In the world of Apex Legends, legend choice is crucial. With 25 unique legends to choose from, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but don't worry as in this article we’ll focus on the top 10 legends that stand out from the crowd as some are better than others. Handpicked by a masters player.
I will list the legends and their best role in the team.
Entry Fragger - the one who enters the fight first and has the abilities to escape after securing a knock or kill
Secondary Fragger - enters the fight second, backing up the entry fragger
Support - supports the others
10. Horizon (Entry Fragger)
"Mastering Gravity: Horizon's Tactical Brilliance"
Horizon, known for her mastery of gravity. Horizon’s kit starts off with her passive Spacewalk allowing her to have more control in the air and reduces fall impacts. Her tactical is Gravity Lift which reverses the flow of gravity and allows anybody who uses it to be lifted upwards and boosts them outwards when they exit. Her ultimate is a blackhole that pulls in enemies.
Her kit allows her to be versatile and adapt to any situation. Despite her not very good perks, her level 2 perks let her choose between seeing shield batteries in death box's or Big Bang what lets her see nearby ordinances through walls and in death boxes. Her level 3 perks allow her to choose reduced tactical cooldown by 5 seconds or reduced ultimate cooldown by 30 seconds which are pretty decent perks. She still stands as one of the best legends in the game as she can do a vast amount with her kit.
Horizon’s Strengths
Gravity Lift - The Gravity Lift also allows the team to reposition, use it for both offensive and defensive purposes such as pushing a team or retreating
Black Hole - The Blackhole can be used defensively or offensively, it can be used to cover the sound cue of a revive animation or be used to pull a full enemy team out of their position. Most players combine the blackhole with a nade.
Spacewalk - Believe it or not, this passive is quite helpful, her air control allows for more controlled air movements and not being affected by fall impacts is quite huge in some situations
Play this legend if you like
If you like playing aggressive while being able to adapt to a variety of different situations then you’ll love horizon.
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/characters/horizon
Horizon Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/40cgRieJDjQ?si=vCuTnl7cWL77twfj&t=199
9. Bangalore (Entry Fragger)
"Bangalore: Master of Warfare"
Bangalore, known for being the professional soldier. Bangalore’s kit starts off with her passive Double Time allowing her to move faster for a brief amount of time when under fire. Her tactical is a Smoke Launcher which shoots a smoke canister which explodes into a smoke wall upon impact. Her ultimate is Rolling Thunder, which is an artillery strike that creeps across the landscape.
Her kit allows her to be versatile and increase survivability. Her perks are pretty good, her level 2 perks let you choose between reducing her ultimate cooldown by 60 seconds or reducing her tactical cooldown by 5 seconds. Her level 3 perks allow her to choose between Cover me what auto pings enemies who trigger double time or Refuge what lets her regenerate hp in smoke. Despite recent nerfs she's still a viable option.
Bangalore’s Strengths
Smoke Launcher - The smoke launcher allows Bangalore to help her team reposition or escape bad situations
Rolling Thunder - Rolling thunder allows Bangalore to flush enemies out of position or retreat as rolling thunder’s disorientation effect makes it difficult for enemies to aim or move effectively
Double Time - Double Time allows Bangalore to retreat effectively or use it offensively to outplay enemies
Play this legend if you like:
If you like playing aggressive while being able to adapt to different situations then you’ll love Bangalore.
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/characters/bangalore
Bangalore Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/Ke3H47SRd5Q?si=t80rn6SBcCI9Lhio&t=294
8. Wraith (Entry Fragger)
"Wraith: Master of the Void"
Wraith, known for being the Interdimensional Skirmisher. Wraith’s kit starts off with her passive Voices From The Void which warns her when she's being aimed at or if traps are nearby. Her tactical is Into The Void, it allows her to phase into the void avoiding all types of damage. Her ultimate is Dimensional Rift which allows Wraith to link two locations with a portal for 60 seconds that everyone can use.
Her kit allows her to be versatile and escape with ease. Her perks are pretty good, her level 2 perks let you choose between Sixth Sense, which warns Wraith when the nearby squad count increases or reduce ultimate cooldown by 60 seconds. Her level 3 perks let you choose between Fast Phase which reduces tactical wind up by 20% or reduce tactical cooldown by 5 seconds.
