There is more to life than just assassinating targets.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Debut Trailer
In around four months, we will see Assassin’s Creed Syndicate hitting the shelves of your favorite game store. The game developers roll out information regularly, making people excited about the features that will accompany the new era Syndicate will be situated in.
With the Syndicate hype still going, here are 5 major things that you’ll enjoy about the new title’s gameplay:
1. Smoother Stealth
Jacob's ancestors weren't able to do this.
Syndicate’s predecessors require constant hiding in the shadows when following an enemy’s tracks. While this was fun because that’s what assassins usually do, it got old sometimes due to the repetitive use of the said mechanic.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’s gameplay mechanics changed so players can enjoy the quick switch from navigation to stealth mode on-the-fly, making the assassin’s movement more natural; this comes in tandem with the updated setting of the game – 1868 London is packed with people in every location so constantly hiding behind walls would make you look suspicious to the public eye.
Reducing the number of threaths increases the chances of a successful rescue.
Jacob Frye, one of the game’s main assassins, is charismatic and a little sociable rather than cutthroat scary; hiding his identity is not needed in the upcoming installment. From here on out, sneaking around might be more effective in most cases. This provides a more realistic gameplay for Jacob is not limited to just hiding from targets before he strikes.
In addition to the easier transition from free-roam to stealth, you can now play with your enemies using a whistle, a new tool in your assassination career. You can lure them to your location immediately, effectively reducing your time waiting, hidden behind walls. This will give you a chance to sneak around and kill them or escape quickly while they’re checking your previous location.
2. Transportation
Feel the adrenaline rush with Victorian London's extreme sport: Horse Cart Surfing.
The game’s London covers seven locations, making the open world too big to explore on foot. Vehicles make travelling easier while providing utility to the assassin-on-duty. Horse carriages are present in almost any location for faster travel from one borough to another – if you successfully steal one, that is.
While this is the most obvious use of the said vehicle, there are other ways to exploit the horse cart to your advantage.
These can be used as hiding places to prepare a surprise attack or evade your enemies. Crashing these vehicles can cause chaos in the vicinity for the police to check, the diversion helpful when you need the public to stay focused on one thing as you complete your objectives.
If you're running late, snatch a cart.
A head-on collision with another carriage or a streetlamp can send you flying forward, leaving a mess that law enforcers will investigate soon after and giving you enough time to escape. You can even hit-and-run people who are blocking your way as you speed through the streets.
There will be steamboats and trains to be available in the official release but the developer has not revealed any mechanics for these vehicles yet.
3. Two Main Characters
Assassin’s Creed titles usually feature a single main character. For the first time, the game franchise will showcase two main characters, letting the players tackle the storyline and gameplay in two different perspectives.
Meet Jacob and Evie Frye, assassin twins who will lead the London underground into a revolution to free the masses from the cruel rule of the elite and Templars. The two characters will have unique skill trees and story routes, thus choosing one over the other will give a different gaming experience.
Meet Jacob Frye, the charismatic Assassin.
Jacob is the leader-type, heading straight into the fight rather than waiting for the most appropriate time to strike. Equipped with his signature brass knuckles, he charges forward, engaging in melee combat more often than not. Despite his tendency to get tangled into crowd fights, his skills still prove lethal if players opt to make use of his assassin moves.
Behold Evie Frye, the tactical Assassin.
On the other hand, Evie is more of a tactician, focusing on her stealth moves and wits instead of blindly walking into a fight which she probably can’t win with plain strength alone. It may seem that she might be more like traditional assassin, calculating the odds while stalking the target before smoothly executing her plans. While there are no details yet about her skills or abilities, we will see more of the female Frye in the future updates.
4. Gang Wars
Let's rock.
Assassination mainly deals with shutting down targets one by one without getting noticed. However, due to the nature of 1868 London, head-on confrontations are to be expected. The twins are members of an underground gang that aims to unite the working class and ultimately fight the governing elitists which may be under the Templar’s control.
