What You Need To Know If You Wanna Bamboozle:
Wanna be the best-looking bamboozler in town? Then check out this list of the Top 10 Mirage skins and how to get them! Even better, you get to see them in action on YouTube!
10. Heat Sync (Okay)
Heat Sync has black fabric, orange and brown straps and, a checked scarf. The pouches and holsters are all brown leather. Luminous orange speckles float across the black fabric.
What makes Heat Sync awesome:
- You must be flaming hot to have glowing cinders all over you!
- The brown leather adds a bit of old school classiness to your outfit.
- It’s the only epic skin good enough to be on this list. Meaning: it’s the best-looking budget option!
How to get Heat Sync:
Go to the Legends tab. Select Mirage. Select Heat Sync under the Epic section and craft it for 400 crafting metals.
9. Captain Bamboozle (Okay)
What makes Captain Bamboozle awesome:
- Wanna be a notorious pirate? Well, Captain Bamboozle has you sorted!
- You get an eye patch, which shows everyone what a seasoned warrior you are.
- Pirates are known to be very violent. Maybe this look is just what you need to bring out the fighter in you!
How to get Captain Bamboozle:
To get Captain Bamboozle you had to find it in an Iron Crown Event Apex pack or buy it during the event for 1800 Apex Coins. You could also find it in an event Apex pack if you were lucky. Event Apex packs cost 700 Apex coins each.
See Captain Bamboozle in action:
Captain Bamboozle gameplay.
8. The Prestige (Okay)
What makes The Prestige awesome:
- Being called The Prestige feels epic. I mean, who doesn’t want to be prestigious?
- Red and black represent aggression and death, a bad omen for your enemies…
- Red and black is a badass combo. Ever wonder why that’s DrDisrespect’s color scheme?
How to get The Prestige:
Go to the Legends tab. Select Mirage. Select The Prestige under the Legendary section and craft it for 1200 crafting metals.
7. The Dark Artist (Good)
What makes The Dark Artist awesome:
- It‘s an exclusive skin that was available for a limited amount of time.
- The black body armor makes you a totally badass killing machine.
- The silver abs and stripes give you a classy air.
How to get The Dark Artist:
To get The Dark Artist you need to own Ghost Machine. You can then buy it for 6500 Legend tokens in the store, during the time it is available.
See The Dark Artist in action:
The Dark Artist gameplay.
6. Old Town (Good)
What makes Old Town awesome:
- You get to be a classic cowboy. Time to sling some lead!
- The cowboy outfit fits Mirage’s jovial personality perfectly!
- With the number of bullets flying about in the Apex games, a little bit of Wild West flavor is definitely not out of place!
How to get Old Town:
To get Old Town you had to find it in a Fight or Fright event Apex pack or buy it from the store for 1800 Apex coins. You could also craft it for 2400 crafting metals.
See Old Town in action:
Old Town gameplay.
5. Pit Crew (Awesome)
What makes Pit Crew awesome:
- The combination of bright colors is happy as can be.
- You have a purple beard. Talk about unforgettable…
- You are the coolest playboy ever to fight in the Apex games!
How to get Pit Crew:
To get Pit Crew you need to own The Prestige. You can then buy it for 10500 Legend tokens in the store, during the time it is available.
See Pit Crew in action:
Pit Crew gameplay.
4. Ghost Machine (Awesome)
What makes Ghost Machine awesome:
- You’re the color of a ghost. Perfect for the bamboozler you are!
- Your hairdo is bound to swivel heads in your direction. (Hopefully still attached to the shoulders…)
- Grey just happens to be emotionless and timeless. Doesn’t that sound ghosty to you?
How to get Ghost Machine:
Go to the Legends tab. Select Mirage. Select Ghost Machine under the Legendary section and craft it for 1200 crafting metals.
See Ghost Machine in action:
Ghost Machine gameplay.
3. Center Stage (Legendary)
What makes Center Stage awesome:
- The bright red and white are bound to attract attention, perfect if you wanna show off.
- Everyone can see you’ve been wading through your enemies by the color of your pants!
- Ever heard of a red mist of aggression? Well, with those goggles on, it’ll be double as thick!
How to get Center Stage:
To get Center Stage you need to own Angel City Hustler. You can then buy it for 10500 Legend tokens in the store, during the time it is available.
See Center Stage in action:
Center Stage gameplay.
2. The Revenger (Legendary)
What makes The Revenger awesome:
- The body armor gives you a buff look. Nobody objects to that, eh?
- The color scheme matches the default Mirage skin. Always a good thing to respect your origins.
- Wanna show off your superman abs? Grab this skin right now!
How to get The Revenger:
Go to the Legends tab. Select Mirage. Select The Revenger under the Legendary section and craft it for 1200 crafting metals.
See The Revenger in action:
The Revenger gameplay.
1. The Wisecracker (Legendary)
What makes The Wisecracker awesome:
- You look like a royal guard from Buckingham Palace, which is epic, right?
- The snazzy look suits Mirage’s indestructible ego.
- The white goatee is something to be proud of, with age comes wisdom!
How to get The Wisecracker:
Go to Store. Click on Holo-Day Bash. Select The Wisecracker and buy it for 1800 Apex coins, or craft it for 2400 crafting metals.
See The Wisecracker in action:
The Wisecracker gameplay.
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