15. Taskmast33r

See Taskmast33r in action:
Taskmast33r is an extremely popular Russian player in the Apex scene right now and is currently paying for ZETA DIVISION as one of their latest pickups. He is known for his insane aim, fantastic game sense and insane movement in some of the highest ranks of play. His skills on legends like Wraith are only seen in other top players like Aceu, but he still manages to stand out from the competition.
Just watching Taskmast33r’s gameplay makes you want to hop into a lobby because he is just so badass. His movement, aim and general gameplay are just a great showcase of what Apex is all about. Despite his popularity in the competitive scene, he isn't as well-known of a player when compared to others later on in this list. Hopefully, in the future, he will get some more recognition.
Best Characters:
- Octane
- Loba
- Wraith
Major Tournament Achievements - ALGS: 2023 Split 2 Playoffs
- $10,500
Taskmast33r Twitter: https://twitter.com/taskmast33r?lang=en
14. Selly

See Selly in action:
Selly is a fantastic Korean player in the competitive scene for Apex and currently plays for Crazy Raccoon. He hit Apex Predator back in 2019 and his skills were shown to many around the world. Selly is known for his near-robotic tracking in fights, which allows him to get some pretty phenomenal clips for his socials and to prove to others just how great he is.
People love Selly mainly because of his use of Recon characters in Apex, which are quite underused. He plays Crypto quite a lot, which if you ask me is pretty badass. He isn't a legend you see often in casual play, let alone the top rank of the game. Despite this, Selly proves to everyone just how great Crypto can be.
Best Characters:
- Crypto
- Bloodhound
- Valkyrie
Major Tournament Achievements - Crazy Raccoon Cup 10
- $11,583
Selly Twitter: https://twitter.com/selly_ow?lang=en
13. Snip3down

See Snip3down in action:
Like many players on this list, Snip3down is from one of the leading clans in Apex Legends, TSM. TSM are one of the best teams in the Apex space right now and has managed to gather some of the best players in the scene. Snip3down is of course one of them, showing just how badass he is.
Snip3down has some fantastic chemistry with his friend Reps, another professional player, which leads them both to have a pretty high win chance.
Best Legends:
- Wattson
- Bloodhound
- Bangalore
Major Tournament Achievements - ALGS: 2023 Split 3 Playoffs
- $65,000
Snip3down Twitter: https://twitter.com/Snip3down?s=20
12. Sweetdreams

See Sweetdreams in action:
An American Apex player that everyone has heard of is Sweetdreams. He is known as one of the best aimers out there, showing off his skills even in the highest levels of play. Give this guy a Spitfire or a Rampage and watch him hit every shot in the mag. Sweetdreams is a badass player because of his aim, but also because of his general skills in the game.
He has been playing in the competitive scene under NRG for a while now, racking up some pretty sizable career wins and earnings.
Best Legends:
- Horizon
- Wraith
- Octane
Major Tournament Achievements - ALGS: 2023 Split 1 Playoff
- $160,000
Sweetdreams Twitter: https://twitter.com/sweetdreams
11. HisWattson

See HisWattson in action:
There isn't much to say about HisWattson that hasn't been said already. He was one of the best players in the scene by far, but sadly recently retired after some behind-the-scenes drama and a loss of passion for the game.
Despite that though, HisWattson is one of the most skilled players in the world when it comes to Apex, creating a badass persona around him in every lobby, ranked and competitive match. Despite being called “HisWattson” players are still surprised to this day that he doesn't play the beloved French lady Wattson. I mean, it's in his name, right?
Best Legends:
- Seer
- Wraith
- Bloodhound
Major Tournament Achievements - ALGS: 2023 Split 2 Pro League
- $9,000
HisWattson Twitter: https://twitter.com/HisWattson
10. iiTzTimmy

See iiTzTimmy in action:
Despite having very little competitive screen time or presence at all, iiTzTimmy is one of the best Apex players in the world. He is mainly known in the YouTube and Twitch scene for his insane aim, fantastic movement and extreme prowess with characters like Octane and his iconic Pathfinder.
He arguably has the best movement in the entire game, making him super badass to any player who discovers him. Compared to many other professional players on this list, Timmy has a much bigger audience thanks to his educational videos, fantastic streams and overall good vibes in the community.
Best Legends:
- Pathfinder
- Octane
- Wraith
Major Tournament Achievements - Twitch Rivals TDM Mode Medley
- $6,375
iiTzTimmy Twitter: https://twitter.com/iiTzTimmy
9. Apryze

See Apryze in action:
Do you know all those sweaty Wraith mains you come across in casual and ranked games? Yeah, Apryze is the reason for that. His skills and gameplay are what those sweaty Wraiths dream of, as he sets the stereotype for the character. Without Apryze, I doubt people would be so invested in sweating out on Wraith of all characters.
He at one point had one of the highest recorded kills on Wraith, which is pretty badass if you ask me. Despite kill grinding, he is still a professional player but doesn't get enough credit for his career. He is super entertaining to watch, and one of the best parts of the community.
Best Legends:
- Wraith
- Octane
- Bloodhound
Major Tournament Achievements - Twitch Rivals RDM Drop In
- $12,150
Apryze Twitter: https://twitter.com/Apryze
8. Ras Apex

See RasApex in action:
Ras is possibly the best player in the Korean scene and is even seen highly by the likes of Aceu who we will get into later on in the list. Despite this though, he just doesn't have enough recognition for his skills in the wider space, so it's harder to place him any higher on the list.
Ras is extremely badass and is one of the best 1v3 players to exist in the Apex community. He is well known for taking on entire teams by himself and coming out the victor with ease. He is not only a fantastic pub stomper but a god in the competitive scene amongst his peers.
Best Legends:
- Wraith
- Pathfinder
- Yeah that's all he plays lol
Major Tournament Achievements - ALGS: 2022 Split 1 Pro League
- $12,000
Ras Apex Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ras9915
7. NiceWigg

