The Top 10 Games Like World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft is arguably one of the most popular MMORPG’s of the last decade. Heck, they even made a movie out of it. But what if Orc’s aren’t your thing? What if you wanted to play something similar, but that was free? What if you just want to take a break for a little while and explore a new world and go on a new adventure?
Here are the 10 best games like World of Warcraft you should consider:
10. The Elder Scrolls Online
Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay
The Elder Scrolls Online is developed by ZeniMax and published by Bethesda.
Since it is based in the same world as other Bethesda games in The Elder Scroll series, it may feel familiar to those who have played the series before. Your character has lost their soul due to being sacrificed to the Molag, and your quest is to get it back. There are three factions for you to choose from comprised of different races - the Daggerfall Covenant, the Ebonheart Pact, and the Aldmeri Dominion.
Most of the gameplay consists of exploring the open-world environment to your heart’s content. There is a mixture of quests and random events. Although there is no single-player option, there is content provided so that players who prefer to play solo don’t feel left out.
Although it’s free-to-play, there is an ESO Plus membership that offers exclusive in-game bonuses, as well as access to all the released DLC.
A motley group of friends are about to go up against some spiders
Cadwell plays you a song on his lute - how nice of him
9. Black Desert Online
Black Desert Online Gameplay
Black Desert Online is an MMORPG from Korean developer Pearl Abyss that was only recently released worldwide.
The premise is simple - it revolves around the conflicts of two warring nations. Where it really shines, however, is the character creator. You can create beautiful characters where anything can be changed, such as body type, hair style, or skin tone. It became so popular, that Pearl Abyss released the character creator for free for a short time before the game was released worldwide.
There are other things to do in the game as well - you can furnish your own home, there is a day/night cycle and a dynamic weather system that affects gameplay, and it allows you to engage in mounted combat. There are plenty of quests to keep you occupied, and since the game is fairly new, there is a great chance that more quests will be added down the road.
Black Desert Online is a beautiful game, and it is free to play.
An archer fighting beasts in the wild
Black Desert Online’s character creator allows you to make the most beautiful people
8. Bless Online
Bless Online Gameplay
Bless Online is an MMORPG developed by Neowiz Games.
Similar to Black Desert Online, Bless Online also revolves around two warring factions. There are a variety of character classes you can choose from to customize. There are a total of eight classes you can choose to play as - Guardian, Berserker, Paladin, Ranger, Assassin, Mage, Warlock, and Mystic. The combat is very engaging and fast-paced.
Bless Online hasn’t been released yet - the expected date is sometime in 2017. There’s no word yet on whether it will be subscription-based or free-to-play.
The ranger - one of the available classes to choose from
Fighting against a bird-human-possibly-demon-hybrid… thing
7. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
FF14 Gameplay
Final Fantasy 14 - A Realm Reborn was developed and published by Square-Enix. The series it hails from is one of the most well-known ones from Japan. Normally, Final Fantasy games are single-player, meaning that it’s a solo affair. However, Final Fantasy 14 allows you to explore a Final Fantasy world with your friends.
Veterans of the Final Fantasy series may notice one major difference right off the bat - you are able to customize your own character as opposed to playing an already developed character. Upon beginning, your character wakes up being given the ability to see the past. The Garleans, a massive and powerful empire within the Final Fantasy 14 world, are attempting to summon the moon to their world so as to purge the monstrous-looking Beastmen.
There are hundreds of quests and side quests that you can do as you explore the continent of Eorzea. An expansion pack has been released, and a second one is being released in June, which expands upon the playable content.
It’s free to play until you get to level 35 or so - after that, it is about $13 a month for the entry level subscription.
A dark knight (no, not Batman) that’s ready for combat
Crafting up something powerful
Tera Online Sorcerer Gameplay
Developed by Bluehole in Korea and published in North America by En Masse Entertainment, TERA is a stunningly beautiful, free-to-play action MMORPG.
TERA takes place on a continent that is basically divided between the north and south areas of places called Arun and Shara. Players visit cities and provinces in these areas, completing story-related quests involving tracking down the enemy named ‘argons’.
There is plenty to do in TERA. You can join guilds, get a pet to follow you around, craft things like options or weapons, and engage in PVP battles. There is great emphasis on the fighting aspect of the game - it is very action oriented, and it forces players to carefully consider the weapons they use, their placement in a fight, dodge when necessary, and perform combo attacks. It’s a very engaging experience.
TERA is free to play, and you can download it now.
This stunning picture shows a berserker fighting an enemy called a ‘kulkari’
It looks like that berserker in the center took on a bit more than he can chew…
5. Conan Exiles
Gameplay - Building a House
Conan Exiles, set in the world of Conan the Barbarian, is developed and published by Funcom.
The title describes the premise of the game pretty well. You, the player, gets convicted of several crimes and is sentenced to death. Suddenly, along comes Conan the Barbarian to rescue you. However, now that you’re an exile, you must try to survive the harsh desert called the Exiled Land. The objective is to survive and master the Exiled Land.
