Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a semi-historical RPG set around 431 BC in ancient Greece. This article’s purpose is to rank the potential endings of Alexios/Kassandra’s journey and tell you how to get to those respective endings. All potential endings revolve around the main character’s decisions and center mainly on the character’s family. Each ending is essentially a variation of the same thing, boiling down to who lives to see the end of the game. Warning: spoilers ahead.
9. Lonely assassin
The Lonely Assassin
Perhaps the saddest and definitely the worst ending, this culmination has the main character all by themselves at the end of the story arc. This is mainly due to the fact that the player has either let their family be killed or has killed some of them personally. Obviously, the hero’s journey is never supposed to end with the hero all by their lonesome, so this falls to the bottom of the list This is not really where you’d like to end up at the end of the game.
While not exactly the ending one would hope for, it is kind of an aptly tragic conclusion to the story. Alexios/Kassandra’s life is pocked with tragedy, and this would be an extension of that theme. However, it still winds up last, as it’s nice to reach the end of your journey with people to celebrate with.
How to get this ending:
- You let Myrinne be killed by Deimos OR
- Myrinne abandons you after you promised to spare Deimos and then killed them.
- You chose to kill Deimos.
- You chose to kill Nikolaos.
- You didn’t allow Nikolaos to intervene with the whole Stentor situation.
- You chose to kill Stentor OR
- Stentor doesn’t show up because Nikolaos isn’t around.
8. Mommy time
Myrinne and me
This ending is pretty much just as tragic as the last, but you have your mother to accompany you at the end. The only thing that changes here is one decision on whether you let Deimos kill Myrrine or she leaves should you to choose to spare Deimos but kill him anyways.
While this is slightly better than being all alone, this is still a pretty sad ending and not one I would recommend if you’re looking for some fulfillment from the storyline.
How to get this ending:
- You don’t let Myrrine be killed by Deimos.
- You didn’t promise Myrrine to spare Deimos.
- You kill Deimos.
- You kill Nikolaos.
- You don’t let Nikolaos intervene with the whole Stentor business.
- You kill Stentor OR
- Stentor doesn’t show up because Nikolaos isn’t there.
7. Dining with dad
(Video missing, as I would assume most people are indifferent to this ending, and no one has bothered to even put a video of it on YouTube.)
This ending and the next one are in tandem, as they fall pretty close to the same story and really depend on one decision the player has to make. Nikolaos is the main character’s father and somewhat of a bad one at that. Should you choose to spare him his life, it could just be the two of you at the end of it all.
I don’t really think this is where most players would like to end up at the end. It’s kind of depressing to be eating with just your absentee father after watching everyone else die.
How to get this ending:
- Myrrine is killed by Deimos.
- You killed Deimos
- You don’t kill Nikolaos.
- You allow Nikolaos to intervene with Stentor.
- You kill Stentor anyway.
6. Add in step-bro
Awkward Family Renuions
Well, at least having two friends is better than having one. This ending is triggered if you choose to spare Stentor after allowing Nikolaos to intervene. Stentor is your adopted brother/rival, and obviously Nikolaos’ favorite. Despite this, you have the option to spare him and have him at your dinner table at the end.
Just like the last one, this may not be exactly where you’d like to have wound up, but it’s nice to have more company.
How to get this ending:
- You let Myrrine by killed by Deimos.
- You don’t promise Myrrine to spare Deimos when given the opportunity.
- You then killed Deimos.
- You don’t kill Nikolaos.
- You allow Nikolaos to intervene with Stentor.
- You then don’t kill Stentor.
5. Fraternizing with the enemy
Love You Deimos
Hey, we’re starting to add more people to this, and we may just have a family at the end of all this. While Deimos may be an antagonist for most of the game, there is a way to save them and have them join your cause.
We are trending upward, as we’re starting to get more people to join you at the end-of-game dinner scene.
How to get this ending:
- You don’t let Myrrine be killed by Deimos.
- You don’t kill Deimos.
- You use your expert language skills to persuade Deimos to turn against the Cult.
- You kill Nikolaos.
- You don’t let Nikolaos intervene with the whole Stentor business.
- You kill Stentor OR
- Stentor doesn’t show up because Nikolaos isn’t there.
4. Mother? Father?
(This is another one with no video, but by now, I’m sure you get the jist of how this goes down.)
There’s nothing like an awkward dinner with your estranged parents to get your fulfillment. While this may not be the most popular ending to the public, I think it’s kind of nice to reunite with your parents after everything that has happened.
On that note, you have to make some pretty weird decisions to get here, so I don’t think this is the ending the creators had in mind.
How to get this ending:
- You didn’t let Myrrine be killed by Deimos.
- You didn’t promise Myrrine to spare Deimos when you have the chance.
- You don’t kill Nikolaos.
- You let Nikolaos intervene with the Stentor situation.
- You kill Stentor.
3. Sans Deimos
Gathering of the Friends
This ending includes everyone except Deimos. Essentially, you chose to be merciful and allow everyone else to live with the exception of Deimos, making your end-of-game feast pretty full, but missing just one character.
We are definitely getting better with this ending, but it’s still a bummer to not have Deimos there to enjoy the fruits of your labor. It’s a large and expansive game, so it’d be nice to be able to regale them with stories of your travels.
How to get this ending:
- You don’t allow Deimos to kill Myrrine.
- You don’t promise Myrrine to spare Deimos when given the opportunity.
- You then killed Deimos.
- You don’t kill Nikolaos.
- You allow Nikolaos to intervene with Stentor.
- You then don’t kill Stentor.
2. Just missing Stentor
(Video absent. As this is just one step away from the best ending, it’s very unlikely you made all the right choices but still killed Stentor. Somewhat hard to end up here, but still a good ending nonetheless.)
You’ve spared everyone’s life, but you still couldn’t stand having Stentor around. I get it- he’s kind of a turd anyways. Maybe you have real-life adopted siblings that you detest, or maybe you just couldn’t get past his arrogant sneer. Regardless, you’ve made it to the end with everyone except Stentor.
I have to say, this seems like it would be the best ending, as you don’t have your adopted brother/rival there to bring down the mood. Yet, it still feels empty without Stentor there to join the group.
How to get this ending:
- You don’t let Myrrine be killed by Deimos.
- You don’t kill Deimos.
- You’re able to use your expert language skills to persuade Deimos to turn against the Cult. You silver-tongued assassin, you.
- You don’t kill Nikolaos.
- You let Nikolaos intervene when it comes to Stentor.
- You kill Stentor.
1. Gang’s All Here!
One Big Happy(?) Family
We’ve made it to the end, and miraculously, everyone is still alive. Not only did you spare Deimos’ life after he threatened to kill your mother, but you also showed mercy to Nikolaos and Stentor, making you a most merciful assassin.
I must say that, despite all the family history in the storyline, it feels nice to have everyone sitting around a table together. This really brings home the theme of forgiveness and redemption Your past mistakes can be rectified, and not every villain is beyond reason. Enjoy your family dinner! You’ve been through a lot to get here.
How to get this ending:
- You ensure Myrinne isn’t killed by Deimos.
- Don’t kill Deimos when given the opportunity.
- Turn Deimos against the cult. (To do this, you’ll need to earn enough points during dialog options with Deimos in order to persuade him.)
- Don’t kill Nikolaos.
- Nikolaos intervenes with Stentor.
- Don’t kill Stentor.
And there you have it, the nine endings of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey ranked from worst to best. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to play the game and the important part is to have fun.
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