Batman is one of the most well-known superheroes. For decades, fans have adored him for his distinctive outfit, badass backstory, colorful antagonists, and great adventures. Batman offers something for everyone—he might be nasty and gritty for adults or bright and sparkling for children—but one thing is constant—he is constantly rescuing Gotham City, even if it seems a bit implausible.
With over eighty years of tales to select from, introducing new fans to Batman might be a difficult task, but there are a few stories that every new reader should know about if they consider themselves as true Batman fans.
Let’s check them out:
10. Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader
'What Has Become of the Caped Crusader?' This seems like the perfect tale for a list like this - Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert delivered a two-parter that serves as a celebration of Batman's history and evolution.
While Gaiman's dreamy approach to such a monumental task undoubtedly makes this a 'Neil Gaiman Comic Book,' the true star is Andy Kubert's linework. While Kubert's style is unmistakably his own, the screenplay challenges him to borrow ideas from a number of previous great Batman illustrators while still retaining an unified visual story.
'Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?' is one of the finest love letters comic books have ever written to one of its most enduring characters.
9. The Court of the Owls
While many fans hold grudges against the 'New 52,' it's difficult to find many complaints about Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Batman run.
Snyder's horror origins are on full display in 'Court of the Owls,' which introduces readers to a hidden cult with a strong connection to Gotham's past. Snyder doubles down on one of noir storytelling's oldest but most powerful cliches - the city as a character - by inviting readers to forget all they thought they understood about the place Bruce Wayne is pledged to defend.
Capullo was more than up to the task artistically, matching Snyder's ambitions from the start and imbuing Gotham with the vibrancy and dark intensity the plot deserved. Combine a little more streamlined approach to Jim Lee's Batsuit redesign with the stark horror images of the Court of Owls to create one of the decade's most unforgettable tales.
8. The Man Who Laughs
The rogues' gallery of Batman is sometimes recognized as a major reason for the character's enduring reputation, but there is one villain who stands above them all: the Joker.
'The Man Who Laughs' is a contemporary retelling of the Joker's entrance in 1940's Batman #1, but it also establishes a conversation between the character's past, present, and future incarnations. Ed Brubaker's portrayal of the Joker is violent and merciless in ways that kept him relevant for readers hungry for a more mature perspective on the Batman universe in 2005.
Doug Mahnke's artwork mimics the same violent and ominous feelings, resulting in a book that is likely underestimated in the pantheon of Joker-centric Batman adventures.
7. Hush
Jim Lee proved himself as much more than the man who drew that one X-Men cover with 'Hush.'
However, Lee's style has grown significantly until this point. He'd always been an excellent draftsman, but his pages in 'Hush' blended his strong character acting and expression work with some heart-pounding action passages. He has, perhaps, not surpassed them since.
Additionally, Jeph Loeb is no slouch. His long-form approach to Batman riddles may have been a little repetitive at this time, but he successfully expanded on Bruce's backstory while creating a scary new enemy. That's a tall order, particularly coming from a comic book readership that might be hostile to new notions at times.
6. Batman RIP
Grant Morrison's run on Batman is a lengthy, bizarre journey through concepts from every nook and crevice of the Dark Knight's history, and Batman RIP is a perfect example of Morrison's all-encompassing style.
5. A Death in the Family
Although Bruce Wayne is one of the most capable and prepared characters in the DC Universe, he is not without flaws. While previous editions focused on the character's seeming superhuman preparedness, Jim Starlin and Jim Aparo focused on what may cause him to crack. Of course, readers had a voice in this tale as well — dialing one of two hotlines to vote on Jason Todd's destiny — but for once, they may have made the correct decision.
For a while, Bruce was troubled by Jason's death, and even with his restoration, he remains a symbol of Batman's limitations.
4. The Long Halloween
We've reached the point on the list when any of these tales may be argued to be the best. However, one thing cannot be argued: The Long Halloween is Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's magnum opus.
Sale's artwork is the book's most instantly memorable feature. The narrow lines accented by large swaths of black inking provide a tangible tension to the whole book. And Sale's character designs are very distinctive while being instantly recognized. When combined with Gregory Wright's vibrant color palette, The Long Halloween conjures the noir classics to which it pays tribute.
The two creators would cooperate on another Batman tale with Dark Victory and their renowned Marvel color comics, but The Long Halloween is a chilling mystery that is the ideal mix of Batman's noir detective background with his colorful rogues' gallery. For Loeb, it may be the zenith of his career as a writer.
It's unsurprising that Christopher Nolan recognized this tale as a significant influence on the development of his Batman trilogy. The connections are clear, particularly as we see Bruce and Jim's friendship develop while Harvey morphs into Two-Face.
3. Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth
So many authors are distinguished nearly as much by their ability to write Batman's rogues gallery as they are by their ability to write the Dark Knight. Prior to Grant Morrison's extended run as the Caped Crusader, they examined not just Batman's adversaries, but also their mythical prison: Arkham Asylum.
Morrison appeals to Batman's gothic tastes by allowing readers to discover the history of the Arkhams with Bruce Wayne as he fights to reclaim the hospital from the Joker. And we learn that Arkham Asylum is far worse than we previously imagined, almost as if it were a place condemned to destroy anybody who enters its doors.
Of course, Dave McKean's creepy, painted artwork is also a major appeal. There has never been a Batman book quite like this before or since, which speaks to both the character's flexibility and DC's desire to allow creative minds to push the aesthetic boundaries of their audience.
2. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Frank Miller is the creator who has thrown the longest shadow over the Bat. There may have been a moment when no other creative in comic books was capable of abruptly redefining characters for decades.
Miller was making an audacious but straightforward assertion: we can all be Carrie Kelly. Because if Batman inspires us, we should be motivated to assist those in need and to fight back. Additionally, ol' Bats throws the smackdown on Superman, igniting that discussion for all time and eternity.
1. Year One
Meanwhile, David Mazzucchelli anchored the plot in a noir realism that emphasized the gritty nature of Gotham's early years. His work made extensive use of shadows, which provided stark contrast to the colors and allowed the artist to put his own take on old iconography. Mazzucchelli is a significant reason why 'Year One' is not just the greatest lasting post-Crisis Batman story, but one of the all-time greats.
Batman has dominated every media platform you can name! Batman stories are a class apart. You can’t call yourself a true Batman fan without getting acquainted with the caped crusader in every media format. I hope you found this list of top ten most amazing Batman stories helpful for pointing out your next Batman story to read.
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