5. Hemlock // Mastiff
The Hemlock is a fantastic option in season 18, but is quite underrated amongst the player base. At the start of season 18, we saw the Hemlock leave the care package and get a few small changes. Overall, the Hemlock lost a small amount of damage and that was about it, but it didn't stop its power.
Using the Hemlock in season 18 is like using a slightly worse care package version, meaning it's extremely powerful in the right hands. It works so well for Wraith as you want to be peaking in and out of cover with her, so the Hemlock’s burst-fire works perfectly.
The mastiff is also a great choice to pair with this gun as it's an all-around great shotgun for mobile legends like Wraith.
Loadout Details:
- Hemlock
- Mastiff
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Hemlock // Mastiff Loadout Excels in:
- Longer-range engagements are a breeze thanks to the Hemlock’s low recoil and insane damage
- The mastiff covers close range movement based fights quite amazingly
- The Hemlock is great for peaking in and out of cover whilst providing lots of burst damage
4. R-301 // Peacekeeper
Ah, the good old R-301 Peacekeeper combination, it had to make an appearance on this list. Though it's not the best combination on the list or in the game anymore, you can still do some work with these guns together.
The R-301 has seen lots of changes over the years, from increasing its recoil to making it harder to fully kit out, but overall it's still a fantastic beam weapon. Little to no recoil, insane damage and ease of use. It's a great gun, especially when combined with Wraith and a Peacekeeper.
Wraith wants to be doing insane damage and running in to clean up, so the PK is great for those follow-ups. Especially now that they added the Disruptor Rounds to the PK, making those instant shield cracks almost guaranteed.
Loadout Details:
- R-301
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the R-301 // Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:
- The R-301 is fantastic for medium to long-range engagements with phenomenal damage output and minimal recoil control.
- The PK can destroy people up close but can also be a great opening shot in close-range engagements.
- Paired with Wraith’s abilities, these guns are great at popping in and out of a fight and destroying your enemies.
3. CAR SMG // Peacekeeper
Now that most of the SMGs have been nerfed a considerable amount in season 18, it looks like the CAR SMG is a standout. Though the others are still great, the CAR stands out amongst the rest mainly due to its versatility.
The CAR SMG can take both light and heavy ammo, making it a great early-game gun when you don't have all the ammo you need. Pairing this with a gun like the Peacekeeper means your ammo economy is pretty great, and you can destroy teams with ease. Both of these guns have insane damage outputs and can win you fights more often than not.
Loadout Details:
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the CAR SMG // Peacekeeper Loadout Excels in:
- Wraith wants to be up close and personal a lot of the time, so these guns make that easier for her.
- The CAR SMG has an insanely high time to kill, so as long as you land those shots someone is going down.
- The PK is a great gun for finishing off enemies, but can also be great for poking damage at range once charged up.
2. Wingman // R-99
A classic combination for any sweaty Wraith main is of course the Wingman and R-99 combo. Even after multiple changes to both guns over the years, this combination stays as one of the best in the game for a few reasons.
The R-99 saw a recent nerf to most of its stats, most importantly though its magazine size was lowered considerably. This means it's much less reliable for those one clips, but it's still a great gun in the right hands. This paired with the Wingman means you have all ranges covered and insane damage in them all.
Wraith loves these guns for a few reasons, so get using them for a better time on the character.
Loadout Details:
- Wingman
- R-99
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Wingman // R-99 Loadout Excels In:
- The Wingman is a fantastic longer and medium-ranged gun, especially with the Skull Piercer hop-up attached, so you have all ranges covered.
- The R-99 still destroys at close range if you can hit your shots
- You will have a lot of movement with these guns, so nothing will hold you back.
1. Alternator // Peacekeeper
Here we have the final best loadout for Wraith, and it's something not many people would expect. This article is being written amid Apex Legends season 18, and that means that both the Alternator and the Peacekeeper have the Disruptor Rounds hop-up available to them.
The Alternator was one SMG that didn't receive many nerfs, meaning it's still as good as it's always been. Now that it has the Disruptor Rounds hop up though means that you can destroy shields with ease and still take enemies out entirely thanks to its overall damage output.
This paired with the PK and the same hop-up up means shields are not safe in your battles, and enemies are going to get knocked pretty quickly.
Loadout Details:
- Alternator
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Alternator // Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:
- Wraith wants to kill enemies and get out of the fight, which these guns allow her to do pretty easily.
- The Alternator is an excellent gun even without any attachments, so off drop it is going to be relatively reliable compared to others.
- Finally, the Peacekeeper is an insane gun with Wraith’s bob-and-weave playstyle even without the hop-up.