Beyond the mighty armor tanking up your food buffed stats, and the weapons you use to slay the beasts and bosses you encounter, one of the most vital pieces to your survival are the shields you choose in the game. In this list, we’re going to tackle them one by one as there are only 9 shields in the game so far, with each having its purpose in different phases of the game but we’ll split them up to their subsections to get an idea of all of them based on material tier.
As with the previous lists, this was created using the latest version available at the time of writing (version 0.155.7). The list is ranked worst to best, with figures taken from base numbers so you’ll know the natural progression of your shield upgrades. So hold your ground and raise your armory, as we make our way to the best defensive shield the game has to offer.
6. Wood Shields
Wood Tower Shield
A lot of the shields on this list share the same identity and nuances as their stronger counterparts, so to kick off the tower shields, we start with the Wood Tower Shield. This hulking tree scrap turned entry defender is good for blocking the earliest of enemies… and that’s about it. It lacks the parry mechanic of the game which is an absolute lifesaver (especially for stronger mobs and trading) and is the reason why it’s far down this list. Being a tower shield especially, it also gives more of a movement speed penalty compared to the round shields of the game (though all shields do slow you down anyways). If you want to do consistent blocking and want to upgrade it, check the chart below.
You can craft it by combining:
- 10 Wood
- 6 Leather Scraps
To get it fully upgraded you’ll need to upgrade your workbench as well, and if you’re doing that, you’d probably have access to much stronger shields anyways. The saving grace of this tier of shield? Some style and customization.
It’s one of the few items in Valheim that you can somewhat customize, meaning you can check if someone “borrowed” your shield after putting it in the inventory. With that being said, have a look below.
Unfortunately, looks don’t match up to performance with this shield as it can do as much as it could against the basic Meadow mobs, but anything above that will be a tower of pain, as you’ll be slow to run away and can’t have the ability to parry for a counter-attack.
- Customizable
- Cheap to make early
- Ok blocking for early mobs
Wood Shield
Now we go to the smaller version of the Wood Tower Shield, the (spoiler) Wood Shield. Arguably being the same as the previous entry, it’s better in that you get to have a parry amplifier. What that means is that if you block the enemy at just the right time, you get to have a moment where they flail around and receive bonus damage when you strike them. Already looking more useful than just blocking damage, the rounded shield also has decent enough stats that go with it. Have a look below.
You can craft it by combining:
- 10 Wood
- 4 Leather Scraps
- 4 Resin
It just differs in that it’s a lighter, more manageable wooden shield that can get you some bonus damage compared to its taller counterpart. Pretty much the only thing that has changed vs making the tower shield is the need for Resin, which is easily attainable from chopping some small trees and at times being dropped by mobs. Movement speed penalty is also better as you only get a 5% reduction vs 20% on the tower making it better for kiting away unwanted enemies, and that 5% carries over to every round shield in this game (more on that later).
Also, like the Wood Tower Shield, it has a few styles to choose from when you craft as seen down below
It sums up to be a better overall package despite a lower block amount, and one that many would lean into for roaming the early parts of your world. What it offers is just better compared to the tower shield, and that’s the protection you need to get through the start of your journey.
- Customizable
- More versatile compared to the Wood Tower Shield
- Parry is a plus
5. Bronze Shields
Bronze Buckler
A shiny upgrade after the wood tier shields, this is already different in that it’s the first shield you’ll make that requires metal (bronze in this case). It’s a massive boost in terms of blocking power as it’s more than double the block amount compared to the Wood Shield and even the tower shield. It’s also the only shield in this list that does 2x parry mod, meaning it should be double the damage when you counterattack (all the round shields have a 1.5x multiplier). More information about the bronze buckler is found below.
You can craft it by combining:
- 10 Bronze
- 4 Wood
Despite being better than the Wood Shields, it’s not completely invincible. You’re not going to progress smoothly beyond the Swamps unless you have a maxed-out shield, but even that won’t be enough at times as higher-level enemies there will still damage you through your shield (a max shield is just about enough for the weakest level Draugr). So for those cave explorations, and Troll blocking needs, the giant coin-looking shield is the one you should immediately get when possible.
- A strong upgrade compared to the Wood Shields
- Can block a lot more mobs up until the Swamp mobs
- The only shield that has a 2x parry mod
4. Iron Shields
Iron Tower Shield
Back to the hulking shields of the game, this one with a bit more metal in it, the Iron Tower Shield pretty much looks like a Wood Tower Shield with steel reinforcement, and it kinda is in a sense. Looking more like its early Wood Shield siblings, it shares the same nuisances as the Wood Tower Shield in that you lose 20% of your movement speed, but thankfully the stats aren’t the same as seen below.