This means Jacob and Evie will be seen in a lot of mob fights, whether to defend their turf or establish control over a certain region, and engaging other gangs and groups who enforce the rule that ties the lower classes down.
Similar to single-target assassinations, gang wars are pretty straightforward; eliminate everyone in the way, just more chaotic.
And it’s easier said than done.
This fight doesn't need a referee.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate rolls out a faster combat pace and a smarter enemy AI to make things interesting or frustrating; the mob seems to ‘think’ as you engage them, some would call reinforcements once they see you dishing out punches, others could team up on you if they feel that they can’t take you down single-handedly.
Enemies during gang wars will be scattered throughout the location, with your loyal followers picking their own targets as you seek out the mob’s leader. However, that does not mean that your enemies will ignore you; the group may focus on you instead if you go straight to your main target without defeating the underlings first.
With these things in mind, players are bound to think how to take control of the situation so as not to leave the main characters vulnerable as they hack through the crowd.
As players get deeper into the game, the gang fights will become tougher without enough people backing Jacob up. To counter this, Jacob’s charismatic persona can be used to recruit people to join his gang’s cause, widen his circle of influence in the city, increase manpower and provide better chances of winning a gang war.
With this new mode of combat, players see how they fare once they crawl out of the shadows and dive into the fray.
5. New Weapons
The Assassin's Gauntlet just got better with a hallucinogenic dart holder and an intriguing rope launcher.
The trademark gauntlet with its hidden blade has made its way to all of the main titles of the Assassin’s Creed franchise. With the transition of the game from medieval era to the modern age, an update to the assassin’s equipment is much appreciated; weapons that can be easily hidden under one’s coat is crucial since carrying an obvious weapon in broad daylight could turn into an immediate police arrest.
Melee weapons provide better odds of silencing the enemy at a close range, and these can be drawn easily when needed despite being hidden perfectly.
The Nepalese kukri slices enemies like a hot knife through butter.
The curved kukri, with its rather intriguing shape, makes it easy to cut through flesh and bone should an enemy get too close. A sword disguised as a fashionable cane is a good way to carry an edged weapon anywhere; Jacob can just draw the blade for the kill and quickly sheathe it as he walks away from a scene as if nothing happened. When fights get a little rowdy, players can throw jaw-breaking punches with a pair of brass knuckles.
Ranged weapons give the opportunity to assassinate a target from afar while preventing as much enemy contact as possible, although some provide more utility rather than killing potential.
Russian roulette, anyone?
These include revolvers which can devastate enemies whether from a distance or up close – especially when Jacob fires the gun to a person’s head after dealing a flurry of punches.
Can you dodge this?
Throwing knives are mainly used to silently eliminate targets from a distance. These can also cut ropes that hold cargo or barrels to squash enemies underneath or inflict burns when flicked to a fire.
The cloud bestows a nightmare to your enemies in a quick flick.
Hallucinogenic darts deter enemy attacks by turning the targets against their own mates, and it can be used for crowd control by sending a dart to a fire to release smoke that induces the same hallucinating effect over a wide area.
Don't try this at home.
While not considered as a weapon, a rope launcher makes itself useful in an assassin’s arsenal by presenting safer means to handle walls and high falls. It also creates a neat zipline for traveling London’s rooftops or setting up an aerial assassination tactic – Jacob zips along the rope, spots an enemy below him, and finally drops off the line for the kill.
The roster of weaponry seems a little unfit for an assassin, but this only leaves the players with more options to execute their targets, with or without stealth.
There are a lot of things to enjoy about Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’s gameplay mechanics, some of which we had already seen in the recent updates. We expect to hear more about the game in the coming months.
Feel free to check out how the game will look like in this official gameplay video:
Follow Jacob Frye as he sneaks around the busy streets of Victorian London.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is being developed by Ubisoft and will launch on October 23, 2015 on Xbox One and PS4. The PC version will come a bit later in Holiday 2015.
Are you ready to see an Assassin under a different light?