Ready to take your dueling skills to the next level?
If you’re a fan of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, you may have already tried out Master Duel, the TCG’s newest online simulator. Odds are you’ve already finished the tutorials and went through the game's story mode, meaning you have a basic understanding of the game’s different mechanics, an assortment of pre-made decks full of classic archetypes, and plenty of gems to spend on improving your card collection. So where do you go from here? Check out the game’s top five structure decks that you can instantly buy with your hard-earned gems!
In Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, you’ll find the structure decks over in the second tab inside the shop. There’s a wide variety of these decks, representing all the Extra Deck monster types (Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, and Link) and many classic anime cards, such as the Dark Magician, Cyber Dragon, and Number 39: Utopia. They’ll all bring you up to speed with modern Yu-Gi-Oh! gameplay, but only a select few will make you rise through the game’s ranks.
Buy one of these elite structures, and you’ll have a resourceful deck with a ready game plan straight out of the gate. But to take your new deck to its highest potential, you can buy three of them, unite their best cards, and complete them with staples you earn through Solo Mode (like Raigeki or Monster Reborn). Or you can go to the bundle pack section of the shop, and get powerful mainstays like Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring or Nibiru the Primal Being!
For each excellent structure deck, you’ll read about its main tactics, its advantages compared to other decks, and the decklist of what cards you’ll be receiving once the shop takes your order. You can buy any of the structure decks for 500 gems, or three copies for only 1500!
5. Immortal Glory
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon reigns supreme over the undead.
This deck will be sure to haunt your opponent’s nightmares! Immortal Glory is a Zombie-infested deck that continuously brings its monsters back from the dead, infects the enemy’s monsters, and channels their spirits to Synchro Summon an army of boss monsters. While its early game is unassuming, as you load up your Graveyard the amount of plays you can do ramps up quickly, leaving the opponent with nowhere left to run.
You’ll start out summoning Main Deck starters like Gozuki and Samurai Skull to selectively send cards from your deck directly to your Graveyard. If it’s not already in your hand, a likely target for these monsters is Necroworld Banshee, which searches out a crucial part of your strategy, the Field Spell Zombie World.
With Zombie World on the field, all monsters, including your opponents’, are treated as Zombies. And what’s more, monsters that aren’t Zombies can’t be Tribute Summoned either!
Just that by itself can wreck many strategies that support specific monster types that aren’t Zombie, and can prevent your opponent from summoning their strong Main Deck monsters. Other good cards for you to mill are Mezuki and Plaguespreader Zombie to revive your monsters for Synchro plays; Devouring Sarcoughagus to steal your opponent’s monsters and treat them as Zombies; and Glow-up Bloom to add more Zombies to your hand.
When you have a strong system in place to Special Summon and revive your zombie army, you can start bringing out your powerful Synchro monsters. Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon gains Attack Points for every Zombie in the Graveyards, and Skeletal Dragon Felgrand will banish an opponent’s monster on summon.
Your deck’s leader, Red-Eyes Necro Dragon Lord, can revive one of your monsters during your opponent’s turn. So you can bring back Felgrand again and again to ruin their plans!
What Immortal Glory excels at:
- Creating a constant resource stream for your plays. By filling your Graveyard with Zombies, you gain access to their search and revival effects, which add up incredibly over time. Changshi the Spridao, for example, can send the Tuner monster Mad Mauler to the Graveyard, Mauler can immediately revive himself to Synchro Summon with another monster, and he can do the exact same thing again on the next turn.
- Cornering your opponent. With Zombie World out, their monsters are literally infected and locked out of many combos, while Sarcoughagus and Doomkaiser Dragon brainwash them over to your side. An Alghoul Mazera in your grave will offer protection to your monsters, while Necro Dragon Lord and Felgrand together will chip away at whatever monsters your opponent still manages to summon.
- A last-ditch all-out attack. Sometimes removal effects aren’t that effective and you’ll need to battle it out with a high-attack monster. For those cases you can use Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon which, with Zombie World on the field and loaded Graveyards, can easily reach 4000 or 5000 Attack Points!
Choose Immortal Glory if…
- You really like zombie shows like The Last of Us, or enjoyed Bonz’s duels from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. With its many revival and infection effects, this deck does a really good job at roleplaying what a zombie apocalypse feels like.
- You want to counter monster-heavy decks. While there are no options to fight your enemies’ Spell and Trap cards, your deck is filled with ways to steal and banish their troublesome monsters. There is even the occasional monster negate with Skeletal Dragon Felgrand.
- You want a solid foundation to build even stronger Zombie decks. Immortal Glory contains many staples that support other Zombie archetypes, such as Vampires and the pesky Eldlich. A quick way to boost your Zombies’ power level is to mix multiple copies of this deck with the Shiranui structure deck you get from Solo Mode, so you can intensify your resource game and Synchro combos!
Immortal Glory Cards
Main Deck:
- Uni-Zombie
- Scapeghost
- Glow-Up Bloom
- Shutendoji
- Mezuki
- Gozuki
- Necroworld Banshee
- Changshi the Spiridao
- Bacon Saver
- Mad Mauler
- Goblin Zombie
- Onmoraki
- Guard Ghost
- Koa’ki Meiru Ghoulungulate
- Jack-o-Bolan
- Kasha
- Alghoul Mazera
- Plaguespreader Zombie
- Pain Painter
- Tatsunecro
- Zombie Master
- Samurai Skull
- Crow Tengu
- Devouring Sarcoughagus
- Nine-Tailed Fox
- Red Ogre
- Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
- Zombie World
- Zombie Necronize
- Zombie Reborn
- Overdone Burial
- Overpowering Eye
- Zombie Power Struggle
- Enma’s Judgment
- Ghost of a Grudge
- Reject Reborn
- The Deep Grave
- Haunted Zombies
- Zoma the Spirit
- Return of the Zombies
Extra Deck:
- Skeletal Dragon Felgrand
- Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord
- Immortal Dragon
- Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon
- Doomkaiser Dragon
4. Dragonmaid-to-Order
These housemaids will wipe the floor with your opponent when they transform!
This archetype is rumored to be inspired by the popular anime Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid–the show’s creator has even praised Konami for releasing these cards! The Dragonmaids consist of mostly human housekeepers who transform into strong dragons when fighting in the Battle Phase. Then, once your attack has finished, they change back into their maid forms to continue comboing in Main Phase 2.
This structure deck also comes with generic Dragon support, as well as three additional archetypes: the Felgrand/Dragon Lord, the World Legacy, and the Hieratic cards. These cards all provide alternative means of extending your combos, but most of them can be traded in for more Dragonmaid cards to boost your deck’s consistency.
The main exception to this is the Link monster Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres, who can return an opponent’s card to their hand on their turn, while at the same time bringing out a Dragon-type monster from your deck.
The ideal way to play this deck is to summon your low-level Dragonmaids in the Main Phase to search out their dragon forms and other support. Parlor, Kitchen, and Chamber Dragonmaid are your best starters, since they’ll mill Dragonmaids to the graveyard, search them out from the deck, or retrieve their archetypal Spells and Traps, respectively. Then, when you're ready to battle, return the maids to the hand to summon cards like Dragonmaid Lorpar from the hand or Graveyard.
If you have a Fusion monster on the field, these dragons can’t be destroyed by card effects! At the end of the Battle Phase, re-summon the housemaids so you can reapply their effects on the next turn.
Dragonmaid Changeover is one of the most important cards in your deck–with it, you can Fusion Summon a Dragon monster, and then recycle it back to the hand to fuse again on your next turn. Your primary target with Changeover is Dragonmaid Sheou, a 3500 Attack Point monster who Special Summons more Dragonmaids in both players’ Standby Phases and can negate your opponent’s card effects.
Then, once the negate has been applied, it transforms into its human form, the Fusion monster House Dragonmaid. This maid is a 3000 Attack Point monster who can Special Summon Dragonmaids in almost the same way as Sheou, and she destroys an opponent’s monster when any of your Dragons return to the hand.
Dragonmaid-to-Order excels at:
- Generating card advantage over time. This deck is quite good at milling Dragonmaid cards to the Graveyard. Then, with cards like Dragonmaid Tidying and Dragonmaid Hospitality, you can revive them to swarm the field, and then you can use Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres to extend your combo even further!
- Having the best of both worlds when it comes to a monster’s effects. In Yu-Gi-Oh!, it’s common for lower-level or weaker monsters to have searching/milling effects, and for the higher-level monsters to come with removal effects and protection. Dragonmaids are unique in that, since the weaker maids tag out into their dragon forms, you can use both types of monsters in a single turn and recycle their effects again and again, without the need for much setup.
