Are Some Classes Weaker or Stronger in Hardcore Classic?
S Tier (The Best all around classes to choose to get you past level ten and if the way this class plays feels right to you all the way to level 60 in Hardcore Classic)
Masters of the Dark arts
1. If being a caster feels right to you Warlock reigns supreme even now mere weeks ago they held a Hardcore Mak’Gora PVP tournament. And after 65 players gave it all they had in the end, A warlock came out on top of all of them and that's just for PVP for the PVE part of Hardcore Classic. Those same skills and abilities afford those comfortable with a magic DPS class a strong start and hopefully a strong finish.
2. The first biggest asset to a warlock is their spell Life Tap this spell grants the caster the ability to drain a target of its own HP and restore your mana giving you free means to restore lost mana to either finish the fight or if you need to get yourself to safety.
3. The second biggest factor with warlocks is their pets as anyone familiar with such a set up pets are a casters personal tank and shield able to grab the aggro of your target and move it off of you onto themselves thus allowing you to focus again on taking them out or running to safety. However it is crucial to bear in mind that pets tend to get a bit defensive if not used carefully, my own brother had several pets die on him because they kept attacking when they didn’t need to. So again if this is something you feel comfortable managing it will only work to your benefit.
4. The third biggest and crucial part that adds to the previous two are a warlock’s utilities; even their pets each offer various ways to benefit the player depending on how each one is used and which one you prefer to rely on. For soloing crowd control is a must so your imp greatly helps in this area by drawing agro off of you and onto itself, this does however have as stated before the small issue of getting too good at its job. For the voidwalker pet they are best for Dungeons and groups as they can off tank with the main one and make it easier to deal with greater numbers. The last and final pet, the Succubus, is also a good choice for taking on groups or dungeons. I myself took on a dungeon known for being quite the challenge and we had a warlock who made use of his succubus for that dungeon.
5. The last and final tool to make a successful and enjoyable warlock is the wand; they take up very little of your mana and you can continue to spam them at targets, even fleeing ones all you want until they are defeated.
6. The only thing you must be careful of is your mana and the build you wish to focus on it's the biggest rule of a warlock and in World of Warcraft in general if you don’t pay attention to how you play it could leave you in a very tight spot in the end or result in you losing all your work up till that point. But that aside, Warlocks are a very powerful and heavily sought after class to choose for a magic DPS if it feels like it's the one for you then I would recommend you giving it a try.
Iconic magic users
1. Similar to the other magic DPS counterpart the mage also provides the same magical capabilities as a warlock but in its own way. They also make great use of crowd control.
2. One big factor for mages is their freeze spell. This spell grants a mage a nice window to escape a good distance to lose the attention of the mob facing them.
3. The second factor in regards to mages is their area of effect spells which allows mage’s to mow down large crowds very effectively to also get out of danger.
4. The third and equally helpful factor to mages is they are the games teleporters including for themselves you will have to time it right of course. So combining your freeze spell gives you the window you need to cast your teleport gives you not only a chance to escape danger but also gives you time to settle your nerves and try again.They are also able to utilize freeze armor which allows them to stay protected against enemy mobs and fellow players.
5. The next and truly most fun part about the mage’s ability is the skill blink as its name suggests this skill allows a mage to move themselves a safe distance away from any potential threats or harm. You can literally blink and they will move themselves so say you're trying to get to a nearby town or city by foot and a random monster attacks you with one freeze spell and blink and you're safe.
6. The final asset to mage’s is their utilities, while staying alive is the core point of Hardcore the best way to do that is to have strong spells and gear and armor to make that possible. But like with real life it costs money to acquire there for the Mage with their ability to summon water and food makes that way more easier as they can provide enough water and food to keep themselves supplied with food for HP and Water for Mana for themselves and their groups or raids. So once again over all mages have earned their rank as being one of the strongest and best able to make it to level sixty and do very well getting there. Of course that doesn’t mean you can be reckless anymore then you can with the Warlock so always keep that in mind.
