3. Blue-Eyes Beatdown

A Dragon Destroyer working with Dragons.
Does the starter deck The Power of Dragons feel like it is lacking something? Do you want this deck to have more power?! Then Blue-Eyes Beatdown might be the deck for you!
This blends Blue-Eyes support and Buster Blader support to create strong Boss Monsters like Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon or Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon. These Boss Monsters can either negate activation of effects or just outright prevent enemies from targeting them. Because of the intuitive nature of the Blue-Eyes Engine makes it really easy to pick up and pilot. Whilst the Buster Blade acts as great Dragon support and Back-up.
So what are you waiting for? Summon Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon and command your Dragon Army!
Blue-Eyes Beatdown Pros:
- The deck is very intuitive with cards like The White Stone of Ancients, Sage with Eyes of Blue and Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman are very easy to understand and start a combo with.
- Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon is really easy to summon once you got the right combos and engines in the field.
- Access to fetch/draw spells that are easy to activate, like The Melody of Awakening Dragon and Trade-In.
- These two can have combos with The White Stone of Ancients and The White Stone of Legend to further thin the deck.
- Strong negates on the deck.
- Plenty of GY effects to activate, for easy to access combos.
- Has a flood gate to prevent your opponent from special summoning monsters from the extra deck
Blue-Eyes Beatdown Cons:
- The deck has no Hand Traps which might make certain matchups quite hard.
- Weak to field wipe cards like Lightning Storm and Dark Hole
- Susceptible to Hand Traps like Ash-Blossom and Nibiru, The Primal Being
- Called by the Grave or other GY floodgates can prevent key pieces from your GY from being used for a turn, which stops most of your combos
- Expensive UR Cost not that F2P friendly
- Susceptible to Banish effects from the Opponent
Card list
Monsters - 25
3x Blue-Eyes White Dragon
2x Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon
1x Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon
1x Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordsmaster
2x Buster Blader
1x Dragon Spirit of White
3x The White Stone of Ancients
1x The White Stone of Legend
3x Sage with Eyes of Blue
1x Effect Veiler
3x Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman
1x Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
1x Galactic Spiral Dragon
1x Chaos Dragon Levianeer
1x Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon
Spells - 21
2x World Legacy Guardragon
3x The Melody of Awakening Dragon
3x Trade-In
1x Chaos Form
1x Destruction Swordsman Fusion
1x One for One
2x Where art Thou?
2x Cards of Consequence
1x Mausoleum of White
1x Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords
2s Return of the Dragon Lords
2x Twin Twisters
Traps - 4
2x Destruction Sword Memories
2x Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman
Extra Deck - 15
1x Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon
2x Buster Dragon
1x Azure Eyes Silver Dragon
1x PSY-Framelord Omega
1x Guardragon Pisty
1x Linkuriboh
1x Protector Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman
1x Knightmare Phoenix
1x Knightmare Unicorn
2x Buster Blader, The Dragon Destroyer Swordsman
1x Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy
1x Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon
1x Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon
2.Seeing Red

Are they really red?
Anger rushes through you as your opponent fills their entire field in a whole turn. Do you want to do something about it?
This deck uses the Resonators and other cards to Synchro Summon out Red Supernova Dragon. This Boss monster can act as a nuke to your opponent’s field, by banishing all your opponent’s cards and itself, which acts as a really strong removal. This deck also runs a portion of the Supay engine to easily Special Summon a Red Rising Dragon from the Extra Deck to extend out combos. Whilst Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity can prevent any activation of your opponent’s cards for a whole turn!
Seeing Red Pros:
- The deck has easy-to-use combos that can start out from a single card being placed in the field.
- Has cards that can act as payoffs for being materials for Synchro Summon usually to get out more cards to act as materials for Bigger Monsters
- Cards like Sangan, and WItch of the Black Forest to pick up Resonators and other combo cards in the hand.
- Red Supernova Dragon can easily banish hard to destroy monsters, spells and traps on the opponent’s field.
- Red Supernova Dragon has an easy way to protect itself from enemy effects.
- Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity can prevent your opponent from activating any cards during the turn it is summoned, making it easy to lock out your opponent from using any counters to your plays.
- Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend can act as a back-up boss monster which can destroy all your opponent’s field, and negate spell/trap cards that are used during either player’s battle phase.
- The deck has cards that can easily recur any of the boss monsters from the graveyard
- Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth can resurrect Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity really easily.
- Both of which the player can easily loop, to have either of these dragons on the field, making counterplay kind of hard to do.
- Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth can resurrect Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity really easily.
Seeing Red Cons:
- This deck can brick on the opening hand if certain cards are not there.
- Has little Hand Traps, which might make certain matchups quite hard to deal with.
- Can be susceptible to Flood Gates like Vanity’s Ruler, or There Can Only Be One
- Has little ways to play around these strategies
- Called by The Grave can easily prevent some combos from happening like Samsara and Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity.
Card list
Monsters - 24
2x Supay, Duskwalker
1x Supay
2x Synkron Resonator
1x Force Resonator
2x Red Resonator
3x Crimson Resonator
1x Creation Resonator
1x Rokket Syncrhon
2x Maxx “C”
1x Sangan
3x Witch of the Black Forest
2x Red Sprinter
3x Wandering King Wildwind
1x Red Familiar
Spells - 7
1x Harpie’s Feather Duster
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Resonator Call
1x Lightning Storm
2x Resonator Command
Traps - 8
1x Mirror Force
1x Drowning Mirror Force
1x Wicked Rebirth
1x Crackdown
2x Red Reign
1x Red Cocoon
1x Counter Gate
Extra Deck - 15
3x Red Rising Dragon
1x Red Supernova Dragon
2x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity
1x Exploder Dragonwing
1x Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth
1x Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon
1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane
1x Queen Dragun Djinn
1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss
1. Ready to Serve you!

