15. Silver Pendant
The Silver Pendent grants the wearer Guidance, adding 1d4 to any rolled ability check. This additional d4 roll could make or break a check for your character or companion.When you don’t have your cleric, druid or another class with access to this cantrip, or you took a different cantrip, this is a great addition.
This item is great for:
- Rogue: Adding a d4 to a Sneak check getting up behind enemies is absolutely clutch as a Rogue.
- Barbarian: The d4 addition could be added to a spell check when trying to push an enemy off the map and out of combat.
- Bard: When you’re out of Bardic Inspirations or want to give a little bit more to a player’s next roll, Guidance is still a great buff.
Silver Pendent:
- Armor: Amulet
- Proficiency Requirement:
- Weight: 0.05 kg
- Value: 65 Gold
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Bonuses:
- Can cast the Guidance cantrip
- Bestow Guidance upon an ally. They gain +1d4 bonus to Ability Checks for 10 turns
- Requires Concentration
- Requires an Action to cast
- Can cast the Guidance cantrip
- Can be worn by all classes, companions and races.
How to get this item: Silver Pendant Location
14. Smuggler's Ring
The Smuggler’s ring can add huge bonuses that can continue to be a great addition throughout the game for anyone that wants to do things a little less unseen. Your Charisma takes a hit though but, if your Stealth is good enough, you won’t even be seen to be spoken to.
This item is great for:
- Rogue: Adding a buff to things you can already become proficient in can make many of your Rogue absolutely unseen.
- Ranger: Rangers also could rely on the Stealth and Sleight of Hand abilities that would benefit greatly from this ring.
- Monk: Having a high dexterity is a requirement of a Monk who can then use these buffs to their advantage.
Smuggler’s Ring:
- Armor: Ring
- Proficiency Requirement:
- Weight: 0.05 kg
- Value: 40 Gold
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Bonuses:
- 2+ Stealth
- 2+ Sleight of Hand
- -1 Charisma
- Can be worn by all classes, companions and races.
How to get this item: Smuggler's Ring Location
13. Amulet of Restoration
The Amulet of Restoration gives you access to two relatively powerful healing spells. Having extra spell slots for other offensive or defensive things in battle could make or break a combat. This was an item I myself ran throughout the entire gameplay the moment I got it.
This item is great for:
- Cleric: Having access to additional healing spells can be the difference between life and death for your character or companion
- Bard: This item would allow a Bard to free up a spell type for Healing Word for another type of spell that would benefit in battle.
- Druid: For the very same reason as the Bard, you can load more spells that would also benefit in battle in place of more healing spells if needed.
Amulet of Restoration:
- Armor: Amulet
- Proficiency Requirement: None
- Rarity: Rare
- Weight: 0.05 kg
- Value: 512 Gold
- Bonuses:
- Healing Word Spell
- Heal a single creature you can see for 1d4+3
- Requires a Bonus Action
- Refreshes on a Long Rest
- Mass Healing Word Spell
- Heal up to six allies for 1d4+4
- Requires a Bonus Action
- Refreshes on a Long Rest
- Healing Word Spell
- Can be worn by all classes, companions and races.
How to get this item: Amulet of Restoration Location
12. Crusher's Ring
The Crusher’s Ring is a great early-on find for an item for getting your melee fighters into battle quicker. If you pick Wood Elf as your race in the beginning, you automatically get 1.5m additional movement speed but this item is double that. And anyone can wear it!
This item is great for:
- Rogue: The additional movement speed per turn gives you the chance to get into an advantageous position to Sneak Attack enemies to get a step ahead of combat
- Barbarian: Having the ability to move 3m freely without having to waste a bonus action to Dash gives your Barbarian the chance to Rage before storming into battle
- Fighter: Maneuverability is so much better for a Fighter with this ring.
- Paladin: Getting into combat to Smite your enemies is better acquired with this ring.
Crusher’s Ring:
- Armor: Ring
- Proficiency Requirement: None
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 0.05 kg
- Value: 40 Gold
- Bonuses:
- +3m additional Movement Speed
- Can be worn by all classes, companions and races.
How to get this item: Crusher's Ring Location
11. Melf's First Staff
Melf’s First Staff is a Proficiency restricted weapon with early-on benefits that is a great starter Quarterstaff. Having access to an additional spell as well without expending one of your own spell slots is a huge bonus as well. For an Uncommon item to also have Arcane Enhancement +1 can give a bigger buff than you might think early on.