A Tier (These are the classes that while good contenders in terms of skills, abilities and overall power also stand a good sturdy chance of making it past level ten and reach the end goal of level sixty of Hardcore Classic.)
The Lone Wolf leveler
1. Super easy to level up, I myself used to play a hunter back in the day with World of Warcraft. Therefore I can assure people myself that if you enjoy a melee dps class hunter is a very good choice. Between all their skills, utilities and ways to make it out of trouble should trouble come knocking they are a very easy and enjoyable class to try and get up to level sixty.
2. First skill Hunters have is the biggest one of all pets as with warlocks pets give you an instant tank to call upon while you get your character a safe distance away to mow down with a gun/bow. Now this is not to say it doesn’t come with some risks. For just like with any pet they can get a little too eager beaver on you and pull more than you bargained for so something bo bare in mind. The other hiccup with pets is their tracking. If you jump off a cliff or even over a fence your pet will be forced to go around said barrier to get back to you and when they do guess what they may bring friends you didn’t want to meet along with them.
3. The other skill that hunters possess to help them with dps is their sticky trap. Which is super helpful to throw down if you need to get away or are being harassed by the mob locals who really want to get to know you personally. So a good sticky trap will keep them at a nice safe distance from you as you get away.
4. Another useful skill that again allows Hunters to get away just as effectively as the Mage’s Blink ability is aspect of the cheetah: Put that on and you're a World of Warcraft equivalent of the Gingerbread man. Let your tails try to catch you if they can then. If you can’t slow down your target which of course with sticky traps you are able to speed yourself up enough to get away.
5. The final best factor about hunters is range. Trust me there have been mobs who made good use of this tactic to try and take me out. Therefore playing a class who’s very skill base is all about attacking at a distance the hunter is a nice one to rely on for that factor. Between their skill that allows them to fire off multiple rounds in a burst of shots this is a great tool to use coupled with landing a few power shots, equipping your hunter with equally strong guns or bows is even more fun especially if you make them yourself with your engineering profession your hunter is all set to go.
Natures Guardians
1. I myself can personally vouch for the fun and relative calm being a druid provides for those who like to be a mix as I am. The druids best aspects are the versatility, between going tank or off tanking in dungeons or groups with their bear form or dire bear form which can be obtained at around level ten and thanks to recently playing a new druid found out that with the help of others can be obtained quite easily.
Or perhaps you would prefer to while staying with melee and would be more comfortable in a side role. The cat form is a great way to do that as well between their stealth mode which allows the druid to make a nice getaway provided you don’t run into a higher level mob then yourself. Finally if you prefer as I do and wish to keep to the back and heal or off heal the restoration route is always a tried true and great role to play as well.
2. The First biggest factor as I said is the multiple forms a druid can take for any kinds of combat and travel. First being the bear or dire bear form in this form your afforded extra protection to take on targets. And when you off tank to give the main one a breather your ability to lure the enemy away makes you a great asset in groups and dungeons. The travel form that you can obtain when you're high enough in level also helps you to traverse water and even breathe underwater making it that much more easier on your character no matter the situation you're in.
3. As stated already the forms a druid can take are a large part in the druid's abilities. The cat form is another branch in that ability but also provides its own form of skills. In the cat form you have your stealth and dash to help you get around and avoid trouble when it comes knocking. The other factor about the cat form is that it functions much like another class in the game, the rogue, so you can utilize your skills very effectively if you hit your target from behind.
4. The other style of fighting that druids provide is magic dps. Now I will go ahead and say that druids do need to keep their mana in mind while using this form of combat. I have found it to be rather enjoyable in the style I’ve balanced myself with. Between the moonflare spell, a debuff spell you obtain and various other dps spells coupled with your root spells, this arsenal comes in real handy for magic dps if that is more in line with the style you prefer.
