Gather around, Hunters of the Fifth Fleet!
That’s right, it’s a tier list, and this time we’re ranking all the best weapons in Monster Hunter World and its Ultimate expansion, Iceborne. Now, it goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) that Monster Hunter as a franchise has maintained its weapons balance relatively equal, with only a few hiccups along the way - I’m looking at you, MH4U’s Charge Blade - so don’t worry about your favourite weapon not being at the top of the list! Of course, every weapon is perfectly viable for your personal hunting, but some of them might be a little more viable than others.
In addition, this tier list is made from the context of someone who has spent hundreds of hours farming endgame monsters - this list does take into consideration new players but overall reflects a more late game-focused experience.
Finally, the Tiers and their criteria. The C Tier is home to the few weapons that are lacklustre compared to the others; perhaps missing out on damage or manoeuvrability, they might not feel as fun or play as powerfully. The B Tier is the middle of the pack: weapons with very standard styles of play, weapons with pros that balance out the cons, or weapons that only become powerhouses in niche situations. The A Tier is where the big dogs come out to play; weapons in the A Tier are a boon to any hunt, able to deliver a smackdown while still providing considerable coverage for the other necessities in a hunt. Finally, the S Tier is where the monarchs of Monster Hunter weaponry reside, weapons that are so blisteringly powerful that any hunt with one in the squad goes that much more smoothly.
With all that out of the way, let’s dive into the tier list! Starting out at the bottom of the tier list, in:
C Tier
14. Sword & Shield (C-Tier)

Sword and Shield, Vicious and Versatile!
“A jack of all trades is a master of none” - unfortunately so in the case of the Sword and Shield. The SnS has always been widely acknowledged as Monster Hunter’s beginner weapon, with an approachable control scheme, a shield to help new players guard against attacks, and a serviceable damage output and attack speed, allowing you to use raw, elemental, or status builds. It also comes packed with the ability to put out a considerable amount of mounting and impact damage, helping reach those sweet mounts and KOs.
On top of that, with World came new Quality of Life features - namely, walking while you eat (RIP the potion flex); with the SnS, you can actually do so without even sheathing the weapon, letting you continue beating the life out of whatever poor monster you have your eyes set on without skipping a beat.
However, this incredible diversity of play options comes at a price - no single aspect of the Sword and Shield is by any means stellar. It’s DPS (damage per second) is middling at best; its attack speed is high, but nowhere near that of the Dual Blades, so Element and Status builds won’t be as effective; the shield is weak, and will crumble against the bigger attacks of late game monsters without serious skill investment; the impact damage is good, but minor compared to the Hammer and the Hunting Horn; and with Quick Sheath, every other weapon can heal and get stuck in again just as quickly as the Sword and Shield.
The one area where the Sword and Shield shines is in co-op - the ability to use items without sheathing combined with the light weapon’s mobility and a few Wide Range decorations, on top of its general versatility with both mounting damage and impact damage available on the weapon as a base, means that the Sword and Shield can comfortably assert itself as one of Monster Hunter’s prime support weapons, gunning for the Hunting Horn’s throne.
Ultimately, in late game play, the SnS just doesn’t have the dedication to a single archetype to match up, and can often be replaced by more focused weapons. The ability to heal without sheathing is interesting, and powerful in its niche, but in Monster Hunter, the best method of healing is not getting hit, and the best method of not getting hit is killing the monster as quickly as possible. The Sword and Shield, on the other hand, feels like a weapon that is designed for a slower gameplay loop, which increases the time spent hunting - and the number of times you can get hit. Combine all of these lacklustre aspects with one of the shortest reaches of any weapon in the game, making it that much harder to hit those vital weakpoints, and the Sword and Shield just can’t match up to the rest.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Sword+&+Shield
13. Lance (C-Tier)

