11 Mar 2021
15. Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain
What’s so good about Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain?
- Easily pull cards out of your deck, with the ability to draw every time you play a historic spell!
- Humans are buffed by a lot of effects
- Fairly cheap to summon
14. The Gitrog Monster
What’s so great about The Gitrog Monster
- Deathtouch is such a good ability
- Turns your deck into a card mill, letting you draw a multitude of cards by sacrificing land cards
- Allows you to play additional land cards, meaning you can get your high-powered cards out faster.
13. Baral, Chief of Compliance
- Perfect for a mono-blue deck!
- Makes your spells cheaper to cast.
- Allows you to draw and discard cards whenever you counter a spell.
12. Meren of Clan Nel Toth
What's so good about Meren of Clan Nel Toth?
- Humans are easily buffed by spells and the like.
- Allows you to get cards back from your graveyard, putting them in your hand if it costs more than your experience, or on the battlefield if less.
- Honestly, she just looks cool
11. Brago, King Eternal

What’s good about Brago, King Eternal?
- Flying means he is safer than many other commanders.
- Returns permanents to the battlefield
- 2/4 is pretty decent stats for a commander, especially one with flying.
10. Captain Sisay
What’s so good about Captain Sisay?
- Low cost. Get her out on the battlefield faster!
- Allows you to pull legendaries out of your deck every turn
- Human Soldiers are easily buffed with other cards
9. Najeela, Blade Blossom
What’s so great about Najeela, The Blade Blossom?
- Summon warriors whenever Najeela attacks, summon warrior creatures, that summon more warriors when they attack
- The special ability allows you to buff all of those warrior tokens.
- Pretty cheap to summon!
8. Animar, Soul of Elements
What’s so great about Animar, Soul of Elements?
- Is protected from White and Black!
- While it has pretty low stats initially, Animar gets a +1/+1 token for every creature spell you cast.
- Each +1/+1 token on Animar makes creature spells cost less.
- Become a spell factory!
7. Zur the Enchanter
What’s so good about Zur the Enchanter?
- Flying keeps him safe
- Search your library for an enchantment EVERY time he attacks!
- 4 Defense is pretty high for a commander
6.Zaxara, The Exemplary
What’s so good about Zaxara, The Exemplary?
- Gives you hydra tokens when you cast spells and buffs them.
- Can tap to add 2 mana of any color
- Deathtouch!
5. The Scarab God
What's so good about Zaxara, The exemplary?
- Drains your opponent’s life, more for every zombie you control.
- Allows you to scry (more for the more Zombies you have), meaning you can choose which cards you will draw.
- Can create more zombie tokens, on 4/4 (which is a lot for a token). These count towards the Zombies you control.
- When he dies, he goes back to your hand
4. Edgar Markov
What's so good about Edgar Markov?
- Creates vampire tokens for every vampire spell you cast!
- Has first strike AND haste! He’s a full-on warrior!
- Buffs your vampires every time he attacks!
3. Kenrith, the Returned King
What’s great about Kenrith, The Returned King?
- Multiple applications. Kenrith has a bunch of different abilities.
- 5/5 means he will be a bit more survivable than many Commanders and can deal plenty of damage on his own
- Can buff himself or other cards
2. Atraxa, Praetors’ Voice
What's so great about Atraxa, Praetor's Voice?
- Has Flying, Vigilance, Deathtouch, AND Lifelink. This is a great card on its own, without the additional effect.
- Versatile! Proliferate works on positive counters (like the +1/+1 counters given by many other spells/cards. Also works on negative counters, such as debuffs.
- Can take out monsters as well as just about any of your powerful cards
1. Thrasios, Triton Hero/Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix
What's so great about Thrasios and Kydele?
- The Partner ability allows you to use both commanders!
- Thyrasios makes you draw cards, and Kydele adds to your mana pool for every card you draw
- Thrasios allows you to scry and play land cards.
- This combination allows you to throw out your more powerful cards earlier, as your mana and land grow very quickly.
Also Be Sure To Read:
[Top 15] MtG Best Equipment Cards
[Top 15] MtG Best Counterspells