[Top 10] Yugioh Master Duel Best Decks That Wreck Hard!

El Shaddoll Construct, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
23 Mar 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Engines

When playing YGO Master Duel, do you sit there waiting in agony for your opponent to finish their turn, while a flash of cards you do not know just runs around the screen? That it feels like you can make a sandwich, do a light jog around the corner, and take a long shower, and still your opponent has not finished their turn. That’s probably because of their deck engine.

In Yu-Gi-Oh! we see a lot of cards that fit around a specific or support a specific archetype or a general set of cards. A deck engine is a specific set of cards belonging to a combo that will ensure the deck will generate an advantage against the opponent. This could be a mix of archetype cards or general support, could range to any number beyond two cards, and sometimes even during your turn (What otherwise would be a turn full of your own moves is now an agonising countdown waiting for your opponent to think and use their cards.)

 An example of a deck engine is Numeron Engine; these include Numeron Wall, Numeron Network, Numeron Calling, and all the XYZ Numeron Cards and utilising the Numeron’s ability to easily XYZ summon, one can easily draw 5 cards with Memories of Hope.

Numeron engine

This article will feature decks that will have these accompanying engines and the combos that they could utilise in their combos. The decks will make use of engines that will fit  into a specific role. All to ensure something specific could be done to generate value and to push for a win!.


10. It's the Fabled Danger! 

Discard your hand and summon forth an army in an instant! Also purple elephant!

Are you tired of your opponent special summoning all the time during their turn, wasting the hours just to get to their Boss Monster to smack you down? Or the times where Ash-blossom negates your effects only for your turn to end with no value. If you are, then this deck might be for you!

This is personally one of my favourite decks in YGO Master Duel, and has helped me climb a couple of ranks up. The general strategy of this deck is to use the Danger! engine in tandem with The Fabled engine. Most Fabled cards can be special summoned when the player discards these cards from your hand and with the help of the Danger! cards, you can easily create your boss monster.


What is so great about this Deck

  • The Danger! effects cannot be negated by the usual hand traps like Ash-Blossom because of the lack the once per turn clause in their discard effect. This means if your opponent will negate your Danger!, you can still use their abilities and the opponent discarded their hand trap.
  • This deck has plenty of ways to special summon cards from the hand and the deck; with cards like Rescue Cat, The Fabled Chawa, The Fabled Afanc and more. But be careful of Maxx C. Sometimes it's just worth it to end your turn there and then.
  • Ease-of-use, even if one of your card effects is negated, this deck still has plenty of ways to special summon and it doesn’t take long to get the ball rolling.
  • You can lockdown your opponents by using both special summons and spell cards because of cards like Vanity’s Ruler, and Imperial Order. The former being a hard card to usually summon but because of The Fabled engine it becomes an effortless summon. 

How this deck is played

  • This deck is versatile and could be played in either the first or the second turn. 
    • But if you are going for a lockdown strategy. it would be more preferable to go first as to lockdown their special summons and their spells. 
    • Going second would mean that you are going for a more reactionary approach to your opponent’s deck, which this deck can still pull off.
  • The Danger! engine can discard cards from your hand, and hit off the Fabled’s discard effects.
    • If you use all the cards in your hand and have a level 3 normal monster and a level 2 tuner monster, you can synchro summon Fabled Ragin to draw 2 cards and keep the combo going!
  • This deck runs a Dogmatika engine which allows you to special summon cards from the hand in reaction to your opponent's extra deck summons. These cards include Dogmatika Fleurdelis, Dogmatika Ecclesia, Dogmatika Ashiyan, Nadir Servant.
    • Just a note of warning, Dogmatika Ecclesia can special summon herself and fetch you a Dogmatika card from your deck (Dogmatika Fleurdelis), but she will lock you out of an extra deck summons during your turn.
    • Dogmatika Fleurdelis is a good beatstick and has one turn negate, just take note that she can only negate one monster when a Dogmatika card is in the field.
    • Nadir Servant can fetch you a Dogmatika card of your choice, and send 1 card from your extra deck to your graveyard or GY. But doing so will lock you out of extra deck summoning, so be careful!
      • You can send Elder Entity N’tss to destroy any target card on the field or Titaniklad the Ash Dragon to get a Dogmatika card during your end phase
  • After special summoning two cards onto the field, you can Link Summon Crystron Halqifibrax to extend your combo by fetching out a tuner (preferably Fabled Kushano) from your deck. Then you can use that tuner to either link 3, Extra deck summon a boss monster, or for summoning Vanity’s Ruler.
  • Having Fabled Kushano in the GY will allow easy access to discard effects for Fabled monsters.
  • Use Card Destruction to discard your entire hand and activate a slew of discard effects in one go.