The Lance, shish kebabing monsters since '04.
If you like sticking yourself right in front of a wyvern and shrugging off its fiery breath or raking claws without a scratch, the Lance is the weapon for you. Boasting the single strongest shield in the game (which can turn you into a literal walking fortress with the Guard and Guard Up skills, even against the late game terrors like Nergigante in World and Alatreon in Iceborne), an extremely simple attack scheme of “poke the monster,” a precise moveset that allows for accurate strikes at a monster’s weakpoints, and an exciting new Counter Claw introduced in Iceborne, the Lance is a very comfy choice for a slow player interested in a calm and steady encounter, whatever the foe.
However, the Lance also deals with similar issues to the Sword and Shield, on the slower end of the spectrum. While it doesn’t suffer from the width-over-depth approach of the SnS, its slow attacks mean it has one of the lowest DPS rates in the game. This isn’t much of a problem against slower monsters, because the Lance excels at sticking to them like glue, sturdy and unshakeable, but against faster monsters - Odogaron, Diablos, Rajang, and Brachydios stand out as being considerable threats - its slow mobility and clunky hop evades make it a pain to keep up, even with its Dash Charge ability. It also suffers from simplicity with a moveset that, while reliable, borders on repetitive.
In all, the Lance is one of the safest ways of playing Monster Hunter World, but that safety net comes at the cost of the fast paced combat action that Monster Hunter as a franchise is so well known for.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Lance
B Tier
12. Dual Blades (B-Tier)

The Dual Blades, for when one stabby just isn't enough.
The B Tier begins with the first of the anime weapons, the Dual Blades. The Dual Blades are the exact opposite of the Lance in every way - no shield, all speed, all damage. They are simplistic to a fault, going for only one goal and hitting it perfectly: with the highest attack speed in the game, a meaty DPS over the hunt and an insane amount of burst damage potential, the Dual Blades is all about striking fear into the heart of whatever you see on screen.
On top of all that, they also have some of the coolest animations in Monster Hunter, from whirling tornado-like strikes, to activating a fiery demon mode, to tearing down a monster’s back like a spinning top, there is rarely a dull moment while playing the Dual Blades. Finally, their blistering attack speed also means they are the weapon best suited for element and status builds - and, with Iceborne’s changes on the Elemental Damage and Status Application systems, the DBs are now perfectly poised to take advantage of a monster’s weaknesses.
However, it is not without drawbacks. The weapon’s signature ability, Demon Mode, dominates much of its potential damage output, so a lot of the gameplay revolves around staying in that mode for as long as possible. The drawback of this is that just activating Demon Mode causes your stamina to drop faster than Tetsucabra’s spit (go play MH4U, and you’ll understand). In addition, its incredibly short reach and long, inaccurate attack patterns make it difficult to play accurately.
This is not to say that the Dual Blades aren’t fun - arguably, they are some of the most fun a casual pick-up-and-play player can have in Monster Hunter - but they fall short in the late game, especially in co-op hunts, where their inability to deal impact damage and difficulty slashing at tails means the only thing they bring to the table is damage, which often simply doesn’t cut it in as complex a game as Monster Hunter.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Dual+Blades
11. Insect Glaive (B-Tier)

Take to the heavens with the Insect Glaive!
The Insect Glaive spits on Rathalos’ throne, claiming the title of King of the Skies for itself. With a very low skill floor - jump into the air, whack the monster, profit - and a very high skill ceiling - Kinsect stats, extracts and powder clouds, the ability to build one status with your Glaive and another with your Kinsect - the Insect Glaive a perfect weapon to pick up at the start of the game and put down at the very end, without ever feeling over- or underchallenged. It has a wide array of graceful jumping animations, allowing you to soar through the skies, dodging above monsters and almost completely neutralising burrowing threats like the aptly-named Tyrant of the Desert, Diablos.
Truth be told, there isn’t much about the Insect Glaive from a mechanical standpoint that brings it lower down on this tier list - when used correctly, it has very solid DPS and a high enough attack speed to justify dedicating entire builds to elemental and status damage, topped with unmatched manoeuvrability. Instead, the Glaive is a fantastic weapon with a flawed design philosophy: all of its best loops and combos for damage are exclusive to the ground, rather than to the sky. Because of this, when it comes to pure damage output, many of the Glaive’s coolest abilities are completely ignored, turning every hunt into a decision between playing for fun or playing for numbers - a decision other weapons rarely need you to make.
In co-op specifically, the Insect Glaive shines a little brighter. Its aerial combos put it completely out of reach of many of your fellow hunters’ attacks as well as those of the monster, reducing the likelihood of that ever-annoying flinch. In addition, its ability to leave powder clouds when the Kinsect harvests extracts makes it that much more of a team player, since those clouds can also be triggered by other hunters to heal themselves or inflict statuses on the monster.
A very solid choice for both beginners and masters, the Insect Glaive is able to work effectively in solo and co-op, but is always brought that little bit lower by the conflict in its design.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Insect+Glaive
10. Gunlance (B-Tier)

