Summons are iconic in the Final Fantasy franchise, bringing epicness to the story and helping you fight the most challenging bosses. In Final Fantasy 10, the Aeons represent the summoning from the Final Fantasy lore.
In Spira, Aeons are the souls of the Fayth that only summoners can partner with to fight Sin. Along the journey, Yuna prays at temples and gathers Aeons to join the battle.
You get eight Aeons in total throughout your playthrough, although three of them are optional. And as much as we love all of them equally (we don’t), some are stronger than others.
In this article, we’ll rank every one of them and see who gets the privilege to be the best Aeon in Final Fantasy 10.
8. Yojimbo
You can find Yojimbo in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth near the Calm Lands. If you want to get him, you will need a lot of money to make Yojimbo join the team. You can get Yojimbo for 197,000 Gil at the cheapest after hassling with him a few times.
Yojimbo is a mercenary samurai who possesses four moves depending on the money you give him in battle. Weirdly enough, it is the only summon that can instantly KO any enemy ranked at the lowest.
As a mercenary, you will be gambling with your money in hopes of KO-ing instantly. And, of course, you can use a prevalent strategy: saving before a big battle and replaying it until you get Zanmato to finish off the boss in one hit. Despite this gimmick, every other Aeon provides more usefulness than Yojimbo.
Yojimbo Review:
Relying on luck and your Gil can lead to success, but Yojimbo will often die without contributing much to the fight. Unfortunately, everything besides his Zanmato (his one-hit KO special move) is almost useless.
Most early Aeons tend to lose their usefulness as the story progresses, but their Overdrives will still help deplete any bosses' health bar. With Yojimbo, there's no guarantee that it will happen.
Unlike some elemental Aeons, Yojimbo can't heal himself, can't learn new abilities, and doesn't possess alternatives to triumph.
Yojimbo description:
“Yojimbo is a "lost" aeon, his Fayth being held in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, presumably having been stolen away from a temple by those rebelling against the pilgrimage tradition.
Some summoners and their guardians brave the fiend-infested cavern regardless to pray on his fayth and gain his allegiance.
Yuna succeeds in this effort and Yojimbo joins her. If Tidus later returns to the fayth's chamber after learning the truth of Dream Zanarkand, Yojimbo's Fayth assures him that he will never be forgotten.”
7. Valefor
Valefor holds a special place in every Final Fantasy 10 player because she is the first one you obtain, and her impact helps create the epicness every Final Fantasy 10 has.
In the earlier parts of the game, Valefor can carry your team to victory, and it’s a great gateway to represent the Aeons’ strength. As your journey proceeds, Valefor will eventually lose its fantastic early value.
Valefor is the only Aeon with two different Overdrives. The second one is optional, and you can obtain it by talking to the girl in the shop and then finding the dog in the village of Besaid.
Valefor Review:
Valefor's ranking in this list could be within the 5-6 range because of her usefulness early on and because of her second overdrive.
First, Valefor's unique ability, Sonic Wings, allows you to strategize in different battles because it delays one enemy turn. Whether you need cheap damage or need to fill your overdrive gauge, you will find it helpful during various encounters.
Being an airborne Aeon makes Valefor more accurate and evasive toward physical attacks, adding some quality to her overall strengths.
However, being a non-elemental Aeon, Valefor cannot heal herself during battle, which hurts her value in the long run and mainly secures her place in 7th place on this list.
On the bright side, Valefor gets a boost in the later portions of the game after you get her break-damage limit because Energy Blast is one of the most devastating attacks in Final Fantasy 10.
Valefor description:
“Valefor is a large, avian creature notable for her dragon-like wings. She primarily attacks with her strong talons. Some of her body is covered in red feathers and she has a long lizard-like tail.
There are symbols of the Yevon script that are associated with a particular aeon. The symbol for Valefor and Besaid is annotated with the kanji for nothing (無, mu?). Emptiness, mu, is a Zen Buddhist concept expressing negation of the self, selflessness, innocence and purity of soul.