This item is great for:
- Druid: Able to wield a Quarterstaff and getting access to this 2nd level spell early can
- Sorcerer: Freeing up a spell slot (while wielding this staff anyway), for any Sorcerer
- Wizards: Having Arcane Enhancement with your Wizard spells and spell DC could be the difference between your enemy saving from your Grease spell, Sleep spell and many others.
Melf’s First Staff:
- Weapon Type: Quarterstaff
- Damage: 1d8 (1d6) +Spell Casting Modifier/ Bludgeoning
- Requirements: Simple Weapons Proficiency
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 1.8kg
- Value: 100 Gold
- Bonuses:
- Weapon Enchantment +1: You gain +1 to Spell attack rolls and your Spell DC
- Melf’s Acid Arrow: Shoot a green arrow that covers the target and the ground under them with Acid.
- Deals 4-16 Acid damage immediately and 2-8 Acid damage at the end of the target’s turn
- Able to use once per Long Rest
How to get this item: Melf's First Staff Location
10. Boots of Speed
Boots of Speed allow for a Bonus Action Dash, like a Cunning Action Dash that a Rogue could do, without needing to level into Rogue. Being able to double your movement with a Bonus Action for 1 turn can get you into the frey quicker than, well- quick!
This item is great for:
- Barbarian: As long as you Rage first, you can use your Bonus Action the next turn to get into the fray of combat in the most advantageous position to eliminate your enemies.
- Paladin: There aren’t many Bonus Actions to be offered to a Paladin in the first rounds trying to get into battle so using it to get double movement is clutch.
- Fighter: Priority is getting your Fighter into the frontline of battle to start annihilating enemies.
Boots of Speed:
- Armor: Cloth armor
- Proficiency Requirement: None
- Rarity: Rare
- Weight: 0.55kg
- Value: 190 Gold
- Bonuses:
- Click Heels:
- Double Movement Speed
- Invokes Disadvantage to any Opportunity Attack against you
- Uses a Bonus Action
- Click Heels:
- Can be worn by all classes, companions and races.
How to get this item: Boots of Speed Location
9. Ring of Protection
The Ring of Protection is a well-known Rare item that adds a boost to both Armor Class and all Saving Throws. Getting this item early-on is a great boost to two of the most important stats.
This item is great for:
- Paladin: Paladin’s with these additional bonuses can be sure to boost your stats to stay up in battle.
- Fighter: Fighters benefit greatly from the AC boost this ring offers.
- Barbarian: Being the main heavy hitter to get into the middle of bloodshed needs to be able to have to higher chance to hit and higher chance to save on getting hit on the way.
- Sorcerer: Our poor spellcaster classes sometimes get the short end of the AC stick but, any benefit is a good one.
- Wizard: Another class that can fall short of the AC buff when rolling but can benefit greatly from both the AC buff and the Saving Throw bonus if they find themselves targeted by a wayward spell.
Ring of Protection:
- Armor: Ring
- Proficiency Requirement: None
- Weight: 0.05kg
- Value: 70 Gold
- Bonuses:
- Armor Class +1
- Saving Throw +1
- Can be worn by all classes, companions and races.
How to get this item: Ring of Protection Location
8. Amulet of Misty Step
The Amulet of Misty Step gives the wearer the ability to Bonus Action cast Misty Step without using a spell slot. Not all classes get Misty Step as an option and it can be hugely beneficial in a fight
This item is great for:
- Rogue: Having access to Misty Step with the potential of getting around the field instantly to get into that advantageous spot.
- Paladin: Depending on your Oath as a Paladin, you may not get the chance to get snag Misty Step without using this amulet.
- Barbarian: Misty Step is incredibly useful for placing your Barbarian right where you need them!
Amulet of Misty Step:
- Armor: Amulet
- Proficiency Requirements: None
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 0.05kg
- Value: 65 Gold
- Bonuses:
- Misty Step
- Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see up to 18m
- Requires a Bonus Action
- Recharges on a Long Rest
- Can be worn by any class, companion and races.