When unstoppable force and immovable object meet in unholy explody matrimony.
When other RPGs say that you can play a tank, it rarely means that they’ll let you carry around your own turret. Not so for the Gunlance. A more offensive take on the Lance, the Gunlance adds in a bit of the explosive kick that Monster Hunter is known for and gives you a giant cannon in addition to one of the strongest defences in the game.
In all, the Gunlance plays very similarly to the Lance: get close to the monster, ignore whatever it throws at you, whack (and bomb, in this case) it to death. The extra shelling and reloading mechanic adds a layer of complexity that keeps the Gunlance fresh and interesting where the Lance’s ‘poke, repeat’ gameplay loop might have grown a little stale. In addition, the shelling has the added benefit of dealing true damage, which ignores armour, making it perfect for breaking through the hardiest of defences.
Also just like the Lance, the Gunlance is a hulk of a weapon. However, unlike the Lance, the Gunlance doesn’t have a Dash Charge, having traded it for even more explosive power, so it has absolutely no repositioning mechanics to speak of, making it arguably the slowest weapon in the game. This hurts the Gunlance considerably, since it shines the brightest when it is attacking constantly.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Gunlance
9. Hunting Horn (B-Tier)

"Why do I hear boss music?"
The mighty Doot Doot is a weapon with duality. The Hunting Horn suffers most from poor connotations - many people in the community see it as nothing more than a support weapon, which only scratches the surface of its true potential. The Horn more than holds its own in solo hunts, with good DPS, impact damage outputs that are rivalled only by the KO King itself, the Hammer, and the ability to self-buff while attacking.
However, there is some truth in those assumptions. This weapon is the single most welcome sight in any co-op hunt, bar none. The combination of powerful group-wide buffs - ranging from heals, to attack boosts, to elemental resistance, to flinch and wind pressure negation - and the powerful clobbering you can deliver straight to the heads of your enemies while dropping the most outrageous beats means that Hunting Horns are welcome in effectively any team composition.
The main struggle these beautiful battle bagpipes deal with is sluggishness. Slow move windups, limited animation cancels, and a song-playing animation that leaves you completely immobile for what feels like three business days: the HH feels like a heavy weapon, like the Lance or the Great Sword - both of which have workarounds for their heft, where the Hunting Horn does not.
Despite all that, they are still one of the most interesting and unique weapons in all of Monster Hunter, and, even though I only put them in B Tier, they are unbearably underrated - the least used weapon in Monster Hunter World - and honestly, the Hunting Horn deserves better. Hunting Horn mains, get out there and doot your heart out.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Hunting+Horn
A Tier
8. Light Bowgun (A-Tier)

Little in name and stature, big in personality and damage numbers.
Kicking off the A Tier is the Light Bowgun, the first of the ranged weapons. The Light Bowgun combines powerful and varied ammo types with considerable range, allowing you to pepper at monsters with shots while staying well away from any of its attacks. The Light Bowgun’s combat loop is extremely simple, defined for the most part as ‘point and shoot,’ and the complexities of the weapon come from mastering the different ammo types and their uses.
Piercing ammo for long or distance monsters, spread ammo for when you can see each of the monster’s scales, sticky and slicing ammo for when you need those big hits; the LBG can even work as a decent element and status weapon for any monster, regardless of weakness. The Demon and Armour rounds also allow the LBG to function as a long-ranged Hunting Horn, providing periodic buffs for your allies by shooting at them. Finally, the Wyvernblast ammo lets you set up a mine, triggered by the monster’s attacks and your own, boosting the damage you deal.
The Light Bowgun also received some of the more substantial Iceborne buffs in the form of new Bowgun mods, from the new Evading Reload mod, which allows for an incredibly stylish sliding reload that keeps you on your toes and in the thick of it even while keeping your ammo count up, to the new Wyvernblast Mod, turning your standard mine into a grenade that launches forwards, potentially exploding right in a charging monster’s face.
The Light Bowgun is a powerful weapon in the hands of a hunter with in-depth knowledge of the different ammo types and Bowgun mods, and it works even more wonderfully in co-op, where its selection of Demon and Armor rounds and Wyvernblast together massively boost the damage and survivability of your fellow hunters. However, the Light Bowgun suffers from little sibling syndrome - while still a fun and potent tool, its agility and speed are ultimately outmatched by the sheer unstoppable power of its big sibling, the Heavy Bowgun.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Light+Bowgun
7. Hammer (A-Tier)