These are traits a summoner must achieve to succeed in defeating Sin. The Buddhist concept of nothingness may also be associated with the element of air. Valefor is a flying aeon whose main attack is non-elemental and delays the opponent's turn, traits that also fit this theme.”
6. Ifrit
Ifrit is one of the most legendary summons in the Final Fantasy franchise, representing how epic an Aeon can be. The recency bias toward Final Fantasy 16 helps make Ifrit even more badass than in 2001 when Final Fantasy 10 was released.
He is the first elemental Aeon introduced in the game and the second overall. As such, he brings a different dynamic to using Aeons in battle because of its Fire-elemental prowess.
Ifrit will help you with versatility early on, so you don't depend on Valefor exclusively, and later on, it is always an excellent option to use Hellfire and destroy the HP of your opponents.
Ifrit review:
Despite its fantastic design and impact on Final Fantasy's legacy, Ifrit doesn't provide enough to rank higher in this list.
The sole reason Ifrit ranks higher than Valefor is his durability in battle due to Ifrit's healing abilities. Unless you fight enemies weak against fire, Ifrit's sole purpose will be his Hellfire.
You can stall the battle using Fire/Fira/Firaga on Ifrit to fill up the overdrive gauge quickly. Still, unfortunately, you won't be able to use Hellfire again because the enemy tends to attack multiple times before you get the chance to heal yourself again.
Ifrit description:
“Ifrit is a humanoid, demonic-looking beast. He has a reddish brown complexion with light red hair, and a bulky appearance. He always appears hunchback.
Ifrit's fayth artwork from the Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ultimania mentions that the Aeon was originally a 25 year old young man named Edmundo. His fayth uses a Crusader character model, which is also used in other parts of the game for background characters, and for Yaibal in Final Fantasy X-2.
The symbol for Ifrit and Kilika (the one in Ifrit's seal seen in the gallery of this section) is annotated with the kanji for flame (炎, honoo).”
5. Ixion
Ixion is one of the most forgettable Aeons in Final Fantasy 10 because it doesn’t add much to the gameplay and mimics what Ifrit does while using Lightning moves.
And, unlike Ifrit, Ixion’s legacy is non-existent. Ramuh is the iconic representation of a Lightning-based summon in the Final Fantasy franchise.
Regardless, Ixion is effectively better than Ifrit in battle. While providing the same pros as elemental summons, Ixion adds a different dimension to its usefulness with its ability.
Despite lacking the history of Ifrit, Shiva, or Bahamut, Ixion’s design represents lightning in its elegance, and adds excitement to Final Fantasy 10.
Ixion review:
Unfortunately, reviewing Ixion is almost copy-pasting Ifrit, with one exception: Ixion's unique ability, Aerospark.
Fighting against enemies weak to Lightning is where Ixion shines the most, as typical for any elemental summon. Also, equally, having the ability to heal during battle with Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga is essential to surpassing Valefor in this ranking to withstand battle for a more extended period.
Finally, Aerospark provides more utility than Ifrit's Meteor Strike because it adds the ability to Dispel. Although it's a particular ability, it makes Ixion better than Ifrit.
Ixion description:
“Ixion resembles a unicorn, with a long, golden horn and dark blue skin and gray mane and tail. He has gold bracers on his front legs.
The symbol for Ixion and Djose is annotated with the kanji for thunder (雷, kaminari).
Ixion was a king of the Lapiths (an ancient tribe of Thessaly) and the son of either the god Ares, Antion, or the notorious evildoer Phlegyas in Greek mythology.
Ixion was summoned to the table of the gods, but rather than being grateful, he immediately tried to seduce Zeus's wife, Hera. Zeus stopped them and then tested Ixion by trying to seduce him with a fake Hera made from a cloud. Ixion slept with her, and was later punished by being strapped to a flaming wheel that flew around the world forever. Meanwhile, the fake Hera gave birth to the Centaurs, thus the reason why Ixion is portrayed by a horse-like creature.”
4. Shiva
Shiva represents the beauty and elegance of Final Fantasy. She is one of the most iconic summons in the franchise, and in Final Fantasy 10 she doesn't disappoint. Much like Ifrit, Shiva also got a boost in popularity due to Final Fantasy 16.