5. The final role and the one I’ve chosen to use for Hardcore with a bit of magic and melee dps is the Restoration route or healing. With the aid of a few addons your healing can be a very helpful factor in groups, dungeons and above all yourself. I have found my perfect niche with this style. In the past few times I’ve gone into dungeons with my friends I’ve tanked or dps for the larger portion of our run through and when needed. Say if my friend needed to take a break to recover his mana then I would take over as healer or if someone really needed help I would throw a heal on them and then go right back to tanking or dps. There is no doubt this ability to switch back and forth when I need to has been nothing but fun for me so I personally recommend anyone who wants a steady safe and in my opinion fun class to play a druid is a good choice.
6. The best thing I’ve found while playing as a druid is for free no less in the quest to obtain your dire bear form you get a self only port to an area in the game called Moonglade. This area is a neutral area for druids. I personally can recall a situation where my friend and family got taken out by too many mobs so I got myself a safe distance away and used moonglade to get my character to safety. Like I said that spell can truly help you out when you need it. As an added bonus to this when you make your way back to your main city you don’t have to pay for it.
7. The final point I wanted to make about this class for those who want to give it a shot is the Mak’gora tournament I mentioned previously a Druid came in third in that tournament further proving my point that whether PVE or PVP a Druid is a very solid class to choose.
An Icon class to any MMORPG
1. One core factor for the priest class that gives it the most edge is of course healing, combining this skill with your various means to one keep you stocked up with mana. And keep yourself protected this will ensure you keep going but survive to level sixty the only issue with this of course is again keeping watch over your mana and managing it properly.
2. The second and vital part to helping you keep your mana always in check while leveling up to level sixty is your first and most vital skill the Power Word Fortitude. This skill allows you to increase your spirit which helps you to better maintain your mana for 30 mins. It is essential to have this be the first thing you do before you engage your foes as I said Priest devours their mana like crazy when healing or attacking so this spell helps you to keep that balanced at all times.
3. The next part that comes into place is the Improved Power Word Shield which protects you and those it is cast upon from damage for the duration of your fighting. By utilizing this in part of your rotation it also helps to reduce the amount of time needed to heal. Therefore you ensure you keep a nice controlled use of your mana again it is very crucial to always keep track of your mana and this rotation will help to ensure that.
4. The next skill that helps to defeat your enemies and boosts your rotation is the Power Word Pain. Which inflicts 30 Shadow damage for 18 seconds. Combined with the rest of your rotation will help to speed up taking out any enemies you encounter.
5. The next skill that really helps you with your mana control is the instant skill called spirit tap which. Gives you a twenty percent chance to gain a 100 percent bonus to your Spirit after killing a target that yields experience. For the duration, your Mana will regenerate at a 50 percent rate while casting. Lasts 15 seconds. As stated before, keeping a proper balance between managing your mana while still giving damage to your target is essential to a priest to be able to make it to level sixty as well as keep your health and those of your group sustained.
6. The last but most vital tool for priests is a wand you can spam your wand at your opponent to your heart's content or they get taken out whichever comes first. It is also with the use of a wand you can best maintain proper balanced use of your mana throw on your fortitude buff and when you get it your Shield or bubble since it more accurately looks like a gold bubble around yourself.
Coupled with your smite spell and finishing the rotation with Pain and a few wand hits will help you to ensure your mana balance stays nice and consistent so you don’t find yourself overwhelmed. This is why while enjoyable priests have to keep to a moderate pace for unlike the mage or warlock crowd control isn’t what the priest is best at but bubble can keep you safe long enough to get away. But at the risk of overloading your mana so it is always important to keep that balance.
B Tier (Solid classes great for just about everything but still lacking in certain areas to fully make it past solid while getting to Level 60 in Hardcore)
Hail to the Silverhand
1. As the magic tanks of the game Paladins are like the Priest class in that they self heal. And heal their group as well combine this with their large arsenal of spells to help them and their group or raid in a fight and you have a decently solid tank overall. However much like their Priest counterparts they have to always keep tabs on their mana
2. For this class depending on if you wish to be a DPS user this rotation is best for this class starting with the skill Seal of Righteousness. Again bear in mind this spell costs 20 mana which is again like the priest a crucial part to keep in mind since as a pure melee class with magic to wield Wands won’t work with this class. As such Seal of Righteousness is the first part of your rotation as it fills the Paladin with holy spirit for 30 seconds, granting each melee attack an additional 1.24 to 4.32 Holy damage.Slower weapons cause more Holy damage per swing. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Something to keep in mind while making use of in groups or raids.