"Hehehe bonk" - Hammer mains, probably.
The previously mentioned KO King, the Hammer is a solid mass of raw unbridled bonking power. With some of the highest base power - second only to the Great Sword in sheer numbers - and the most potent impact damage output in the game, the Hammer is a beast on the battlefield, cracking skulls and knocking kneecaps. If what you want out of Monster Hunter is to find a dragon and hit it in the head with a femur the size of your body until it collapses out of exhaustion, the Hammer is the weapon for you.
The Hammer is the prime impact weapon, built to deliver an excessive number of KOs in any hunt, and it can dish out some mighty damage numbers while it does so. Its Power Charge mechanic also strengthens your body, boosting your attack midhunt and protecting you from flinches. In addition, it is surprisingly mobile for such a powerful weapon, with moves like the Charged Upswing launching you forwards before smacking a monster’s chin. Finally, with Iceborne’s new Clutch Claw mechanic, the Hammer can take the skies at the end of many different animations, delivering a whirling combo of death right to a monster’s head even while in the air.
Now, the Hammer wants to stay by the head as often as it can, to get those delicious knockouts. However, the Hammer suffers from a relatively short reach, so making the most of this weapon often requires a more conservative playstyle, aiming for the legs and arms first to get a trip and then switching over to the head for a Big Bang combo once the monster is down.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Hammer
6. Switch Axe (A-Tier)

Mighty Morphin Power Axes!
The first of two morphing weapons in Monster Hunter, the Switch Axe can, as the name suggests, switch between Axe and Sword modes for variety and variability in hunts. While in Axe mode, you have the mobility of a light weapon with the reach of a heavy weapon; while in Sword mode, you are slower, but your attacks come out faster and hit harder, with natural Mind’s Eye to make sure you’re always hitting, even through the hardest armour, and additional phial explosions to make sure whatever you’re hitting stays down.
The gameplay loop of the Switch Axe is also deceptively simple. Your weapon attacks in Axe mode build up Switch Gauge, and your attacks in Sword mode expend Switch Gauge to trigger phial explosions on top of being more powerful. Then, to tie it all off, the Switch Axe also has an Element and Zero Sum Discharge, allowing you to plant yourself directly onto a monster’s face and blast it with the full power of a small sun.
The Switch Axe is also up there in terms of sheer style. The beautiful fluidity of the morphing animations, like the Axe mode’s Wild Swing into Morph Sweep, combined with some of the most stylish attack animations, like the Sword mode’s Heavenward Flurry, make this weapon fun to watch as much as it is fun to play, earning it the community nickname of the Swag Axe.
However, the Switch Axe comes with some downsides that only more experienced Switch Axe users can compensate for. For one, even with its Fade Slash move and Iceborne’s new mobility options, it is still a relatively stationary weapon, making repositioning inaccurate and complicated unless you know the exact direction each of the weapon’s moving Morph attacks will take you. On top of that, when you run out of Switch Gauge while in Sword mode, you are forced into a long reload animation and shunted back into Axe mode, leaving you vulnerable, and it can take a little bit of practice to figure out exactly how much gauge you have without having to keep glancing back at it during a hunt.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Switch+Axe
5. Bow (A-Tier)

