Age of Empires was a blockbuster hit when it first launched in 1997, tasking players with conquering the world.
The series we love is now back, with Age of Empires 4 currently in development. Microsoft promises to give us the game we’ve all been waiting for, and it looks like Age of Empires will be as glorious as ever.
Age of Empires 4 Story
It’s been over a decade since the release of Age of Empires III in 2005, but we’re finally getting another one. Age of Empires 4 will take players back through history as we expand our empires.
We can expect Age of Empires 4 to feature many of the series’ staple elements, like resource management, army building, and city construction. This new installment will likely touch up these features with a modern take and a graphic overhaul.
We hope to see epic clashes of huge armies, cities bigger than ever before, and sprawling economies in this next installment.
Age of Empires: the previous installment of the series came out in 2005 and was a massive hit. We can expect something even bigger for the series’ return.
Age of Empires 4 Release Date
Age of Empires 4 has not been given a release date. Development was announced in August of 2017, but the game was not present at E3 2018. We can expect the game to be out for PC in the next 2 years, with presence at future conferences like PAX or Gamescom.
Age of Empires 4 Gameplay
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition is the latest Age of Empires game from Microsoft. It is a remake of the 1997 Age of Empires.
Age of Empires 4 will be a real time grand strategy game, set throughout human history. The game will be exclusively multiplayer against varying amounts of both human and AI opponents. You will be able to play both online and offline. Conquer with your friends, or take over the world alone.
The Age of Empires series has always followed a classic formula to deliver an intense strategy experience. The next entry will be no different, starting you off with just a settlement at the beginning of each game. Your first settlement is your stepping stone to advancing your civilization. It builds your workers and soldiers, which are key to domination.
Your workers can build barracks, trading posts, refineries, and much more. This gives you access to the world’s resources, your military, and total domination. Once you’re set up, you can begin to explore the world.
Inevitably you will run into your opponents, and it’s up to you to get an edge on them. Whether you encounter the Mongols or Imperial England, you will have to act quickly. Combat revolves around a strategic mix of formations and units. Combine ranged soldiers, swordsmen, battering rams, and more for a swift and brutal assault.
You decide the course of human history.
Clashing Armies: Arranging your troops is critical to victory. A well-formed block of elite soldiers can be impenetrable.
Age of Empires 4 Trailers
Age of Empires 4 Trailer
Age of Empires 4 News
Age of Empires 4 is going to be released for Windows 10 and will be an epic return for the series. After a 12-year silence from the historical strategy saga, this latest entry promises to bring us all the excitement and intrigue from the original games.
Every other game in the series has been developed by the defunct Ensemble Studios, but Age of Empires 4 will be developed by Relic Entertainment. This is Relic’s first Age of Empires game, but the studio promises to deliver. They want to “fuse historical context with deep strategic gameplay” and promise that it will revitalize the series.
Relic Entertainment has 120 developers and is a seasoned studio who has worked with series like Warhammer and Company of Heroes. They have sold millions of units and were even named IGN’s Best Developer in 2006. With this pedigree, we can expect a sizable budget between $20-$100 million dollars for the game.
Age of Empires 4 has had a secretive development cycle, with no official screenshots, gameplay, or release date. Previous installments have focused on specific eras in history, like medieval times. But the trailer for this game reveals that the series could have a broader approach to history. And, of course, the core gameplay will follow the tried-and-true formula of the series.
Age of Empires 3 came out in 2005, so Relic Entertainment has a lot more to work with when it comes to technology. We can expect the game to operate on a much bigger scale, which would have been impossible before. And, of course, graphics will be a no-brainer. Age of Empires 4 will be a huge, welcome return of a beloved series, and we can hope to see it in the next couple of years.
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