Wraith’s Strengths
Into The Void - Into The Void allows Wraith to escape, retreat, avoid damage and reposition by phasing into the void
Dimensional Rift - Dimensional Rift allows Wraith and her teammates to all reposition, escape or flank strategically
Voices From The Void - Voices From The Void warns Wraith which enhances her survivability and helps her avoid potentially deadly situations
Play this legend if you like:
If you like playing aggressive while always having a way to retreat then you’ll love wraith.
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/characters/wraith
Wraith Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/mJyOi_pfpCk?si=VSy6QgXDkPUmo85o&t=621
7. Catalyst (Support)
"Catalyst: Master of Territory"
Catalyst, known as the Defensive Conjurer. Catalyst’s kit starts off with her passive Barricade which allows Catalyst to strengthen doors and allow only her and her team to open those doors (Max 2). Her tactical is Piercing Spikes which lets Catalyst fling down a patch of spikes that slow and damage enemies who step on them (Max 2). Her ultimate is Dark Veil which raises a massive wall that blinds and slows enemies who walk through it.
Her kit allows her to control area’s with ease and rotate efficiently. Her perks help her kit alot. Her level 2 perks let her choose between Sister Spikes, which increases the amount of Piercing Spikes Catalyst can place by 1 or Long Cast, which increases Catalyst’s throw range by 40%. Her level 3 perks allow her to choose between Resilient Veil which keeps the wall up for another 5 seconds or Long Veil which increases the distance the wall goes by 15 metres.
Catalyst’s Strengths
Piercing Spikes - Piercing Spikes allows Catalyst to control any area with ease due to how near the enemy has to get to be able to destroy the spikes
Catalyst is immune to enemy Piercing Spikes
Dark Veil - Dark Veil allows Catalyst and her team to rotate to another area with ease, or Catalyst could use it in defensive or offensive ways such as using the wall as cover to revive a teammate or even using it to outplay a team
Barricade - Barricade allows Catalyst to secure buildings with ease
Play this legend if you like:
If you like playing aggressively by controlling an area then you’ll love Catalyst.
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/characters/catalyst
Catalyst Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/QjRe__X86fI?si=FaHzUIPByBK6-6Zq&t=374
6. Fuse (Secondary Fragger)
"Fuse: Igniting the Arena with Explosive Domination"
Fuse, known as the Explosives Enthusiast. Fuse’s kit starts off with his passive Grenadier which allows Fuse to stack an extra grenade per inventory slot. His tactical is Knuckle Cluster which allows Fuse to launch a cluster bomb which expels air burst explosives upon impact. His ultimate is The Motherlode which allows Fuse to launch a bombardment that encircles an area in a wall of flames.
His kit allows him to play highly aggressive from long distances with ordinances. His perks are very good. His level 2 perks let him choose between Big Bang what lets Fuse see ordinances through walls and death boxes or Scar Tissue, which lets Fuse ignore slow and 50% of damage from The Motherlode. His level 3 perks let him choose between Wreckless, which reduces explosive damage by 50% or Knuckle Hustler, which gives Fuse a speed boost on knuckle cluster hits.
Fuse’s Strengths
Knuckle Cluster - Knuckle Cluster is a very effective way of taking care of people controlling an area or a grouped up team, overall it's just a good way of dealing damage at long distance
The Motherlode - The Motherlode mixes well with Fuse’s kit as he can use The Motherlode at long distance and trap enemies inside it, combine ordinances with it and you have a deadly combo
Grenadier - Grenadier helps Fuse stack up a good amount of ordinances and shoot them long distances quickly
Play this legend if you like:
If you like being a constant threat then you’ll love Fuse.
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/characters/fuseFuse Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/gqTfxhx_XAM?si=8F5UEfqGgGjMcvJ2&t=277
5. Bloodhound (Support / Secondary Fragger)
"Bloodhound: Tracking the Path to Victory"
Bloodhound, known as the Technological Tracker. Bloodhound’s kit starts off with their passive Tracker which allows Bloodhound to see clues left behind by foes, and white ravens appear to guide bloodhound to the nearest enemy team. Bloodhound’s tactical is Eye Of The Allfather which allows bloodhound to scan and briefly reveal foes, traps and clues caught in the scan. Bloodhound’s ultimate is Beast Of The Hunt sends Bloodhound into a mode which launches a white raven, enhances senses to see cold tracks and move faster. Knockdowns also increase duration.