You can craft it by combining:
- 10 Iron
- 15 Fine Wood
While being the same look-wise, it is anything but that as it has a vastly better block value that goes along with it being made of iron. Speaking of looks, it’s also customizable as seen below.
It’s a good item for mid-game mobs such as those in the Swamp area, and maybe beyond, though I wouldn’t take this as a wolf guard anytime soon. Again, I’m personally not a fan of these tower shields, but if you aim to be the dedicated Swamp tanker for the team then suit up and be the iron defender your team needs.
On a side note, this tower shield is the earliest metal tower shield you’ll make (as bronze doesn’t have a tower shield, so far), and to make that requires, you guessed it, iron. Couple that with the fine wood gathered from the white birch trees you’ll find around the meadows and you’ll be able to craft it.
- A huge gap in blocking power to the tower shield below it
- A more reliable shield to tank Swamp creatures
Banded Shield
Wood Tower Shield, Wood Shield, (Bronze Tower Shield), Bronze Buckler, Iron Tower Shield… see the pattern now? Now we talk about the Banded Shield, which is odd considering that the Iron Shield (or Buckler) would have been the next logical name, but either way, it’s a great shield. As the pattern dictates, it’s a smaller version of its tower equivalent offering slightly less block but a better tradeoff with the parry. As stated in the bronze buckler part, its parry mod is 1.5x only but that’s still good as it’s still enough to give a head start (or stab) to your foe’s weakness.
To know what you’re getting from your new iron shield, take a look below.
You can craft it by combining:
- 8 Iron
- 10 Fine Wood
Mobility is the name of the game and like every round shield in this game, it only has a 5% movement speed penalty, and couple that with the blocking power of it and parry status, you’ll be able to do the same things the Iron Tower Shield does, but quicker and better. The scalable parry force is a plus (5% per upgrade) as well as it gives a slight oomph to the next swing you launch on your defenseless enemy.
Honestly, it’s the same pattern of hierarchy for the next shields as choices are limited, and also limited are the styles available for this shield, as seen below.
Like the Iron Tower Shield before it, it’s a good shield in the transition between Swamp and Mountain, and so just be wary of your upgrade level, stats, and stamina and you should be blocking those attacks and you can’t repeat death (unless a misplay happens).
As with the Iron Tower Shield, it’s made of iron and fine wood, so the same guide video applies. Check the video above to visually see how to make the Banded Shield.
- Customizable
- Scalable parry percentage on upgrades
- Good shield for the mid-game
- Parry is a plus
3. Silver Shields
Silver Shield
Going over the same format, the Silver Shield is better than the Banded Shield in that it has a higher block value… and that’s about it. Same Fine Wood amount needed (10), the same number of ores needed too (at 8), and the same need for a forge to craft. That’s the major differentiator between the two. It’s not exactly the most impressive upgrade path but still welcomed. The stats across the board does say Banded Shield + 15% (base block) as seen below.
You can craft it by combining:
- 8 Silver
- 10 Fine Wood
To be fair, even an upgraded Banded Shield is still weaker than the Silver Shield, so it doesn’t sound as minuscule in upgrade path in that regard. It’s considered a better shield as that extra blocking power is also the difference between taking a few more wolf attacks in your run towards the mountains and taking a bit more chip damage towards death, assuming the elements haven’t killed you first.
Speaking of mountains, the silver needed for it to be crafted are found here, and while it may be a pain to get, it also gives you access to good weapons that complement it, and with the standard 1.5x parry mod, makes it good as an overall package.
- Ore needed also accesses good weapons that go with it
- A better shield based on block value vs an upgraded Banded Shield
- Parry is a plus
2. Serpent Shields
Serpent Scale Shield
Finally, something that is completely different. The Serpent Scale Shield is already the most unique-looking shield on this list while being a nimble alternative towards the tower shields in this list. Again, it’s a tower shield meaning you will suffer from a movement speed penalty but what makes this different again is that it only reduces your movement speed by only 10% (again, tower shields slow you by 20%). To see all the differences this teardrop-shaped shield makes, check the chart below.
You can craft it by combining:
- 10 Fine Wood
- 4 Iron
- 8 Serpent Scale
Not only does it slow you down less, but compared to the other tower shields, it’s also more durable, meaning, in longer runs, you’ll see the Forge less for repairs. It’s got decent blocking power for what it is and has the looks that can terrify any enemy (sadly on the looks department only). On the material front, it also only requires Fine Wood and surprisingly, Iron. Compared to the silver from earlier so it’s a cheaper commodity to farm up, and is on a less dangerous area to farm in the Swamp compared to the Mountain.
