Why are players coming back to Hardcore Classic WoW?
1. The Challenge
If you die in the game you die for real
For me as a returning player and who has friends and even family who enjoy a good thrill, the challenges and risk to this Hardcore Classic keeps the game engaging. In comparison to how the game was previously set up. The rush of getting as far as you can for as long as you can without taking reckless risks draws people into this set up. For all it would take is one mistake and hours to days even longer worth of work is out the window and you have to start all over again. While not quite to that level of extreme I’ve compared it to the Ready Player one movie and story, where if your character is taken out you lose all your gear items and such in one go.
2. Returning to The Games Roots
No school like the old school even better with a brand new paint job
While enjoying a game as long standing as World of Warcraft in its early days it is far more enjoyable if it kept up to date and current with the current systems and styles most games use these days. This way people can enjoy the game they all know and love with none of its hiccups and issues the game had back in those early days. While at the same time enjoying its glory days anew. To me it's like enjoying a classic car designed and painted with newer paint and mechanical parts. It makes the car run better without ruining the fun of such a classic.
3. A Balanced Game
Taking the game at a pace you work best with
For me personally what I grew so tired of with World of Warcraft is that it felt rushed and just trying too fast and too hard to get to the peak with the rest of the community and leaving the fun in my opinion to flounder. Here in Classic Hardcore it forces you to take it at a pace you're truly able to handle rushing it will only cause mistakes and lead to trouble. Now of course if you wish to enjoy the game at such a fast pace no one can stop you but for me and gamers like me who like to enjoy the game at a nice mellow pace and truly take in the game in its entirety I much more enjoy it this way. As such I am grateful the Hadcore rules allows me that sedate pace.
4. No sidelined Classes
No Bench Warmers in this game
Everyone gets to enjoy the class they choose without worrying about any tweaking to said classes that reduce or hinder said classes capabilities and in turn limit people’s enjoyment. I myself find the wide range my chosen class offers me and how it’s so balanced and fulfilling no matter how I choose to play this class.On the other hand a friend of mine has stated he likes that the most iconic class the Warrior is no longer stuck on the sidelines because of the other front line classes overshadowing it. This way ensures every class gets the chance to shine as they are meant to so everyone can enjoy their class to the fullest.
5. A Calmer Gaming Experience
No trolls allowed unless your the friendly kind
For me nothing ruins a game more than idiots who do nothing but give players a hard time and chase them away from the game as a whole. With the risk of losing everything and a much calmer setting that no longer shows up as often anymore. Yes players are free to go at each other all they want, however most people prefer to simply enjoy the game and not ruin it for others or themselves in turn. Such a fun but more focused way of playing is something I personally appreciate and enjoy. Even I have a friend who likes to have his fun and mess around but even then we'll just enjoy the game and the challenges it poses to ever wish to ruin it for everyone let alone ourselves.
6. Enjoyable Game for Veterans and Newcomers
Whether Returning or starting fresh this game works for everyone
With Hardcore classic it allows those who are familiar with World of Warcraft to look at the game in a new way, while allowing any new players to enjoy the game from its very beginning stages. As both a veteran player and someone who is new to certain parts of the game, especially its beginning this gives me the chance to enjoy the game to its fullest while forcing me to take my time to get better adjusted to the game and how it’s played because of its hardcore setting.
7. Explore new or uncharted areas
Never hurts to try something new
Even as a veteran of World of Warcraft who played this game up until the more recent expansion, still finds something new and different to enjoy about this game. For me playing a Druid on the Horde side is a completely new but also familiar experience for me, one that I have found to be thoroughly enjoyable and fun. Playing and even helping my family and friends make our way through RageFire Chasm for the first if not several times afterwards only made the fun even better. But at the same time it was something I should have stuck with my first time playing this game but thanks to Hadcore Classic I can fully enjoy being one of my favorite class types with a whole new setup for me to enjoy.
8. Earn as you Go
Nothing is more rewarding then a fully geared out character
One issue that World of Warcraft Hardcore Classic eliminates is Armor and item redundancy. Nothing ruins a game more easily than spending hours or even days working to get your character nicely set up, only for some new addition to the game making it redundant. That to me kills part of the games fun with hardcore classic that’s no longer an issue. Now players like me can feel proud of the work they put into their characters without someone pulling the rug out from under us.
9. A Fresh Start
How it all began, and how it begins again
One thing we can all agree on is whether in games, movies or stories heck even I when I make stories with a friend of mine look back on my older works and cringe and do them over with a fresh and more seasoned look. That same rule most definitely applies to World of Warcraft. The entire fanbase can agree this game's best time was back during its Classic era and with a seasoned look on it with the additional thrill and challenge of Hardcore demanding you take the game while fun seriously makes it that much more enjoyable for everyone.
10. Nostalgia
Gotta love taking that trip down memory lane
Coming back to this game but starting back to its roots is always a fun and enjoyable idea. Ever since the idea got kicked off by a fellow MMORPG called EverQuest others have followed suit and I can never get enough enjoying this game all over again with my friends and family and enjoying where the game all got started. As an added bonus I get to enjoy being on the Horde side of the game because I’ve always loved Thrall so having him as my character's warchief is very enjoyable. It also makes it fun to look back on this game's early years with the knowledge I have of what comes after classic
World of Warcraft is an iconic game for anyone who loves adventure,great lore, awesome play style and setup and above all a great game to enjoy with friends and family as I am currently and intend to keep enjoying. Hardcore Classic makes this enjoyable game that much more fun, challenging and enjoyable for everyone. I for one hope to see more and more people enjoying the game as I am, and I hope to see more players in the game who knows, if anyone is lucky I may even have the chance and honor to play with you myself. Rest assured if you do I will do my best to keep the game fun and enjoyable for all of us. Hope to see you all in Hardcore Classic at some point and remember. Strength and Honor.