Who knew archery would be this exhausting?
Make sure you have a couple energy drinks and some dash juice in your back pocket when running this weapon, because the Bow’s entire gameplay loop is centered around your ability to manage your stamina. Individual attacks require stamina, charging up for stronger shots drains stamina, and you can sacrifice stamina with a Charging Sidestep to quickly charge while also evading. However, as soon as you master the different amounts of stamina each attack consumes and figure out the best combos to keep your damage up while maintaining stamina, the Bow becomes one of the most consistent and diverse damage dealers available.
The Quick - Power - Arc Shot combo will dish out truckloads of damage at close range and apply some impact if you’re hitting the head. The variability of the elemental and status coatings keeps you in the forefront regardless of the monster’s damage. The Charging Sidestep lets you maintain a solid damage output while dodging. And, if all that wasn’t enough, the Dragonpiercer and newly-added Thousand Dragons give you a massive damage option with pierce and spread respectively, at the cost of locking you into a short but immobile animation.
The Bow has no real drawbacks, and is instead a weapon with a very high skill floor. You need to know stamina consumption to the digit, you need to know elemental and status weaknesses on the fly, you need to be able to position yourself and aim properly to get the most out of each shot; but if you can do all of those things, the Bow is a satisfying and consistent weapon to play.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Bow
4. Long Sword (A-Tier)

The infamous anime weapon.
The Long Sword is the most anime of all weapons in Monster Hunter. A beast in solo - so much so that even the trips it causes in co-op still push it up to a solid A - the Long Sword has pretty much everything a player could want. It has big damage numbers, it has great DPS, it has speed, it is fantastic at cutting tails, it has the new Iai Counter stance and Iai slash. On top of all that, the Long Sword’s moveset is incredibly simplistic at its base but has a surprising amount of depth that allows both beginners and master to enjoy it and do well with it.
It also comes with a gauge system for hunters who want a bit of resource management in their weapon, allowing for consecutive hits to boost the gauge’s level, each level of which boosts your damage and allows you to use the powerful Spirit Helmbreaker in exchange for one gauge level. The Iai stance added in Iceborne brings the Long Sword up to 11 on the anime scale, allowing you to use and abuse invincibility frames to absolutely rock a monster if it dares attack you while also protecting you from harm and increasing your gauge.
If the Long Sword is so good, I hear you ask, why is it in A Tier? Co-op. Not only will you likely struggle to pull off your flashiest counters with it when you aren’t the only target, but the Long Sword is also known and feared throughout the community as the bringer of trips and breaker of combos: other players will often run at least one level of Flinch Free while playing co-op just on the off chance that a hunting partner is using a Long Sword.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Long+Sword
S Tier
3. Great Sword (S-Tier)

"Element? Status? I don't know what those words mean, you'll have to explain once I'm done pulverising this monster."
What better place for the poster child of Monster Hunter than S Tier? Showing up in almost every promotional image in the franchise, the Great Sword embodies all things Monster Hunter: walking around with a giant sword and killing monsters is about as Monster Hunter as it gets. The Great Sword is also deceptively complex - on the surface, it looks like a weapon whose main goal is to constantly perform your full Charged Strike combo and deliver devastating blows, but playing that way turns you into a sitting duck for any fast monster that just moves out of the way of your attack.
Instead, the Great Sword is all about patience and game sense. You need to know exactly when to strike to get the most out of it, because of how slow your attacks and evades are. World reduced this somewhat with the introduction of the Shoulder Bash, and Iceborne helped further by introducing the Flinch Shot, both of which allow you to shorten your charges by introducing invincibility frames or a powerful flinching mechanic, respectively. Despite these, however, the Great Sword is still all about timing, and you are likely to spend more time running around the monster with your weapon sheathed looking for an opening than you are actually hitting the monster.
When it is used effectively, however, the Great Sword is an absolute monster. Able to hit the highest damage numbers in the game, its DPS is still stellar despite its ridiculously low attack speed. With a hefty helping of impact damage, good reach, additional blocking ability, the Great Sword is a powerful contender for the best solo weapon in the game, dominating the majority of solo hunt speedruns for a very long time.
The Great Sword is hurt by its reduced effectiveness in team play. It brings little to the table in co-op, and you might struggle with precise strikes and finishing off those massive charged strikes when you aren’t the only person the monster is targeting. Even with this consideration, the Great Sword still needs to be in S Tier, just because of its absolutely showstopping power once you understand how it really plays.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Great+Sword
2. Charge Blade (S-Tier)

