What PC games should you be looking forward to?
E3 is the world’s biggest gaming news convention where companies and studios release updates and plans on what games they have been working on. Press conferences are held in theaters to demonstrate new gaming technology or just new games that people want to see. This year’s E3 was big for PC games revealing main titles that were never available to them before. Consoles are now struggling to keep up with the PC in performance, gameplay and graphics.
Here is a list of the 21 biggest PC games at E3 2017.
Anthem Official Teaser Trailer
You and your friends play as freelancers, soldiers in customizable exosuits called Javelins, in a shared world action RPG. Leaving civilization behind, you explore out into the primeval world and confront the dangers of it as well as enjoy the beauty. This sci-fi futuristic game was showed at E3 and blew people away. What is the most exciting aspect s about this game are the amazing open world, the 4K graphics, the customizable exosuits and jet packs, because who doesn’t love jet packs?
Electronic Arts, better known as EA, hasn’t had the best reputation for releasing any game not having to do with sports to be a good one. However, teaming up with the developers from Bioware, they have been working on this new action role-playing game called “ANTHEM”. The game is set to be release sometime in 2018 but the developers from “Mass Effect” and “Dragon Age” have the fans trust. To learn more about this game, check out the website in the link Anthem game
Watch the E3 gameplay - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVnO58s0YPU
The different types of characters one can play as in ANTHEM.
20. Assassin’s Creed: Origins
Assassin's Creed Origins: E3 2017 Official World Premiere Gameplay Trailer [4K] | Ubisoft [US]
What kind of E3 would it be without another release of an Assassin’s Creed game? Well luckily for us we won’t have to worry because Ubisoft is already hard at work on Assassin’s Creed: Origins. The new game takes place in Ptolemaic Egypt and follows Bayek, a Medjay who is doing what he can to save and protect his people.
Although fans are excited for the new game, the setting is a bit of a concern for some. Egypt is a very interesting place rich with fascinating history but is it right for the game? Early gameplay shows players sailing boats on the Nile, using the new eagle vision and even having battles with some crocodiles. An exciting aspect to this game is a newly crafted combat system, which was something Assassin’s Creed fans have always complained about.
Although the setting of the game seems random Ubisoft seems to have put a lot of thought into the game and the feedback has been mostly positive. The game is set to release on October 27, 2017 worldwide and on all major systems. Can Ubisoft pull off another successful Assassin’s Creed game, or have they hit their limit?
More information can be found at this link
The new Assassin’s Creed game set to take place in ancient Egypt.
19. Call of Cthulhu
Call of Cthulhu - PS4 Trailer | E3 2017
We have had the Lovecraft story of the same name inspire an extremely popular board game, but now Cyanide and Focus Home Interactive are working on a Call of Cthulhu video game. This semi-open world role playing survival horror game will focus on Lovecraftian elements and psychological horror to enhance the story as players use their stealth and investigation skills to gather clues to the story.
You play as private investigator Edward Pierce looking into the death of an entire family on Darkwater Island near Boston, Massachusetts, and discovers the impending revival of the Great Old One Cthulhu.
The game is set to release in the fourth quarter of 2017 giving tabletop and video game fans something to look forward to. Will they be able to stop the revival of Cthulhu before it’s too late?
Check out more information of the game here - Call of Cthulhu
The official release poster for the new Cyanide game “Call of Cthulhu”.
18. Call of Duty: WWII
Official Call of Duty®: WWII – Multiplayer Reveal Trailer
Some people say that call of duty has done it all. Having a game from the First World War all the way to the future wars, it could be hard to figure out where to go next with your franchise. The team at Activision decide to take the game back to its roots and trenches in WWII.
The game puts players in the middle of WWII, fighting to preserve the freedom of America and form the unbreakable bonds between brothers during war time. The game features classic game modes fans will love and lets them play as any army during the war.
With a standard November release of this year, the game will sell at one of the best times.
To learn more about the game visit their website - https://www.callofduty.com/wwii
Call of Duty WWII promotional poster.
17. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider – Official E3 Announce Trailer
Bethesda, having an underwhelming press conference, did catch people’s attention when they announced a new standalone Dishonored story. Arkane Studios is currently working on a new storyline for the game that will bring back some fan favorite characters.