3. The next skill to make use of as a Paladin in the Retribution rotation is Seal of Command for this skill. Gives the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to 70 percent of normal weapon damage. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Lasts 30 seconds. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 93 to 101 Holy damage, 93 to 101 if the target is stunned or incapacitated. With this in your rotation as again a melee class it allows you and other Melee DPS in your group or raid to have a better time to take down their targets.
4. The next skill Judgment unleashes the energy of a Seal spell upon an enemy. Refer to individual Seals for Judgement effect. Again keeping a watch over your skills and what it aids and supports for yourself and your group is also what will aid you the most as a Paladin.
5. The next crucial part to the rotation is Consecration which functions as a Holy damage over time spell upon your target further aiding a paladin in combat. Using this rotation effectively and carefully will ensure you do great as a dps paladin. However if you prefer a more front line approach to this class then the Tank route may be more preferable.
6. For the Tank role of a Paladin Holy is your rotation but as a Holy Paladin you also need to keep not just yourself but you group well taken care of during every battle to ensure everything functions smoothly. Similar to the Retribution rotation save instead of Seal of Command your rotation is Seal of Righteousness followed by Judgement. And finished with Consecration while also utilizing your Holy Light spell along with your Flash of light which is a priest bubble and allows you to heal your targets with these spells namely of course being your group.
The final part of a Holy Paladin is a combo skill of Seal of Light which fills the Paladin with divine light for 30 seconds, giving each melee attack a chance to heal the Paladin for 39. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy for 30 seconds, granting melee attacks made against the judged enemy a chance of healing the attacker for 25. Your melee strikes will refresh the spell's duration. Only one Judgment per Paladin can be active at any one time. Again something to bear in mind while using this skill in your rotation.
7. The final part to this combo is the other seal called Seal of wisdom which helps and supports any casters in your group the same way the first seal helps any melee dps or even someone to help tank with you in combat. The seal of wisdom Fills the Paladin with divine wisdom for 30 seconds, giving each melee attack a chance to restore 50 of the Paladin's mana. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy for 30 seconds, granting attacks and spells used against the judged enemy a chance to restore 33 mana to the attacker. Your melee strikes will refresh the spell's duration. Only one Judgment per Paladin can be active at any one time. Which in turn helps to support any magic dps used in your raid or group.
8. Overall, like the Priest it is a good and safe class to play to get you to level sixty provided you take the same approach about watching your mana as you would with a priest class. The only drawback to this issue with the Paladins is they truly shine the best in groups far better then they do solo and again have to do it slowly because of being careful with mana use and no wand to mitigate it enough.
C Tier Classes (classes that will have the hardest time getting to level Sixty but are still enjoyable to play)
Turning lethal into an artform
1. Rogue is a class that I have seen many utilize and have fun with over all and I admit I can see the draw of using stealth and sneak attacks to make your move however in hardcore that part while fun is also a gamble that only gets tougher in a game setup like Hardcore. All the skills a rogue has to offer makes them a great dps and even very decent PVP but with the rules changed you're heavily reliant on how skilled you can be as a rogue and how well your luck holds out.
2. The first biggest skill with Rogues is Vanish, a skill that takes your stealth ability even higher than before for 20 seconds and even allows you to break away from movement impairing effects. A very useful skill to have however as my family and friend pointed out to me unless your stealth is very strong there are times when a really high level mob may stumble upon you and see through even Vanish and come at you and once its gone it takes a while to recover hence the luck factor and risks.
3, The other skill that Rogues make great use of to get away from danger is sprint which allows you to increase your speed by 50 percent for 15 seconds while still in stealth mode. But again if and when that breaks you have a cooldown to work through and if anything interferes or impedes this then you're in serious trouble.
