[Top 3] Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Best Blue Eye Decks That Wreck Hard!

03 Jun 2022

Channel your inner Seto Kaiba with a highly competitive Blue-Eyes White Dragon Deck. Konami loves this archetype almost as much as he does, so building a solid foundation of staple Blue-Eyes Cards will always serve you well!

3. Blue-Eyes Tuner Deck

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Blue-Eyes Tuner Decks are great for messing with your opponent and spamming the field with high-powered monsters, sometimes in the first turn! Spell/Trap cards with a discard cost work well with these decks, as many of them have powerful effects that activate when discarded to the Graveyard. 

Why Use This Deck?

  • Synergy between Spell/Trap cards and Monsters
  • Synchro summon Monsters with powerful effects
  • Disrupt opponent strategies
  • Flood the field with powerful Monsters

Skill: Ultimate Dragons


  • UR Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon (1)
  • UR The White Stone of Ancients (3)
  • UR Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3)
  • SR Sage with Eyes of Blue (3)
  • SR The White Stone of Legend (1)


  • UR Cards of Consonance (2)
  • R Ancient Rules (1)


  • UR Raigeki Break (1)
  • SR Karma Cut (2)
  • SR Ultimate Providence (2)

Extra Deck:

  • UR Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon (1)
  • UR Vermillion Dragon Mech (1)
  • UR Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis (1)
  • UR Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn (1)
  • SR Sylvan Princessprite (1)
  • SR Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon (1)
  • R Cloudcastle (1)

2. Blue-Eyes Spell/Caster Deck

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While most Blue-Eyes Decks follow the same format, this one uses archetype-specific Spell Cards and equip spells to maximise the summoning potential of the deck. Combining Wonder Wand’s drawing effect and Mausoleum of White’s extra summoning effect creates a strong advantage when it comes to spamming the field!

Why Use This Deck?

  • Field Spell UR Mausoleum of White’s effects make activating Graveyard discard effects a breeze
  • Wonder Wand is easily accessible through the Card Trader’s regular inventory 
  • Trap cards to interfere with your opponent
  • Excellent synergy 

Skill: Ultimate Dragons


  • UR Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon (1)
  • UR Maiden with Eyes of Blue (1)
  • UR The White Stone of Ancients (3)
  • UR Blue-Eyes White Dragon (2)
  • SR Sage with Eyes of Blue (3)


  • UR Mystical Space Typhoon (1)
  • UR Cards of Consonance (2)
  • UR Mausoleum of White (1)
  • SR Wonder Wand (3)
  • R Ancient Rules (1)


  • UR Floodgate Trap Hole (3)

Extra Deck:

  • UR Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon (2)
  • UR Vermillion Dragon Mech (1)
  • UR Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn (1)
  • SR Sylvan Princessprite (1)
  • R Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison (1)

1. Blue-Eyes Thunder Deck

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Combine a classic Blue-Eyes Deck with thunder monsters for a deck that would make both of the Kaiba brothers proud! This deck is super powerful when it comes to Graveyard effects, and with the addition of strong meta Spell/Trap cards, it’s certain to take your opponent down a peg.

Why Use This Deck?

  • Easily accessible cards through Mokuba Kaiba drops
  • Powerful Graveyard effects
  • Great synergy
  • Effective backrow

Skill: Ultimate Dragons


  • UR Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon (1)
  • UR Chaos Dragon Levianeer (1)
  • UR Thunder Dragonhawk (1)
  • UR Thunder Dragondark (2)
  • UR Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3)
  • UR White Stone of Ancients (3)
  • SR Thunder Dragonduo (1)
  • SR Dragon Spirit of White (1)
  • SR Thunder Dragonroar (2)
  • SR Sage with Eyes of Blue (3)


  • UR Cards of Consonance (3)
  • UR Gold Sarcophagus (2)
  • SR The Melody of Awakening Dragon (1)


  • UR Raigeki Break (3)
  • SR Karma Cut (3)

Extra Deck:

  • UR Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon (1)
  • UR Stardust Spark Dragon (1)
  • UR Black Rose Dragon (1)
  • UR Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (1)
  • UR Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis (1)
  • UR Constellar Ptolemy M7 (1)

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