Tailor-maid for you!
You arrive at your mansion, its grand lacquer doors open at your arrival. The smooth marble floor reflects your image on its clear surface, your footsteps echo on the open spaces of the mansion. Your eyes shift to look at the staff standing before you: The Dragonmaids bowing before you.
The deck runs the highly synergistic Dragonmaids to deal with the threats your opponents make. Dragonmaid Sheou is one of the boss monsters in the deck that has a very strong negate and gives the player a powerful position to stand on. Whilst House Dragonmaid allows the player to resurrect Dragonmaids from the GY or Special Summon, a Dragonmaid Card from the hand allowing the player to clear the field while also having access to a single target removal. This deck also runs a portion of the Sky Striker Archetype to help set up the field and be in an offensive position.
Ready to Serve you! Pros:
- The deck has plenty of combos that suit any opening hand having less chance of bricking.
- The Sky Strikers on this deck can be used to get into a Link-2 Monster of your choice instantly.
- Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage! Can fetch a Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones from the deck to create a token.
- Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones’ token can be used to Link Summon Sky Striker Ace Kagari
- Sky Striker Ace Kagari can return Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones back to the hand and reuse its effect to Set up a Link-2 Summon
- This deck uses the card Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres as this deck can easily bring it out.
- The utility of Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres is quite useful as it can bounce a card back to the hand whilst fetching a dragon to the field.
- Since Dragon Maids have the start of battle phase effects, you can use this to your advantage.
- A quick combo to bring out Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres is to go Link Summon Guardragon Pisty and bring out Noctovision Dragon from the hand to instantly Link Summon Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres
- The utility of Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres is quite useful as it can bounce a card back to the hand whilst fetching a dragon to the field.
- The Dragonmaid archetype has plenty of versatility because of their abilities and has ways to repopulate the field after a wipe.
- Their Boss Monster Dragonmaid Sheou can easily negate one of your opponent’s card effects and swap itself to House Dragonmaid.
- Super Polymerization can take out hard to remove Boss Monsters
- Super Polymerization can be easily used by utilizing Reprodocus to change the attribute of one monster it is pointing to as a dragon.
Ready to Serve you! Cons:
- This deck is quite unintuitive and may need some getting used to.
- The plays might take some time to finish as there are plenty of combos that can be used.
- Dragonmaid Sheou only has one negate, so timing is extremely important and misuse might end up losing the game.
- Has only little access to banishment effects, making this deck have a hard time removing cannot be destroyed monsters.
Card list
Monsters - 18
2x Dragonmaid Tinkhec
2x Dragonmaid Ernus
3x Chamber Dragonmaid
1x Kitchen Dragonmaid
3x Parlor Dragonmaid
3x Nurse Dragonmaid
2x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2x Noctovision Dragon
Spells - 12
2x Dragonmaid Hospitality
1x Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords
2x Return of the Dragon Lords
2x Dragonmaid Changeover
1x World Legacy Guardragon
2x Super Polymerization
1x Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!
1x Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones
Traps - 10
1x Dragonmaid Downtime
2x Dragonmaid Tidying
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Evenly Matched
2x Paleozoic Dinomischus
2x Infinite Impermanence
Extra Deck - 15
Dragonmaid Sheou x2
House Dragonmaid x2
Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres x1
Sky Striker Ace - Kagari x1
Imduk the World Chalice Dragon x1
Guardragon Pisty x1
Knightmare Phoenix x1
Knightmare Cerberus x1
Reprodocus x1
Cross-Sheep x1
Knightmare Unicorn x1
Borreload Dragon x1
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World x1