Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a popular card game that allows Yu-Gi-Oh! fans to duel from the comfort of their own home. You can collect cards, unlock characters, and compete against people from all over the world. In the game, you can buy booster packs from various boxes.With over 70 boxes to choose from, it can be hard to determine which one is best. Whether you’re a new player, a returning player, or simply unsure, we’re here to tell you the best 10 boxes to buy from!
10. Sign of Harpies
A cheap mini box for any harpie-lover
Sign of Harpies is a mini box that features a lot of support for Harpie decks, including the synchro monster Cyber Slash Harpie Lady and Harpie Channeler. You can also find many F.A. cards as well as some XYZ support. If you’re looking for a cheaper box or ways to improve your Harpie deck, this box may be just for you. Additionally, you can find some versatile cards, such as Lightning Vortex, which are suitable for any deck.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful wind monsters
Harpie support
Cyber Slash Harpie Lady
Harpie Channeler
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
F.A. support
Lightning Vortex
Ninja support
Blade Armor Ninja
Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja
Daigusto Emeral
9. Shark Fang
A great main box for any water deck
Shark Fang features the ever popular Elemental HERO Stratos, which is a must-have in many HERO meta decks, as well as Shark’s signature card, Number 32: Shark Drake. If you’re a fan of HERO decks, or Shark, this box may be just for you. You can also get Evilswarm and Gishki cards along with Tin Goldfish, which is another must-have for various meta decks.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful water monsters
Elemental HERO Stratos
HEROs meta deck support
Number 32: Shark Drake
Tin Goldfish
Gandora, Ancient Gears, or Gadgets meta deck support
Evilswarm support
Gishki support
8. Shining Hope
An amazing box for anyone looking to build an XYZ deck
Shining Hope is the first main box to ever offer XYZ support, featuring Yuma’s signature card, Number 39: Utopia, along with one of the most popular meta cards, D.D. Crow. It’s a staple for many meta decks, including the current top tier deck, Salamangreat. If you’re a fan of meta decks or Yuma, you will love this box. You can also find cards for Gagaga, Tellarknight, Onomatoplay, and Bujin decks.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful light monsters
Meta deck support
Number 39: Utopia
Gagaga support
Tellarknight support
Onomatoplay support
Bujin support
XYZ support
7. Shining Sunrise
For anyone who loves the HERO archetype, this box is for you
Shining Sunrise is one of the most versatile boxes, offering support for a range of different decks - including the HEROs meta deck. You can get two must-have cards for the current meta, which are Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier and Elemental HERO Sunrise. If you’re looking to build yourself a HEROs meta deck, this box is for you. You can also find cards for Fire Fist, Cyber Angel, Fossil, Sacred Beast, Super Quant, and War Rock decks.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful light monsters
HEROs meta deck support
Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier
Elemental HERO Sunrise
Fire Fist support
Cyber Angel support
Fossil support
Sacred Beast support
Super Quant support
War Rock support
Black Luster - Soldier Envoy of the Beginning
Archfiend Eccentrick
Number 55: Gogogo Goliath
6. Judgement Force
Get some powerful Blue-Eyes support with Judgement Force
Judgement Force is a great box if you want powerful Blue-eyes support. With cards like Blue-eyes Spirit Dragon and Sage with Eyes of Blue, you can build yourself a meta Blue-eyes deck no problem. If you’re looking for some synchro support, the box has Glow-up Bulb - a staple tuner for many Synchro decks. You can also find cards for Lightsworn and Lunalight decks.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful light monsters
Blue-eyes meta deck support
Sage with Eyes of Blue
Blue-eyes Spirit Dragon
Synchro support/Glow-up Bulb
Lightsworn support
Lunalight support
5. Blazing Rose
Build a strong synchro deck with the Blazing Rose box
Blazing Rose features the popular Black Rose Dragon, a staple synchro monster in various meta decks. You can also get great support for Red-eyes meta decks, with cards like World Legacy Clash, as well as support for Metaphys and Subterror decks. If you’re a fan of Akiza or synchro summoning, this box may be just what you’re looking for.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful dark monsters
Powerful dragon monsters
Black Rose Dragon
Vermillion Dragon Mech
Synchro support
Red-eyes meta deck support/World Legacy Clash
Rose Dragon meta deck support
Metaphys support
Subterror support
4. Future Horizon
Obtain amazing cyber support with Future Horizon
Future Horizon offers a lot of support for Cyber Dragon decks, featuring cards like Chimeratech Rampage Dragon and Cyber Dragon Vier. The box also has the powerful synchro monster, Stardust Spark Dragon, which is a staple in many Blue-eyes meta decks. If you’re looking to improve your dragon or synchro decks, this box may be just the thing you need. You can also find cards for Dark Magician and Superheavy Samurai decks along with staple meta cards, such as Artifact Lancea and Chain Disappearance.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful light monsters
Powerful dragon monsters
Cyber Dragon support
Chimeratech Rampage Dragon
Cyber Dragon Vier
PSY-Framelord Zeta
Stardust support
Dragon support/Blue-eyes meta deck support
Artifact Lancea
Chain Disappearance
Dark Magician Circle
Superheavy Samurai support
3. Antinomic Theory
For those looking to build a meta deck, Antinomic Theory is the box for you
Antinomic Theory offers a lot of meta deck support, featuring cards like Mystical Space Typhoon - a powerful card used in many meta decks. You can also get World Carrotweight Champion, which is a staple in Rose Dragon meta decks as well as many plant decks. If you’re looking to improve your plant decks or build a meta deck, this box may be just for you. There’s also support for water XYZ, T.G., Rikka, and Burning Abyss decks.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful plant monsters
Powerful water monsters
Meta deck support/Mystical Space Typhoon
World Carrotweight Champion
Water XYZ support
T.G. support
Rikka support
Burning Abyss support
Fairy Knight Ingnunar
2. Chaotic Soldiers
Looking to improve your decks? Chaotic Soldiers has support for over 9 different archetypes!
Chaotic Soldiers features the ever popular Book of Moon, a must-have for many meta decks. The box is also the most versatile one on the list, offering support for over 9 different archetypes. These include Red-eyes, Nekros, Bujin, Performapal, Sylvan, Gishki, Chemicritter, Igknight, and Prediction. You can also find many powerful dragon cards, as well as the ritual monster Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier - a useful addition to any Gaia or Black Luster Soldier deck.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful dragon monsters
Thunder End Dragon
Archfiend Black Skull Dragon
Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation
Meta deck support/Book of Moon
Ritual support
Pendulum Paradox
Black Luster Soldier support/Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier
Red-eyes support
Nekros support
Bujin support
Sylvan support
Gishki support
Chemicritter support
Igknight support
Prediction support
1. Dark Dimension
Build a powerful dark deck with Dark Dimensions
Dark Dimension contains the popular Samurai Destroyer, a powerful synchro monster used in many Rose Dragon, Cryston, and Blackwings meta decks. The box also has Necrovalley - an essential for any Gravekeeper’s deck. Dark Dimension features a lot of powerful dark monsters, such as Chaos Sorcerer and Quintet Magician, making it the perfect box for improving dark decks. There are also cards for Invoked, Elementsaber, Karakuri, and Magician archetypes.
Buy this box if you want:
Powerful dark monsters
Chaos Sorcerer
Meta deck support/Samurai Destroyer
Gravekeeper’s support/Necrovalley
Palladium Oracle Mahad
Magician support
Elementsaber support
Karakuri support
Invoked support