See NiceWigg in action:
NiceWigg is mainly known for his Twitch streams and commentary on some of the biggest Apex events in the world, but before that, he was easily the best controller player in the world. NiceWigg was and still is a god on the roller, showing how God-like aim can come from this peripheral instead of the widely used Mouse and Keyboard.
Even now, his badass status is what makes people recognise him as he gained insane popularity over the years. Nowadays he plays the game less, as he comments on the pro scene and streams some of the biggest competitive matches each month on Twitch. Even when compared to some of the other more recent controller players in the scene though, NiceWigg will probably come out on top.
Best Legends:
- Wraith
- Gibraltar
- Bloodhound
Major Tournament Achievements - Twitch Rivals TDM Mode Medley
- $1,425
NiceWigg Twitter: https://twitter.com/NiceWigg
6. ShivFPS

See ShivFPS in action:
The Solo Queue Master, Bangalore enthusiast and badass player, ShivFPS is up next. There isn't much else to say about this legendary player that hasn't already been said. He is insane on his own, fantastic at Bangalore and one of the best solo players in the scene.
He is known for his rage moments, insight into how the game works, what settings you should have and of course engaging in high stakes one versus three combat against whole teams. ShivFPS is easily one of the best players in the world, even if he doesn't compete all too often. This just shows that even content creators can be amongst the best in the world.
Best Legends:
- ShivFPS is known as a Bangalore main, so he rarely plays any other legends.
Major Tournament Achievements - MFAM Gauntlet 4
- $2,400
ShivFPS Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShivFPS
5. Gild

See Gild in action:
Gild has only been in the professional scene for a short amount of time, but he has made such an impact on the community. His status has made him one of the most feared and consistent players in the entire world, which is pretty badass if you ask me.
Gild has become one of the most promising controller players to enter the scene recently and even managed to join both Team Liquid and then NRG. Once he joined NRG he made them nearly unbeatable alongside Sweet and Nafen during ALGS. It's safe to say that this roller player is one of the best in the scene.
Best Legends:
- Valkyrie
- Pathfinder
- Horizon
Major Tournament Achievements - MFAM Gauntlet 4
- $18,600
Gild Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gildersons_
4. Daltoosh

See Daltoosh in action:
Another controller god is of course Daltoosh, a content creator streamer and semi-professional player.. He is easily one of the best controller players in the scene, competing with NiceWigg and ImperialHal for the top spot.
Daltoosh mainly got his start due to being so good with every gun in Apex. There isn't a gun he hasn't mastered in Apex, showing everyone the value of knowing the game like the back of your hand. His badass status also comes from his YouTube and Twitch content as he provides some great insight for the community and teaches others to be better at Apex.
He never misses a shot either, he is just that good.
Best Legends:
- Bloodhound
- Pathfinder
- Octane
Major Tournament Achievements - Nerd Street Gamers - Apex Bash
- $3,000
Daltoosh Twitter: https://twitter.com/daltoosh
3. Aceu

See Aceu in action:
Seeing Aceu this high up might be a little out of the blue, but stay with me. Most professional players only stick to competitive play and stray away from Youtube and Twitch content. However, these top three are some of the best in the world and still produce great content across the internet.
Aceu is one of these three and is extremely badass for doing so. The R-99 is apart of Aceu’s brain at this point, being one of the best wielders of this iconic gun in the world. His game sense is second to none as well, showing everyone that the skill he possesses could rival the gods.
Aceu is not only one of the best players in the world, but one of the best people in the Apex scene, he just had to appear high on this list.
Best Legends:
- Wraith
- Horizon
- Octane
Major Tournament Achievements - Twitch Rivals TDM Drop In
- $12,675
Aceu Twitter: https://twitter.com/aceu
2. TSM_Albralelie

See Albralelie in action:
If you have seen any huge match of Apex competitive you have seen the legend that is Albralelia. He is known for being a part of TSM, fighting amongst the best players in the world and even pioneering the latest Rampart meta that took over competitive and casual play for a while.
Make sure to watch his skills, especially if you love Pathfinder as he might just be the best in the world. Pretty badass right? A player who doesn't miss a shot changed the meta of the game on multiple occasions and has won a lot during competitive play, Albralelie had to be near the top of this list.
Best Legends:
- Octane
- Rampart
- Wraith
Major Tournament Achievements - ALGS 2022 Championship
- $24,000
Albralelie Twitter: https://twitter.com/TSM_Albralelie

See ImperialHal in action:
Finally, we have ImperialHal, the best Apex player in the world. It's really hard to describe him in any other way. His team, TSM, basically leads the competitive scene of Apex and it's not close. Other teams do well, but with Hal, TSM were gods. Sadly, Hal recently retired from competitive Apex as he just wasn't enjoying his time anymore.
He does still play the game on his Twitch channel though, proving to everyone that he still has the skills. His aim, game sense and everything else are what every apex player strives for, he was just that good at the game. The only person who could challenge his raw skill is Aceu, but he doesn't play competitively anymore.
Hal was the best player in the game, and the community cannot wait to see the next person to try and take his crown shortly!
Best Legends:
- Horizon
- Seer
- Octane
Major Tournament Achievements - ALGS: 2023 Split 2 Playoffs
- $160,000
ImperialHal Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImperialHal