A Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links box is a precious commodity in which our favorite cards are confined. In order to lovingly gaze at our Dark Magician Girls and Toon Worlds we must first open boxes. Every box is different in the sense that they have a theme and contain certain types of cards inside of them. They all contain monsters, spells, and traps. Boxes are similar to the packs of cards that you can buy at the store except they’re made out of pixels.
Not all Duel Links boxes are created equal. Depending on the current meta and what each box has to offer, players prefer to open certain boxes over others. Some boxes are even more worth it to open because you could pull top tier cards for multiple decks at the same time.
It makes sense that you would want to open the boxes that most efficiently improve your dueling ability and give you the most bang for your buck. Gems are precious in Yu-Gi-Oh duel links and it only gets more difficult to collect them as you progress in the game.
7. Future Circuit
There’s a wide variety of quality staple cards to be had inside of the Future Circuit box. You’ll be sure to get something useful without having to roll until you’re broke. You could get a Dark Hole, Bottomless Trap Hole, Knightmare Phoenix, Knightmare Unicorn, or Magical Musketeers. Any single one of these cards is a very welcome addition to most decks.
You could use Future Circuit to beef up a nearly completed deck with its staple cards and easily climb to the likes of Legend rank; or even King of Games. Make sure you take a look at the Future Circuit box if you’re needing that extra spark for your deck to reach new heights.
Key Points
One run through: Unlike other boxes where you need to run through them two or three times to get your duplicates, with Future Circuit you really only need to go through it once. After you get your Knightmare Unicorn, Knightmare Phoenix, and another staple or two you’re all set.
Cheap deck: You can build a cheap Magical Musketeers deck using the cards that you get from Future Circuit. It may only take you about 5,000 gems and you don’t even need the Musketeers UR card in the deck.
Staples: Future Circuit is the perfect box to collect staples that you can use in a variety of decks.
Future Circuit Cards
A total of 90 types : 9 UR, 11 SR, 28 R, and 42 N
Ultra rare
- Firewall Dragon
- Knightmare Unicorn
- Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale
- Kozmo Farmgirl
- Kozmo Tincan
- Magical Musketeer Kidbrave
- Droll & Lock Bird
- World Legacy Succession
- Bottomless Trap Hole
Super rare
- Trickstar Bella Madonna
- Gouki The Master Ogre
- Knightmare Phoenix
- D/D/D Destiny King Zero Laplace
- Kozmoll Dark Lady
- Knightmare Corruptor Iblee
- Trickstar Festival
- Magical Musket - Cross-Domination
- Dark Hole
- Dark Eruption
- Expendable Dai
- Trickstar Delfiendium
- Gouki The Solid Ogre
- Detonate Deleter
- Kozmo Goodwitch
- Kozmo Sliprider
- Kozmo Forerunner
- Kozmo Strawman
- Kozmo Delta Shuttle
- Magical Musketeer Caspar
- Magical Musketeer Starfire
- Magical Musket Mastermind Zakiel
- One-Time Passcode
- Kozmojo
- Magical Musket - Desperado
- World Legacy Awakens
- World Legacy Struggle
- World Legacy's Sorrow
- Agave Dragon
- Bellcat Fighter
- Trackblack
- Protocol Gardna
- Binary Blader
- Kozmo DOG Fighter
- Kozmo Soartroopers
- Kozmo Scaredy Lion
- Kozmo Landwalker
- Magical Musketeer Doc
- Magical Musketeer Calamity
- Magical Musketeer Wild
- Mecha Phantom Beast Turtletracer
- Mecha Phantom Beast Raiten
- Texchanger
- Cross Debug
- Scrypton
- Putrid Pudding Body Buddies
- Hand-Holding Genie
- Burglar
- Magical Musket - Steady Hands
- World Legacy's Corruption
- World Legacy's Nightmare
- Link Hole
- Kozmourning
- Magical Musket - Dancing Needle
- Magical Musket - Fiendish Deal
- Limit Code
- Shield Handler
- Mekk-Knight Avram
- Cat's Ear Tribe
- Peten the Dark Clown
- Genetic Woman
- Tribe-Shocking Virus
- Silver Sentinel
- Mask of Dispel
- Array of Revealing Light
- System Down
- Pineapple Blast
- Widespread Dud
- Zushin the Sleeping Giant
- The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler
- Psychic Path
- Foolish Return
- ESP Amplifier
- Summon Breaker
- Fiend's Hand Mirror
- Prepare to Strike Back
- Trap Reclamation
- Slip Summon
- Bright Future
- Mirror Mail
- The Huge Revolution is Over
6. Deep Emotion
This box is great for the staple card that is Effect Veiler. Effect Veiler is a staple card in so many different decks that having one or three of them will come in handy somewhere down the line in your Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links career.