- Strengthening Fusion-based strategies. Just like the dragonmaids, cards like Return of the Dragon Lords, Dragon Shrine, and Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon specialize in bringing out or milling your Dragon-type cards. Then you can use Dragonmaid Changeover and Dragon’s Mirror to quickly summon multiple powerful Fusions to your field.
Choose Dragonmaid-to-Order if:
- You really like dragons, maid cafés, or Fusion-centered strategies. There’s a little bit of everything in this deck!
- You want a deck that steadily swarms the field and pressures your opponent. Your first turn is typically the slowest, since you’re setting up the Graveyard and adding cards to your hand. But once you have Sheou or House on the field, you’ll be rapidly summoning monsters and removing your opponent’s cards in the process.
- You want to gather more Dragon support cards. Dragonmaids by themselves are pretty competent, but the non-archetype cards here can also strengthen other Dragon archetypes (whether it be decks like Blue-Eyes, Red-Eyes, or Dragunity). Paladin of Felgrand, Return of the Dragon Lords, and Dragon Knight of Creation can do wonders for decks that want to send high-level Dragons to the Graveyard and then revive them.
Dragonmaid-to-Order Cards:
Main Deck:
- Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
- Samsara Dragon
- Kitchen Dragonmaid
- Chamber Dragonmaid
- Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord
- Nurse Dragonmaid
- Hardened Armed Dragon
- Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb
- Paladin of Felgrand
- Assault Wyvern
- Arkbrave Dragon
- Dragonmaid Ernus
- Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand
- Dragonmaid Lorpar
- Guardragon Promineses
- Laundry Dragonmaid
- Parlor Dragonmaid
- Divine Dragon Apocralyph
- Guardian of Felgrand
- Dragon Knight of Creation
- Checksum Dragon
- Dragonmaid Nudyarl
- Dragonmaid Tinkhec
- Dragon’s Mirror
- Dragon Shrine
- Return of the Dragon Lords
- Dragonmaid Hospitality
- World Legacy Guardragon
- Dragoroar
- Dragonmaid Changeover
- Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords
- Dragonmaid Welcome
- Dragon’s Fighting Spirit
- Dragonmaid Send-Off
- Guardragon Cataclysm
- Dragonmaid Tidying
- Castle of Dragon Souls
- Dragon’s Rebirth
- Dragoncarnation
- Dragonmaid Downtime
Extra Deck:
- House Dragonmaid
- Dragonmaid Sheou
- Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres
- Queen Dragun Djinn
- Number 46: Dragluon
3. Vortex of Magic
These magicians have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves, as seen in Magicians' Combination.
Vortex of Magic is a throwback to the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh!, adapting Yugi’s favorite monsters to a modern-day playstyle. All of this deck’s cards serve one of three purposes: Special Summoning the Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl from the hand, deck, or Graveyard; powerful Spells and Traps used by these two to negate, destroy or banish your opponent’s cards; and using the magicians as materials for your game-ending Fusion and Ritual Monsters.
Your first goal in any game will be to bring out your magicians onto the field as quickly as possible. Your top Spellcasters, true to their name, have an assortment of powerful Spells they can use to overpower your opponent–and with cards like Eternal Soul, Soul Servant, and Magicians’ Rod, you can always refill your hand with them.
If you need a backup strategy, you can also play the other Magician Girls. Named after food, they all have handy effects to search out other Spellcasters and make it difficult for your opponent to launch a direct assault.
For example, when attacked, Berry Magician Girl will switch to Defense mode and summons another Magician Girl from the deck. Chocolate Magician Girl, on the other hand, will revive one of your Spellcasters, redirect your enemy’s monster attack to it, and halve that monster’s Attack Points!
And then, with cards like Chaos Form and Timaeus the United Dragon, you can Ritual or Fusion Summon your trump cards to deal the finishing blow. Your Ritual Monsters include Magician of Chaos, which destroys a card whenever a Spell is activated, and Illusion of Chaos, who can negate opponent monster effects while re-summoning a Dark Magician.
Some of your Fusion monsters are great mid-game options, like The Dark Magicians, who enables extra draws and revives your magicians when leaving the field. Dark Magician the Dragon Knight protects your Spells and Traps from being destroyed. And finally, there are the great board-wipers, Master of Chaos and Quintet Magician, who will either banish all your opponent’s monsters or destroy all their cards!