She is the last elemental Aeon introduced in the game and helps you cover almost any enemies' elemental weaknesses.
Shiva distinguishes herself from the other two elemental summons due to her high stats in agility and evasion, making her extremely useful against strong physical attackers.
The huge stats also increase the chances of using your Overdrive twice in battle, Diamond Dust.
Shiva review:
Unlike Ifrit and Ixion, Shiva isn’t a bulky Aeon; her HP pool and defense are smaller. However, regarding magic stats, evasion, and speed, Shiva triumphs as the best elemental Aeon.
Shiva obliterates enemies weak to ice, and as the other elemental-based summons, she heals in battle with Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga. Despite her frailness in withstanding attacks, she overcomes that deficit by evading many physical attacks targeted at her.
As a result, you can rely on her healing and evasiveness to fill up the Overdrive gauge and use Diamond Dust multiple times in a battle.
Shiva’s unique ability, Heavenly Strike, inflicts the Threaten status on the enemy and, due to her speed, is a great strategy to attack more often.
Shiva description:
“Shiva is a slim aeon with a feminine and humanoid appearance, and wears limited clothing. Her Final Fantasy X appearance is notable for her hair, which is tied up in very long, bright blue dreadlocks.
The symbol for Shiva and Macalania is annotated with the kanji for ice (氷, Kōri).
In life, Shiva was a priestess of Macalania by the name of Silvia. She was turned into a fayth statue and kept in the Macalania Temple where it became part of the summoners' pilgrimage to defeat Sin. The temple is erected on top of a perpetually frozen lake.”
3. Bahamut
Bahamut completes the trifecta of legendary summons in Final Fantasy and is arguably the most impactful
Story-wise, Bahamut is the most important Aeon in Final Fantasy 10 and represents the twists and turns in the narrative from the beginning.
In battle, Bahamut completely outclasses the remaining story Aeons with its immense power from the get-go and will be the main reason you deplete most boss battles from the moment you get him in Bevelle.
While you can argue about the placement of Valefor and the elemental Aeons in this list due to their comparable strength, Bahamut’s power overcomes every limit established by the remaining.
Bahamut review:
Bahamut possesses Valefor's versatility by being able to cast any elemental magic while having an aerial advantage as well. Unlike Valefor, Bahamut's stats during the story are way higher and make him withstand attacks better than Valefor.
The elemental Aeons have the advantage of curing themselves, but Bahamut overcomes that weakness by being bulky. He can learn healing spells like Cure, so you can make him even more powerful.
Bahamut is special during your journey across Spira because of his Break Damage Limit ability, making his Overdrive, Mega Flare, the most devastating attack you have to deplete a significant portion of the most challenging bosses' HP pool in the game.
Bahamut description:
“Bahamut is a large, black dragon with enormous red wings. He can stand or move in either a bipedal or quadrupedal fashion.
The symbol for Bahamut and Bevelle is annotated with the kanji for light (光, hikari).
Bahamut (Arabic بهموت Bahamūt) originated as an enormous whale in ancient pre-Islamic Arabian mythology. Upon Bahamut's back stands a bull with four thousand eyes, ears, noses, mouths, tongues and feet called Kujuta (also spelled "Kuyutha") (compared with the pair of Behemoth and Leviathan).
Between each of these is a distance of a 500-year journey. On the back of Kujuta is a mountain of ruby. Atop this mountain is an angel who carries six hells, earth, and seven heavens on its shoulders.”
2. Anima
Anima is the most haunting yet beautifully crafted Aeon in Final Fantasy 10. Her design represents pain, power, and despair.
The story behind Anima is also heartbreaking and is one of the reasons she is one of the most beloved Aeons in the game.
Ranking her second was a hard decision because Anima is consistently the most powerful Aeon, but her potential doesn’t reach the heights of the Magus Sisters.
She outclasses everything Bahamut does, from her stats to her damage output.