The game isn’t just about exploring deserts - deserts by themselves only contain so much after all. The game allows you to harvest for supplies (including - according to the official website - human flesh?), build houses, and craft furniture. You can wage war on enemy players, blow up their city walls, or even build an altar to your in-game god and bring them offerings. (Like, I suppose, the flesh of your enemies?)
While the official game isn’t out yet, there was an Early Access released for the PC. The official release date has yet to be announced.
Exiles fighting enemies in what appears to be a cavern with a strange statue
A flying octopus attacking a settlement
4. Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 Gameplay
Developed by ArenaNet and published by NCSOFT as a sequel to Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG set in a fantasy world inhabited by tons of strange creatures.
The basic storyline of Guild Wars 2 takes place in a fantasy world called Tyria. You are attempting to revive a multiracial guild called Destiny’s Edge. By getting this group back together, you may finally be able to defeat a strange, undead Elder Dragon.
Your personal story changes upon decisions you make. Also, it features several types of gameplay aside from the main story, such as “World versus World”, a large-scale combat taking place in a world independent of the main one, PVP, and PVE. Guild Wars 2 focuses more on the quality of skills instead of the quantity, so it encourages its players to strategize appropriately.
You can play Guild Wars 2 right now for free.
Creating a Guild Wars character - as you can see, there are lots of options of you to choose from.
Fighting against a Shadow Behemoth.
3. Wildstar
Wildstar Gameplay
Wildstar is a free-to-play MMORPG developed by Carbine Studios and published by NCSOFT.
It revolves around an alien race called the Eldan that attempted to create the perfect being through the Nexus Project. This being, named Drusera, was less than perfect and eventually wiped out the Eldan race because she contained a malicious personality called Entity. Before their extinction, the Eldan had contacted humans to come and assist them in their galactic conquests.
Eventually, two factions come to power - the Exiles and the Dominions. You play as a character in one of the factions to try to claim the world. However, the other faction isn’t your only enemy - Drusera and Entity are still around, as well as mechanical and living beings from the Nexus Project.
As typically found in MMORPG’s, there are multiple quests and dungeons to discover. A pretty unique feature of the game, however, is that you have the option to own a plot and build a house, which can give you several advantages.
Wildstar isn’t a widely popular game - but it’s got interesting graphics and gameplay. Definitely worth a look.
Not only are the graphics colorful, but fighting in Wildstar is crazy cool.
An example of how you can decorate your house. (Or how to not decorate it.)
2. Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Gameplay
Star Wars: The Old Republic was published by EA/LucasArts and developed by Bioware.
You may or may not remember a short-lived game series called, “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic”. It was like Mass Effect, but with Star Wars characters. Well, for the third installment, someone decided that it would be best to make it an MMORPG. So now we have Star Wars: The Old Republic, which is either a subscription (where you get full access) or free-to-play (which has limited access).
Bioware games are known for allowing a player to customize their own character. Star Wars: The Old Republic gives you a ton of different options to choose from. You can play as multiple species from the Star Wars universe, as part of the Galactic Order or Sith Empire, and then, depending on the species you chose, you can pick what class you want to play as. (Yes, playing as a Jedi or a Sith is an option!)
The story for The Old Republic is set about 3,600 years before the start of the well-known movie series. The Jedi travel to where the Jedi Order had originated in order to seek guidance from the force after being held responsible for the Sith’s success during the Great Galactic War.
Their latest expansion, entitled “War for Iokath”, takes place with an impending galactic war, and you must fight to control a deadly new superweapon. If you’re a fan of Star Wars and haven’t already checked out The Old Republic… then what are you waiting for?
A Twi’lek and a droid fighting an unknown enemy… (I hope they’re on my side.)
Here, we see a Sith Inquisitor in the process of being customized; character creation is a staple feature in Bioware games.
1. Gloria Victis
Gloria Victis Gameplay
Gloria Victis is a low fantasy MMORPG being developed by Black Eye Games.
The developers are keeping much of the story under wraps until the final release. But we do know that it takes place in medieval times. It is said to be taking a mature look at themes like religion, and fantasy elements are minimal.
Gloria Victis offers dynamic weather conditions which may affect quests. It also has crafting that uses realistic processes that were designed from authentic medieval techniques. You have realistic equipment, meaning that if you’re a soldier, then you may be covered in protective armor, but if you’re a farmer, then all you may have is what you can carry on your back.
You can find Gloria Victis as an Early Access game on Steam for $19.99, but the word is that the final release of the game will be free-to-play.
Just a little team-bonding over a campfire
One of the beautiful landscapes that Gloria Victis offers
I hope that you found a new game that you may enjoy. If you have any other MMORPG's not listed here that you enjoy playing, please leave a comment below. See you in the games!
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