In Battlefield 2042, speed is everything. Every split-second is crucial and can be the difference between life and death. Have you ever wondered if there's something you could do to give you an edge on the battlefield? If so, keep reading and by the end of this article, I guarantee you will be a better player.
25. Controller Hints
Start at :32 seconds
Controller hints are intended for first-time players. After an hour of gameplay, they are completely useless. The only thing they will do is distract you from your target. You need to be focused at all times if you want to win any games.
Reactive hints pop up on your screen at times like ‘reload’. By the time you have read it, you should have already reloaded. Every fraction of a second you delay gives your opponent the advantage.
- Controller Hints – Off
- Reactive Hints – Off
24. Field of View
Start at 1:36
The field of view can make a huge difference in your gameplay immediately. When you increase your field of view, you can see more of the battlefield at once. This can be crucial as you are less likely to get blindsided by an enemy.
The ADS field of view kicks in when you are looking down the sights of your weapon. Leaving this on will help you control recoil. The more accurate you can be, the better chance you have of survival.
- Field of View – 90 (can adjust it to preference)
- ADS Field of View – On
23. Neutral Icon Opacity
Start at 6:16
Neutral icons are objectives that have not been captured by either the enemy or friendly teams. Capturing these points is an important part of every standard gamemode in Battlefield 2042. Leaving the neutral icon opacity visible will allow you to find these points.
The neutral icon opacity (zoomed) is different. This will only show if you are actually aiming down sights. You want as few distractions as possible when fighting the enemy.
- Neutral Icon Opacity - 75
- Neutral Icon Opacity (Zoomed) - 10
22. Brightness
Start at 2:00
The default brightness in Battlefield 2042 is 50. With the default brightness, it can be difficult to spot enemies in darker areas. In order to have the best chance of seeing your enemy before he sees you, I recommend bumping it up to around 60. The opposing team will have no chance of ambushing you from the shadows.
- Brightness - 60
21. Traversal Sprint
Start at 4:34
Remember at the beginning of the article when I said "speed is everything"? Well, this setting will make you go faster. Instead of having to click the sprint button twice to enter a full sprint, you will now only need to click it once. Boosting your acceleration is a must if you want to be the quickest on the battlefield.
- Always Use Traversal Sprint - On
20. Objective Icon Opacity
Start at 7:31
Objective icons show points on the map that your team has already captured. Considering your team already controls these points, it is best to reduce screen clutter and have more visibility.
If you are aiming down sights, you are likely in a firefight. There is no need to have the objective icons distract you from taking down your opponent
- Objective Icon Opacity - 45
- Objective Icon Opacity (Zoomed) - 0
19. Enemy Icon Opacity
Start at 5:59
Enemy icons are going to be the exact opposite as all of the other ones. This setting is focused on making the opponent more visible, resulting in easier kills. You want to max the icon opacity this time instead of making them less visible.
- Enemy Icon Opacity - 100
- Enemy Icon Opacity (Zoomed) - 100
18. Crosshair Color
Start at 5:44
If you have played Battlefield 2042 long enough, you know that sometimes your crosshairs are nearly invisible. Changing the color of them can drastically improve visibility and help you put more shots on target. I recommend a light color that won't distract you very much but can still be seen. There is no set color that is best for everybody, but start with light pink and see what works best for you.
- Crosshair Color (Recommendation) - Light Pink
17. HUD Motion
Start at 2:40
HUD motion makes your HUD display bounce around unnecessarily. I don’t see any reason why you need extra movement on the screen. That won't help you whatsoever. Turning this off will give you a more smooth gameplay experience, making you more focused on the task at hand.
- HUD Motion - Off
16. Soldier Aim Sensitivity
Start at 12:20
Soldier aim sensitivity is how fast your crosshairs move when aiming a weapon. The faster you can aim your weapon at an enemy, the better. The best option for you will depend on your skill level. I recommend slowly building up to the fastest speed you feel comfortable with.
- Newer Players - 30 to 50
- Experienced Players - 75
- Elite Players - 90
15. Aiming left/right Acceleration
Start at 8:50
Aiming left/right acceleration determines how quickly your crosshair goes from left to right when aiming. If you have this setting set high, your aiming will be jumpy and you will likely miss your target. The lower you go, the more smoothly the crosshairs move. I know many people like it at 0 or 25. Definitely turn it down though.
- Aiming left/right acceleration - 0 (smoothest)
- Aiming left/right acceleration - 25 (most balanced)
14. Controller Deadzone
Start at 3:44
Controller deadzone changes how sensitive your sticks are to movement. The lower you put these, the less you need to push them in order to get a response. The left stick (for player movement) should be as low as it can go because your character will move as quickly as possible. The right stick (for gun movement) should be as low as it can go without getting stick drift.