Vortex of Magic excels at:
- Allowing for multiple different strategies based on your needs. If you want to negate your opponent’s cards, use the Magicians’ Combination or Destined Rivals traps; to banish their resources again and again, use the continuous spells Strength in Unity or Dark Magical Circle. If you want, you can even supercharge your normal Dark Magician, using Piercing the Darkness, Chronicle Magician, or Dark Magic Twin Burst to boost its attack to over 4000!
- Summoning your ace monsters, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. They’re needed on your field to use most of your other cards, and with them both having over 2000 Attack Points, it’s great that you can bring them out so easily. Magician Navigation and Bond Between Teacher and Student will summon from the deck; Eternal Soul or Magician’s Salvation from the grave; and Magikuriboh from both!
- Enabling many opportunities for Fusion Summons. Timaeus the United Dragon will allow you to fuse monsters without a spell card, and the Eye of Timaeus spell lets you summon a Fusion monster using only a single Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl. In a dangerous situation, you can even use Magicalized Fusion to fuse directly from the Graveyard!
Choose Vortex of Magic if…
- You’re a fan of Yugi Mutou from the classic anime. Besides the classic Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, you’ll find many cards used throughout the anime and the Dark Side of Dimensions movie, such as Thousand Knives, Kuribandit, and Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight. Then you have cards like Dark Magic Inheritance and Eternal Soul which reference the lore behind the magicians.
- You want a playstyle similar to early Yu-Gi-Oh! but with enough speed and power to contend with current decks. Vortex of Magic strikes a great balance between using monster effects, spells, and traps, and with concise combos, just like in the good old days. It even manages to make Normal Monsters viable through Piercing the Darkness.
- You’d like to play a deck focused on Fusion or Ritual Monsters. You have powerful boss monsters of both of these types, and Secrets of Dark Magic lets you choose between Fusion and Ritual Summoning while dodging your opponent’s effects at the same time!
Vortex of Magic Cards
Main Deck:
- Dark Magician
- Magicians’ Souls
- Chronicle Magician
- Illusion of Chaos
- Magikuriboh
- Kuribandit
- Electromagnetic Turtle
- Chocolate Magician Girl
- Dark Magician Girl
- Timaeus the United Dragon
- Berry Magician Girl
- Lemon Magician Girl
- Magician’s Rod
- Apple Magician Girl
- Kiwi Magician Girl
- Magician’s Robe
- Magician of Dark Illusion
- Magician of Chaos
- Soul Servant
- The Eye of Timaeus
- Magicalized Fusion
- Magician’s Salvation
- Dark Magical Circle
- Piercing the Darkness
- Bond Between Teacher and Student
- Chaos Form
- Strength in Unity
- Dark Burning Magic
- Dark Magic Inheritance
- Thousand Knives
- Dark Magic Attack
- Dark Burning Attack
- Dark Magic Twin Burst
- Secrets of Dark Magic
- Destined Rivals
- Dark Renewal
- Magician Navigation
- Dark Horizon
- Eternal Soul
- Magicians’ Combination
Extra Deck:
- The Dark Magicians
- Master of Chaos
- Dark Magician the Dragon Knight
- Quintet Magician
- Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight
2. Burning Spirits
The Salamangreats and Decode Talker Heatsoul won't let your inner flame burn out.
With this deck, your monsters will rise from the ashes, again and again, burning bright like a phoenix! Burning Spirits is a Link Summoning deck built around the Salamangreats, an archetype wielded by Soulburner in the Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS anime. These Salamangreats are special because of their “Reincarnation Link Summon”, where they use one monster as material to Link Summon that exact same monster–except now the new monster gains access to an additional effect.
As a very modern archetype, Salamangreats are full of Cyberse-type combo starters that let you Special Summon many monsters onto the field. An example of this is Salamangreat Gazelle, who can link into Salamangreat Balelynx by itself and can then revive itself through its effect. Balelynx itself is a combo extender, as it searches for Salamangreat Sanctuary, a key Field Spell that allows you to start reincarnating your Link monsters.
When Link Summoned using itself as material, Salamangreat Heatleo can change the Attack Points of any monster on the field to be the same as that of one in your Graveyard. When you summon Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf in the same way, you can add any Salamangreat Spell or Trap to your hand.
Many of these cards gain special effects when you Reincarnation Link Summon. Salamangreat Circle will make a reincarnated monster immune to monster effects; Salamangreat Claw will grant it extra attacks during each Battle Phase; and Will of the Salamangreat allows you to Special Summon multiple other Salamangreats from your hand. You’ll also be able to retrieve Salamangreat Roar, an omni-negate Counter Trap card, from your Graveyard.