This new story follows Billie Lurk a mysterious pirate assassin as she rescues her former master Daud and sets their new target to be the supernatural force of chaos, The Outsider, which is the root of both Daud’s powers and the original Dishonored protagonists Corvo Attano and Emily Kaldwin.
“Dishonored: Death of the Outsider” is set to release on September 17, 2017 and will only cost $30. A new story with old characters at a low cost will most definitely make fans happy.
To learn more about the game check out this link
Billie Lurk the pirate assassin using her supernatural forces.
16. Destiny 2
Destiny 2 – Official “Our Darkest Hour” E3 Trailer
The latest and possibly the greatest game from Activision and Bungie “Destiny 2” takes place one year after the last DLC for the first game “Rise of Iron”. A faction of a military industrial empire attacks the Last City with over whelming force and causes the guardians to flee and stripping them over their powers. Now, scattered and powerless, the guardians need to acquire new powers and travel to other planets in order to gain the ability to face the leader who took their home from them.
“Destiny 2” offers a wide variety of gameplay mechanics that will be able to suit any player who picks up the game. The character progression and classes lets you pick from three different classes a warlock, a titan or a hunter, who all have different abilities. The game is also very big with PvE and now PvP where players can battle it out in a six on six or three on three match.
The game is set to release for consoles in September but will come to consoles the following month in October of this year.
More information can be found here - https://www.destinythegame.com/
A promotional poster featuring live action actors portraying the classes.
15. Dragon Ball Fighter Z
DRAGON BALL Fighter Z - E3 2017 Trailer | XB1, PS4, PC
The hype got more than real when publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment and developer Arc System Works announced that they were making a Dragon Ball fighting game. This time though they are making it the “right way”.
The Dragon Ball games have always been this 3D moving camera fighting games which made it different from the traditional ones such as Mortal Kombat and Tekken. This is the first time we will get to play a real Dragon Ball fighting game and the fans couldn’t be more excited about it. The game will also burrow the team aspect from Marvel vs Capcom and allow player to pick teams of two or three characters that they can switch out with during fights.
No date has been officially released yet but we do know that the game is set to come out in 2018 so lets hope it is early 2018.
A screenshot from the game where Goku and Vegeta are fighting.
14. Hello, Neighbor
Hello Neighbor – Announcement Trailer
We all have that creepy neighbor who we always keep an eye on to make sure they aren’t up to no good. That is the exact premise of the independent Russian studio Dynamic Pixels new game “Hello Neighbor”.
In this stealth survival horror game you play as a nosey neighbor who notices some very strange things going on across the street from you. It is your mission to get into your neighbor’s house and find out what he is hiding in his basement. Sounds easy right? Not quite, the developers made it so that every time your neighbor catches you he learns you moves and booby-traps and fortifies his house to prevent you from getting in!
The game has been in Beta for a while but is now set to release a full game on August 29 2017. Will you be able to uncover your neighbor’s secrets?
To find out more check - http://www.helloneighborgame.com/
The “Hello, Neighbor” poster showing the locked up basement door that you must open
13. Metal Gear Survive.
The announcement of this game was both a surprise but also something we saw coming. Konami needed to show fans that they could make a Metal Gear game without the visionary director Kojima. What fans saw though did not inspire a lot of hope so Konami has extremely big shoes to fill.
The plot for this game is a bit different form its predecessors, taking place between MGS 5’s “Ground Zero” and “The Phantom Pain” the game puts you back on mother base. A wormhole opens up in the sky absorbing all of mother base and sending it to an alternate reality where the world is full of hostile zombie like creatures and Big Boss needs to gather materials and find a way back home.
The game is set to release in early 2018 but has been received by a lot of negative comments so we will have to see for ourselves when the game comes out.
To find out more check out the website - https://www.konami.com/mg/survive/
Poster showing four soldiers staring at mother base as it crashed through a wormhole.
12. Middle Earth Shadow of War
Official Shadow of War Story Trailer | 4K
In this upcoming action role-playing game developed by Monolith Productions and distributed by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, you continue the story from Shadow of Mordor. You play as Talion, a ranger of Gondor, who shares his body with an old elf lord Celebrimbor. Forging a new ring of power Celebrimbor believes Talion could use it to become a powerful king and overthrow the dark lord Sauron to save Middle Earth.
