When you kill a mob, you’re looking at getting some good loot, but one of those is more representative of the thing you killed, the trophy. It’s a nice way to show off how many mobs you killed and for the most part, is propped up on item stands to show off to your Viking friends or integrate into a themed build or design choice. While usually a throwaway item after you have done your builds, some trophies have more importance than others, and most especially the boss trophies.
With that in mind, we’ll be separating the trash from the craftable treasures you’d get from keeping these, as well as shining a light on the purpose of killing the boss and getting their trophies, which is getting the powers they hold, and understanding how it helps you.
As with all Valheim lists, this was written at the time of the games’ latest version (Hearth and Home Update, version 0.206.5) with the list covering trophies that are used beyond decorative purposes.
10. Deer Trophy
The most basic of the basics, the Deer is the first mob with a meaningful trophy use, specifically making a specific weapon and something far more important.
What’s Good About the Deer Trophy?
While all the other trophies, including this one, are mostly decorative pieces, the Deer Trophy is among the few trophies that have a purpose apart from being held onto a wall as seen below.
Deer Trophy:
- Makes the Stagbreaker
- Summons the Eikthyr
- The mob doesn’t attack you
The easiest to execute in terms of mob trophies is the Deer as it isn’t hostile and runs away from you when you try to get too close, which is itself a challenge as if the Deer notices you or move too quickly towards it, it will outrun you, leaving you little to no chance of killing it for its trophy. When you do kill it, the Deer Trophy is very versatile as it’s a component that creates the weapon Stagbreaker, which is an AoE hammer, perfect for Skeletons in the Black Forest. However, the most important use for the trophy is the need for these to summon the first boss, Eikthyr. No matter what you do to the spawn area of Eikthyr, if you don’t have these trophies, you will not be able to kill the boss and get its trophy (more on that later). To progress the game, this is understandably the most important trophy in that regard.
The best way to get the Deer Trophy is by a ranged attack, via a bow and arrow, or a well-placed spear throw. If you don’t have either and rely on melee attacks, then the only way to effectively get it is to sneak behind it and quickly hit a combo to hope that your chosen weapon will kill it. This is the easiest trophy to obtain and will probably stay that way for quite a while.
How to Get the Deer Trophy?
Deer Trophy:
- Go around the Meadows biome to find a Deer
- Use a bow or spear for a better chance (Ranged)
- Sneak with your preferred weapon (Melee)
- Aim and hit it to kill and check if the trophy drops
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Deer Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Meadows
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Summoning, Crafting
- Trophy Drop Rate: 50%
9. Skeleton Trophy
This previously useless trophy was given a new lease of life in the Hearth and Home Update and now is among the few trophies that can get you something meaningful.
What’s Good About the Skeleton Trophy?
Back then this was something you’d want to throw out, but now it’s a nice, niche crafting component as seen below.
Skeleton Trophy:
- Common in Black Forest crypts
- Relatively easy with the right weapons
- Makes the Bone Tower Shield
It’s a single-purpose trophy for now, but considering this was just junk a few months ago, I’d say it’s a welcomed change. Skeletons are as frequent as finding Deer at times, and more so if you find a crypt named the Burial Chamber in the Black Forest, which also houses some important smelting components. Keep in mind as well that a larger, more dangerous Skeleton, the Rancid Remains has a different trophy, so like the trophy before its current change, that would only be either a decoration piece or another trash heap. Once you gather a few skeleton trophies, you should be able to make the niche Bone Tower Shield which is an amazing-looking shield that is on a class of its own as it’s the only bone weapon/shield available.
How to Get the Skeleton Trophy?
Skeleton Trophy:
- Go around the outskirts of the Black Forest area to find them
- Alternatively, find a Burial Chamber in the Black Forest
- Kill to get a chance to obtain the trophy
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Skeleton Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Meadows, Black Forest
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Crafting
- Trophy Drop Rate: 10%
8. Draugr Elite Trophy
A dangerous mob that can kill you easily if you’re not careful, the Draugr Elite Trophy is something you should prepare to get, especially for the rewards it boasts.
