With a blade in one hand and a whip in the other, this deadly weapon combo is easily one of the strongest when it comes to long-range and damage. You’ll need to have a relatively high mastery rank to get decent ones, but once you get your hands on one of these, you can go rampaging around the entire map with its extremely long range.
Here are the top 4 Blade and Whip weapons in warframe:
4. Larcera
Not the greatest, but still good.
Larcera is probably the first Blade and Whip weapon you’ll unlock, as it’s got the lowest MR requirement of 7. It is an electric weapon with the highest status chance among all melee weapons in Warframe. You could just spam your melee and still be able to shut down every robotics within a 2.5m radius.
- It has the highest status chance among all melee weapons.
- It comes with innate electricity damage, which is good against Grineer machinery.
- It mainly deals slash damage, which is effective against health.
- Damage: 216
- Attack speed: 0.917
- Range: 2.5m
- Status chance: 45%
- Crit chance/multiplier: 5%, 2x
You can get the blueprints for Larcera at the Dojo from Tenno Lab.
Larcera Details: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Lacera
3. Jat Kusar
A classic heated knife makes cutting things much easier and faster.
Jat Kusar is a Grineer weapon that mainly does heat damage. It might be slow and have a hard time procing status effects, but it is still the best weapon for critical rate/multiplier. It is also has a bit shorter range, but it doesn’t make a significant difference.
- It has the highest Crit chance and multiplier of all Blade and Whip weapons.
- It comes with innate heat damage, which is effective against the Infested.
- Its heavy attack deals blast damage which is good against machinery and fossilized.
- Damage: 218
- Attack speed: 0.833
- Range: 2.4m
- Status chance: 19%
- Crit chance/multiplier: 35%, 2.5x
You can research the blueprint for Jat Kusar from the Chem lab in Dojo.
Jat Kusar details: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Jat_Kusar
2. Mios
Thank Redskittlez for designing this awesome weapon.
This fan-made infested weapon is one of the best weapons designed by the Warframe community. Unfortunately, this weapon has the lowest base damage among all blade and whip weapons. Fortunately, it has one of the highest attack speeds and, you can use mods like Condition Overload to increase its overall damage.
- It has one of the highest attack speeds of all blade and whip weapons.
- Slam attack has a chance to proc Toxin, which is good against enemies with low health.
- It has a high critical and status chance.
- Damage: 177
- Attack speed: 1.08
- Range: 2.5m
- Status chance: 25%
- Crit chance/multiplier: 19%, 2x
You can research Mios from the Bio lab in Dojo.
Mios details: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mios
1. Ceti Larcera
Test it and then decide it for yourself.
Even after the nerfs balancing the stats, Ceti Larcera is still the strongest Blade and Whip weapon in Warframe. This weapon has been significantly buffed with very small debuffs compared to the classic Larcera but is only available at MR 12. This electric weapon, when used with correct mods, can prove to be fatal.
- Like the original weapon, it deals electric damage, which is good against machinery.
- It has a high critical and status chance.
- It ties with Mios for the highest attack speed for Blade and Whip weapons.
- Damage: 216
- Attack speed: 1.08
- Range: 2.5m
- Status chance: 40%
- Crit chance/multiplier: 20%, 2x
You can get the blueprints for Ceti Larcera during Operation: Scarlett Spear.
Ceti Larcera details: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ceti_Lacera
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