- Left stick center - 0
- Left stick axial - 0
- Right stick center - 5
- Right stick axial - 0
13. Uniform Soldier Aiming
Start at 9:26
The default uniform soldier aiming setting in Battlefield 2042 is off. This means that, depending on which scope you have equipped, your aiming down sight speed will be different. In order to build consistency across all weapons and scopes, I recommend changing this to on. This will make all of your weapons zoom at the same speed, helping with muscle memory.
- Uniform soldier aiming - On
12. Minimap Size
Start at 9:27
Visibility is a common theme in this article and one of the most important aspects of the game. The minimap shows an enemy every time they fire a weapon, revealing their location. If you increase the minimap size, you will spot enemies at a further distance. The more aware you are of your surroundings, the better chance you have of survival.
- Minimap view distance (on foot) - 150
- Minimap view distance (ground vehicles) - 150
- Minimap view distance (air vehicles) - 250
11. Crosshair Projection
Start at 5:06
If you are prone to getting motion sickness, you can skip this one. Leaving crosshair projection on means the crosshair will move around the screen according to your movements. If you turn it off, the crosshair will always be in the center of the screen, making aiming much easier and much more consistent. Removing as many variables as possible will help give you that edge you need.
- Crosshair Projection - Off
10. Chromatic Aberration
Start at 4:37
Battlefield 2042 is an extremely cinematic experience. However pleasing visually, it does not maximize performance. If you want to have an advantage over your enemies, turn off these cinematic settings and elevate your gameplay.
- Chromatic Aberration - Off
- Film Grain - Off
- Vignette - Off
- Lens Distortion - Off
9. Revive Interaction
Start at 12:00
Make sure you have the revive interaction and the request/skip revive interaction both set to toggle. Doing this will not only reduce the likelihood of a misclick while performing a revive, but also make the overall interaction easier. If you have ever accidentally stopped a revive midway through, this will be a gamechanger.
- Revive Interaction - Toggle
- Request/Skip Revive - Toggle
8. Kill Log
Start at 4:26
The kill log will display any kills in the game on the bottom left of your screen depending on what setting you have. Some people prefer seeing every kill in the game, and others prefer seeing none. I recommend choosing “Squad and Nearby” to improve your efficiency and intake only necessary information.
- Show Kills Made by - Squad and Nearby
7. Soldier Aim Assist
Start at 13:10
Aim Assist will slow down your aim when the reticle is over an enemy target and help land shots on target. You always want to leave this on as high as it goes. The opposite is true for the zoom snap. Have you ever had your reticle lock onto a target you weren't even aiming at? Yea, me too. It's frustrating and easily fixable.
- Soldier Aim Assist - 100
- Soldier Aim Assist Zoom Snap - 0
6. Vehicle Field of View
Start at 3:01
Vehicles are always the main target for enemies to fire at. You constantly have rockets, grenades, and even infantry sneaking up with C5 explosives. In order to have the best chance of survival, make sure your field of view is as high as it can go. Keeping your vehicles in action will greatly enhance your team's chances of success.
- Vehicle Field of View - 88
5. Controller Vibration
Start at 18:53
Controller vibration is another one of those settings focused on the cinematic experience. All it really does is make your controller die quicker and throw off your aim. The point of this article is to make you a better Battlefield 2042 player and give you an advantage over other players. Turn it off.
- Controller Vibration - Off
4. Motion Blur
Start at 2:40
Motion blur will make it very difficult to see when you are turning around, especially if you have increased sensitivity like I previously recommended. If you want to be able to clearly see all your targets and not be hindered by any settings, turn this as low as it can go.
- Motion Blur - 0
3. Camera Shake
Start at 3:37
If you have ever been firing at an enemy near an explosion, you will know how extremely aggravating camera shake can be. It can really be the difference between life and death in a firefight. When you turn the camera shake as low as it can go, you will barely be affected by nearby explosions and be much more accurate with your weapon.
- Camera Shake - 20
2. Controller L2/R2 Deadzone
Start at 10:29
Being the first to shoot in a firefight is one of the single most important parts of survival in Battlefield 2042. The slightest delay and you will be respawning before you even know what happened. Following this tip will make you a quicker shooter and an overall better player.
- L2 Deadzone - 0
- L2 Max Input Threshold - 5
- R2 Deadzone - 0
- R2 Max Input Threshold - 5
1. Controller Buttons
Start at 7:57
The default settings for the controller buttons are fine, but not the best. Do you want to be the most efficient player on the battlefield? Switching to the alternate button settings switches your melee and crouch buttons, making it so you never have to take your hand off the sticks during a firefight. Try it out and get used to it. Once you do, you will notice a drastic improvement.
- Controller Buttons - Alternate
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