Bloodhound’s kit allows for aggressive but informative gameplay as you're constantly hunting and following clues to find the next enemy team. Bloodhound’s perks are pretty good. Bloodhound’s level 2 perks let them choose between Odin’s Glare which doubles scan duration or Raven’s Blessing that gives 25% ult charge when interacting with white ravens. Bloodhound’s level 3 perks let them choose between Taste Of Blood which gives 25 hp per knockdown while in ultimate or reduce tactical cooldown by 5 seconds.
Bloodhound’s Strengths
Eye Of The Allfather - Eye Of The Allfather is great as getting quick intel as whatever is scanned can be seen by Bloodhound’s team
Beast Of The Hunt - Beast Of The Hunt is effective as it highlights enemies in red and the movement speed increase can be used for many different situations
Tracker - Tracker is a very informative passive as being able to follow clues what a team leaves behind, allowing Bloodhound to do various things such as constantly sneaking up on teams and having that surprise advantage
Play this legend if you like:
If you like strategically outplaying others then you’ll love Bloodhound
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/characters/bloodhound
Bloodhound Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/CCvnF_mD9Zc?si=RKBm7v7I_nuSvp10&t=235
4. Revenant (Entry Fragger)
"Revenant: Master of the Shadows"
Revenant, known as the Synthetic Nightmare. Revenant’s kit starts off with his passive Assassin’s Instincts which allows Revenant to crouch walk faster, have improved climbing capabilities and highlight enemies who are low on health. Revenant’s tactical is Shadow Pounce which allows Revenant to charge a powerful pounce that launches him in the direction he's facing. Revenant’s ultimate is Forged Shadows which coats Revenant in shadows that act as an extra shield. The shadows and tactical are both refreshed upon knockdowns while Forged Shadows is active.
Revenant’s kit allows for highly aggressive plays as due to shadows and tactical being refreshed upon knockdowns, playing off his ultimate could lead to taking down multiple enemies with ease. Revenant has very good perks. Revenant’s level 2 perks let him choose between Murder Machine which calls out nearby squads number count after a squad wipe or reduce ultimate cooldown by 30 seconds. Revenant’s level 3 perks let him choose between Grim Leaper which refreshes tactical upon knockdowns or reduce tactical cooldown by 5 seconds.
Revenant’s Strengths
Shadow Pounce - Shadow Pounce allows Revenant to cover large distances quickly, either retreating or chasing enemies down
Forged Shadows - Forged Shadows is pretty efficient due to the shadows counting as an extra shield of 75 what refreshes upon knockdowns
Assassin’s Instincts - Assassin’s Instincts help Revenant be more mobile and inform him when an enemy is low on hp which is a pretty big advantage
Play this legend if you like:
If you like being an entry fragger then Revenant is your guy, his ultimate allows for highly aggressive plays and his tactical allows him to retreat with ease
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/characters/revenant
Revenant Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/OHgu8TVJ940?si=zl0cPUP1yos1BlfZ&t=5
3. Lifeline (Support)
"Lifeline: Guardian Angel of the Arena"
Lifeline, known as the Combat Medic. Lifeline’s kit starts off with her passive Combat Revive which allows Lifeline to deploy D.O.C which is a drone that revives teammates. Lifeline’s tactical is D.O.C Heal Drone which allows Lifeline to place a drone that heals everyone near it over time. Lifeline’s ultimate is Care Package which deploys a custom supply drop filled with defensive gear.
Lifeline’s kit allows her to support her team efficiently as she can revive both her teammates at the same time and defend them. Lifeline’s perks help her kit a lot. Lifeline’s level 2 perks let her choose between Rapid Response which increases revive speed by 20% or reduce tactical cooldown by 25 seconds. Lifeline’s level 3 perks let her choose between Last Stand which allows Lifeline to revive herself when knocked or Gold-Plated which makes Lifeline’s next care package contain an evo cache and gold loot.