What’s Good About the Draugr Elite Trophy?
While Draugr’s are common in the game, the Draugr Elite is a little less so, therefore the benefits of getting one are better thanks to the rewards you’ll get listed below.
Draugr Elite Trophy:
- Makes the Iron Sledge
- Draugr Elite also drops Entrails for cooking
Admittedly more limited than the previous entries but again not every trophy is useful in the game. You’re more likely going to find them in crypts by the Swamp biome than being out and about in the field, apart from their spawners, which can also be a likely place to farm as well. When you do separate the regulars from this elite variant, which also have its trophy, and get their head in your inventory, they should be able to give you the option to build the Iron Sledge, which is a more powerful AoE hammer compared to the Stagbreaker, and that helps when traversing through the dangers this biome has. In case you didn’t get the trophy home, you’ll likely take the consolation prize of their guts and cook up some sausages on your cooking station. Food or a weapon, that’s the luck of the draw.
How to Get the Draugr Elite Trophy?
Draugr Elite Trophy:
- Go to the Swamp biome and search for them
- Alternatively, go in a Sunken Crypt and find them there
- Kill to get a chance to obtain the trophy
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Draugr Elite Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Swamp
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Crafting
- Trophy Drop Rate: 10%
7. Wolf Trophy
This Wolf is well worth their fur for the use it will give you for Mountain runs as the armor piece it creates will help you use one item less for Mountain survival.
What’s Good About the Wolf Trophy?
While all the other trophies, including this one, are mostly decorative pieces, the Deer Trophy is among the few trophies that have a purpose apart from being held onto a wall.
Wolf Trophy:
- Makes the Wolf Fur Cape
- Wolf Fur Cape grants Frost resistance when traveling to the Mountains
To complete the Wolf Armor Set, you’ll need to obtain the Wolf Trophy and that means killing off a few of these hounds. It’s a necessary part when you need the whole set, as the frost resistance it grants will help you negate the need to make Frost Resistance Mead for casual strolls in the Mountain or longer-term silver mining. Once you do have all the necessary trophies and don’t need more, you can now make any future Wolf you see a companion by taming it unless a whole pack wants to kill you, both of which are for a whole other discussion. I guess when getting the Wolf Trophy, you’ll need a lot of preparation, otherwise, you’ll be fed to the wolves.
How to Get the Wolf Trophy?
Wolf Trophy:
- Go to the Mountains biome and search for them
- Kill to get a chance to obtain the trophy
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Wolf Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Mountains
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Crafting
- Trophy Drop Rate: 10%
6. Drake Trophy
Another Mountain creature with a similar purpose to the Wolf Trophy, the Drake Trophy is more substantial as it creates a core component of the armor you use, the helmet.
What’s Good About the Drake Trophy?
If the Wolf Trophy is for an important, functional cosmetic piece, the Drake Trophy also does the same, but a little more giving to your survivability, mainly, it makes the item listed below.
Drake Trophy:
- Makes the Drake Helmet
- Grants armor and a necessary component for the Wolf Armor Set
- Drake’s other byproduct, the Freeze Gland, is also a flexible resource
Oddly enough, to complete the Wolf Armor Set, you must have a helmet made of small ice dragons. While it may be a bit confusing, what is not confusing is the 20-26 armor that this piece is giving you, and considering that at this stage of the game the mobs are tougher and deadlier, any armor is good for you.
If luck isn’t with you on the trophy drop, then fear not, the other thing Drake’s drop, Freeze Glands, happens to create some excellent items like the weapon Frostner, and even some food like the Eyescream. Either way, when you look at it, the quest for the Drake Trophy can lead to better things for you, just be careful with the Mountains as the aforementioned Wolf can also fight you, giving you a not so frosty time up top.
How to Get the Drake Trophy?
