For those new to the game, conquest is a feature that relates to the ongoing war. The player may choose to fight for the Spartans or the Athenians, taking control over territories on the map. The activity is a bit different from normal Assassin’s Creed gameplay, as it involves fighting a mass battle on a battlefield. Ergo, the player is surrounded by enemies and should focus more on melee techniques rather than stealth.
3. Poison Assassin
We’ve previously discussed how effective this build can be as a stealth build, but it also has its merits in a group battle as well. While the boosted assassination damage will not come into play during conquest, the real key here is the poison damage and abilities to spread your plague across the battlefield, taking down many enemies at one time. This is an efficient way of wiping out enemies without even having to physically engage with them. The poison assassin build is recommended for players who aren’t comfortable with their melee skills or who prefer to let the passive damage work for them. While effective, it may not be the best possible build for conquest, despite how fun it is to play this way.
What Poison Assassin excels at:
- Passive damage
- Avoid too much melee
- Good for beginners
Build details:
- Viper's Hood: +25% Assassin damage/+10 Seconds Intoxicated duration
- Scaled Torso: +25% Assassin damage/+40% Poison damage
- Venom Gloves: +25% Assassin damage/+50% Elemental buildup
- Slithering Belt: +25% Assassin damage/+40% Poison damage
- Noxious Belt: +25% Assassin damage/+10 Seconds Intoxicated duration
- Arachne's Stingers: +25% Assassin damage/+40% Poison damage
- Fanged Bow: +25% Assassin damage/+40% Poison damage
2. Spartan Warrior
Ah, the ever pleasing Spartan set. This set is just beautiful, immersing you directly into the Peloponnesian War as a warrior from the legendary Spartan army. On top of the aesthetics, this build also provides for an outstanding melee boost, hence its place on this list. This is for players who just want to go into conquest and let loose. It’s quite entertaining to go into a battle with the Athenians while dressed as a Spartan to just wreck with some impressive melee power. A case could absolutely be made for this to be at the top spot on this list, as it holds no particular weakness for the conquest mode.
What Spartan Warrior excels in:
- Melee beast
- Solid weaponry to achieve maximum damage on foes
- Great aesthetics
Build details:
- Spartan War Hero Helmet: +25% Warrior damage/+40% Damage on Athenian soldiers
- Spartan War Hero Gauntlets: +25% Warrior damage/+10% CRIT chance
- Spartan War Hero Armor: +25% Warrior damage/+50% CRIT damage
- Spartan War Hero Belt: +25% Warrior damage/+20% Damage with Overpower abilities
- Spartan War Hero Boots: +25% Warrior damage/+10% All Damage
- The Sword of Kings: +25% Warrior damage/+10% All Damage/50% Melee charging speed
- Harpe of Perseus: +25% Hunter damage/+50% CRIT Damage/-25% Cooldown duration for all abilities
1. Firelord
This build absolutely decimates opposing armies. Blow through conquest like a spark in a fireworks factory. It’s pretty obvious, but the passive damage from the usage of fire is the big kicker here. It does get a little dicey if the player gets carried away, trapping themselves in a fire pit of their own making. I’ve previously stated that this build shouldn’t be used on large groups for this reason, but the thought of burning a whole army is worth an exception . The rewards outweigh the risks on this one, as the raging fires make conquest almost too easy. Highly recommended for newbies and veterans alike.
What Firelord excels at:
- Passive damage
- Take out many enemies at once (stay safe, out of distance!)
- Boosted Warrior damage
Build details:
- Agamemnon's Helmet: 25% Warrior damage/+40% Fire damage
- Agamemnon's Gauntlets: +25% Warrior damage/+50% Elemental buildup
- Agamemnon's Body Armor: +25% Warrior damage/+10 Seconds burning duration
- Agamemnon's Waistband: +25% Warrior damage/+10% Seconds burning duration
- Boots of Agamemnon: +25% Warrior damage/+40% Fire damage
- Cursed Bow of Hades: +25% Warrior damage/+40% Fire damage/Burning applies to nearby enemies
- Hades's Executioner: +25% Assassin damage/+40% Fire Damage/CRIT chance now affects elemental buildup
Bonus tips:
- Try training an animal and bringing it with you! (I recommend bears!)
- Test out some fun abilities in conquest. Spartan Kick is a particular favorite of mine.
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