If the only thing that the Deep Emotion box contained was Effect Veiler then it wouldn’t really be worth it to open. But you can find most of the Live Twin cards in this box as well. Currently, Live Twins are a tier three deck and are viable to play in the meta, and let’s not forget about their cute artstyle. For these reasons alone, the Deep Emotion box is worth rolling for.
Key Points
Live Twin: The two Live Twin Evil Twin SRs (a mouthful I know), Evil Twin Ki-Sikil and Evil Twin Lil-La are two of the most wonderful looking anime cards out there. They’re also necessary to have if you want to run a ferocious and effective Live Twin deck.
Effect Veiler: Let’s be honest, you can’t even play Yu-Gi-Oh anymore without owning an Effect Veiler. If you get lucky like me, you can roll two of them by using 6,000 gems!
Blue-Eyes: The Deep Emotion box contains the ultra rare Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon, which is a very beautiful card and a powerful addition to your Blue-Eyes deck that can increase your attack power and obliterate your opponent without remorse.
Deep Emotion Cards
A total of 90 types : 9 UR, 11 SR, 28 R, and 42 N
Ultra rare
- Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon
- Effect Veiler
- Altergeist Primebanshee
- Altergeist Meluseek
- Live☆Twin Ki-sikil
- Live☆Twin Lil-la
- Mind Control
- Magikey World
- Paleozoic Dinomischus
Super rare
- Evil★Twin Ki-sikil
- Evil★Twin Lil-la
- Knightmare Cerberus
- World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy
- Elemental HERO Neos Kluger
- Cyberse Clock Dragon
- Altergeist Silquitous
- Clock Wyvern
- Maginificent Magikey Mafteal
- Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
- Clavkiys, the Magikey Skyblaster
- Proxy F Magician
- Clock Spartoi
- Paleozoic Anomalocaris
- Magikey Fiend - Transfurlmine
- Diplexer Chimera
- Magikey Dragon - Andrabime
- Magikey Mechmortar - Garesglasser
- Grid Sweeper
- "World Legacy - ""World Ark"""
- S-Force Lapcewell
- S-Force Retroactive
- Live☆Twin Home
- Secret Password
- Cynet Fusion
- Magikey Battle
- Evil★Twin Present
- Magikey Unlocking
- Clock Lizard
- Taotie Dragon
- Magikey Spirit - Vepartu
- Magikey Beast - Ansyalabolas
- The Great Double Casted Caster
- Magikey Mechmusket - Batosbuster
- Pandora's Jewelry Box
- S-Force Dog Tag
- Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
- "Shiny Black ""C"""
- Chewbone
- "Flying ""C"""
- Scrounging Goblin
- Submareed Tour Ride
- Toad Master
- Live☆Twin Channel
- Magikey Maftea
- Level Limit - Area B
- Infected Mail
- Column Switch
- Evil★Twin GG EZ
- Magikey Duo
- Magikey Locking
- World Legacy Collapse
- World Legacy Cliffhanger
- World Legacy Bestowal
- Miracle Locus
- Mischief of the Yokai
- Parallel Port Armor
- Shining Elf
- Altergeist Dragvirion
- Backlinker
- ROM Cloudia
- Goblin Recon Squad
- Bingo Machine, Go!!!
- Pride of the Weak
- Paleozoic Pikaia
- Super Junior Confrontation
- Shapesister
- Anti-Magic Prism
- Altergeist Fifinellag
- RAM Clouder
- Stack Reviver
- Cluster Congester
- After the Struggle
- Altergeist Camouflage
- Altergeist Emulatelf
- Paleozoic Marrella
- Paleozoic Leanchoilia
- Destruction Ring
- Robbin' Goblin
- Minor Goblin Official
- Tower of Babel
5. Flames of the Heart
You’ll find a multitude of Mayakashi cards inside the Flames of the Heart box. That’s what makes this box so good, it harbors the absolutely stunning card: Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi. I’m an absolute sucker for this card, it’s probably my favorite card in the game because of its beautiful design.
The Flames of the Heart box also includes Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi and Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi; two of the most important Mayakashi monsters in the deck because of their awesome synergy.
Key Points
Mayakashi combo: In the Flames of the Heart box lie the graceful cards that are Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi, and Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi. These two Mayakashi cards are essential for your Mayakashi deck and combo together very well in order to Synchro summon Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi through a long series of synchro summons.
