Mods, Mods, and More Mods
I am typically a console gamer, and I have a lot of conversations about the merits of PC gaming over console gaming with friends. The number one reason I envy PC gamers? Mods. Let’s be honest. Mods are just plain fun to add to a game. Mods can also inject new life into a familiar favorite.
Being able to apply mods to Skyrim on console reignited my zeal for the game, and I probably played another 200 hours after downloading a few. Currently, mods are not available for Witcher 3 on console, but for you PC gamers out there here’s a look at some of the best.
25. Friendly Meditation
Geralt and better scenery - always better than a boring screen.
This mod takes the boring meditation screen and turns it into a view of the scenery around Geralt. A nice little tweak to make a necessary part of the game more pleasant.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Players get to see the beautiful Witcher 3 graphics instead of a plain menu.
Get the mod here
24. Disable Storybook Videos
Seriously. Shut up, Dandelion.
Even on my first playthrough, I was absurdly sick of the storybook narration very quickly. This mod will disable the recap videos and give you some peace and quiet.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- It gives the player a break from Dandelion’s repetitive recaps - over and over and over...
Get the mod here
23. Friendly Hud
Look, Ma! No HUD!
This mod trims down the HUD while playing and adds a lot of configurable options to the HUD such as 3D markers, NPC tracking, and improvements to game menus.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- This HUD can streamline your view and help make the game a little more immersive.
- Better markers for what you want to see when you need it.
Get the mod here
22. Preparations Mod
Now meditation serves a purpose beyond refilling potions.
As opposed to being a mod of convenience, this mod is meant to make meditation more meaningful. The idea is that it is necessary to meditate to manage character skills, equipment, and alchemy.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- This mod adds a depth of immersion.
- Meditation is more important.
- The player must plan better.
Get the mod here
21. Lamp On a Player’s Boat
I can see the light!
This one is pretty simple. It puts a lamp on the player’s boat. Hooray for night boating!
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Better night sailing.
- Improved visibility.
Get the mod here
20. Better Torches
I can still see the light!
This mod allows the player to hold a torch during animation that normally requires Geralt to stow it. Still not possible to hold a torch while climbing ladders, but for most other actions, the player can retain that much-needed light.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Improved visibility during action.
- More flexibility to keep torches in play.
Get the mod here
19. Critical Slow Motion Combat Mod
Behold the flying body parts.
This mod slows down the action when Geralt lands a critical hit. This adds a more cinematic feel to the moment and allows the player to better see the result of their handiwork. If you like seeing bloody body parts flying in slow motion, this is your mod.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Gives intensity to the critical hit moments.
- Allows players to get a better view of the action during combat.
Get the mod here
18. Auto-Loot
Why take just one thing when you can take them all?
Rummaging around through corpses or picking every. single. flower. can get redundant. This mod allows you to loot multiple items at once with filters that allow for options such as disabling when stealing and only looting certain items.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Reduces the time it takes to loot.
- Automates a tedious process.
Get the mod here
17. The Gwent Card Dealer
The Gwent world is your oyster now, baby.
If you’re like me, you enjoy a good round of Gwent here and there but hate the ridiculous amount of effort it takes to get all the cards. This mod adds a Gwent dealer (not to be confused with your Fisstech dealer). See the quartermaster at Crow’s Perch.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- No more struggling to chase down all the cards needed for a decent game.
- Allows the player to more easily complete their decks.
Get the mod here
16. The Useful Witcher Tool Innkeeper
Witcher tools galore. Shop to your heart's content.
In the same vein as the last entry, this mod gives the innkeeper at Dandelion’s establishment a ridiculous amount of inventory. The player can choose from a large amount of crafting ingredients, alchemy ingredients, etc. This mod makes the player’s life a little easier.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Convenient access to ingredients.
- Ability to craft items without trekking all over the world.
Get the mod here
15. Roaming Witcher’s Armor
Choices, choices, choices.
This mod combines aesthetics with great bonuses. There are multiple variations on this armor which is already great-looking armor but also has additional strengths based on the variant you choose.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Witcherly-looking armor with…
- Good stats.
- Geralt looks great in this armor.
Get the mod here
14. More Shadows
Realistic shadows add ambiance because Witcher 3 can always use more ambiance.
This mod focuses on shadows cast by torches, candles, lamps, etc. A minor touch, but noticeable and very nice.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Added realism.
- Fire and shadows are pretty.
Get the mod here
13. Geralt Cloak
Words of wisdom from our favorite Witcher.
Let’s be honest. Looks are important in a game. What is the point of having all these mods in an RPG without some awesome apparel changes? This mod adds a cool cloak to our man with options to put the hood up and down depending on what’s happening. No more choosing an armor set just because it has a hood (I’ve totally done this).