How to get this item: Amulet of Misty Step Location
7. Disintegrating Night Walkers
Much like the Amulet of Misty Step, the Disintegrating Night Walkers lets you cast Misty Step as a Bonus Action. These boots also make it so you cannot be Enwebbed, Entangled or Ensnared. You also cannot slip on slippery surfaces like Ice or Grease. This is hugely beneficial for any melee fighter classes who might be going into the fray with some difficult terrain.
This item is great for:
- Barbarian: Getting into tough terrain is what Barbarians were made for, these boots help them get there with ease and stay upright in battle.
- Fighter: Fighters may not be the most Dexterous people if they rely heavily on Strength so having something that can negate some of the Dexterity saves you may make to get into battle is a huge bonus.
- Paladin: With this item, even if you are able to get Misty Step, the other bonuses it offers could very well make you want to switch out Misty Step with your next level and choose another spell because you’re not going to be taking off these boots anytime soon.
- Rogue: Having Misty Step and not even having to worry about your crazy-good Dexterity to get you out of some messes on the battlefield.
Disintegrating Night Walkers:
- Armor: Cloth Armor
- Proficiency Requirement: None
- Weight: 0.55kg
- Value: 360 Gold
- Bonuses:
- Night Walker
- Cannot be Enwebbed, Entangles or Ensnared
- Cannot slip on Grease or Ice
- Misty Step
- Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see up to 18m
- Requires a Bonus Action
- Recharges on a Long Rest
- Night Walker
- Can be worn by any class, companion or races.
How to get this item: Disintegrating Night Walkers Location
6. Everburn Blade
The Everburn Blade is a weapon many of us missed on our first, second, well- maybe every playthrough because it seems unattainable. But there are a few players who have been able to get this greatsword early and it is absolutely clutch in combat.
This item is great for:
- Fighters: If you give this to your Githyanki fighter, or any fighter, in combat they can battle maneuver the enemy to their demise.
- Barbarians: If you give this to your Barbarian in combat they can deal a heavy amount of damage with this weapon.
- Warlock: If you gain proficiency in Greatsword/Two Handed weapons, you can deal some heavy damage with this weapon with the other perks of your Pact blade should that be the Pact you chose for you Warlock
Everburn Blade:
- Weapon Type: Greatsword
- Damage:
- 2d6 + Strength Modifier/ Slashing Damage
- Additional 1d4 Fire Damage
- Proficiency Requirement: Greatsword or Martial Weapon Proficiency
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 2.7kg
- Value: 240 Gold
- Bonuses:
- Ever-burning: Deals Fire Damage
How to get this item: Everburn Blade Location
5. Phalar Aluve
Phalar Aluve is a Longsword with Charismatic buffs and abilities. Wielding Phalar Aluve also gives you access to two abilities that can only come from this blade. Those being Phalar Aluve Sing and Phalar Aluve Shriek, both great boons, or banes, in battle.
This item is great for:
- Bard: Top choice for this weapon- the addition of Performance along with the melody buffs and your Bardic Inspiration could be buffs after buffs!
- Fighter: A Longsword in the hand of the Fighter is one of the top choices to deal the most amount of damage.
- Warlock: Being a class that specializes in Charisma based casting, having a boost to your Performance and the ability to add buffs in battle with a character that could move around the map with a bit more ease than some glasses (with Misty Step) is hugely beneficial
Phalar Aluve:
- Weapon Type: Longsword
- Damage:
- One Handed: 1d8 + Strength or Dexterity Modifier / Slashing Damage
- Two Handed: 1d10 + Strength or Dexterity Modifier / Slashing Damage
- Proficiency Requirement: Finesse or Versatile Weapon Proficiency
- Rarity: Rare
- Weight: 1.35kg
- Value: 250 Gold
- Bonuses:
- +1 Performance
- Phalar Aluve: Melody
- Ability to Sing for 5 turns
- All allies within 6m have a 1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls, Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence Saving Throws.
- Ability to Shriek for 5 turns
- All enemies with 6m have a 1d4 penalty to all Saving Throws
- Also receive extra 1d4 Thunder Damage
- All abilities reset on a Short Rest
- Ability to Sing for 5 turns
How to get this item: Phalar Aluve Location
4. Pearl of Power Amulet
The Pearl of Power Amulet is an absolutely amazing item that is good to keep on all the way to the end game. Having the ability to gain a spell level back once per Long Rest of a 3rd level or lower. Having one extra spell slot for a class that doesn’t have many or one that could always use another one for heals, buffs or damage is always a nice thing to have.