Drake Trophy:
- Go to the Mountains biome and search for them
- Kill to get a chance to obtain the trophy
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Drake Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Mountains
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Crafting
- Trophy Drop Rate: 10%
5. Eikthyr Trophy
Now we are getting to the goal of Valheim, killing bosses, and with it getting their trophies and obtaining their distinct power, and first up, Eikthyr.
What’s Good About the Eikthyr Trophy?
The first boss of Valheim, Eikthyr is a bigger, and much scarier version of a deer, that offers up some significant things for those who will slay it listed below
Eikthyr Trophy:
- A trophy is guaranteed when killed
- Grants increased stamina duration when power is activated
- Eikthyr drops hard antlers to make a pickaxe
Whole new importance to trophies happens when slaying bosses, as not only do you guarantee the trophy but also immediately use the trophies on the Sacrificial Stone to gain the bosses’ respective power. For Eikthyr, the power obtained is increased stamina duration that is helpful when sprinting or jumping. Again, these bosses are your key to progression towards the end, and by killing Eikthyr, you gain an additional loot of hard antlers, which makes the first pickaxe that will help you get metal items.
This is just the first of many powers we’ll get to and shows the real power of trophies in this game, which leads to some nice gameplay possibilities as you can select the kind of power you’ll get from the stones, and that also adds to the charm of this wonderful game.
How to Get the Eikthyr Trophy?
Eikthyr Trophy:
- Find the summon point of the boss
- Sacrifice Deer Trophy to summon the boss
- Kill the boss
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Eikthyr Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Meadows
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Forsaken Power
- Trophy Drop Rate: 100%
4. Elder Trophy
The guardian of this dense forest, the Elder is a giant imposing boss, with an equally huge reward for beating it.
What’s Good About the Elder Trophy?
Another boss from the early game, Elder is a tall, wooden giant that hurts you via the vines, roots, and barbs it summons, and by keeping note of those and slaying it, you’ll be rewarded with the following.
Elder Trophy:
- A trophy is guaranteed when killed
- Grants increased wood cutting damage when power is activated
- Elder drops Swamp Keys to open Swamp crypts
The difficulty of completion depends on your strategy against Elder, and maybe even your bravery as running it down with an axe is indeed a strategy, but one that’s needed to be done with extreme caution. Not only are you battling the boss, but at the worst times, even the elements around you, mobs specifically. Elder is easy when battling it alone, but paired with a Troll chasing you down, or a Greydwarf Shaman healing that huge tree, and you’re looking at a lot of time lost when you don’t have the health, food, and equipment ready for it.
On the plus side, when you do finish Elder off, the tall tree rewards you with something more valuable, a Swamp Key, which is proportional to the number of people taking it down to a certain number. You may be fighting it twice for a large group to get equal keys, but generally once is enough, and when that’s all done and dusted, you go back to the Sacrificial Stone, prop up your new tree head on it, and choose to absorb its power to do what a tree does, and that’s killing its kind by increasing damage against it (that ain’t right, but hey, I don’t make the rules here).
How to Get the Elder Trophy?
Elder Trophy:
- Find the summon point of the boss
- Sacrifice Ancient Seed to summon the boss
- Kill the boss
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Elder Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Black Forest
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Forsaken Power
- Trophy Drop Rate: 100%
3. Bonemass Trophy
Visually imposing and tougher to kill, getting the Bonemass Trophy will grant you, arguably the most important forsaken power for combat in Valheim.
What’s Good About the Bonemass Trophy?
Bonemass is extremely hard to kill when not prepared, therefore it’s one of the most rewarding buffs to get which leads to the important things listed below.
Bonemass Trophy:
- A trophy is guaranteed when killed
- Grants damage resistance when power is activated
- Bonemass drops Wishbone that helps find hidden ores
The most crucial benefits are the damage resistance from activating Bonemass’ power and the Wishbone that helps find more hidden loot. With the damage resistance, it’s pretty self-explanatory, but to put into more tangible context, if you were to go up against the strongest mobs in the Plains, you’d take 1 or 2 more hits before you are dead, and when you add up the enemies after you, that should be your lifesaver. With the latter, the Wishbone is like a Viking metal detector, wherein you find more ores and ultimately silver in the Mountains which can get you better armor in the last biome you’d go to.