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Makes Geralt look even more like a B.A.
- Control over the cloak and hood wearing options.
Get the mod here
12. Lore-Friendly Witchers
Gritty is better.
This is a skin that makes Geralt and the other Witchers look truer to the Witcher lore. It gives them a little more oomph and less gloss.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- The Witchers’ eyes are more striking.
- Witcher characteristics lineup more closely with the source material.
Get the mod here
11. Realistic Weather
All the weather you could ask for.
This mod adds more texture and realistic weather throughout gameplay. This means more snow in Skellige, improved look of rain and storms, fog in every region, etc.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Improved weather makes for more overall realism.
Get the mod here
10. Indestructible Items - No More Weapon Degradation
Make those items last FOREVER.
Tired of constantly fixing Geralt’s weapons and armor? Welp, look no further. This app makes both weapons and armor indestructible.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- No more spending time on repairing items.
- Combat advantage.
- More room for inventory without keeping repair kits handy.
Get the mod here
10. 1.000 Times Better 2.3.1
So pretty.
This is another mod that improves the lighting of the game. It uses reshade framework to improve the graphics. The lighting is more realistic and gives a nice overhaul to the look.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Improved graphic quality.
- Helps with the oversaturation of colors.
Get the mod here
9. Increased Creature Loot
More bang for your killing buck.
Sometimes as I’m wandering through Velen or White Orchard, I make a kill, loot the kill, and think, “What was even the point of that?” This mod makes it worth it.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- More loot for kills.
- Now updated to include more loot from human kills.
Get the mod here
8. Better Trophies
Make those hideous things worth it.
Like the Increased Creature Loot mod, the Better Trophies mod replaces the vanilla trophy bonus and adds new/improved bonuses.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Creative bonuses.
- Better bonuses.
Get the mod here
7. Mod Limit Fix
All the mods!!!
As part of a top 25 list, it stands to reason you might need a mod to allow more mods. Too many can break your game. Here is your fix. Now you can mod till your brains come out your ears.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Allows more mods in combination with one another.
Get the mod here
6. HENRY CAVILL and Anya Chalotra
Because why not?
Okay. I gotta be honest. I almost made this my number one mod. I love, love, love me some Henry Cavill (don’t judge me), and I enjoyed the Witcher series on Netflix so this mod appeals to me for purely selfish reasons. As you’d expect, this mod adds Henry Cavill’s and Anya Charlotra’s faces to Geralt and Yennefer. A purely aesthetic mod, but very nicely done.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Henry Cavill.
- Anya Charlotra.
Get the mod here
5. Leveling Witcher and Relic Gear Balanced
Keep your swords for eternity.
One thing that gripes me in Witcher 3 is that some of the fancy gear I get early on becomes useless as time passes and my character levels. This mod takes care of that.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Your awesome hardwon gear will no longer be irrelevant in the blink of an eye.
- Keep the stuff you like.
Get the mod here
4. Leveling Kaer Morhen Armor and Warriors Leather Jacket (Blood and Wine Ready)
Be sappy and keep Geralt's armor. It's okay now.
Along the same lines as the last mod, this mod allows your initial Kaer Morhen armor to level up with your character. Hooray!
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- You get to keep Geralt’s iconic look!
- Allows for the sentiment of keeping something from Kaer Morhen.
Get the mod here
3. Fast Travel from Anywhere
Where am I?
Who doesn’t hate the trek from the middle of nowhere to the nearest signpost to get somewhere? What a pain to finish a quest in a far corner of the map and then have to hike for what feels like forever to fast travel! Heave a sigh of relief - this mod will allow you to fast travel from anywhere.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Cuts down on the time to get to a signpost.
- Eliminates the boring hike from the far reaches of a map.
Get the mod here
2. Over 9000 Weight
Keep all the things!
Few things make me table-flipping mad as being “over-encumbered” in an RPG. The rage is real when I pick up that last tiny stone that suddenly makes my character walk as if underwater. I know I’m not alone here.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- This mod allows an incredible amount of inventory.
- No more slogging around at a snail’s pace!
Get the mod here
1. The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project
Witcher 3 original
Witcher 3 HD reworked
I listed this as number one because of the complete and utter thoroughness of this overhaul. It’s astounding. A couple of images do not do it justice so take a look at the video below for a better overall comparison of the vanilla graphics versus the reskinned look. The added detail is amazing!
HD Reworked Demo
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Overall look improvement.
- Sharper images while maintaining the original art.
- Added realism for a more immersive experience.
Get the mod here
And that is my top 25 list of Witcher 3 mods to tickle your fancy based on what tickled my fancy. There are only about a gazillion mods available, though, so make sure to take a look and give new stuff a try! Happy hunting!
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