Anima is an optional Aeon, so if you want to get it, you must go to the Baaj Temple (Airship search x=11-16, y=57-63). To unlock Anima, you must first obtain all the Destruction Spheres in the Cloister of Trials you visited.
Anima review:
Unlike the other optional Aeons, Anima is basic and comparable to Bahamut, which makes her consistent and reliable.
Anima possesses the best magic stats in the game, making her extraordinarily bulky and helping her overcome her inability to heal herself.
In general, Anima is a better version of Bahamut with better stats, a more powerful unique ability, and a more devastating Overdrive than Mega Flare.
Anima’s combination of Pain and Oblivion makes her a mighty weapon to obliterate most bosses in the game. Her damage output in the Overdrive reaches 1,599,984 to every enemy!
Anima description:
“Anima is a towering two-part creature whose top half is heavily restrained. The lower half is a horned demon. A picture of her fayth hangs from her neck, portrayed with a glowing halo like a saint.
The symbol for Anima and Baaj is annotated with the kanji for darkness, (闇, yami). It appears in the middle of Anima's seal that also blocks the player's path to the Baaj Chamber of the Fayth until they meet all the prerequisites for unlocking it.
Anima is the physical manifestation of a dream of a specific fayth—in this case, Seymour's mother, whose real name remains unidentified. She may or may not be named Anima herself.”
1. Magus Sisters
The Magus Sisters rank at number one because of their maximum potential, but just like Yojimbo, the RNG involved makes it unreliable and risky.
The argument for Anima above the Magus Sisters is valid, and for the players who value consistency over potential, I agree with it.
Having three summons simultaneously on the battlefield is a huge advantage over the other Aeons, and their compatibility makes them the most powerful in Final Fantasy 10.
You need every Aeon in the game to obtain the Magus Sisters, including Anima and Yojimbo. Then, you must get the Flower Scepter by defeating Belgemine’s Aeons in the Remiem Temple and the Blossom Crown by capturing every fiend in Mount Gagazet.
Afterward, you can unseal the door at the Remiem Temple and recruit the Magus Sisters to your team.
Magus Sisters review:
The Magus Sisters are the most unique Aeon in the game. Their dynamic compares to Yojimbo, but instead of giving money and gambling, you give orders to each sister and hope they will be reasonable and well-trained.
They are way better because you don't need to spend any money, and you have three options to rely on, meaning that if one fails, the other two can clutch the victory for you.
Also, the Magus Sisters' versatility trumps every other Aeon in the game. They can heal themselves like the elemental Aeons, and Sandy has better stats than Anima. Plus, each one has one bar of health, their individual Overdrive gauge.
Their special attacks deal massive damage, from Mindy's Passado, Cindy's Camisade, and Sandy's Razzia. Their Overdrive, the Delta Attack, reaches over half a million damage.
Magus Sisters description:
“The Magus Sisters resemble their incarnations from Final Fantasy IV, but wear insectoid armor.
Sandy is tall and slim and wears red armor. She is modeled after a praying mantis. Cindy is chubby and wears blue and red armor, modeled after a ladybug. Mindy is the smallest of the group. She wears orange armor modeled after a wasp and hovers during battle.
Magus is the Latin word for "wizard". Its plural is Magi.
The Magus Sisters in Final Fantasy X are named after the trio of bosses that appeared in Final Fantasy IV.
The special attacks "Razzia" and "Camisade" have origins in military tactics: Razzia comes from Arabic, Ghazw, meaning "raid" and Camisado is a surprise raid on an enemy force during sleeping hours. Passado is a fencing skill—a forward lunge with an epee or rapier.”
Ranking Aeons within tiers would be an easier task because they have apparent differences.
Yojimbo is unique because he can be the strongest but is consistently the worst. The elemental Aeons and Valefor are comparable to each other, while Bahamut ranks higher and is the best in the story.
Lastly, both Anima and the Magus Sisters are clearly above the rest, and either can be the number one Aeon in Final Fantasy 10.
Any passionate Final Fantasy 10 fan views them as their loving pets and will always find a way to make them work and defeat the most challenging enemies.