Salamangreats are a mighty combo deck, quickly swarming the field and filling up your Graveyard with monsters that have extra effects. Just like a phoenix, these monsters never really die. They allow you to build card advantage in many unique ways; and you can choose how you’ll use these effects depending on the opponent deck’s strengths and weaknesses.
Burning Spirits excels at:
- Link comboing. Out of all the structure decks, this one will teach you how to Link Summon like a competitive player. What really makes Links powerful are the possibilities they create for your combos; you can use one monster as material to Link Summon a Link-1 monster like Salamangreat Balelynx, then use the material’s Graveyard effect to Special Summon another material, then go into Link-2 Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf, and keep following this process to climb into more powerful Link monsters.
- Building up resources over time. Your Salamangreats will burn themselves up for your Link Summons, then use their grave effects to replenish your ranks, and the Link cards will grant you more card advantage too. Combine that with your Reincarnation summons and revival cards like Fury of Fire, and pretty soon you’ll be steamrolling your opponent.
- Providing support to other archetypes. Though Salamangreats are a great engine, their boss monsters are relatively weak. But they’re also very versatile, so you can splash them into other decks or add in generic Extra Deck monsters to make a more potent deck!
Choose Burning Spirits if…
- Like Soulburner, you want a deck whose flame never goes out. Your cards are never really gone; they have useful graveyard effects, can be effortlessly retrieved by cards like Rising Fire, and they get more powerful as they revive again and again.
- You want an archetype that’s capable of everything. Being able to Special Summon multiple times, gain advantage in the Graveyard, Link climbing into mighty monsters… These cards can help many decks rise to their true potential!
- You want to build a deck that will take you the furthest along the Ranked ladder. While they still lack some punching power on their own, as you continue to play Master Duel you’ll get more opportunities to acquire meta-worthy staple cards, such as I:P Masquerena or Underworld Goddess of the Closed World. When your deck is truly complete, you’ll do far better than even the #1 ranked structure deck on this list!
Burning Spirits Cards
Main Deck:
- Prohibit Snake
- Flame Bufferlo
- Salamangreat Gazelle
- Salamangreat Spinny
- Balancer Lord
- Lady Debug
- Grid Sweeper
- Degrade Buster
- Mad Hacker
- Salamangreat Coyote
- Salamangreat Jack Jaguar
- Salamangreat Fowl
- Salamangreat Beat Bison
- Salamangreat Raccoon
- Salamangreat Mole
- Salamangreat Meer
- Salamangreat Foxy
- Salamangreat Foxer
- Salamangreat Fennec
- Salamangreat Falco
- Salamangreat Wolvie
- Salamangreat Parro
- Cynet Mining
- Salamangreat Sanctuary
- Salamangreat Circle
- One-Time Passcode
- Salamangreat Claw
- Will of the Salamangreat
- Salamangreat Burning Shell
- Salamangreat Transcendence
- Salamangreat Recureance
- Fury of Fire
- Burning Draw
- Grid Rod
- Rising Fire
- Cynet Backdoor
- Cynet Crosswipe
- Salamangreat Roar
- Salamangreat Rage
- Salamangreat Gift
Extra Deck:
- Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf
- Salamangreat Heatleo
- Salamangreat Heatleo
- Decode Talker Heatsoul
- Salamangreat Balelynx
1. Blackwing’s Pride
Birds of a feather flock together with the newest Blackwings!
Attack from the skies! This is another Synchro Summoning deck that swarms the field with legions of Winged-Beast monsters, starting from the very first turn. With the Continuous Spell Cards Black Whirlwind and Black Feather Whirlwind, it becomes very easy to fill your hand with Blackwing monsters as you combo into your fearsome Synchro Monsters.
Like many other decks, you’ll start your plays with your run-of-the-mill archetype cards, who can typically be Special Summoned if you control no monsters (Simoon the Poison Wind), if you control another Blackwing (Vata the Emblem of Wandering), or if only your opponent controls a monster (Sirocco the Dawn). Modern-day Blackwings also have many monsters that facilitate Synchro Summoning–whether it be by creating Tokens (Sudri the Phantom Glimmer and Steam the Cloak), banishing from the Graveyard (Vayu the Emblem of Honor), or tuning with monsters directly from the deck (Vata the Emblem of Wandering).