The producers of the game wanted to move from the typical hack and slash game to more epic battle sequences like the ones from the Lord of the Rings films. Their introduction to the nemesis system also make the game more interesting because enemies remember things and everything you do has an outcome and effects the world.
A lot of excitement and anticipation has been surrounding this game and fans can look to play it October 10, 2017 worldwide.
For more on this game check out - Shadow of War
Talion and Celebrimbor fighting uruks with their under command army.
11. Monster Hunter Worlds
Monster Hunter: World Announcement Trailer
The very beloved Capcom series Monster Hunter is finally getting a big release of a new game. Monster Hunter Worlds is an action role-playing game that lets you become the hunter of your choice with seven different archetypes. Start off with small quest of collecting plants and berries than work your way up to slaying giant monsters to help out towns and gain loot.
The game features a lot of new features such as fourteen weapon types and a world map that is continuous and changing. This breaks up the learning of the land and challenges players to really explore to find certain things.
With a release for consoles in the first quarter of 2018, no date has yet to be released for PC but we assume that is will shortly follow the quarter one release date for consoles.
Find out more at - Monster_Hunter:_World
Three brave hunters face off against a serious opponent.
10. Osiris New Dawn
Osiris: New Dawn - Early Access Launch Trailer
Fenix Fire Entertainment and Reverb Triple XP bring us a new game of space exploration and the horrors of doing it. Osiris New Dawn is an action adventure role-playing MMO where you are an astronaut who is set to investigate new planets that came be habitable. During interplanetary travel your ship malfunctions and crashes you on a desert planet full of hostile life that isn’t happy you are there. It is up to you to build a base and survive not only the extreme conditions but the creatures that live there as well.
The game came out on steam for early access in September 2016 but has just announced that there will be a full release this year across multiple platforms.
To learn more about Osiris New Dawn check out - http://osirisnewdawn.com/
Poster for Osiris New Dawn showing an astronaut looking at a desert planet.
9. Path of Exile
The Fall of Oriath: Beta Release Trailer
More importantly the Fall of Oriath expansion has been announced and it is going to add more gameplay to this free to play game. The expansion will give a whole new Act to play as well as five remixed Acts. It will also include new areas, items and enemies with a whole lot of god slaying.
Grinding gear games has developed their dark fantasy world free to play game into a great title that fans look forward to enjoying. The newest expansion “Fall of Oriath” is set to be released in July of this year so you can expect it soon!
To find out more on this game - https://www.pathofexile.com/game
Promotional poster for the new expansion of “Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath”
8. Sea of Thieves
Sea of Thieves: Official E3 2016 Cinematic Trailer
One of the most anticipated indie games of all time “Sea of Thieves” lets players play as pirates in an open world action adventure cooperative multiplayer game. Rare Ltd, the developers of the game, also want to make the game cross platform so that player from Xbox can play with the PC players.
Gather your friends as you explore the world via pirate ship and take on different roles aboard the ship. Stop at islands to gather supplies or look for treasure and fight to take down other ships with your cannons.
The game has already had a couple of release dates but has been pushed back to early 2018. Despite its problems with releasing on time there is no doubt that “Sea of Thieves” will be a big hit when it launches…eventually.
For more information on the game check out - https://www.seaofthieves.com/
Screenshot from early gameplay of “Sea of Thieves”
7. South Park: The Fractured But Whole
South Park: The Fractured But Whole: E3 2017 Official Trailer – Time to Take a Stand | Ubisoft [US]
With the success and love for the first South Park game “The Stick of Truth” everyone was happy to hear of a second game. “South Park: The Fractured but Whole” is a role-playing game developed by Ubisoft in collaboration with South Park digital studios.
Taking place right after the first game “The Fractured but Whole” lets you play as a fourth grader who is the new kid in town where everyone now is playing super hero. You get to pick from twelve different classes and customize your character. Get ready to run around town fighting other kids and adults, doing random quests and unravelling the story as the classic characters from the show guide you through the game.
The game is set to release on October 17th 2017 and is predicted to be met with great reviews and responses.
To learn more about the game check South Park
Pick your side of the divide between friends in the all new South Park game
6. Star wars Battlefront II
Star Wars Battlefront 2: Official Gameplay Trailer
With the amount of Star Wars stuff out in the world today you would think people would get sick of it. Nope, we cannot get enough of it! At this year’s E3 fans got to look at the newest Star Wars game.