This item is great for:
- Paladin: One of the few classes that utilizes both spell slots and melee attacks, having another Divine Smite in your back pocket is never going to be a bad thing.
- Warlock: Another class with so few spells, another one would always be beneficial.
- Cleric: There’s always the chance that all of your spell slots could be used up during an encounter and a player goes down. Having a higher level spell slot to heal could keep your team in the battle longer.
- Ranger: Rangers are also a class with limited spell slots that could always use another one.
Pearl of Power Amulet:
- Armor: Amulet
- Proficiency Requirement: None
- Rarity: Uncommon or Rare
- Weight: 0.05kg
- Value: 45 Gold (Uncommon) or 155 Gold (Rare)
- Bonuses:
- Pearlescent Restoration:
- Restores a single Spell Slip of 3rd level or lower
- Costs an Action to use
- Resets on a Long Rest
- Pearlescent Restoration:
- Can be worn by any class, companion or races.
How to get this item: Pearl of Power Amulet Location
3. Adamantine Splint Mail
Getting the Adamantine Splint Armor takes multiple steps, battles (some much harder than others!) in the Grymforge. The benefits of having this armor for someone able to wear heavy armor makes all the struggles to get it well worth it. Being a magical plate that reduces all damage, unable to be hit with a critical hit and the ability to send enemies Reeling on a melee hit, it offers a ton of benefits that more than make up for its disadvantages.
This item is great for:
- Barbarian: Giving this armor to a raging Barbarian who can already cut almost any incoming damage in half anyway, what’s a few more points of resistance to spend more time annihilating enemies?
- Paladin: I had this armor for my Paladin, as a character that was always in Heavy armor, the disadvantage to Stealth checks and no AC bonus for Dexterity was nothing to get used to with all the benefits keeping them up longer with a high AC.
- Fighter: If your Fighter has proficiency with heavy armor, this is a perfect armor for another front liner.
Adamantine Splint Armor:
- Armor: Heavy Armor
- Armor Class: 18
- Proficiency Requirement: Heavy Armor Proficiency
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Weight: 19kg
- Value: 3,800 Gold
- Bonuses:
- Magical Plate
- All incoming damage reduced by 2
- Intense Adamantine Backlash
- When hit with a melee attack the attacker is sent Reeling for 3 turns
- Magical Plate
How to get this item: Adamantine Splint Armor Location
2. Grymskull Helm
The Grymskull Helm, much like the Adamantine Splint Armor, is a Heavy Armor Helmet with the capability to make the wearer unable to be critically hit. This item also grants resistance to fire damage. You can also cast Hunter’s Mark which allows the wearer to do an additional 1d6 physical damage when attacking with a weapon attack. Having an additional item that allows the wearer to not get hit with the heavy damage a critical hit can land along with access to another spell that can add damage.
This item is great for:
- If you gave the Adamantine Splint Armor to one of the above classes, this is a great stand in item for someone who didn’t receive it but you wish that they did.
Grymskull Helm:
- Armor: Helmet
- Proficiency Requirement: Heavy Armor Proficiency
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Weight: 1kg
- Value: 570 Gold
- Bonuses:
- Attackers can’t land Critical Hits on the wearer
- Resistance to Fire Damage
- Able to cast Hunter’s Mark
- Mark a creature and deal an additional 1d6 Physical damage whenever you hit it with a weapon attack
- Uses a Bonus Action
- Resets on Long Rest
How to get this item: Grymskull Helm Location
1.Auntie Ethel's Hair
Auntie Ethel’s Hair is a rather gross but fantastic item. It allows the person who consumes it to permanently improve one stat of their choice by one. This includes Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. This is an amazing buff that you never have to worry about un-attuning to.
This item is great for:
- Every class! This item is going to best suit whoever it may be, your character or someone else in your group of companions that may need just a little buff to get a stat closer to an even digit and get an added bonus.
Auntie Ethel’s Hair:
- Grants 1+ Bonus to an Ability Score of your choice:
- Strength
- Dexterity
- Constitution
- Intelligence
- Wisdom
- Charisma
- Rarity: Common
- Weight: 0.2kg
- Value: 280 Gold
How to get this item: Auntie Ethel's Hair Location