If we take a different approach to how the game is played, you’ll soon find that the sandbox nature of the game allows for an unlimited amount of free time, and so for those not in a hurry to kill and finish the bosses in this game, you’ll find your zen in building amazing structures in places you feel fits your ideal vision of a Viking world. Since this game has that old, RPG feel, it’s only natural that the first builds you’ll think of doing is a castle.
Now, there are many kinds of castles, from our usual 4 corner wall type of castle, to winding clustered forts that can be used by a number of people that can house a number of function. You’ll only be limited by your creativity (and the occasional workbench/stonecutter range) and for this list, we’ll be looking at some of the most creative builds that shapes how a castle should look or even function.
As with all Valheim lists, this was written at the time of the games’ latest version (Hearth and Home Update, version 0.207.20). For this list, the builds range from single castles to a fort complex. I’ve also avoided compilation videos as I’d like to share the spotlight on the builds -one by one. This list is in no particular order.
10. Personal Castle Build (Vetlive)
A build that in essence is a small house with an annexed stone rectangle and some land, but don’t jump to the conclusion that it means it’s a boring castle with no substance. If anything, this is a pretty decent base with lots of potential to switch it up when you do copy the inside pathways or try to do changes like use the inside land as a farm. As a huge bonus, the upper walkway is a scouting area for enemies that may damage your building, but for the most part it just serves as a lookout area for the view.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Easy to follow design
- Can be expandable in use
- Simple perimeter layout
9. Castle Wall Build (Bobdahfishh)
This is a bit more challenging for beginners as Valheim doesn’t play nice with curves when doing a build, but that’s going to be a non-issue for those who can quickly get to grips with Valheim’s snap-based construction… or exactly follow the video above. This build to me resonates more of a lookout post type of build in the castle, meaning the center area is really up to your discretion to what you may put in there, whether it’s a central tower, a small house, or a loot area. The largely stone-based build is also double-layered in that it’s perimeter wall has a wall perimeter in it primarily for the walkway above, but that extra ring unknowingly is another wall meaning if somehow the first wall breaks, there will be another side of the wall to hold whatever is outside off.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Curvy design for appeal
- Central space is big for whatever you may fit in it
- Walkway for scouting enemies
8. Classic Castle Build (Unknown Faction)
With the whole thing being a square area with circular towers, the castle we have here is sturdy and straightforward in their design, perfect for those who just want a castle to add to their world and not wanting to do a lot of design work. A disclaimer to this build is that this build was done with a free mode command, but seeing how it’s done, it’s still possible to build in normal scenarios, but it will take a lot, and I mean a lot, of stone. Once you work out the logistics of the stone, next would be the ration of Iron to be used to support the castles stone upper floor, and the amount will depend on the size you set this build to, but for the one in the video, you’ll need a lot of those, so prepare to set a trip to multiple Swamps for that to happen. When all is said and done, you’ll have a good castle that can fit in any biome that would add more to the old style aesthetic that Valheim has to offer.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Straightforward build
- Very sturdy support for the build
- Versatile plan for expansions inside
7. Sexy Castle Build (Timo_Redbeard)
This is a build that showcases how to make the tiny details of your castles’ walls, namely accenting the build to show depth or create shapes in windows that should be impossible with Valheim’s current selection of building items. Piece them together and you’ll be able to get the quirky, good-looking castles you think when you go for castle designs with a certain European flare. While it doesn’t show a full build at the end, it does show some examples of how all of these techniques come together, allowing for a unique set of design elements that can enhance the surrounding biome you choose to build your castle in.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Amazing design
- Creates seemingly complex shapes using default material types
- Ideas can be translated into big or small castle builds
6. Survival Castle with Lox Farm (JJ the builder)
While castles can be barren at most in terms of usage of the land or structures they are in, this one maximizes the space allotted by the build to create a multipurpose complex that has the shape of a fort. Inside the perimeter are supposed aesthetic choices such as crops, but as the video mentions, it can be turned into a little farm for personal needs as well as a coal making area for all the ores you’ll collect. Towards the inside parts of the castle, they are sectioned off to different functions, where one can be a treasure room, the other, a room serving as your personal quarters, and one as a blacksmith/workstation area for your metal repairs. Function-wise, it’s jam packed with stuff like the steps leading to the balconies having smartly integrated portals for easy travel, a room that leads to your Longship for water traveling, and a Lox farm at the side to get meat or tame for riding that adds to the functionality a survival mode build should offer. This build is as efficient as it is clean to look at, with items being relatively easy to get with it mostly being the stone needed to make the stone walls and general shape of the base and that makes this castle build idea something to consider when building a function heavy base for your Viking.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Unique, elegant build