Card list

Monsters - 28

2x Fabled Chawa

3x Fabled Cerburrel

2x Fabled Afanc

1x Fabled Kushano

3x Fabled Ganashia

1x Danger!? Jackalope?

2x Rescue Cat

3x Fabled Grimro

1x Danger! Mothman

2x Dogmatika Ecclesia, The Virtuous

1x Danger! Nessie!

2x Vanity’s Ruler

1x Danger! Bigfoot!

2x Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted

1x Dogmatika Ashiyan

1x Danger!? Tsuchinoko


Spells - 7

1x Card Destruction

1x Monster Reborn

1x Pot of Avarice

1x Double Summon

1x Nadir Servant

1x Triple Tactics Talent


Traps - 5

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Infinite Impermanence

1x Imperial Order


Extra Deck Monsters -15 

1x Elder Entity N’tss

1x Titaniklad the Ash Dragon

1x Fabled Ragin

1x T.G. Hyper Librarian

1x Stardust Charge Warrior

1x F.A. Dawn Dragster

1x Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon

1x Chaos Ruler Magical Dragon

1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Shooting Star Dragon T.G.

1x Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow

1x Crystron Halqifibrax

1x Knightmare Pheonix

1x Knightmare Unicorn

1x Topologic Zeroboros


9. Gravekeeper’s Denial

Trap and Stun your opponents in the Valley of the Dead

Still waiting for your Tri-Brigade opponent to finish their whole combo? Are those cute prank-kids fusion summoning and link summoning their whole extra deck? Then this spiteful anti-meta deck will make your day great, your opponent’s; not-so.

Unlike Yu-gi-oh in the past, where people still took their time, tribute summoned monsters, and had very little special summoning. Today’s meta, on the other hand, is the total opposite, except for people taking their time. Utilising Necrovalley, and its associated cards the Gravekeeper’s, we could prevent our opponents from defeating us by locking out these two fronts: the graveyard, and special summoning.

What is so great about this deck

  • Ease-of-use engine, the Gravekeeper’s can easily fetch out Necrovalley from the deck and thinning out the deck to easily draw other key cards and answers.
  • Once Necrovalley, Hidden Temples of Necrovalley, and Gravekeeper’s Heretic hits the field, it will become very hard for the opponent to manoeuvre against this deck.
  • Doesn’t really use the Extra Deck other than fodder for discard and Pot of Extravagance. This will help with the overall crafting cost of the deck.

How this deck is played

  • This deck would primarily want to go first turn, but if that you will be second to go the deck has ways to equalise the field.
  • The Gravekeeper’s entire strategy hinges on having Necrovalley out in the field to activate effects to lock-out your opponent.
    • There are two consistent ways to grab Necrovalley out of the deck. If you have copies of these cards in your opening hand, hesitate to get all the copies of Necrovalley out of your deck and into the hand.
      • Gravekeeper’s Commander is an effect monster with a simple ability to discard itself from the hand and fetch Necrovalley from the deck. This ability does not have a hard once per turn clause allowing you to fetch multiple copies of Necrovalley from the deck.
      • Terraforming is a spell card that adds one field spell to the hand.
  • Inspector Boarder is a splashable card that locks your opponent out of using monster effects based on how many of those effects the opponent had used  in the turn before. This monster can easily lock out your opponent's monster hand traps, and monster effects from their GY.
    • Be careful of the summoning condition of Inspector Boarder. It can only be summoned if you have no cards on the field.
  • Use Called by the Grave to stop your opponent’s hand traps and allow for a smoother gameplay.
  • Gravekeeper’s Heretic is an unusually good boss monster with 1800 ATK, because of its ability to not be affected by your opponent's card effects. This makes it very hard to remove from the board and requires the opponent to normally summon a monster with more ATK to beat over it. Very reminiscent of the old times.
  • Necrovalley Throne is a spell card that allows you to fetch a Gravekeeper’s card from the deck, ensuring  consistency in the deck. 
    • The other effect of this card is to allow an extra normal summon of a Gravekeeper’s card from your hand. This allows you to have Inspector Boarder in the field alongside a Gravekeeper’s monster.
    • A combo that you can do in this deck is Necrovalley Throne → Gravekeeper’s Commander → Necrovalley.
  • The trap Dogmatika Punishment allows us to destroy a monster in the field by discarding an extra card with an ATK greater than that monster. Since this deck won’t be utilising the extra deck, you can fill it with cheap to create fodder with high ATK. But if you have the budget, you can opt for Elder Entity N’tss which would allow you to destroy a second card in the field.
  • When using a pot of Extravagance, always opt for banishing six monsters from the Extra Deck to ensure maximum value.
  • Gravekeeper’s Heretic will also not be affected by your own card effects, allowing Torrential Tribute to wipe out your opponent’s monsters without affecting your own Gravekeeper’s Heretic.

