If the Ratchet and Clank games somehow managed to have a baby with Kung Fu Panda and Bayonetta, only to be lost in Breath of the Wild’s Hyrule, it would probably look a lot like the debut game from the Swedish- based game developer Experiment 101. Biomuntant’s blend of influences is a completely original take on the action-RPG, open-world genre, which is no small feat in a post-Witcher 3/BotW gaming landscape. Also, there are mechs.
Biomutant’s Story
Sword-wielding mutant heads to the Tree of Life
Biomutant’s massive setting is one part post-apocalypse, one part Kung Fu, and all-parts stunning. At a time when different open-world games are struggling to stand apart from one another, Biomutant’s imaginative style and fresh approach make it one of the most exciting entries in the genre in years.
If the Ratchet and Clank games somehow managed to have a baby with Kung Fu Panda and Bayonetta, only to be lost in Breath of the Wild’s Hyrule, it would probably look a lot like the debut game from Swedish based Experiment 101. The setting of Biomutant stands out with its unique far-east- inspired tinged style, centered around tribes of feral creatures who inhabit a world ravaged by a long-dormant evil. After the planet is consumed by a poisonous oil that seeps into the surface and contaminates The Tree of Life, the player character is tasked with journeying to each of its five roots to destroy both the oil and the creatures it has spawned. The six tribes who remain each have their own objectives for the tree and compete for dominion and influence over the now ruined world. The player may align themselves with whichever tribe they like, as well as influence the others through the in-game Karma system.
Biomutant Release Date
Development for Biomutant began in 2015 with the founding of Experiment 101. The studio is comprised of former members of Avalanche Studios, famous for the Just Cause series published by Square. The game and is directed by Stefan Ljungqvist. BiomutantThe game was first announced in German gaming magazine GamesMarkt in August 2017, describing itself as a "post-apocalyptic kung-fu fable". A playable form of the game made its debut that same week at the Gamescom trade show. The game is being developed for Unreal Engine 4 for Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One and is currently slated for a mid-2019 release.
Biomutant Gameplay
Fighting off the deadly hoard of mutants
The deadly inhabitants of Biomutant’s open-world prove to be quite the challenge. Learning the ins-and-outs of the intricate combat system is the name of the game if you want to survive.
Biomutant is an action role-playing game set in an open world and played from a third-person perspective. Players will take control of a creature reminiscent of a red panda or raccoon and battle a variety of mutated creatures. The player character is completely customizable with adjustable height, shape, sex, fur, clothes, and weight. Some of these adjustments also affect stats and allow for different play-styles. Larger characters will move and attack more slowly but are able to dish out and endure more damage, equip different armor, etc. The opposite goes for smaller characters.
Combat is a large focus of the game and allows for the combining of melee and long-range tactics. Different materials parts are salvageable throughout the game world and can be used to craft new equipment as well as augmented current gear. Augments include attachments which not only increase stats, but also add elemental effects like such as freezing, fire, or electrical damage. Biomutant allows for weapons to be switched on the fly mid-combat, allowing enabling for combos that not only switch between weapon types but also elemental effects. Combat flows at a breakneck pace with an emphasis on evading incoming attacks. The full list of weapon types has not yet been revealed, but from gameplay footage, we can see a number of different kinds of two-handed swords, firearms, mechanical gauntlets, and polearms that will be at the player's disposal to carry out the onslaught against the mutant hordes.Exploration in the world can be accomplished on foot or with different player-controlled vehicles such as mechs, jet packs, and even hot air balloons. The developers stated that the game world is roughly 16 square kilometers, so you’ll need to get around anyway that you can. The game has a fully-realized weather system as well and a day-night cycle. Both elements will factor into the gameplay and will affect things from environment traversal to enemy behavior.
Progress through the main campaign is broken up by story missions which advance the plot, award experience points and loot, and allow for player interaction with the story and characters. While details are scarce, factors such as tribe alignment, a Karma system, and other player-made decisions will directly affect the trajectory of the story, allowing for the player to take part in the story and immerse themselves in the game world. Biomutant also features a dynamic narrator who comments on everything from combat and gameplay to the story elements as they take place. The narrator will slowly reduce his input as the game progresses, but the frequency of his input can also be adjusted manually in the game’s settings to suit the player’s liking.
Biomutant Trailers
Biomutant trailer
Experiment 101 was co-founded in 2015 by Goodbye Kansas Game Invest and Stefan Ljungqvist of Avalanche Studios. As of August 2018, the team is comprised of 18 people, most of whom also came from Avalanche Studios and are best known for the Just Cause series and the recent Mad Max adaptation. In November 2017, they were acquired by THQ Nordic.
Biomutant News
Mutant Battlecry
Prepare to clobber. The variety of weapons at your disposal means that there will be no shortage of ways to show these mutants who’s the boss in the wastelands of Biomutant.
Shortly after its debut in summer of 2017, Ljungqvist announced that the game’s content had been completed and that they were diverting focus to polishing the game. N4G reported that the game feels much more polished since its debut and could become one of the biggest games of 2019. The German division of Eurogamer has said that playing Biomutant feels like playing as Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy on steroids. There currently is no official release date, but the team has stated that they are pushing for a Q2/Q3 release date.