Ultimately, Bonemass is one of the most important buffs you can get in this game, and a necessary one, given how the bosses connect your progress in the game. Just be mindful of fighting Bonemass, or the Swamp in general, as these are one of the hardest areas to die on as if flat out damage won’t kill you, the poison from most of these mobs will, and again, if you were to die there, good luck recovering your items.
How to Get the Bonemass Trophy?
Bonemass Trophy:
- Find the summon point of the boss
- Sacrifice Withered Bone to summon the boss
- Kill the boss
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Bonemass Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Swamp
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Forsaken Power
- Trophy Drop Rate: 100%
2. Modor Trophy
A tough boss and, personally, one of the most amazing boss areas to fight in, Modor’s Trophy gives a buff perfect for those who explore more than fight.
What’s Good About the Modor Trophy?
An amazing-looking Trophy should you choose to kill it again, but for those only needing to kill it once, Modor’s trophy gives the power of the wind beneath you, as well as the extra benefit below.
Modor Trophy:
- A trophy is guaranteed when killed
- Grants favorable wind direction when power is activated
- Modor drops Dragon Tears that makes the Artisan Table
To explorers on a ship, you’d know how miserable it feels when the wind is against you and that leads to slow travel, and if a Serpent or a whole army of biome creatures are hitting your boat, it can lead to disaster and possible loot being lost. Modor’s power, once you put the trophy on the Sacrificial Stone, grants you a guaranteed tailwind for a sizeable duration, perfect if you want a clean getaway or a head start on that faraway island or boss spawner area. On the progression side of the story, killing Modor also drops Dragon Tears which allows you to build an Artisan Table, and in the long term, endgame crafting items like the Stone Oven and Blast Furnace.
A more muted purpose for the most part, but given the stage of the game, this is a given as the only thing between you and the end of the game is the Plains.
How to Get the Elder Trophy?
Modor Trophy:
- Find the summon point of the boss
- Place Dragon Egg to summon the boss
- Kill the boss
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Modor Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Mountains
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Forsaken Power
- Trophy Drop Rate: 100%
1. Yagluth Trophy
The final boss of the game, for now, Yagluth resides on the deadliest area of the game currently, the Plains. Slaying the undead goblin protects you from the elements, quite literally.
What’s Good About the Yagluth Trophy?
Should you survive the onslaught that Yagluth brings, the rewards are more tactical in the sense that Yagulth’s powers bring resistance to certain elements listed below.
Yagluth Trophy:
- A trophy is guaranteed when killed
- Grants fire, lightning, and frost resistance when power is activated
The resistances that Yagluth brings make you a tank for specific enemies, especially those with lightning, fire, and frost effects. While you can’t use 2 powers at the same time, having a friend take another power and piling it on you when they channel their power can be possible, allowing you to be tanky enough to play somewhat recklessly.
However, like the usability of the drop, this is where the boss trophy ends. Yagluth’s drop, Yagluth Thing, has no current use, apart from mods making something happen, but as it stands you have no use for what it drops. While the last boss should be the most important buff, with Valheim being a new game in early access, this is far from that, and so from here on out, you may choose to build to your heart’s content or start over a new world and with it new challenges with terrain, mobs spawn, and boss locations.
How to Get the Yagluth Trophy?
Yagluth Trophy:
- Find the summon point of the boss
- Place Fuling Totems to summon the boss
- Kill the boss
- Repeat to drop a trophy/get more trophies
For a detailed look at the trophy’s stats, use the key points below.
Yagluth Trophy:
- Trophy Area: Plains
- Trophy Use: Decoration, Forsaken Power
- Trophy Drop Rate: 100%