Card list

Monsters - 10

1x Gravekeeper’s Recruiter

3x Gravekeeper’s Commander

3x Gravekeeper’s Heretic

3x Inspector Boarder


Spells - 21

1x Raigeki

1x Terraforming

2x Card of Demise

3x Pot of Duality

3x Necrovalley Throne

3x Pot of Extravagance

3x Necrovalley

3x Hidden Temples of Necrovalley

2x Called to the Grave


Traps - 11

1x Mirror Force

3x Torrential Tribute

2x Imperial Impermanence

1x Dogmatika Punishment

1x Solemn Judgement

3x Solemn Warning


Extra Deck Monsters - 15 

Just choose anything with high ATK, so Dogmatika Punishment, and Pot of Extravagance can go ham.


8. Lost in Amazement 

Trick and confuse your opponents with wild rides!

Do you want your opponents to get lost and confused about which spell or trap card they will destroy? Revel in your opponent’s despair when they accidentally destroy Waking the Dragon, giving you a free boss monster. Wear your seatbelts, and keep your hands inside the ride. This deck is going to be a fun ride.

This deck runs on the Amazement Engine, which allows the player to set Attraction traps from the deck directly onto the field. Some cards in this deck even allow the player to set the Attraction traps during your opponent's turn, making it a very versatile deck.


What is so great about this deck

  • Versatility, this deck can adapt on the go during your opponent’s turn to make up with tempo.
  • You can lock out your opponents with trap cards such as Imperial Order, There can Only Be One, and Rivalry of the Warlords.
  • Quite an intuitive play style, since the engine is quite consistent, it becomes easy to use as the player spends more time playing this deck.

How this deck is played

  • This deck would primarily want to go first to set up a field, but when you are second to go, it might become a bit of a problem.
    • Don't worry if you are second though, this deck had plenty of ways to get around that such as Rivalry of Warlords, Waking the Dragon, There can Only Be One, and Torrential tribute.
  • The player can use The Amazement Engine in different ways.
    • The player can use Amazing Time Ticket during your turn to pick up Amazement Attendant Comica during your turn to start the whole combo.
      • Amazement Attendant Comica can set an Attraction trap card from the deck to your field.
        • Based on how you want to control the enemy, you can choose Amaze Attraction Horror House for a free negate and a forced flip face down for a monster. While Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster can fetch a card from your deck or send a spell or trap card, your opponent has to the GY.
        • Amazement Attendant Comica can activate both of Amaze Attraction Horror House’s effects by utilising its quick effect to swap the target of an Attraction card.
      • Amazement Administrator Arlekino can effectively board wipe your opponent by banishing used Amaze Attraction cards from your GY to destroy cards. This card can also immediately equip your opponent with attractions from the deck, making it a versatile boss monster to sit on.
  • There are plenty of threats that can destroy your back row like Lightning Storm or Accesscode Talker, but we have a small and easy way to counter that with our bait, Waking the Dragon.
    • Waking the Dragon will only activate if the player had set on the field, so ensure that you have space for this card.
    • Waking the Dragon will activate when it leaves the field from your opponent's effects, giving it a wide berth of ways to activate and bring out your boss monster for free.
    • There are plenty of boss monsters on the extra deck that we can cheat out with this card
      • Invoked Mechaba - A really strong spell/trap negator. .
      • The Last Warrior from Another World - Just flat out destroys all other monsters you control but it prevents special summoning
      • Naturia Exterio - Can stop your opponent's spell or trap cards effects from happening with an easy activation
  • Dogmatika Punishment is a good way to remove an opponent's monster cards and using N’tss as discard fodder allows you to destroy another of your opponent’s cards.

