same amount of damage, but at a faster rate! Below we have a video for how to craft a club!
How to get and craft the clubs.
1. Plane Axe
The first weapon you get, the faithful and trusty Plane Axe!
The first thing you ever find for a weapon. Your partner through it all. The plane axe will be your best friend as your start out in your struggle for survival and journey to find your son. It will be a way to light the darkness and cut down your first enemies.
The plane axe has minimal damage and speed, but it still gets the job done when you are first starting out. Plus, you can block with it and chop down thin trees for leaves and sticks! Starting out in The Forest can be nerve wracking so you will certainly feel better with having this weapon by your side.
How to find the Plane Axe.
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