Star Wars Battlefront II is an action shooter game that puts players in the world of Star Wars. This game has combined all of the stories from the franchise allowing people to play as some of their favorite characters from any movie. From clone troopers to Finn and Rey player will have a wide variety to choose from not only player wise but for stories as well.
They also said that the game would have free DLC for everyone with a free EA account, using similar structure to games like “Overwatch” and “Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege”. The game is set to release for all the main platforms on November 17th 2017.
For additional information please check out - Star Wars Battlefront II
Promotional poster showing of old and new characters along with a battlefield landscape.
5. State of Decay 2
State of Decay 2 - E3 2017 - 4K Trailer
In 2013 we got “State of Decay” which was one of the first open world zombie survival games. This year at E3 we found out that we are getting a second one.
“State of Decay 2” like its predecessor is a survival game developed by Undead Labs and Published by Microsoft Studios. In the game players must now ban together to survival the zombie hordes and gather supplies, survivors and build up a safe house with fortifications.
The first game was met with mixed reviews but mostly a positive reaction. The second game is sure to address the issues people had with the first and put a lot of time in developing the new game. It is set to release in early 2018.
To find out more on this game go to the website - https://www.stateofdecay.com/
A group of survivors come across a zombie out in the woods
4. Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind - Official Launch Trailer
Bethesda had one of the most disappointing press conferences of E3 this year but it didn’t go completely bad. They introduced their latest expansion to the Elder Scrolls Online franchise and that is Morrowind.
Morrowind may sound familiar for some people who have played the Elder Scrolls games since the beginning. Morrowind was the main setting for the third game and is back for more. In this expansion there is a new region of Vvanderfell, a new class, more PvP battles and a new trial for people to do.
To date it is the biggest DLC that has been released for the Elder Scrolls online and the first to warrant its own title. Morrowind can also not be bought by crown points only by actually purchasing the game.
The game has recently been released and players can now travel back to where the franchise started and begin their own quest.
For more information be sure to check - Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
The cover for the Morrowind DLC
3. Evil Within 2
The Evil Within 2 – Official E3 Announce Trailer (PEGI)
In Bethesda’s latest installment of “The Evil Within 2” you play as Detective Sebastian Castellanos. Fueled with the passion to find your daughter you travel through the nightmarish world of STEM in this survival horror game in hopes to save her.
New game mechanics allow players to figure out different and creative ways to survive. Not much is yet known about this game as they are keeping it very secretive but what we do know is that it is getting a release on October 13th 2017, and what better day to release a horror game on than Friday the 13th.
If you want to look into this game more visit - Evil Within 2
Announcement trailer poster for The Evil Within 2
2. Total War: Warhammer 2
Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Announcement Cinematic Trailer
It seems kind of odd that one of the games people are looking forward to the most is a game published by Sega, but developers Creative Assembly are looking to take a stand with the sequel to their hit game Total War: Warhammer 2.
The turn based strategy game is set in the Warhammer fantasy world and features real time tactics gameplay, similar to the first one. Players will be able to choose from four different races and if they played the first game and had extra races those will transfer over. The leap from tabletop to video game was a daring on but Total War was able to pull it off with great finesse.
The game is set to release on September 28th of this year.
To stay updated check out their website - https://comingsoon.totalwar.com/
The cover art for Total War: Warhammer 2
1.Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus – E3 2017 Full Reveal Trailer
Bethesda’s big and final announcement was for their historically twisted game Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. People were guessing this might be announced but were still interested to hear about the game.
In Wolfenstein 2 you play as William Blazkowicz. After being heavily injured in a fight you rest up in a hospital. Once out you get back to fighting Nazi’s and team up with the American Revolution in this first person shooter with plenty of action and adventure.
There is still a lot to be known about this game but what we do know is that you can play it October 27th of this year.
For additional information about this game check out - Wolfenstein_II:_The_New_Colossus
The poster art for Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Wrapping Up E3
In all, E3 had its ups and its downs this year but still was about to announce a lot of games for the PC. Games that were never available for PC are now going to be and exclusive games are now coming to consoles. What a happy place we live in!
Let us know what games you were excited about at E3 and what games you weren’t. If you enjoyed reading this list, be sure to check out the other articles on Gamersdecide.com.
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