Some see a weapon you need a college degree to use properly, others see a pizza cutter stuck onto a giant axe.
Yes, the Charge Blade is my personal main, but I promise I’m not letting biases affect my ranking here: this weapon is the definition of a high skill floor/high skill ceiling. The tanking and explosive potential of a Gunlance, the fluid morphing of a Switch Axe, the beautiful style and powerful counters of a Longsword: the Charge Blade takes all of the greatest hits of other already great weapons and adds in phial management system that pulls it all into a neat little package that requires at least an Engineering degree to fully understand.
While in Sword mode, the Charge Blade is light and has a powerful shield. While in Axe mode, it is slower, but its damage is punishing. Attacks in Sword mode build up phials, which are then explosively released in Axe mode. The CB has a lot of moving parts: phials that need to be built up, a shield that needs to be charged, a sword that can be charged, and, new with Iceborne, an axe that can be charged as well. The Charge Blade’s gameplay loop is dominated by these core concepts, and only once you master them can you actually reap the true benefits of the Charge Blade.
But WOW are those benefits worth it. When charged, the shield is strong enough to tank most hits, the sword gets additional ticks of phial damage on hits, and the axe leaves trails of destruction as it saws through monsters like a pizza cutter. The phial discharges are powerful, dealing true damage that bypasses armour and either additional impact or elemental damage, depending on your Charge Blade of choice.
Most important to the Charge Blade, however, are the Guard Points. Where the Longsword is all about counters, the Charge Blade is all about parries, called Guard Points. There are certain parts of the CB’s morphing animation where the shield is in front of the character - if a monster hits you while you’re in those few select frames, you protect from the hit completely, and can then immediately go into some of the weapon’s most powerful attacks. True mastery of the Charge Blade requires true mastery of these Guard Points, but when that is achieved, you become almost immune to damage and can quickly pull together all the moving parts of the weapon into one fluid dance of death.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Charge+Blade
1. Heavy Bowgun (S-Tier)

For when you absolutely, positively got to kill every monster in the room, accept no substitutes.
However, despite my love for the Charge Blade, there is one weapon that unequivocally takes the crown as the strongest weapon, and that is the Heavy Bowgun. Widely acknowledged as the king of speedrunning, the Heavy Bowgun combines all of the range and ammo variety of the Light Bowgun with a healthy heaping of destructive power.
Each ammo type available to the Heavy Bowgun has its own use, allowing you to change your gameplay style on the fly. On top of all of the ammo types the Heavy shares with its Light cousin, it also comes with Wyvern Ammo for a massive explosion that deals true damage, the Wyvernheart and Wyvernsnipe special ammo rounds, and the true terror of Monster Hunter: Cluster Bombs.
Cluster Bombs are the real monster in this game, turning you into a mortar. Able to dish out ludicrous amounts of true damage, ignoring armour and weakpoints, in an incredibly short amount of time, Cluster Bombs are one of the main reasons why the Heavy Bowgun has remained at the very top of the speedrun leaderboards across all styles.
The major drawbacks to using the Heavy Bowgun is its slow evasion time and general vulnerability while firing. However, ranged hunters will already know that these are rarely more than inconveniences, especially in co-op, because there are up to three other, much closer, targets for the monster to choose from. In addition, the sheer damage you can pump out will often keep monsters on the ground long enough to largely ignore their attacks.
On top of all that, HBG has yet another potent tool: the Shield mod. Attach one of these to your Heavy Bowgun, and now it can guard attacks for you! You don’t even have to block: as long as your weapon is out and the attack comes from the correct angle, you’re safe. Three Shield mods at once makes the Heavy Bowgun’s guard capabilities comparable to a Lance; add a fourth, and it becomes even stronger.
In all, the HBG is the highest weapon in this tier list because of its variability and sheer power. It has a wide selection of methods to put out some truly staggering numbers, comes with the ability to act as a support weapon with Demon, Armour, and Recovery ammo, elemental and status build possibilities, provides even more powerful options through the Mod system, and makes up for its sluggishness with distance and a shield potent enough to rival even the Lance’s.
Weapon Details: https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Heavy+Bowgun
And with that, the tier list comes to an end; all 14 weapons in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Hopefully, this tier list encourages you to try out a new weapon you’ve not touched before! Now get out there and hunt!
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- MHW Tier List Iceborne (MHW Best Weapons)