Card list

Monster - 10

2x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring

3x Amazement Attendant Comica

3x Amazement Administrator Arlekino

2x Nibiru, the Primal Being


Spells - 6 

3x Pot of Prosperity

3x Amazing Time Ticket


Traps -24

2x Torrential Tribute

3x Infinite Impermanence 

3x Waking the Dragon

3x Dogmatika Punishment

3x Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster

3x Amaze Attraction Horror House

1x Imperial Order

2x Rivalry of Warlords

1x Vanity’s Emptiness

3x There can Only be One


Extra Deck Monsters - 15

3x Elder Entity N’tss

1x Another Warrior from Another Planet

1x Invoked Mechaba

1x Naturia Exterio

1x Hot Red Archfiend Abyss Dragon

1x Winged Pegasus @Ignister

1x Psy-Framelord Omega

2x Abyss Dweller

1x Knightmare Phoenix

1x Lyra the Light Charmer, Lustrous

1x Knightmare Unicorn

1x Borrelsword Dragon


7. Fossils of Megalith


Do you love that sweet blue border of ritual summons? Want your opponent to wait for you to finish your plays during their turn? Then these stoney rock boys have got your back!

This deck runs the Megalith Engine alongside Fossil Fusion to create strong boss monsters to dominate the field. Not only will the player have powerful cards to back them up, but will also have ways to affect the monsters in your opponent’s GY.

What is so great about this deck

  • Most of the Parts of the Megalith Engine are easily obtained from SOLO mode, making this F2P friendly.
  • This deck can adapt on the go during your opponent’s turn, disrupting their plays with cards like Megalith Aratron and Megalith Bethor.
  • Rock bois!

How this deck is played

  • The Megalith Engine can be used to Ritual Summon any Ritual Monster in the hand regardless of their archetype, making this a great ritual monster support.
    • Megalith Phul can ritual summon Megalith Cards from the deck or hand during either player's turn, using either hand cards or monster cards in the field as Tribute for said monsters.
      • Phul can also return one Ritual Monster from the GY to the Hand when it is Ritual Summoned.
    • Megalith Och, Ophiel and Hagith can Ritual Summon and Ritual Monsters in the hand when they are on the field, using both hand cards and monster cards in the field as Tribute for the Ritual Summon.
    • When Megalith Bethor is Ritual Summoned, it can destroy any amount of cards based on the number of Ritual Monsters with Different Names in the GY, making this a very disruptive play against the opponent.
      • With Phul you can ritual summon Megalith Bethor during your opponent’s turn to disrupt their combos and engines as they go.
    • Megalith Phaleg will reinforce your field by increasing the ATK and DEF of monsters based on the number of Ritual Monsters with Different Names in the GY.
  • When going first, Ritual Summoning Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord during your turn, can forcibly skip your opponent’s Main Phase 1 and skip their Battle Phase too as they will not have any monsters in the field.
  • Megalith Portal can bounce Ritual Monsters in your GY back to the hand when a Ritual Summon happens.
  • Fossil Fusion can take away key cards from your opponent’s GY by banishing appropriate monster cards to Fusion Summon your Fossil Monsters.
  • Block Dragon can protect all the Rock Monsters on the field from battle destruction and has a good floating effect when sent to the GY.

Card List

Monsters - 29

2x Rock Dragon

2x Weathering Soldier

3x Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands 

1x Barrier Statue of the Drought

1x Shell Knight

1x Cyber Angel Vrash

1x Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord

2x Megalith Phaleg

2x Megalith Aratron

3x Megalith Bethor

1x Megalith Och

2x Megalith Ophiel

3x Megalith Hagith

3x Megalith Phul

2x Cyber Angel Benten


Spells - 13

1x Extra Foolish Burial Goods

3x Fossil Fusion

1x Time Stream

3x Megalith Unformed

1x Magnet Reverse

1x Ascending Soul

3x Megalith Portal


Traps - 2

1x Megalith Emergence

2x Infinite Impermanence


Extra Deck - 15

1x Fossil Dragon Skullgios

1x Fossil Warrior Skull King

1x Fossil Machine Skull Convoy

1x Fossil Warrior Skull Knight

2x Fossil Machine Skull Wagon

1x Elder Entity N’tss

1x Fossil Dragon Skullgar

1x Fossil Warrior Skull Bone

1x Fossil Machine Skull Buggy

1x Herald of Arc Light

1x Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight

1x Number 55: Gogogo Goliath

1x Gallant Granite

1x Daigusto Emeral


6. Rushing Exodia

Unleash the Forbidden One's power.

You’ve probably seen those Exodia decks that have a lone Crooked Cook tanking the entire game. And thirty excruciating turns later, they win with Exodia the Forbidden One.

Take that concept, but instead of stalling the game, we try to win by drawing all the Exodia parts in one turn. So sit back and draw your entire deck in one turn, with this FTK combo.

What is so great about this deck

  • An FTK that incorporates Royal Magical Library and a slew of Spell Cards for an overall one-sided win.
  • Easy to use and understand.
  • Very F2P friendly due to low need of UR crafting material.