So it’s lighter, more durable, has more blocking power compared to the previous tower shield, and looks cool, so why is it just here on the list? Well, being an item in need of Serpent materials, specifically Serpent Scales, it’s just an absolute pain to get. Just the scouting of a single Serpent is already a chore, let alone killing it. Even with that aquatic task done, you may not be able to have the scales needed as the drops are randomized, so be mindful of your time as it will surely waste a lot of it.
When you do get the shield after a painstaking expedition into the deep blue, you’ll be treated with the most versatile and coolest looking tower shield in the game, and that’s something to brag about to your Viking friends. Just be prepared to cry all over again if you wish to upgrade it, and those tears will be as salty as the sea you’ll sail in. Safe Voyages!
- Lightest tower shield in the game
- Most durable tower shield in the game
- Coolest looking tower shield in the game
1. Black Metal Shields
Black Metal Tower Shield
Now we’re moving into the two best shields in the game, Black Metal Shields, and we start with the tallest of the bunch, the Black Metal Tower Shield. Being made from the best ore in the game, it also translates into having the best stats as this hulking shield has the highest block amount at 105 base block.
To give context to how far we have come since the start, the Wood Tower Shield was only at 35 block at base value, meaning it’s 3 times better than the weakest tower shield. In the game, it means that you can negate the damage of almost every, if not all the mobs present in the game so far, and if survivability is the name of the game, then this is the best blocking shield in the game.
If you want to see what the upgrades and base stats can offer you, here’s the chart below.
You can craft it by combining:
- 10 Black Metal
- 15 Fine Wood
- 7 Chains
If you want to make this shield, it’s a bit more complex compared to the others on the list as you’ll need to gather Chains, which are found in the crypts inside the Swamp areas or, if you’re lucky, on the outside spawn area chests of the Swamp near body pile spawns. I would lean towards the former as it’s much easier to guarantee. Other than that, the Black metal scraps needed are found in the Plains by killing the Fuling, and you’ll definitely need the strong armor and weapons to survive against them. Other than that, you should be on your way to this mighty defense item.
An intriguing thing as well is that the Black metal shields are also customizable, which is generally absent from the other metal shields. So if you want to show the mobs who killed their friends, you can make it personal(ized). Have a look at the choices below.
Again, despite being the best blocking shield, it can’t get away from the drawbacks of the tower shield, with it slowing you down at 20% and not having access to the parry system, but if you want to be the human meat shield for the team (or just not wanting to get hit) then look no further than the rugged Black Metal Tower Shield.
- Highest block value shield in the game
- Upgrades make it even stronger in blocking power
- Customizable
Black Metal Shield
Now we have reached the peak of what a shield should be, strong but versatile, hard to get but strong to use, and generally the best overall package a shield offers this game, the Black Metal Shield. Like the tower counterparts below it, this rounded shield is the best for many use cases, as it’s in no way a slouch in blocking power while also having a parry mod tacked into its defenses. For stats, here it is down below.
You can craft it by combining:
- 8 Black Metal
- 10 Fine Wood
- 5 Chains
Really for most players, it’s the best shield to partner their strong weapon of choice (most of them also being made of Black metal). It’s simply a better package for a lot of scenarios if that scenario is mostly 90% fighting and trading with the biggest and strongest enemies. Again, it all comes down to the parry mod as it amplifies whatever weapon you wield with the shield, and if we’re dealing with bosses and the worst creatures possible that can kill you, then it will be the biggest difference in your gameplay.
Lastly, similar to the Black Metal Tower Shield, you also have customization options to create the look of your best shield in the game, albeit limited, but still nice nonetheless.
Like the Tower Shield as well, the same videos from the Black Metal Tower Shield also apply, so if you want the how-to on video form, check the same video like the one above.
- Best overall shield in the game
- Costs less to make than the tower shield
- More maneuverable and is great for a wider playstyle
There’s not much you can do with 2 types of shields and the list may come off as boring, but in terms of the progression, it’s the optimum path you’d take in this scenario. Getting back to the list, if we’re looking at raw block value, you’d pretty much swap the places of the round and tower shields with one another, with the tower shields being above the round shields in this scenario. While that seems to be the better call, it also puts you in a spot where you miss out on a mechanic that gives you the satisfaction of challenging and battling the mobs you seek to hunt towards the bosses.
No matter how you flip the list, this game still gives you the very thing that makes it fun, options. Whether you want to be the main defender of the team or the tactical parry master, it doesn’t have to take away the fun aspect of the entire experience playing Valheim, and I guess that’s the best way to end it. Have fun with the challenge that the world gives you, no matter the style, and just keep yourself safe against those mobs. No worries, you can do this all day.