Protect the night.
Tim Schafer, the game designer behind Psychonauts and Brutal Legend, once said that video games are “wish fulfillments”. This entails that the key to a successful game is one that follows characters whom players wish to be.
The latest game from Rocksteady—Batman: Arkham Knight—offers gamers the chance to once again become Batman, a noble vigilante traumatized by violence. As one of the world’s most idolized characters, the Dark Knight is a surefire asset for a product. As the third installment of Rocksteady's Batman series (after Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City), there is pressure in delivering a video game that tops its predecessors.
It is a relief to admit that Batman: Arkham Knight is indeed an unforgettable experience. Batman's mythos and universe are too unique to elude greatness. This game masters environment, gameplay, combat, villains, allies, and story beyond expectations in a video game.
Dirty streets. No place like home.
Read a book or watch a movie. The audience realizes the setting has got to be as interesting as the main character is. The level of set design in Batman: Arkham Knight goes beyond comprehension. Gotham City is expanded five times its previous incarnation in Arkham City. Arkham Knight introduces three major districts: Magani Island, Founder's Island and Bleake Island.
Each city area is given meticulous detail and personality. Various buildings evoke imagery of gothic, industrial, sci-fi, and noir all in one. Players will not visit the same place twice as they patrol the streets of Gotham. The city is not exempt from having its own Chinatown district, either. An environment with this much depth wouldn't be possible without the evolution of the next-generation console.
The designers of Arkham Knight have employed all technical resources in Gotham's creation. Gamers will find a city-wide war zone only the Batman can take control of. Gotham's filthy alleys will inspire Players to clean up crime. Architecture at its finest.
The world's most dangerous, non-lethal man.
Batman is a hero like no other. Superpowers don't suit a fighter like him. The Dark Knight relies on his own intelligence, strategy, and technology to gain the upper hand. Batman: Arkham Knight offers the player an array of tools and abilities used to survive Gotham City. Most of the gadgets in Batman's utility belt are comebacks from previous Arkham games. For instance, the Batarangs, gas bombs, detonators, and grapple gun. However, the latest game installment includes devices of deception. One of Batman's new tricks is masking his voice to fool enemies and guards. The player, in a sense, manipulates how the enemy behaves in order to open an attack or sneak inside a location. Other tools will surprise the player, but there is the satisfaction in using them for any situation.
For the Dark Knight, the sky is the limit. The player can soar across Gotham City in greater distances than established in previous Arkham games. Grappling from building to building is still seamless and efficient for quick movement. Gears are shifted with Batman's ability to dive into a group of enemies. Above-ground movement is an endless playground which empowers the player.
The Batmobile is a powerful but faulty aspect.
One of the most hyped features of Arkham Knight is the addition of the Batmobile. For the first time in the series, players are finally able to control Batman's signature vehicle.
This monstrous, tank-like car is equipped with 'non-lethal' artillery that clears out enemies, drones, and other vehicles. The Batmobile's most impressive aspect is reliability. The simple press of a button summons the car to the player's exact location. This comes especially in handy when found in a tight spot against opponents. Once the Batmobile is called, Batman jumps inside with cinematic precision.
Press the button again and the Dark Knight is ejected into the night sky. The transitions between foot, wheels, and air are seamless and stunning. Driving the Batmobile is an alternative to simply gliding over Gotham. Both methods of transportation are effective. It is at the player's discretion to determine which way to travel is the best.
But the Batmobile is not perfect. Maneuverability becomes an issue. At first, the controls are easy enough to steer. But this is taken for granted until later levels. Game difficulty increases, exposing the faults in maneuvering the vehicle. The Batmobile does have the cool feature of scaling buildings and walls. But, at times, the Batmobile feels more of a nuisance than an asset. Certain story events must be completed with the vehicle, which isn't as easy as it sounds.
The Batmobile is a beautiful creation for Arkham Knight, but it lacks steadiness. It also tends to be an annoyance when required for certain 'side-quests'. All in all, giving players access to the Batmobile was a risky but satisfying investment for the game developers.
Playing gets old. Bruising faces doesn't.
Batman: Arkham Knight offers simple but satisfying combat that delivers the enemy some mean beatings. 'Fear Takedown' enables the player to ambush enemies from the best vantage points. An improvement over the combat of previous Arkham titles is longer reaction time to incoming enemy blows. Even newcomers to this game will learn simple fighting combinations that are executed in cinematic wonder. No matter the camera angle, a fight always looks good in Arkham Knight.
Combos are encouraged to build skill points and satisfy side-quest challenges. The number of chained blows Batman can deliver is seemingly limitless. This makes beating bad guys all the more rewarding. The newest combat feature is the ability to use the environment against an enemy. The player, for instance, can smash an opponent's head into an electrical panel, as shown below:
No mercy tonight.
The player will expose Batman's endless knowledge of martial arts with only two or three buttons. The easy-to-learn fighting controls have always been a positive in the Arkham series. Arkham Knight rewards players with familiar and newer combat moves. They all earn Batman the best titles once can find in professional fighting.
"Gotham. This is your only warning. Abandon this city, or I will unleash your greatest fears."
Monsters are real. And Gotham City is the cesspool in which lunatics rise from. Batman: Arkham Knight retrieves villains, previously fought by Batman, with sicker designs and vendettas. The Scarecrow (pictured above) serves as the story's main antagonist. He holds Gotham hostage under the threat of fear-gassing the city. The Scarecrow declares victory over Batman, which the Dark Knight plans on disproving.