How this deck is played

  • Royal Magical Library is one of the main draw engines on the deck.
  • Having 2 in the field allows you to draw and loop enough spell cards consistently.
    • Double Summon will allow you to have these two Royal Magical Library out in the field.
  • Piri Reis Map can fetch this out of your deck. Just be careful of Ash Blossom stopping you in your tracks.
  • Placing Anchamoufrite on the Pendulum Scale and using its pendulum effect to draw an extra card.
  • The Bamboo Sword Engine will allow us to draw cards out from the deck consistently due to the lack of the Once per Turn Clause.
    • This combo can begin by Equipping Bamboo Sword to a Royal Magical Library and using Golden Bamboo Sword to Draw 2 cards with ease.
    • Use Foolish Burial Goods to send Cursed Bamboo Sword to the GY so the player can fetch Golden Bamboo Sword from the deck to the hand to use its draw effect.
  • Chicken Game can draw an extra card from the deck, and has a soft once per turn.
    • This means if the player has another Chicken Game or a Terraforming in the hand. The player can use Chicken Game’s effect again by replacing it with a new one.
  • Magical Stone Excavation can discard two cards in the hand to fetch a spell in the GY.
    • If you have Dark Factory of Mass Production in your hand, you can discard two of either limbs of Exodia to the GY to pull a draw spell out of it.
      • Then use Dark Factory of Mass Production to return those two limbs back to the hand.
    • You can also discard Cursed Bamboo Sword to the GY to draw out another Golden Bamboo Sword or Bamboo Sword out of your deck.
    • Good targets for recursion are:
      • Golden Bamboo Sword
      • Upstart Goblin
      • Chicken Game

Card List

Monsters - 9

1x Right Leg of The Forbidden One

1x Right Arm of The Forbidden One

1x Exodia The Forbidden One

1x Left Leg of The Forbidden One

1x Left Arm of The Forbidden One

3x Royal Magical Library

1x Anchamoufrite


Spells - 31

1x Terraforming

3x Upstart Goblin

1x Card of Demise

2x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Dark Factory of Mass Production

3x Magical Mallet

1x Double Summon

3x Cursed Bamboo Sword

3x Golden Bamboo Sword

3x Into The Void

1x Pot of Duality

2x Piri Reis Map

1x Broken Bamboo Sword

2x Foolish Burial Goods

3x Chicken Game

1x Called to the Grave


Extra Deck - 0

Since we use Anchamoufrite we will not have any cards in the Extra Deck.


5. Monarchs and Me

Harken back to the old days of Yu-Gi-Oh!

Let’s go back to the 2000's before Konami introduced Synchro Summons. To a time where the game can have bouts of over 10 or more rounds in a game. An intense back-and-forth between players, summoning great big boss monsters to squash their enemies.

We can reminisce about that time and make it a reality with this deck. Tribute Summon your way and prevent your opponent from using that pesky extra deck, with the help of the Monarchs.

What is so great about this deck

  • Very easy to use and the Monarch Engine is very intuitive.
  • Stun your opponents and prevent them from playing their Extra Deck monsters
  • Not as expensive as other decks as it doesn’t utilise the Extra Deck

How this deck is played

  • Normal summoning Edea the Heavenly Squire can pull and Eidos the Underworld Squire, which allows you to do an extra tribute summon from the hand.
    • Which allows you to tribute summon Majesty’s fiend and the Monarch’s from your hand an extra time.
  • Foolish Burial and One for One can place Eidos to the GY to use its GY Effect from there bringing an Edea from the GY to come back to the field.
  • Domain of the Monarch’s prevents your opponent from special summoning from the Extra Deck.
  • Proof of Prufias can special summon itself to the field and quickly allow you tribute summon after for a quick Monarch or Majesty’s Fiend.
  • March of the Monarchs protects the Player’s Majesty’s Fiend from a plethora of effects, making the only way to destroy it is by beating over its ATK.
  • Majesty’s Fiend has 2400 ATK and 1000 DEF which makes it prime targets for your own fetch spells, such as Tenacity of The Monarchs and Return of the Monarchs.
  • The Monarch’s Stormfront can be used to tribute summon an opponent’s boss monster reminiscent of the Kaiju.