Gouki crew: The Flames of the Heart box also contains three Gouki monster cards that all work together to place your opponents into a tight spot. By using Gouki Suprex, Gouki Twistcobra, and Gouki Iron Claw together you can increase the attack power of Twistcobra to 3,900 and send your terrified opponent to the shadow realm.
Flames of the Heart Cards
A total of 50 types : 3 UR, 10 SR, 17 R, and 20 N
Ultra rare
- Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi
- Gouki Suprex
- Gizmek Yata, the Gleaming Vanguard
Super rare
- Tatsunecro
- Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi
- Gouki Twistcobra
- Gouki Riscorpio
- Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight
- Beast of the Pharaoh
- Mayakashi Return
- Mayakashi Winter
- Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui's Story
- Shiranui Style Solemnity
- Tengu, the Winged Mayakashi
- Shiranui Swordsaga
- Shafu, the Wheeled Mayakashi
- Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi
- Gouki Headbatt
- Gouki Octostretch
- Gouki Bearhug
- Gouki Iron Claw
- Bayonater, the Baneful Barrel
- Gouki Face Turn
- Evo-Force
- Sky Striker Mecha - Eagle Booster
- Mayakashi Metamorphosis
- Evolutionary Bridge
- Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi
- Tsuchigumo, the Poisonous Mayakashi
- Yasha, the Skeletal Mayakashi
- Shiranui Swordmaster
- Evolsaur Vulcano
- Evolsaur Pelta
- Evolsaur Darwino
- Evoltile Gephyro
- Fire Reaper
- Dark Assailant
- Emperor of the Land and Sea
- Bolt Escargot
- Gouki Cage Match
- Evo-Miracle
- Evo-Branch
- Doomkaiser Dragon
- Pain Painter
- Frontier Wiseman
- Field-Commander Rahz
- Flame Spirit Ignis
- Sealing Ceremony of Mokuton
- Copy Knight
- Degen-Force
4. Phoenix Blaze
The Phoenix Blaze box is a newly released box that has many players frantically departing with their gems in the hopes of pulling solid cards that the box has to offer. If one can open Ice Dragon Prison, Shaddol, Suship, or any Mayakashi cards then you could consider it gems well spent.
Getting Ice Dragon Prison alone is a fair enough reason to roll on the Phoenix Blaze box. If you’re lucky you’ll pull it early and be a happy camper. It’s one of the best disruption cards in the game and can help win you many a duel.
Now that Mayakashi is one of the highest rated competitive decks in the current meta, you will want to spend some gems in this box for Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi, the two Yuki-Onna link cards, and Mayakashi Mayhem. That is if you want to play Mayakashi at all. Otherwise, you might be interested in the nostalgic Ra cards or the previously mentioned Shaddol, Suship, or even Kozmotown cards, which are all inside the Phoenix Blaze box.
Key Points
Nostalgia: The Phoenix Blaze box is a good one to open for the Yu-Gi-Oh nostalgia because of the Ra cards: The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix and The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode.
Shaddol: While they’re not currently a tiered deck, Shaddol has stood the test of time as a solid deck to win duels with; and holds a warm place in my heart.
Mayakashi: Hajun, Yuki-Onna, and the succulent Vampire Sucker are all wonderful additions for your Mayakashi deck. I’d honestly open this box just for the Vampire Sucker for personal reasons.
Phoenix Blaze cards
Total of 90 types : 9 UR, 11 SR, 28 R, and 42 N
Ultra rare
- El Shaddoll Construct
- The Winged Dragon of Ra – Sphere Mode
- The Winged Dragon of Ra – Immortal Phoenix
- Condemned Witch
- Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi
- Magical Musketeer Max
- Machina Redeployment
- Millennium Revelation
Super rare
- Kozmotown
- Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi
- World Reassembly
- Gravity Controller
- Reeshaddoll Wendi
- Machina Citadel
- Constellar Caduceus
- Gunkan Suship Uni
- Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi
- Dark Spell Regeneration
- Shaddoll Hedgehog
- Shaddoll Squamata
- Shaddoll Dragon
- El Shaddoll Grysta
- El Shaddoll Fusion
- Shaddoll Construct
- Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi
- The World Legacy
- Machina Air Raider
- Machina Irradiator
- Sun God Unification
- Helshaddoll Hollow
- Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought
- Gunkan Suship Uni-class Super-Dreadnought
- Gunkan Suship Shari Red
- The True Sun Godollow
- Machina Defender
- Commander Covington
- Machina Force
- Kasha
- Dark Scheme
- Lightray Daedalus
- Shaddoll Falco
- Curse of the Shadow Prison
- Sinister Shadow Games
- Shaddoll Core
- Shaddoll Hound
- Draw Muscle
- El Shaddoll Wendigo
- Nephe Shaddoll Fusion
- Mischief of the Gnomes
- Purushaddoll Aeon
- Steelswarm Origin
- Pinpoint Landing
- Tsukahagi, the Poisonous Mayakashi
- World Legacy – “World Key”
- Qadshaddoll Keios
- Machina Defense Perimeter
- Mayakashi Mayhem
- Gunkan Suship Shari
- Gunkan Suship Ikura
- Doombearer Psychopompos
- Gunkan Sushipyard Seaside Supper Spot
- Gunkan Suship Daily Special
- Devouring Sarcoughagus
3. Soul of Resurrection
The Soul of Resurrection box is calling your name if you’re a lover of rotting, dead creatures, also known as zombies. Who doesn’t love zombies, as long as they’re not real or anything, right?