- Extremely function heavy
- Smart design allows for maximized space
5. Large Castle Build (The Pilgrimz Project)
With Valheim having tons of items and building materials available, to make a castle that utilizes most of it with a few interesting and clever accents makes for such a unique build to have. An example of this is the beehives on top of the castle walkway, allowing you to utilize the vertical space this castle brings while being functionally useable for survival. One more standout to this build is a little opening on the second hole that is described as the ‘murder hole’ allowing you to shoot enemies with relative safety should a few mobs invade you. While the space isn’t as plentiful as other castle builds, it’s just enough to keep a modest enough footprint for all the essentials, and that is what some players may want. If you want a build that maximizes the space given, then you can follow the lengthy time-lapse and follow it until completion.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Large yet compact build
- Unique use of materials as accents and furnishing
- Allows for some combat specific extras to help with defending with safety
4. Island Castle Build (Valheim Castle & Medieval City Builds)
While this build doesn’t have a proper tutorial, a few big takeaways from this build is its emphasis on size. From the throne room to the banquet area, the space is king and for a king in a castle vibe, it should be as such. Some amazing insignia work has been done in the walkways in the castle giving the impression that you’re living in the space of nobility, which is what castles generally give a vibe off. With the sheer amount of things being done in this build, this may be problematic with lower end PCs to navigate in, but this build was taken a few months back, and by this time, Valheim’s optimization has some improvement making this build not painful to walk around in. Still, if you want to have a project that uses that tiny island that is just sitting somewhere in your world, then make that the perfect castle grounds for the high and mighty.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Huge, solid design for an isolated island castle
- Wooden insignia adds to the look and character
- Large spaces to maneuver easily
3. Mountain Castle Build (Xirotegnicrev)
This castle, given by its size screams grand. From winding stone stairs that snake towards the entrance to the cavern-like maze that is the inside pathways, there is not a single thing that feels out of place when talking about a castle. When you factor in that night time and a blizzard also occurs in this game, the Mountain castle build just makes so much sense for an aesthetic build that should be fit in a large scale server. This can still be done by a single person, but prepare to invest a lot of time and resource to gather what you need to replicate such a build, and this is more or less either a community build, or a build where commands and shortcuts are a must. Either way, this big snowy build is one of the best examples of a castle you can imagine on top of the peaks of the Mountains.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Long winding walkways and stairs
- Utilizes the natural look of stone with the Mountain face
- Thematically accurate build
2. Double Layer Meadows Castle Build (Dare to Game)
This is a standard rectangular castle that you’ll be familiar with, with the biggest difference is that there is technically 2 of these castle walls. With an outer wall being the primary safety net for this base, it also has been raised making for only one good entry point for anyone wanting to invade this castle, and even that isn’t a guarantee that you can get to anyone as the inner perimeter has stairs leading to the upper level with walkways to all four corners of the base where each post serves as a lookout tower. Not much to say as there isn’t much furnishing but that’s also a good thing as you can make it any type of style you want. Still a good looking castle idea and unlike some builds, its fair in its material requirements which, let’s be honest, is just a metric ton of stone.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Simple, tested design
- Heavy priority on defense
- Flexible in furnishing
1. Sky Castle Build (Arch G)
If you want to take convention out the window, this castle is literally sky high. Building something above ground is a tough task as Valheim is fairly good with its build physics, where builds need to be stable in foundation, or simply put, grounded, so how does this build defy that physic? The answer is use the grounds properties. You see, this game recognizes the ground as a stable platform and there is a way to raise ground, and even if you cut off the connection of the ground to the raised ground, the game will still know it’s ground, retaining its properties of being buildable, despite it ‘floating’. With that said, you’ll only be given a limited size to make something, and so this build is a more artistic piece where the only useable area is just a raised/lowered area that is similar to a circular hut. When you do finish this build, you’ll be able to get a good view and proudly say that you have built a castle that is on another level.
What’s Great About This Design?
The great standouts for this build are the following:
- Aesthetic build
- Amazing view on top
- Portals entry allows the access to the castle to be a secret
There you have it, some examples of what creativity and utilization can get you in this game. While there are far more impressive builds out there, the amount of time and resources needed is only possible if you use console commands or a very large community that is willing to spend countless hours on the project to make it possible. Perhaps we’ll see those types of builds in another time, but for now, these are the more realistic builds you can do for your world, and again, a great selection at that. When all is said and done, you’ll be sitting on top of your creation and feel the power of a king/queen who has an empire he/she can be proud of… or an empty wall.