The two Whirlwind cards allow you to extend your summoning combos by refilling your hand (Black Whirlwind) and Special Summoning extra Blackwing monsters (Black Feather Whirlwind). A unique trait of this archetype is that Black Whirlwind’s effect is not once-per-turn. So if you have multiple copies of this easily searchable card on the field, you’ll be able to add two or three Blackwing monsters to your hand each time you Normal Summon a Blackwing!
This fierce combo deck expects to quickly go into your boss monsters in order to take control of the duel. Blackwing - Boreastorm the Wicked Wind extends your plays even further by sending a Blackwing monster from the deck to the grave, and it has the game-changing ability to steal your opponent’s monsters when destroying them. Both Black-Winged Dragon and Black-Winged Assault Dragon can deal burn damage in multiples of 700, and the latter can destroy all the opponent’s cards if it has burned them enough times.
Lastly, if you have received a free Blackwing - Full Armor Master for logging in or you craft it, then you’ll have access to an even better monster stealer and destroyer that can sometimes single-handedly stop your opponent in their tracks.
Blackwing’s Pride excels at:
- Rapid-fire comboing. The speed with which this deck Special Summons its monsters is unrivaled among all the structure decks, and that means you get to access more of your boss monsters and in a shorter amount of time.
- Neutralizing high-Attack Point threats. Most Blackwing monsters are full of effects that cut down your opponent’s stats. Black-Winged Dragon can reduce their Attack by 700 each time you take burn damage; Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind can halve a monster’s Attack and Defense once per turn; and Blackwing Armor Master can reduce them to 0.
- Stonewalling your opponent when going first. If you can combo uninterrupted, you’ll have a Black-Winged Assault Dragon that burns your opponent whenever they activate a monster effect. It can nuke their field at any moment on their turn by sacrificing itself.
- Providing multiple powerful Trap cards that can turn the tide of battle. Some can destroy or banish all their monsters (Black Sonic and Blackwing - Backlash), while others destroy their Spells and Traps (Delta Crow - Anti Reverse). Black Shadow Squall and Blackbird Close are also Spell Speed 3 negate Traps, meaning that only another Counter Trap can stop their activation.
Choose Blackwing's Pride if…
- If you’re a huge fan of Crow Hogan from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s or really love Synchro Summoning. This structure deck does Synchro Summoning at its finest, and you’ll be feeling like Crow when you turn matches around in the blink of an eye.
- You want to combo at full force. Compared to the other structure decks, you’ll be summoning a lot of monsters, and accruing Counters that you can use to activate additional effects. And since every Blackwing has a useful effect, it’ll be very difficult for your opponent to stop you in your tracks.
- You want to climb as far as you can on the ladder while playing purely. Though Salamangreats have a higher potential once you craft staple Extra Deck cards, the Blackwings have a more powerful endgame when playing only cards in the archetype.So if you’re low on UR and SR crystals, this is the deck to use!
Blackwing’s Pride Cards
Main Deck:
- Blackwing - Sharnga the Waning Moon
- Blackwing - Vata the Emblem of Wandering
- Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
- Blackwing - Sudri the Phantom Glimmer
- Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
- Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
- Blackwing - Steam the Cloak
- Blackwing - Shamal the Sandstorm
- Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind
- Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
- Blackwing - Chinook the Snow Blast
- Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
- Blackwing - Bora the Spear
- Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
- Blackwing - Auster the South Wind
- Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
- Blackwing - Zonda the Dusk
- Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky
- Blackwing - Oroshi the Squall
- Blackwing - Hurricane the Tornado
- Blackwing - Harmattan the Dust
- Blackwing - Gladius the Midnight Sun
- Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night
- Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn
- Blackwing - Tornado the Reverse Wind
- Blackwing - Boreas the Sharp
- Black Whirlwind
- Black Feather Whirlwind
- Swallow’s Nest
- Against the Wind
- Glowing Crossbow
- Icarus Attack
- Trap Stun
- Blackwing - Twin Shadow
- Blackbird Close
- Black Shadow Squall
- Delta Crow - Anti Reverse
- Blackwing - Backlash
- Black Return
- Black Sonic
Extra Deck:
- Black-Winged Assault Dragon
- Blackwing Armed Wing
- Blackwing - Boreastorm the Wicked Wind
- Black-Winged Dragon
- Blackwing Armor Master