Lifeline's Strengths
D.O.C Heal Drone - D.O.C Heal Drone is pretty efficient as your able to heal the whole team quickly
Care Package - The Care Package keeps Lifeline and her team supplied with defensive gear which is pretty decent
Revive - Combat Revive is pretty amazing since your able to revive both teammates who are knocked and defend them, and with a gold knockdown Lifeline becomes truly efficient at keeping teammates alive
Play this legend if you like:
If you like being the support of the team then you’ll love Lifeline
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/characters/lifeline
Lifeline Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/vwAA4ZhUk1w?si=z0uf5eqVkf2Y9AZ1&t=260
2. Mad Maggie (Secondary Fragger)
"Mad Maggie: Reign of Mayhem"
Mad Maggie, known as the Rebel Warlord. Mad Maggie’s kit starts off with her passive Warlord’s Ire which allows Maggie to move faster with shotguns and temporarily highlight enemies she’s damaged. Maggie’s tactical is Riot Drill which allows Maggie to shoot a drill that attaches to a surface and burns enemies on the other side. Maggie’s ultimate is Wrecking Ball which allows Maggie to throw a ball that drops speed pads and detonates near enemies, stunning them.
Mad Maggie’s kit allows her to play highly aggressive from any distance. Mad Maggie’s perks completely upgrade her kit. Maggie’s level 2 perks let her choose between Shots Shots Shots what auto reloads shotguns upon knockdowns or Fire Ball what upgrades Maggie’s ultimate so it now leaves a thermite burn trail on the ground upon detonation. Maggie’s level 3 perks let her choose between Drillslinger which gives Maggie another drill charge but reduces the active duration of the Riot Drill by 25% or Big Drill which increases the Riot Drill’s width and depth by 50%.
Mad Maggie’s Strengths
Riot Drill - Riot Drill is pretty good as it deals a good amount of damage, can be used at long ranges and allows Maggie to deal with enemies on doors with ease
Wrecking Ball - Wrecking Ball is amazing at dealing with grouped up enemies due to its disorienting effect or for pushing a team due to the speed pads it leaves behind
Warlord’s Ire - Warlord’s Ire helps Maggie’s kit a lot as her speed boost while using shotguns is helpful and seeing enemies you’ve temporarily damaged gives Maggie some IntelInformation to play off
Play this legend if you like:
If you like playing aggressive with shotguns and being a constant threat at any distance then you’ll love Mad Maggie
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/apex-legends/about/characters/mad-maggie
Mad Maggie Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/UomP5Zpx_Ic?si=kdJzUJfsioUWbymJ&t=152
1. Newcastle (Support)
"Newcastle: Protector Of The Squad"
Newcastle, known as the Mobile Guardian. Newcastle’s kit starts off with his passive Retrieve The Wounded which allows Newcastle to drag downed allies while reviving and protecting them with a shield, the shield level depends on the knockdown shield Newcastle is carrying. Newcastle’s tactical is Mobile Shield which lets Newcastle fling down a mobile drone energy shield that Newcastle can move. Newcastle’s ultimate is Castle Wall which lets Newcastle leap to an ally or target area and slam down, creating a fortified wall.
Newcastle’s kit allows him to be versatile while supporting allies. Newcastle’s perks are alright. Newcastle’s level 2 perks let him choose between Swift Shield which increases the Mobile Shield speed or Thick Shield which increases the Mobile Shield’s hp by 250. Newcastle’s level 3 perks let him choose between Miracle Worker which revives allies with hp regen or Stronghold which increases Castle Wall hp and energised duration.
Newcastle’s Strengths
Mobile Shield - Mobile Shield is pretty good as it allows Newcastle to cover himself or teammates with a reliable Shield
Castle Wall - Castle Wall is pretty good as it allows Newcastle to create a piece of reliable cover for his teammates what stays until destroyed, this lets Newcastle lockdown area’s in endgame or leap onto an ally to rescue them
Retrieve The Wounded - Retrieve The Wounded is pretty good as it allows Newcastle to drag allies out of danger, and with a gold knockdown Newcastle becomes very strong
Fortified - Incoming damage reduced by 15% and Newcastle is not slowed down by bullets
Play this legend if you like:
If you like being a strong support player, then you’ll love Newcastle
Legend Details: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/apex-legends/about/characters/newcastle
Newcastle Ownage Video: https://youtu.be/Q0peBez_evo?si=LmVzan62NwlLdSa_&t=34
Now you have the knowledge of the top 10 legends in Apex Legends, you can now explore and experiment to find your main legend. It’s time to find the one that suits you and lead your squad to victory in the Apex Games.