Card List

Monsters - 18

3x Edea the Heavenly Squire

3x Eidos the Underworld Squire

2x Proof of Pruifas

2x Majesty’s Fiend

1x Kuraz the Light Monarch

1x Thestalos the Mega Monarch

3x Ehther the Mega Monarch

3x Erebus The Mega Monarch


Spells - 18

1x Foolish Burial

1x One for One

3x Tenacity of the Monarchs

3x Pantheism of the Monarchs

3x Domain of the Monarchs

2x The Monarchs Stormforth

2x March of the Monarchs

2x Return of the Monarchs

2x Called to the Grave


Traps - 3

3x The Prime Monarchs


Extra Deck - 0 

We don't run an extra deck because it will not synergize with the deck


4. Red Hot Chainy Peppers

Your opponent goes ham, their field full of monsters, and their hands packed with cards.Their turn ends, and your begins. You fill up your back row with spells and trap cards a plenty to burn out your opponent.

If you want to deal more than half of your opponent’s LP in one turn and  watch as your opponent clambers to counter your cards. This deck will work for you!

What is so great about this deck

  • Very little URs on the deck making it very F2P friendly.
  • Requires little input from the player.
  • Lower ranks in Master Duel have little counterplay to this deck.
  • Flamethrower your opponents by using Chain Strike and dealing more than 2000LP in one go!

How this deck is played

  • This deck doesn’t really have a preference for whoever goes first, but it would still be great to go first to ensure little counterplay.
  • You can stall your opponent’s turn by using Thunder of Ruler, Threatening Roar, or Waboku to prevent them from attacking.
  • Just Desserts, Secret Barrel, and Secret Blast will burn your opponent based on the monsters and cards they have on their field and hand. Try to time it when they have plenty of cards in their hand and field.
  • The player should use Accumulated Fortune and Chain Strike on chains of 4 or more, but be careful to not activate cards with the same name in the chain as it would prevent the player from activating either of the cards.
  • Lava Golem and Gamaciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju, can tribute summon creatures on your opponent’s side of the field, effectively eliminating their boss monsters.
  • Magical Cylinder and Dimension Wall will deal damage to your opponent based on the ATK their monster deals to you. Wait for the right moment and trap the opponent’s strongest monster into attacking their owner.

Card List

Monsters - 2

1x Lava Golem

1x Gameciel the Sea Turtle Kaiju


Spells - 8

1x Card of Demise

1x Pot of Prosperity

3x Poison of the Old Man

3x Chain Strike

Traps - 30

3x Just Desserts

3x Waboku

1x Magic Cylinder

3x Reckless Greed

3x Thunder of Ruler

3x Secret Barrel

3x Legacy of Yata-Garasu

3x Threatening Roar

3x Dimension Wall

2x Accumulated Fortune

3x Secret Blast

Extra Deck -15

Just use anything since it will just be targets for Pot of Prosperity


3.Towering Qliphorts

High towers and tanks for this deck!

The sun is high, and the clouds are clear. Wind and sand whooshes through the air and touches your face; the sound of grass rustling reaches your ears. Then in a moment, towers high in the sky rise from the earth and tower over you.

Control your opponent’s fields by utilising Apoqliphort Towers effect and ruin your opponent’s monsters. 

What is so great about this deck

  • Easy-to-use deck that utilises plenty of Pendulum Summon
  • The player can easily summon True King of All Calamities which can counterplay most decks.
  • Qli cards have a soft immunity that is quite hard to overcome and would usually require higher-level monsters to get over the immunity.

How this deck is played

  • Qli Engine relies on using their scales to Special Summon Qli monsters and use them to Tribute Summon Apoqliphort Towers.
    • Having Qliphort Monolith as one scales allows the player to draw an equal amount of cards as the number of Qli cards that were Tribute Summoned
    • Qliphort Scout can fetch out Qli cards from the deck, making it a very versatile scale to have.
    • When a Qli card is Special Summoned or Normal Summoned without a tribute, the cards will default to Level 4 and have reduced ATK.
    • The usual combo would be to Pendulum Summon monsters to the field and Tribute Summon a high level Qli monster.
    • Qli monsters have effects when they are tributed. Use them wisely and in response to your opponent’s field
    • Qliphort Genius is a good negate to have on your turn..
  • Infinitruck Engine allows us to easily XYZ Summon our Boss Monster True King of All Calamities
    • Utilising Infinitruck Brutal Dozer’s effect when it is Special Summoned, to fetch and Summon Infinitruck Anchor Drill.
    • Infinitruck Anchor Drill can then summon a Qli card or Infinitruck Brutal Dozer to make both monsters over or at level 9. Then you can Special Summon any of your bosses from the Extra Deck.
  • Summoner’s Art allows us to get any of the missing pieces of the engines we would like to play.
  • Armory Call is a trap that allows us to fetch Saqlifice from the deck and equip it to a Qli monster to give it 500 ATK/DEF on the fly.