Previous Arkham games were hurt by the cut-and-dry boss battles that ruined story pacing. Arkham Knight, on the other hand, almost completely eliminates boss battles. Instead, the focus is placed on neutralizing grouped enemy targets and solving difficult challenges. That doesn't remove the main villains' threatening demeanors, though. Each villain still offers mental and emotional challenges for the player. Not one of them can be underestimated.
The Arkham Knight vs. The Dark Knight
Other villains join the Scarecrow's venture to destroy Batman and Gotham City (follow link for Arkham Knight villains list). Harley Quinn, The Penguin, Two-Face, The Riddler, and others vow to make the Dark Knight's mission a living hell. Surprise villains make an appearance with unique takedowns Batman must learn on each of them. The newest villain, Arkham Knight (shown above), hates Batman more than anyone else does. He is a sort of 'Anti-Batman' and a militarized version of the Dark Knight. Arkham Knight's true identity will come as a shock to 'Batfans' and comic book readers. His tension with Batman are plus points for the game's storyline.
Riddler Challenges are back.
Ever since Batman: Arkham Asylum, the Riddler has set challenges for players. They must search the entire map for Riddler Trophies, scan-able riddles, and the occasional deathtrap & hostage. Not only have Riddler Challenges returned for Arkham Knight, but they now incorporate the Batmobile and co-op mode with Batman and his allies. These side-quests become much more interesting with higher stakes. Arkham Knight contains a reported 243 Riddler Trophies to find all throughout the city. In this game, the most significant incentive in completing every Riddler Challenge is unlocking the 'true' story ending. Players familiar with previous Arkham titles know how time-consuming but worthwhile finishing Riddler Challenges is. They act as a story on top of a story.
'Dual Play' switches allies between Catwoman, Nightwing, and Robin.
Previous Arkham titles included Batman's allies as secondary DLC characters with respective challenge maps and story modes. In Arkham Knight, however, these characters are now featured in the main story in a combat capacity. The 'Dual Play' feature summons a playable ally to Batman's side at key moments in gameplay. Allies are also a necessity in completing certain Riddler Challenges and side-quests. Each character has a unique fighting style and capability. Players will be greatly rewarded for familiarizing themselves with Batman's allies.
Red Hood. A DLC add-on character with his own challenge maps.
Terrific voice acting. Superb writing. Unforgettable moments.
Batman: Arkham Knight has an incredibly significant place in Batman's timeline. Being the final Arkham title in Rocksteady's stead, this game offers a satisfying conclusion to the series. It is not often that a video game carries a plot with such weight on the player's mind. Arkham Knight's storyline is genuinely original and refreshing for not just the superhero genre of film, television, and gaming, but for all storytelling. The game's ending leaves behind unanswered questions, but it is compensated with both a plot twist and decent closure. The secret ending, unlocked by completing the Riddler Challenges, offers even more to the ending. Players will definitely find this rewarding.
Many familiar faces in coveted roles.
As always, the voice acting in the Arkham games is astounding. The one and only Kevin Conroy returns to the role of Batman. The impeccable supporting cast is comprised of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul's Jonathan Banks as Commissioner James Gordon, Sleepy Hollow's John Noble as the Scarecrow, and Twilight's Ashley Greene as the Oracle. Even Mark Hamill, famous for his role as the Joker, makes a small comeback in this game in a surprise role.
The writing of Arkham Knight has the pace of a detective drama with the intensity of a summer blockbuster. There is never a dull moment in the storyline. Every character is engaging and significant, adding realism and likability to gameplay. Arkham Knight has the strongest story foundation of all the Arkham titles. More will be revealed to the player than is anticipated from game writing. Players will want to share what they've learned as soon as the game ends. And Batman: Arkham Knight is certainly worth spreading the word around for.
The Verdict
Batman: Arkham Knight excels in storytelling, combat, and visuals. However, maneuverability of the Batmobile and lengthy side-quests leave a bitter taste. And because of the time-consuming story and challenges, there is little to no replay value. Even downloadable content is superfluous since the main story is already rich with activity. Nonetheless, the game is unbelievably wholesome and satisfying.
A critical aspect in choosing a game to play is relatability. Will a newcomer enjoy the third entry in a series as much as a gamer who has played from the very beginning? In the case of Arkham Knight, yes. If players wished, they could bypass the previous Arkham titles and jump straight to the latest title. Story exposition and controls instruction are provided in a cohesive and understandable manner. In other words, Batman: Arkham Knight acts as an excellent standalone game.
Fans of superhero and detective genres will feel the most rewarded after playing this game. Arkham Knight shines a flattering light on the figure known as Batman. The ending to the Arkham series is a great one to bestow on the Dark Knight and on the player. Those who have played from the beginning of the series will be pleased. Stories and characters come full circle by the end of Arkham Knight. Combat and gameplay evolve yet stay familiar. Rocksteady has delivered a milestone in gaming. Next-generation console players will feel honored by this game as one of the early masterpieces for Xbox One and PS4.
Batman: Arkham Knight will be talked about for years. It will be celebrated not just as a game, but also as the conclusion of a stunning series. The Arkham name has pleased gamers for the past six years. The latest installment, released on June 23, 2015, will not disappoint.