You will also love this box if you’re a Shiranui player, because it contains a great deal of the necessary cards to build that deck. You’ll want the ultra rare Shiranui Squiresaga if you plan to play Shiranui. He is a necessary anime card that provides a lot of fun and entertainment over the board. He has an effect which can either raise your attack power, destroy spell or trap cards, or destroy monsters.
You might be happy to know that Shiranui are also a top tier deck once again. In the current meta, they’re probably the only thing or one of the only decks that can take on Tachyon. Soul of Resurrection is definitely calling your name from the underworld to open a few packs and bury some enemy duelists.
Key Points
Zombies: Hey, I could see people being interested in the Soul of Resurrection box based on the fact that it is stuffed with zombie cards.
Shiranui: You will want to look for cards like Shiranui Solitaire, Shiranui Squire, and Shiranui Spectralsword Shade to build out your Shiranui deck.
King of Games: You can guarantee yourself a King of Games win if you decide to open a bunch of Soul of Resurrection packs and build yourself a Shiranui deck.
Soul of Resurrection Cards
A total of 50 types : 3 UR, 10 SR, 17 R, and 20 N
Ultra rare
- Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon
- Shiranui Squiresaga
- Raigeki Break
Super rare
- Vulcan the Divine
- Shiranui Solitaire
- Shiranui Squire
- Red Resonator
- Mystic Tomato
- Zombie Master
- Jester Confit
- Assault Mode Zero
- Book of Life
- Dragon's Mirror
- Shiranui Shogunsaga
- Shiranui Sunsaga
- Phantasmal Lord Ultimitl Bishbaalkin
- Ascension Sky Dragon
- Underground Arachnid
- Shiranui Spectralsword
- Shiranui Spiritmaster
- Shiranui Samurai
- Shiranui Spectralsword Shade
- Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode
- Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode
- Ghost Charon, the Underworld Boatman
- Shiranui Style Synthesis
- Assault Counter
- Shiranui Samuraisaga
- Zeman the Ape King
- Frozen Fitzgerald
- Shiranui Smith
- Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode
- Arcane Apprentice
- Assault Mercenary
- Night Wing Sorceress
- Jester Lord
- Wolf
- Pale Beast
- Girochin Kuwagata
- Assault Teleport
- Assault Revival
- Assault Slash
- Cherry Inmato
- Skelesaurus
- Pyramid of Wonders
- Kangaroo Champ
- Dark Spider
- Humpty Grumpty
- Tutan Mask
- Kickfire
2. World of Barian
I’ve written about the best Yu-Gi-Oh decks in the current meta and Tenyi is very high up on the list. The World of Barian box is the main box where you’ll find your Tenyi cards.
With cards like Tenyi Spirit - Ashuna, Tenyi Spirit - Vishuda, Tenyi Spirit - Adhara, and the Tenyi link monsters, this box is really worth it for what you can possibly get. You can pretty much build your whole Tenyi deck if you dump all of your gems into it.
The World of Barian also contains the legendary Black Luster Soldier card. If any of you have been a Yu-Gi-Oh fan since the old days then you know how epic this card is.
Key Points
Toons: You might see a toon deck as a meme deck but I like to think that every deck can be competitive to some degree. Even if it won’t win you any world championships, most people agree that Toons are a lot of fun to play. You can pull different toon cards from the World of Barian box such as Toon Black Luster Soldier and Toon Harpie Lady.
Tenyi cards: This box is full of Tenyi cards and if you’re following the current Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links meta then you’d know that Tenyi is super strong right now. They’re a tier one deck with the power to make you the King of Games time and time again.