4. Your Stamina stat is more crucial now than ever before with World of Warcraft classic and can mean the difference between getting out alive or having to restart your character all over again. As stated before the luck factor is heavily changed in Hardcore making it harder then before to make sure you have the gear and weapons needed to make it past level 10 much less get to level 60.
5. The two rotations for Roge are Combat and Subtlety one leans more towards better damage and the other leans more towards safety. Depending on how you wish to play this role decides how to best set up your character in the hopes of making it to level 60. It has been recommended to do a blend of both to make it through Hardcore. The first skill needed to blend the two together well is preparation which immediately finishes the cooldown of your rogue's abilities, therefore giving you the means to make use of them quickly.
6. The next blend of skills needed to do a rogue well is starting off with Ghostly strike, with this skill a strike that deals 125 percent weapon damage and increases your chance to dodge by 15 percent for 7 seconds. Awards 1 combo point. Following this you add Ghostly Strike with Improved Sap which makes the previous skill Sap even stronger then before because it gives you a 30 percent chance to return to stealth mode after using your Sap ability. Adding to the two already is the next part of the blend called Serrated blades which causes your attacks to ignore 0 of your target's Armor and increases the damage dealt by your Rupture ability by 10 percent.
The amount of Armor reduced increases with your level. Something I personally always enjoyed is the grow as you go method and having a skill or spell or weapon that grows with you is the best example of such a method. Now to continue with the rogue cocktail of skills we have Hemorrhage which is an instant strike that damages the opponent and causes the target to hemorrhage, increasing any Physical damage dealt to the target by up to 3. Lasts 30 charges or 15 seconds. Awards 1 combo point. And is also why I don’t think I’ll ever be cut out for a rogue personally. Further proving my point but also finishing the first part of how to fully set up your rogue is the ever so delightfully named skill Dirty Deeds which reduces the Energy cost of your Cheap Shot and Garrote abilities by 10 granted.
7. The last part of the Combo of skills needed to do a rogue well is Blade furry which Increases your attack speed by 20 percent. In addition, attacks strike an additional nearby opponent. Lasts 15 seconds. Following that is the next skill called Improved gouge which increases the effect duration of your Gouge ability by 0.5 sec. Again just like with sap any skill that makes your previous one stronger then before will always be an asset. Adding to this is the next skill is Riposte which is a strike that becomes active after parrying an opponent's attack. This attack deals 150 percent weapon damage and disarms the target for 6 seconds. Essentially it's a rogue stun and makes your attack a great deal stronger. The next part of the skill combo is precision which increases your chance to hit with a melee attack by one percent.
A way to increase one's accuracy is definitely helpful especially in Hardcore any increase in such a key part as accuracy can play in this game is a bonus. Much like with precision lighting reflexes allows your dodging skills to be increased by one percent which just like with your Accuracy is also a crucial skill to make full use of as a rogue.Finally improved Sprint similar to improved sap and improved gouge a way to increase your means of escaping is a major must as the old saying goes he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.
And in Hardcore you want to live another day rather than risk losing all those days of work you put into your class and character. And there you have it combining these skills gives you a great combo of combat and subtlety which will help to ensure your rogue makes it through to level sixty. Again I have never been interested in such a class but if stealth and accuracy are your forte this is definitely a class for you but as always take care of risks
Master of the Elements and Totems
1. The Totem kings and queens of World of Warcraft are able to make great use of these totems to help in any situation but as with anything one wrong turn can throw it all off and it has been said that while leveling a Shaman is relatively easy. It does come with its challenges and always remembering or figuring out how to make full use of your shamans talents and skills and spells to level up and be helpful in groups and raids is always crucial. As such here are the skills recommended for anyone wanting to give a shaman a try.
2. Totemic focus which reduces the mana cost of your totems by five percent is a really good skill to start with mastering as stated totems are the core of Shamans and I can personally vouch for how good they are but as a caster you also need to be mindful of your mana as any of the other caster classes therefore this skill which helps to reduce the mana cost of your totem use is very helpful.