Card List

Monsters - 28

2x Qliphort Monolith

3x Qliphort Scout

2x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring

1x Apoqliphort Tower

2x Qliphort Stealth

2x Qliphort Shell

3x Qliphort Disk

1x Qliphort Cephalopod

2x Qliphort Helix

3x Qliphort Carrier

1x Infinitruck Carrier

3x Infinitruck Brutal Dozer

3x Infinitruck Anchor Drill


Spells - 6

2x Summoner’s Art

3x Saqlifice

1x Supermagic Sword of Raptinus


Trap - 6

1x Qlimate Change

2x Armory Change

3x Skill Drain


Extra Deck - 15

1x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe

1x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max

1x Infinitruck Earth Slicer

1x True King of All Calamities

1x Phantom Fortress Enterblathnir

1x Infinitruck River Stormer

1x Tornado Dragon

1x Abyss Dweller

1x Borrelsword Dragon

1x Borreload Dragon

1x Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos

3x Qliphort Genius

1x Infinitruck Goliath


2. Chaining Time Lords

Call an ambulance, but not for me.

Have you ever had that thought: where you are just like, wow I want to cut my opponent’s LP in half in one go? Want monsters that are so hard to deal with that, during the start of the turn, they return themselves back to the deck just for balance’s sake?

This deck may then be for you! Similar to the Chain Burn deck we had before, but splashed with strong and chonky Level 10, 0 ATK and 0 DEF monsters. Cheese your opponents to victory!

What is so great about this deck

  • The Time Lords are kind of hard to deal with when there is no way to banish them, so some decks just can’t win against this.
  • The Time Lords require little to no monsters other than themselves and can affect the field in more ways than one, disrupting most of your opponent’s plays.
  • Like the Chain Burn deck, your opponent’s resources and cards often work in your favor.

How this deck is played

  • The Time Lords all share a normal summoning condition across their whole archetype. If only your opponent controls a monster, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributing.
    • Each Time Lord has a specific ability that will activate if they conduct their battle. (Don’t worry they will negate any battle damage in that battle phase)
      • Sandaion : Inflict 2000 Damage to your opponent’s LP
      • Kamion : Shuffle one card your opponent controls back to their deck and inflicts 500 damage
      • Lazion : Shuffle your opponent’s GY back to their deck. When your opponent draws a card deal 1000 Damage to your opponent’s LP,
      • Metaion : Return all the other Monsters on the field back to their owner’s hand, deal damage to your opponent LP 300 x number of cards returned.
      • Michion : Half your opponent’s LP.
      •  Zaphion : Shuffle all your opponent’s spell/trap cards back to their deck.
  • Time Maiden can act as a Tribute Fodder for the Time Lords by special summoning itself into the field.
    • Sending this card to the GY through one for one or tributing it will allow you access to its other effect, which banishes this card from the GY to special summon a Time Lord from the deck, allowing you to have over one Time Lord on the field.
  • Empty Machine, Infinite Machine, and Infinite Light are trap cards can protect and recur your Time Lords from the GY to the field.
  • Secret Barrel and Chain Strike can help push your victory by burning your opponent’s LP after you half it with Time Lord Michion

Card List

Monsters - 14

2x Sandaion, the Time Lord

1x Kamion, the Time Lord

2x Lazion, the Time Lord

1x Metaion, the Time Lord

2x Michion, the Time Lord

1x Zaphion, the Time Lord

2x Ash Blossom & Ash Blossom Joyous Spring

3x Time Maiden


Spells - 9

2x Card of Demise

1x Monster Reborn

2x One for One

1x Harpy’s Feather Duster

3x Chain Strike


Traps - 17

3x Empty Machine

1x Infinite Machine

1x Infinite Light

2x Blazing Mirror Force

3x Infinite Impermanence

3x Magical Cylinder

3x Secret Barrel

1x Rivalry of Warlords


Extra Deck - 15

2x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe

3x Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer

2x Skypalace Gangaridai

2x Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora

3x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav

3x Number 35: Ravenous Tarantula


1. Invoking the Shadolls

Anti-Meta and Horror Inspired Puppet Dolls, sign me up!

Imagine when you bought the duel pass and progressed to 50 to receive a Monster Art Reward. This Monster Art features a large feminine doll with wings of strings and a towering presence of dread.

This deck utilises the consistent power of the Shaddoll Engine, which is supported by fusions of  the Invoked archetype. Topple your opponent's monsters, use them as material for fusion and win the game!

