Warframe Best Galvanized Mods For Each Weapon Type

25 Sep 2022

Released in July 2021, Galvanized mods are one of the newest mod types Warframe has to offer. They’re special versions of some gun mods. For example, Hydraulic Crosshairs, a pistol mod, has a Galvanized version called Galvanized Crosshairs.

Galvanized mods have lower base stats than their original counterparts. The mod Hydraulic Crosshairs gives a 135% critical chance buff on headshots while aiming. Galvanized Crosshairs only provides a 120% critical chance buff.

Hopefully, you didn’t click off already (and don’t click off until you finish… please?) ‘cause here’s the good part. Galvanized mods give incredible stackable buffs when accomplishing a specific condition. Galvanized Crosshairs, upon a headshot kill, will give you a +40% critical chance while aiming. That particular buff is stackable 5x which leads to a total of +200% critical chance, in addition to the base 120%, which sums it up to +320% critical chance.

As to how to get these mods, you buy them from a special vendor in the Arbiters of Hexis room in any relay. They use Vitus Essence as currency, which is obtained from doing Arbitrations.

Now, pick your jaw off of the floor and read on! Here are the Galvanized mods organized based on what weapon they’re compatible with, ranked from best to worst:

3. Pistols

Body Image
The big iron on your hip just got bigger (no, that is not a dick joke)

Ok, as you’ll notice, most Galvanized mods have identical effects with other Galvanized mods from other weapon types. For example, there’s a Galvanized mod that gives multishot with an additional multishot buff triggered when killing for Pistols, Rifles, and Shotguns.

I mentioned that because you’ll probably also notice that they’re ranked pretty similarly. Like, I always put the mods that give status chance with the damage buff per additional status effect on top of the list. That’s because they’re basically ranged versions of Condition Overload, which is an amazing melee mod (regardless of its nerf, I still think it’s a good mod).

The Galvanized multishot mods are pretty good too, it’s just that a lot of guns are used for mid-long ranges and that much multishot can mess up your aim. I advise using it for closer fights.

The Galvanized headshot mods, on the other hand, I wouldn’t say they’re bad per se, just really niche and would require a specific playstyle and weapon to fully utilize. They’re really fun if you love consistently headshotting.

Galvanized Pistol Mods (From best to worst):

  • Galvanized Shot

Effect when maxed:

+80% Status Chance

On Kill: +40% Direct Damage per Status Type affecting the target for 14s. Stacks up to 3x.

Galvanized Shot Details

  • Galvanized Diffusion

Effect when maxed:

+110% Multishot

On Kill: +30% Multishot for 20s. Stacks up to 4x.

Galvanized Diffusion Details

  • Galvanized Crosshairs

Effect when maxed:

On Headshot: +120% Critical Chance when Aiming for 12s

On Headshot Kill: +40% Critical Chance when Aiming for 12s. Stacks up to 5x.

Galvanized Crosshairs Details

2. Rifles

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Guns blazing!

Every Galvanized rifle mod is essentially the same as the Galvanized pistol mods above. Sooo.. yeah, they’re ordered the same on this list too. Maybe the multishot mods are better for rifles since their base damage and accuracy are generally higher. But it’ll still depend on the specific weapon. Not really much else to say.

Galvanized Rifle Mods (From best to worst):

  • Galvanized Aptitude

Effect when maxed:

+80% Status Chance

On Kill: +40% Direct Damage per Status Type affecting the target for 20s. Stacks up to 2x.

Galvanized Aptitude Details

  • Galvanized Chamber

Effect when maxed:

+80% Multishot

On Kill: +30% Multishot for 20s. Stacks up to 5x.

Galvanized Chamber Details

  • Galvanized Scope

Effect when maxed:

On Headshot: +120% Critical Chance when Aiming for 12s

On Headshot Kill: +40% Critical Chance when Aiming for 12s. Stacks up to 5x.

Galvanized Scope Details

1. Shotguns

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3 mods that make shotguns more fun. Number 2 will shock your pet hamster.

Galvanized shotgun mods are a little different from the other 2 groups. Instead of having a Galvanized mod that gives you critical chance when performing headshots, shotguns have a mod called Galvanized Acceleration (a Galvanized form of Fatal Acceleration).

What that mod does is it increases projectile speed or beam length (some beam weapons like the Phage and Phantasma are considered shotguns). Its buff further increases that stat when you kill an enemy.

I put it at the bottom of the list for a couple of reasons. First, it’s incredibly niche. Applying only to non-hitscan and shotgun beam weapons. There are only a handful of weapons that’ll even have a use for this mod.

Second, another mod called Sinister Reach does the same thing for beam weapons. Galvanized Acceleration may be better when the stackable buff is maxed, but only by a little. Whether or not it’s worth it is up to you, but the fact remains that due to this, it’s not as valuable as the other Galvanized shotgun mods.

Galvanized Shotgun Mods (From best to worst):

  • Galvanized Savvy

Effect when maxed:

+80% Status Chance

On Kill: +40% Direct Damage per Status Type affecting the target for 20s. Stacks up to 2x.

Galvanized Savvy Details

  • Galvanized Hell

Effect when maxed:

+110% Multishot

On Kill: +30% Multishot for 20s. Stacks up to 4x.

Galvanized Hell Details

  • Galvanized Acceleration

Effect when maxed:

+30% Projectile Speed/Beam Length

On Kill: +30% Projectile Speed/Beam Length for 10s. Stacks up to 2x.

Galvanized Acceleration Details


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