3. The next skill to add to your shaman is Nature’s guidance a skill that allows you to increase the chance to hit with either melee or spell attacks by 1 percent again always helpful depending on how you evolve your shaman as you go and given how every has to use melee at the start it also helps in that area until you decide how to grow your shaman from there.
4. Enhancing Totem is very helpful with your other totems namely Strength of the Earth Totem which increases the strength of party members within 20 yards by ten for two minutes along with Grace of the Air Totem. Which is like the Strength totem save that increases your party members' agility by 43 for two minutes. As such a skill that increases both of the effects of these totems helps to ensure the party and in turn you make it through your group quests or dungeons and further onward to level sixty.
5. The Skill Anticipation increases your dodge by one percent so making use of this skill as a tank Shaman is very helpful as stated before anything that can make what you can do better is always a bonus. Adding to this with the skill Improved weapons totem will only make your melee abilities that much better because it increases the melee attack power bonus of your Windfury Totem by 15 percent and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Totem by 6 percent which as stated will only make your melee capabilities that much better for dungeons and raids most of all.
6. For leveling up a shaman your rotations start with earthbind as it slows the movement speed of your target for 45 seconds within ten yards of the totem. Following that, run out of melee range and let your swing timer reset once it has return within the melee range then retreat. Repeat these steps until the said target is dead.
7. Make use of your skill healing wave if you're low on health after that round with your target as it allows you to return to the fight with minimal downtime as it allows you to regenerate your mana until the next time you need to heal again.
8. Along with this part to leveling you will need rockbiter weapon and Lighting shield for rockbiter weapon this skill imbues the shamans weapon, thereby increasing the melee attack power by 29 and allow the melee attacks to cause additional threat when using that weapon and lasts for five minutes. While a lighting shield surrounds you with three balls of lighting which sends 13 nature damage upon any physical magical or ranged attacks being used on you. This expends one lightning ball only one ball will fire every few seconds and lasts for 10 minutes. Be sure to refresh your lighting shield when after engaging or immediately after shocking this will ensure you don’t ruin your five second mana rule which again as a caster you must always be careful of.
9. Drop your strength of the earth totem and your grace of the air totem as already stated to increase strength and agility and with them include the searing totem that repeatedly attacks the target within its yard range for 9 to 11 damage for 30 seconds. Along with this one make use of your Windfury totem if you're teamed up with a warrior or rogue as its skill summons a Windfury Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The totem enchants all party members main-hand weapons with wind, if they are within 20 yards. Each hit has a 20 percent chance of granting the attacker 1 extra attack with 122 extra melee attack power. Lasts 2 minutes.And of course make sure to include the Healing Stream totem as it summons a Healing Stream Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1 minute that heals group members within 20 yards for 6 every 2 seconds.
10. Using the spell Lighting bolt and don’t be afraid to use your lower rank one if your mana is low because its cast of 13 to 15 nature damage helps to initiate combat with mobs placed in dangerous places to body pull as one of the golden rules that turns even more golden in Hardcore never bite off more than you can chew in raids or dungeons or groups. The quickest way to bite the dust is to over pull.Make use of the two totems Storm strike which adds an extra attack in addition it also increases the damage caused by the next two attacks by 20 percent for 12 seconds. The last totem to use is Earth shock which hits the target with a massive concussive hit causing 17 to 19 nature damage. It also interrupts spell casting and prevents any similar spells of the same type from being used for 2 seconds; it also draws the aggro right to you, something to keep in mind.
11. Overall as I said Shamans are a very interesting class to choose but one you have to be very careful about mana with and how effectively you make use of your totems it's been a mix bag of how they play in Hardcore. And I’ve personally seen my family member do pretty well with his shaman but how well that is the rule and not how we pace ourselves and work together as a whole also may decide how well that class is likely to make it to level 60. So again a steady, decent and fun class but may not be one to easily make it to level 60 if it isn’t managed well.