World of Barian Cards
Total of 50 types : 3 UR, 10 SR, 17 R, and 20 N
Ultra rare
- Number C39: Utopia Ray V
- Black Luster Soldier - Legendary Swordsman
- Tenyi Spirit - Ashuna
Super rare
- Shaman of the Tenyi
- Monk of the Tenyi
- Number C106: Giant Red Hand
- Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
- Toon Black Luster Soldier
- V Salamander
- Tenyi Spirit - Vishuda
- Toon Bookmark
- Comic Hand
- Generation Force
- Draco Masters of the Tenyi
- Berserker of the Tenyi
- Dual Avatar - Empowered Mitsu-Jaku
- Toon Harpie Lady
- DZW - Chimera Clad
- Gentlemander
- Tenyi Spirit - Adhara
- Toon Page-Flip
- Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force
- Vessel for the Dragon Cycle
- Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi
- Toon Briefcase
- Dual Avatar Ascendance
- Red-Eyes Toon Dragon
- Unmasked Dragon
- Chaos Form
- Rising Sun Slash
- Tasuke Knight
- Tenyi Spirit - Nahata
- Tenyi Spirit - Shthana
- Tenyi Spirit - Mapura
- Squeaknight
- Daruma Dropper
- Shadow Toon
- Tsukumo Slash
- Heavenly Dragon Circle
- Packet Swap
- Sextet Summon
- Toon Mask
- Parthian Shot
- Stoic Challenge
- Reverse Breaker
- Xyz Energy
- Xyz Territory
- Dracocension
- Fusion Tag
- Limit Impulse
1. Tachyon of Galaxy
Tier 0! That’s what this new Tachyon deck is ranked at, which is taking the Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links world by storm. Everyone’s talking about the new tier zero deck that clearly stands above the rest. Where can you get your hands on most of the Tachyon cards? The Tachyon of Galaxy box!
You won’t find any of the Tachyon extra deck cards in this box, but you will find the necessary Nebula Dragon, Starliege Seyfert, Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon, and Schwarzschild Limit Dragon. All of these cards are necessary additions to your Tachyon deck in order for the engine to run seamlessly.
I have to add that this box contains the card, Mezuki. Mezuki is an amazing support card that can be slotted into many different decks in order to increase their overall level. I love to play him in my Mayakashi and Shiranui decks (both top tier decks at the moment) because of his Zombie related effect.
Key Points
Be the best: If you invest your gems into multiple Tachyon of Galaxy box run throughs and build a Tachyon deck, you can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be the strongest player in the vicinity. This is solely for Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links, though! Don’t show up to your locals with a Tachyon deck and expect to be a hot shot.
Mezuki: If you can gain multiple Mezuki through this box you’ll be sitting pretty. Similar to Effect Veiler, he’s a great support card that gives you some more motivation to open Tachyon of Galaxy packs.
Cyberse: With cards like Cyberse Quantum Dragon, Cyberse Synchron, and Cyberse Wicckid, there is an array of Cyberse cards to be had when opening this box. To some, it would be a great bonus to receive some Cyberse cards as you’re searching for your Tachyon cards.
Tachyon of Galaxy Cards
A total of 50 types : 3 UR, 10 SR, 17 R, and 20 N
Ultra rare
- Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon
- Doomking Balerdroch
- Successor Soul
Super rare
- Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy
- Cyberse Quantum Dragon
- Starliege Seyfert
- Nebula Dragon
- Galaxy Soldier
- Cyberse Synchron
- Uni-Zombie
- Mezuki
- Hyper Galaxy
- Trade-In
- Galaxy Satellite Dragon
- Cyberse Wicckid
- Starliege Photon Blast Dragon
- Cyberse Integrator
- Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat
- Necroworld Banshee
- Jack-o-Bolan
- Alghoul Mazera
- Shinobi Necro
- Zombie Necronize
- Zombie Reborn
- Photon Change
- Return of the Zombies
- Heliosphere Dragon
- Catche Eve L2
- Radiant Vouirescence
- Mad Mauler
- Dino-Sewing
- Reversible Beetle
- Slime Toad
- Necroquip Prism
- Eternal Bond
- Shiranui Style Samsara
- Shiranui Style Success
- Haunted Zombies
- Snowman Effect
- Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon
- Schwarzschild Limit Dragon
- Armed Protector Dragon
- Kabuki Dragon
- Soul Drain Dragon
- Radius, the Half-Moon Dragon
- Blue-Blooded Oni
- Yellow-Bellied Oni
- Temple of the Sun
- Shared Ride
- Sanguine Swamp