What is so great about this deck

  • This deck can counter most of the meta decks that are run in the higher ranks in the ladder such as Tri-brigade, Prank-kids and more
  • The Invoked archetype allows you to Fusion Summon monsters on your opponent’s side, allowing you to bypass most Boss Monster’s immunities.
  • El Shaddoll Construct can activate most of the Shaddoll abilities while El Shaddoll Winda can lock your opponent out of Special Summoning.
  • Very intuitive and can easily combo out cards.

How this deck is played

  • The Shaddoll Engine primarily uses Shaddoll Fusion to Fusion Summon Shaddoll Boss Monsters to the Field.
    • The Shaddoll Effect Monsters and Fusion Monsters have effects when they are place to the GY by card effects, such as Shaddoll Fusion and El Shaddoll Apkallone, these are:
      • Shaddoll Beast: Draw a card.
      • Shaddoll Dragon: Destroy a Spell/Trap on the field.
      • Nehshadoll Genius: Prevents a card ability from being activated by either player for a single turn.
      • Naelshaddoll Ariel: Banish three cards in either player’s GY.
      • Reeshaddoll Wendi: Special Summon one Shadoll Monster card from the deck face-down on the field.
      • Shadoll Falco: Special Summon this card to the field face down.
      • El Shadoll Construct: Return one Shaddoll Spell/Trap card from the GY to the hand.
      • El Shadoll Apkalone: Add one Shaddoll card from the Deck or GY to the hand and discard one card.
      • El Shaddoll Winda: Return one Shaddoll Spell/Trap card from the GY to the hand.
  • All the Effect Shaddoll Monsters have a flip effect which the player can activate when the player places face-down on the field by other card effects or from the hand.
    • Shaddoll Beast: Draw two cards and discard one card.
    • Shaddoll Dragon: Target one card and return it back to the hand.
    • Nehshadoll Genius: Target one face up Shaddoll card on the field and it can’t be affected by card effects the turn the player activates this card..
    • Naelshaddoll Ariel: Target one banished Shaddoll Monster and place it face-up or face-down on the field.
    • Reeshaddoll Wendi: Special Summon one Shadoll Monster card from the deck face-up or face-down on the field.
    • Shadoll Falco: Special Summon a Shaddoll Card face-down from the GY.
  • We run the Dogmatika Engine on this deck because it splashes well with the Shaddoll Fusion Summons on the Extra Deck.
    • Dogmatika Maximus can send 2 cards from both player’s Extra Deck to the GY
    • El Shaddoll Apkalone is a great target for this discard, allowing you to fetch a Shaddoll Card from the deck.
    • Titaniklad the Ash Dragon is another great target for this discard which fetched the owner a Dogmatika Card from the deck at the end of the turn.
  • PSY-Framelord Omega is one of the best target for this discard, allowing you to shuffle a Shaddoll card in the GY and this card back to the deck.
  • The Invoked archetype is used to eliminate your Opponent’s boss monsters by using Invocation or Super Polymerization to force the boss monster to act as a fusion material.
    • Aleister the Invoker allows you to fetch Invocation from the deck, but be careful if the opponent has Ash-Blossom they can negate this.
      • Called to the Grave can counter Ash-Blossom
    • Mudragon of the Swamp is a great all around fusion target for Super Polymerization, because of the very general materials needed.
    • Magical Meltdown will make the effects of your Fusion Monsters be spell speed 4.


Card List

Monsters - 20

1x Dogmatika Fleurdelis

1x Dogmatika Maximus

1x Shaddoll Beast

1x Shaddoll Dragon

1x Neshaddoll Genius

3x Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous

3x Aleister the Invoker

1x Naelshaddoll Ariel

1x Reeshaddoll Wendi

1x Shaddoll Falcon

3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring

3x Maxx “C”


Spells - 15

1x Nadir Servant

2x Lightning Storm

1x Foolish Burial

3x Shaddoll Fusion

1x Harpy’s Feather Duster

2x Invocation

1x Crossout Designator

2x Called to the Grave

2x Magical Meltdown


Traps - 5

2x Evenly Matched

1x Resh Shaddoll Incantation

1x Dogmatika Punishment

1x Shaddoll Schism


Extra Deck - 15

2x Invoked Mechaba

2x El Shaddoll Construct

1x Mudragon of the Swamp

1x Titaniklad the Ash Dragon

1x Invoked Augoeides

1x Invoked Purgatorio

2x El Shaddoll Apkallone

2x El Shaddoll Winda

1x PSY-Framelord Omega

1x Gravity Controller

1x Artemis the Magistus Moon Maiden

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