The biggest Icon to all RPG's and sadly the biggest underdog in this game
1. Sadly it comes down to the last one of the bunch and I will say this in the Mak’Gora tournament a person was able to get their Warrior not only all the way up to level sixty but got in fourth place at the tournament so huge major probs for a guy giving it so much for a very under dogged class. For indeed to every classic MMORPG Dungeons and Dragons or even just a lover of classic stories that are along those themes. The warrior, the most iconic of classes and roles for anyone to play and enjoy, is unfortunately the worst and hardest to get to level ten much less level Sixty in Hardcore.
2. Why is this one the toughest one two words no heals you have to always be on alert bobbing and weaving your way around your target while soloing and you can never go past at the very least equal to your level never go higher. For the higher the level the harder the hits which also means a decrease in your speed add those two together and your means to get out of trouble dwindles.
3. The other big issue with warriors is they are VERY gear dependent and thus with how very random it is to get or buy said gear giving your warrior every means possible to survive is essential to even as stated making it past level ten much less the other levels.
4. As with your gear your weapons are also a BIG concern and again the early weapons are kinda decent if they come with any additional perks is always a plus but again that randomness is very rarely in your favor so saving every silver you can to buy at least a bit better weapons will be a giant help to you as you progress.
5. The other crucial point is your skills which again is as costly as getting your gear and weapons and believe me even for the class I chose getting my spells isn’t cheap and since you got to pick and choose within the range you can handle as a warrior you have to be very careful of your money to juggle all three issues. Along with learning first aid to bandage yourself up and keeping food handy to restore your HP. So again that is yet more you gotta keep a budget on while surviving in Hardcore.
6. Now the biggest perk of warriors is there are some very good choices race wise for them and a group or raid can’t ever go anywhere without a tank so old reliable is a good thing to have with those but again getting your warrior up to the levels of being able to tackle said Dungeons or raids or even groups is where it’s still every bit a challenge. So climbing that mountain is a tough climb all the way through and keeping it going is quite a challenge. Now as I said one person did it. He was able within the time frame before the tournament worked and climbed his character all the way to level 60 and fought his way all the way to fourth place. That is definitely an achievement to be proud of so my hats off to him for going so far.
D Tier Classes(the Bottom rung of class choices that have very little to no chance of getting past level ten let alone to level sixty)
1. You heard that right none yes Warrior would probably be down here but as said already one person not only got his warrior up to level sixty he made it all the way to fourth place in the Mak’Gora tournament that right there shows what I mean by my choice of None being weak or unable to get to the top however you choose to get there. I’ve seen myself how one mistake, one hiccup, one surprise can throw you off your game. I saw my friend who was in fact a mage one of the S tier classes get taken out because the mobs overwhelmed him. I’ve seen characters get taken out in odd places like the elevator to get down to Undercity most likely due to lag and the like.
People have raised issues with bugs or glitches and things of that nature taking them out before they ever really got started or did and were suddenly swept off their feet by this sudden issue.Thus further proving my point there is no such thing as a weak or strong class in World of Warcraft and there never will be not even in Hardcore yes by its very nature it's challenging and difficult and for those who manage it fun. But it is entirely up to the player to find the right feel for them to look and figure out what role, what play style and where to look to truly make it through hardcore. I myself had several instances where it looked like I would fall but I didn’t.
So my personal take on it is to simply enjoy the game with a role that best suits you if you want to go full throttle with a challenge by all means use a warrior or any of the other ones that are a challenge. If you prefer it to be easy but bare in mind will require work on your part don’t get complacent or arrogant choose mage or warlock or priest or paladin. There is absolutely a role for everyone and plenty of websites, forums and of course players on the game themselves to help you navigate the game and help you reach the top and thanks to the rules set by hardcore yes they made sure of it. There is no grieving, no bad trolls out to make life even more difficult for you in the game.
The game is hard enough right, no need to ruin anyone’s fun. So if you are up for a challenge that commands you to take the game at a pace you will need to take it unless you don’t mind putting hours into a character to have it go down the drain Hardcore will be enjoyable for everyone.